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posted by nocofangirl218
So, this is the volgende part of my TD camp. Also, yeah, I plan to make this part WAY better that the last one. Uh..yeah.....lets get started.


*at elimination ceromoney*

Chris: *walks up to the podeum* Well, well, well, if it isn't my favoriete bunch of losers. Also known as Team spek Hawks.

Alejandro: *glares at Chris* Well, at least we actually slow up to the elimination ceromoney*

Chris: >.< It wasn't my fault! My stylist called me last minute, and zei that she was going on vacation in the morning, and wouldn't be back for three weeks! Three whole weeks! Do u know how many spleet, split ends I'd get?!

Alejandro: I'm proud to say I do not, Chris.

Chris: -.- Just take your stupid popcorn bag, and shut up. *throws Alejandro a popcorn bag* Okay, u all know the drill. If u don't recieve a popcorn bag-

Gwen: *cuts in* u immediantly have to walk the dock of shame, get into the cab-of-shame, and leave until further notice. I mean, seriously, whats the point in explaining the process every time? Can't we just get on with this already?

Chris: Fine....spoil sport.

*everyone gets a popcorn bag except Phoebe and Rikki*

Chris: And the final popcorn bag goes to..................Rikki. *throws Rikki the last popcorn bag* So, Phoebe, looks like your taking a ride in the cab-of-shame tonight!

Phoebe: *hangs head in shame* I understand. I mean, Rikki's way smarter than me. She's also prettier than me........way meer competetive........she could probably beat me at anything......and she's definantly-

Chris: *cuts in* Just go already! >3<

Phoebe: *nods head sadly* *She then goes to the cab-of-shame, gets in, and it quickly drives away*

Chris: *sighs in relief* Man, I thought she'd never leave! Anyway, thats all for this elimination Hawks of Bacon! it?! O.o Nah, I'm pulling all your legs, hehe! Okay, so....yeah, I;ll see u all tommorow then. *leaves*

-the volgende morning-


Mirra: *sighs sadly* I'm gonna miss Phoebe. I mean, she was, like, my best friend on this show. Well....other than Alejandro that is. Anyway, of your watching this Phoebe, I miss u girl! :D

**end of confessionals**

*in the craft service tent*

Crystal: *walks in* Hello everyone. My names Crystal, and......I'm a host.

All: hallo Crystal.

Crystal: Huh....that sounds so familiar. :P Oh well, onto the re-cap before Destery asks about it! So, last time on TDR, the teams were made either pirates of wizards to see which movie was meer epic. They played a game of capture-the-flag, but, because the teams captured the pthers flag at the same time, we were fourced to do a tie breaker. They played tug-of-war, and Team Explosion won because.....Jake just HAD to tell everyone I kissed him.....causing Griffon to get very po'd. They both got into a fight - which was thankfully broken up before anyone got hurt - and now....I'm sure everyone hates me. Find out if they do here on........Total Drama Rama. *theme song plays* guy do probably hate me. ;~; *hangs head in shame*

Alex: I don't hate u Crystal.

Crystal: *looks up with a suprised expression* Your.....your serious Alex? u honestly don't hate me?

Alex: Yep. Truthfully, I kinda excpected u and Jake to hook up.

Crystal: *blushes* Well.....thanks Alex. I'm glad me and Jake have supporters. :3 So, anyway, your volgende challenge will begin in half-an-hour! *leaves tent*

-with Team spek Hawks-

Riley: *raises her glass* Heres to Team spek Hawks, and to not losing the volgende challenge to those lame-o Explosions! >:D

All of Team BH: Here, here! *clinks glasses together*


Riley: Okay, I know we;ve been losing a lot latley, but....I have faith in my team! :D I know that if we work hard, foucse, and just try our hardest, we can beat this losing streek! Plus....we've lost so many times, I'm sure we're due for a win. ^^;

**end of confessionals**

Gwen: *is humming a tuen as she's drinking*

Rae: *smiles* Wow Gwen, u sure seem happy this morning. I'm glad to see your feeling better about.....well, u know who being eliminated. :)

Gwen: Thanks Rae, know u can use Duncan's name, right?

Rae: o//o Of course! I just....did't want to upset u door reminding about Duncan leaving. ^^; *goes back to eating breakfast*


Rae: I'm so glad Gwen's feeling better! ^.^ Now that she's back into the game, we'll probably start winning challenges again! Plus....she might let me be her friend! >w<

Gwen: Yep, thats right world, Gwen's back! Man.....I really did just shut down after Dunan left, didn't I? Well....thats gonna change! :D I'm put of my depression, and I feel like kicking some Explosion butt! Also.....if your watching Duncan....I can't wait to see u again. *gives the: 'rock on' sign*

**end of confessionals**

-with Team Explosions-

Griffon: So.....let me get this straight Alex. u basicaly knew I had zero chance with Crystal.....and u didn't even warn me?! e.o

Alex: *gets confused look* No, all I zei was that I had a feeling that Crystal and Jake were gonna hook up. offence, u never really did have a chance. I mean, how can u compete with a guy who's been her friend for fifteen years?!

Griffon: *groans* I knew it was a long shot. :(


Alex: Man....I feel really bad for Griffon, but.....he seriously needs to find someone else to obsesse over.

**end of confessionals**

PTB: *has a sad look*

Ezekiel: *sees PTB's sad look, and goes over to sit door him* hallo Powdered. Uh....whats wrong there, eh.

PTB: *sighs sadly* Nothing.....

Ezekiel: *sighs in relief* Thats good to here, eh. For a moment there, I thought soemthing was actually-

PTB: Ezekiel, do u think I'm ugly?

Ezekiel: *gets wide eyed* Uh.....pretty weird vraag for a guy to ask, eh. I mean, u usually hear girls asking that kind of-

PTB: Ezekiel....I think I finally understand why Phoebe refused to kiss me. I think it's because....I'm to ugly for her! I mean, she's perfect, and....and I'm just a freak! Now she's gone, and I can never tell her my true feelings! *starts crying really hard*

Ezekiel: *looks uncomfortable* think I hear Izzy calling, eh. *runs off*


Ezekiel: Okay.....I sorta feel bad for Powdered - liking someone, and them not liking u back. But....I honestly can't say I blame her, eh.

**end of confessionals**

-30 minuten later-

Kate: *walks in* Hello, and snazzy dag to u all! :D Anyway, it's that time of dag again, so, follow me to your volgende challenge! *skips out of room*

*everyone follows, and Kate leads them to studio 72. They go inside, and see.....a huge forest set laid out - with realistic looking trees. They all get wide eyed, and walk around for awhile. Soon, Crystal comes swinging in on a vine, and lands right in front of them*

Crystal: Hello my party peeps!

Robin: Uh.....okay......just gonna say what everyone's probably thinking. Crystal, whats up with this realistic looking forest?

Crystal: I'm SO glad someone other than Noah asked this time! >D Okay, so I was talking to my two good vrienden - Cascada1007 and Rotcalex2011 - what ideas they had for this episode. So, since they had basically the same idea, we're basically gonna have another paint ball deer hunt today!

Owen: Aw, another deer hunt?!

Crystal: Yes Owen, we're having another deer hunt. I know u didn't hit anything last time, but....hey, this is your seconde chance. Anyway, the rules ar the same - if u get hit with paint youe outz! *pulls out a hunters cap, and deer antler's from no where* Remeber these guys? >3 *throws Team Explosion the caps, and Team BH the antlers* It's the same as always, no taking off the deer hats, of else! e.o *as the teams are putting on their gear* So, because I'm to lazy to seperate u guys into in-divisual deer and hunters; I'm just gonna make Team spek Hawks the deer, and Team Explosions the hunters.

Team Explosion: *cheers* :D

Team spek Hawks: *silence* -.-


Mirra: man this sicks! >.< I really wanted to be a hunter instead of a deer! Plus, I'm totally wiked at shooting a paint ball gun!

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Alright, the deer get a 1-minute head start. Anyway, the challenge begins....NOW! *all of Team spek Hawks runs off*

-with Team spek Hawks-

Riley: Okay team, if we're gonna win this, we need to have a good game plan. One thats gonna defeat those stupid Explosion's! So....anyone got a plan they'd like to share?

Gwen: It's not really a plan, but I say we all go in different directions.

Rae: Gwens right u know. If we all head in the same direction, theres a good chance the other teams gonna find us, and drowned us in paint.

Riley: Hm.....alright then; it's settled! :D But....whos going with who?

Alejandro: Well....I think I might have a plan. So; me, Mirra, and Rikki could be a team. Riley; you, Rae, Destery, and Gwen could be a team. And, finally, since their the only two left, Justin and Melody could be a pair of two.

Mirra: Alejandro....thats genious! :D

Riley: Agreed Mirra. :3 Alright, looks like we have our groups arranged. Does anyone have any objections before we start?

Melody: *raises hand*

Riley: *groans* I was being hypithetical. -.- Anyway, Melody, I know your still pretending to hate Justin, but we don't have a lot of time to aruge about this. Team Explosion will be coming here any second, and we need to move! Ao, con u PLEASE just take one meer for the team? *makes puppy-dog face*

Melody: *sighs in defeat, and nods her head*

Riley: Good, we're all on the same page here. So, I quickly wanna wish u all good luck to not being covered in pait! *extands arm* To winning this challenge?

All of team BH: *puts their hands on top, boven of Riley's* To winning this challenge!

*they all then seperate, and started moving. Riley's group heads East, Alejandro's group heads West, and J&M heads South*

-a few seconden later with Team Explosion-

Crystal: *looks at watch* Okay, the one minuut is up! Wich means.....HUNTING season is now open! So, I want u guys to go in there, and hunt those deer like it was the last thing u were gonna do in all of your lifes!

All of Team Explosion: *cheers, and runs into the forest*

Alex: Okay team, since they all probably spilt up; I think we should the same thing. So; me, Noah, Gladys, and Robin will go North. Owen, Griffon, Ezekiel, and Izzy can take the East side. PTB, since you, Katie, and DJ are the lasts ones left, I say u all team up, and take to the West. That okay with u PTB?

PTB: *sighs sadly* Sure, why not.

Alex: Cool. Alright then, lets go hunt some deer!

*all of Team Explosion cheers enthusiastically. Alex's group goes North, Owen's group goes East, and PTB's group goes West*

-1 uur later-

*intercome clicks on*

Crystal: *through the intercom* Alright, I'm officially bored! All the fotage I've gotten in the last uur is u guys just sneaking around the woods like a bunch of nut-jobs! That was it! No paintball shooting, no drama, and NO entertainment! So, since it's been so boring, I'm gonna give u all a little secret information. To the guys who went North: u should probably turn around, because there are zero deer where u are. Of course, if u headed East, yu have the MOST deer! Anyway, if NOTHING continues to happen, I'll make both teams go to the elimination ceromoney tonight! So.....yeah.....somebody better shoot something in the volgende half-hour. That is all.

*intercom clicks off*

-with Alex's group-

Noah: *hears the announcment, and gets an angry look* Wait.....WE wne North! We've been traveling in this direction all day, and it has been a TOTAL waste of time! D<

Gladys: I agree with Noah!

Alex: Calm down guys! I'm sure if we hurry, we can still cover at least two people with paint. *his team starts to walk off, but soemthing behind some bushes catches his eyes* What the heck? *looks behind the bushes, and sees Chris going into a small cabin. Alex then gets a evil looking smirk*

Robin: Uh.....everything alright Alex?

Alex: Yeah.....peachy. Look, I'm gonna be right back. *sneaks up to the cabin, and slips in. A few minuten later, he comes running back to his team*

Noah: Where'd u run off to?

Alex: *still smirking evily* Oh, it's nothing to concern your-self with Noah. I just decided to give Chris a style. *snikers, and starts moving again*

Alex's group: *exchanges worried glances, but then follow Alex*


Robin: Okay...I don't know about anyone else, but....Alex is really scaring me. I mean, did u see his smirk?! It was totally evil! I almost feel kinda sorry fro Chris....

Alex: What'd I do to Chris, u ask?'ll all find out soon enough. >D

**end of confessionals**

-with Riley's group-

Riley: *hears the announcment, and smiles hopefully* least we know no one's been splattered with paint yet. Thats a good sign.....right?

Gwen: Yeah...but now everyone knows where we are!

Riley: True.....okay everyone, we need to keep on our toes! Remember: keep your gaurd up, and your head down.

*everyone nods, and they all start waking lowley*

-with Owen's group-

Owen: *hears the announcment, and gets a happy look* Wo-Ho! We're where the most deer are! Yes, haha! This is gonna be SSSOOO easy!

Izzy: *covers Owen's mouth* Sssshhhh! u wanna scare off all the deer?!

Owen: Through her hand* Hehe.....sorry about that Izzy. I promise I'll be quiet from now on.

*they all readt their paintball guns, and start to stalk around the area*

-with J&M-

*they hear the announcment, but didn't really pay attention*

Justin: *is looking at his reflection in a stream*

Melody: *puts her hands on her hips* Are u just gonna stare at yourself all day, of are we actually gonna get moving?!

Justin: *rolls eyes* Relax, would you? Besides....I thought u liked looking at me.

Melody: Ugh, I wish I never would've told u I thought u were cute! Now your gonna hang it over my head like an anvil! *starts to storm off*

Justin: *looks up* Where are u going?

Melody: *stops and turns around* Back to the main entrance! u heard Crystal, this idiotic little game is almost over.

Justin: *stands up* Well, your going the wrong way.

Melody: *gets an offended look, and crosses her arms* No I'm not! I have a keen scence of direction, and I KNOW this is the way back!

Justin: Actually, if u go that way, you'll just wind up getting lost in the fake woods. If u wanna go back to the entrance, *points in a random direction* thats the way u wanna go. Of course, if u wanna get lost, door all means, go ahead. Meanwhile, I'll be heading back to the entrance.

Melody: *rolls eyes* Whatever. I know what I'm doing!

*they both go in the direction they think is right, but they wind up coliding. Their antlers are tangled together like Duncan and Courtney's were*

Melody: *is trying to pull away* Hey...let go of me!

Justin: Uh, smart one, my hands aren't on the antlers. *pulls away as well* I u want my opinion.....I think we're stuck. Man.....this seems........eerily fimiliar - like this had already happend to someone.

Melody: Who cares?! We need to get unstuck.....NOW! *pulls away harder*

Crystal: *pops out of no where* Aw! Man, u two really are JUST like Duncan and Courtney! *laughs* Anyway, since this little moment os so time-less.... *song bells goes off* it deserves a little duet!

J&M: *groans*

Crystal: *rolls eyes* Anyway.....I think I have the PERFECT song for u two to sing! >3 Hehe, so....get singing! *music starts*

Justin: Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven't missed u yet
Every roommate kept awake
door every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don't miss u yet

Both: Only when I stop to think about it.....
I hate everything about u
Why do I love you?
I hate everything about u
Why do I love you?

Melody: Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven't missed u yet

Both: Only when I stop to think about it.....
I hate everything about u
Why do I love you?
I hate everything about u
Why do I love you?

Jusin: Only when I stop to think about you,
I know
Melody: Only when u stop to think about me,
do u know?

Both: I hate everything about u
Why do I love you?
u hate everything about me
Why do u love me?
I hate
u hate
I hate
u love me
I hate everything about u
Why do I love you?

Crystal: Wow....that was epic! :D The pure emotion u two put into the song was....was just an awesome win guys! Anyway, that's all I wanted for u guys to do. *walks off*

Melody: us out of this! >.<

Justin: Melody, she's to far away to hear us. *sighs, and gets a thinking look* So, wanna make-out? 83

Melody: -.- No.

Justin: -3-

-with PTB's group-

Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy: *walking silently through the forest* *he then hears something, anf smirks. He creeps up slowly behind some bushes, and waits for the right moment. After a moment he springs up, and shoots at whoever it is*

Griffon: AAAAHHH! Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy, it's me u idiot!

PTB: Hey.....I'm not an idiot! I'm a FRIGGIN' SUPER HERO! e.O *readies his gun, and shots meer paintball at Griffon* TAKE THAT geroosterd brood, toast HATER!!!!!

Griffon: *growls, and gets his paint ball gun* *he then shoots PTB* PAY BACK BE-OTCH!

PTB: >.< *shoots Griffon so many times, the veiwers are suprised that he has that much amo in the paintball gun* HA! Who's BE-OTCH now?!

Izzy: Oh, IZZY WANTS IN! *shoots Griffon, and PTB* YAY! :D

*they all shoot eachother for what seems like hours. Then, finally, they all pull their trigers, and a clicking noise is heard(

Griffon: .......crap, I'm out. :P

PTB: It appears I'm out as well. -.-

Izzy: Izzy has no meer paint! D:

*the intercom clicks on*

Crystal: Alright everyone, the half hours up, and I've just been informed we have some people that are dripping in paint! So, I want everyone to stop what their doing, and come back to the entrance so I can inspect all of u for the winner.

*the intercom clicks off*

*everyone then goes back to the entrance. Once Alex gets there, he sees his team-mates covered in paint, and gets a confused look*

Alex: Uh.....whats the heck happened to u all?

Izzy: Oh, PTB and Griffon got into this epic paintball war, and I decided to kom bij in! :D It was truly an epic battle. VuV

Alex: e.o Guys.....your huters......AND YOUR COVERED IN PAINT!

Crystal: *pops up* Yeppers, and, since your the only ones who are actually covered in paint, that means......Team spek Hawks are the winners of todays challenge! So, in other news, Team Explosion has to send one person home pagina tonight.

Riley: YES! We FINALLY WON AGAIN! :D Hey....where are Justin and Melody? *Justin and Melody come walking up - their antlers still stuck together* Oh.....nevermind. :P *goes over to help them get un-tangled*

Alex: *glares at Izzy, PTB, and Griffon* If u all hadn't been fooling around we could've actually WON the challenge!

PTB: *shrugs* Eh, I've been wanting to leave ever since Phoebe left. *sighs sadly*

*theres a loud cry in the distance, and Chris is seen with a neon-pink hair, and a cut that looks exactly like Justin Beiber*

All: *points and laughs*

Chris: Who....who did this?!

Alex: *starts to laugh really hard, and starts to lightly cry* Man, I thought about not doing that to your hair, but now that I've seen it up close, I'm SO glad I did it!


Alex: *rolls eyes*

Crystal: Well, this probably has to be the most anti-climactic ending ever. So, as usual, it's time for the endign questions! Was this episode better than the last? Was the image of Chris with roze hair and a JB hair-cut that funny? And is PTB really gonna be the volgende one to leave? Find out the random vragen to these random vragen volgende time on........Total Drama Rama!


So.....yeah, I hope this episode made-up for last weeks.

Anyone, I'm just gonna leave the episode here. One last thing, please remember to vote someone from Team Explosion
posted by VioletSunset
The door opened and then slammed shut.Quick footsteps filled the empty auditorium.Her long light black hail flowed as she took off her coat.Her Grey,inky eyes shone."I can't believe I"m here" she zei under her breath.She set her bag down on the bench and got her dance shoes on.Her toe pointed,then flexed backwards.She gave a small smile.This girl's name was Heather.She was 16 and was entering the 40th Annual Dance Mania.She turned on a stereo as the beat of the muziek filled the room.She used this as her warm-up song.When she was half-way done,the muziek came to a stop.As Heather looked,she...
continue reading...
posted by iloveduncan6
ok i was thinking about this and wanted to make it

ok the 6 of us just got off the boat. we go up to a guy who look like he has a soft spot for animals. so we can get a ride alvin zei *can we get on your shoulder?* the guy had zei *sure* so we got on. after that we herd a noise there was this guy who looked creepy. he came and stood door the guy shoulder he zei his name was dj. so the guy told dj he has something on his shoulder. dj told him this was the chipmunks and chippets. the guy just looked confused so we introuduced our selvs i said...
continue reading...
***Part 1***


“Yeah, well, I won’t be here forever,” Yuri hissed as she pinned Duncan down door his neck. He gasped and strained.

Around them, everyone of Total Drama Action stood around the Awards Ceremony tent, watching, desperate to see who would win this fight.
Duncan broke free of Yuri’s grasp and shook her off. “Not so useless now, huh?”
Yuri gritted her teeth. She and Duncan had been rivals ever since Yuri arrived on Total Drama Action... and well, they both didn’t like it that way.

Yuri flung herself at him; strong and wildly,...
continue reading...
Ezikiel - Sexist, Brave, Embarresed

Eva - Feminist, Strong, Confident

Noah - Narracistic, Original, Cool

Justin - Overdid, Selfish, Jerk

Katie and Sadie - Lesbians, Ditzy, Stupid

Cody - Confident, Cool, Ambicious

Tyler - Stupid, Uncoordinated, Kind

Beth - Willing, Wannabee, Born Leader

Izzy - Phsycotic, Juvenille, Mentaly Unstable

Courtney - Selfish, Snobby, Mean

Harold - Warm-hearted, Clever, Weak

Bridgette - Kind, Thoughtful, All-Knowing

Trent - Weird, Crazy, Unstable in Apperance (large forehead)

Geoff - Drunkard, Calm, Soulfull

DJ - Kind, Stereotypical, Skilled

Lindsay - Kind, Ditzy, Smart

Leshawna - Mean, Selfish, Helpful

Duncan - Womanizer, Mean, Cold-Hearted

Heather - Confident, Self-Asure, Clever

Gwen - Lonley, Friendly, Talented

Owen - Carefree, Sensitive, Worrying

Chris - Clever, Torturous, Quick

Chef - Mean, Juvenille, Unskilled
posted by KARIxTRENT
duncan rapping eminems songs:
Im slim shady.yes Im the real slim shady.all u other slim shadys stop imitating.Im slim shady yes I'm the real slim shady.
duncan disses courtney:(instead of mariah carey)
bagpipes from bagdad:
muziek to my ears! oh man how can I describe the way I fear?how can I begin?locked in mariahs wine cellar all I had for lunch brood wine,bread wine, courtney what happened to us?all I asked for was a glass of punch?(part of song)
duncan is a dequilant and raps like a deqilant wow.
eminem I think was in jail,and so was duncan they have alot in common.and this just randomly came to mind.because duncan reminds me of emeinem/slim shady.ALOT!and this is supposed to be funny.(I did this out of pure boredom)
L: *turns to Chris*
Your the only who hurts everyone in this Camp. so there's 76% chance that u are Kira.
Chris: The *BEEP*
L: Now 79% Chance.
*chris walks away werided out*
Misa: OH! Misa loves your Outfit!
Lindsay: OH! I love your hair!
Beth: Lindsay! D:
Light: ok where the hell I am I?
Gwen: your in The TDI camp it sucks *gwen looks away bored*
Light: Well I can see that
Gwen: Just Shut Up and try to cope.
*Light brings out Death Note.*
Light: What's your last and middle name Gwen?
Gwen: 0_o okay....*Gwen Runs away scared*
Part 2 coming out soon.
Want any of the the death note people to say something to the TDI peeps?
Just comment!
No Caments saying THAT SUCKED! u SUCK! DEATH NOTE SUCKS!Cause this was my first FanFic!
ok Random Dancing!
Me: Kiss, Kiss Fall in Love!!! Maybe your my Love
gCourtney's POV: The volgende day, after school I clicked through the lijst of contacts on my cell phone, calling my best vrienden to see if they want to have a sleepover tonight.

So far I've invited Bridgette, Gwen, Tiannah, Katie, LeShawna, Robyn from the school auditions, and my cousin Kara.

I had everything ready- bowls of chips, pretzels, cheese doodles, candy, and popcorn. Sodas of lots of kinds were placed perfectly on the tafel, tabel with the food, cans and 2-liter bottles standing in harmony. Pillows and blankets were strewn all over my room, makeup chests rested on the foot of my bed. My room was...
continue reading...
posted by potterandtdi

I brush my hand against the cold, hard marble. I wipe away the tears. I read the grave:

Lily Potter*

Born 30 January 1960

Died 31 October 1981

James Potter

Born March 28 1960

Died 31 October 1981

I repeat the words in my head. They become meer scarier every time. I was only 8. I have a great memory. I remember my mom's last words.

Not Miranda please, have mercy, take me and kill me instead


I cry, letting the tears drip down the grave. I hear movement. I look up and see Duncan. He runs over to me," What happened?" he looks over at the grave...
continue reading...
chris looked at his wristwatch:they should be here ANY time now...ah here they are!
first to arrive:andre!
volgende to arrive:dawn
volgende to arrive:noah.
noah stepped off his nose in a book.
chris:talk much?
noah rolled his eyes.
dawn:hey noah wanna go out sometime?
volgende to arrive:
everyone looked at his body but andrea.
andrea:eh I have seen better.
volgende to arrive:courtney!
courtney:if I lose I am calling my lawyers!
volgende to arrive leshawna!
lehshawna:whats up yall leshawna is in the house!
Episode 23: “2008: A Space Owen”

(Yurie’s POV)
We were on the bench outside, with Chris explaining the challenge, and I tried my best not to glance over at Duncan. He’s been acting so weird around me.
What did I do?
He usually got over things quickly. He can’t be still mad about the kung-fu challenge! Can he...?
I finally gave in and glanced at him. He had unmistakable hurt in his eyes; the kind u would see in someone’s eyes after their bf/gf dumped them.
What had happened?
We all received presents from home. Duncan got his pet tarantula, Scruffy, which didn’t really seem to cheer...
continue reading...
Is The Camera On? zei Trixie As She Fix The Camera's Crookedness. Yea. Were Ready. zei Her Cameraman She Hired On Her Web toon On YouTube. Okay. Welcome To Total Drama Craziness! Here We Are Having 18 Campers Staying Here In A Boring Camp In Canada. Where They Will Be Forced To Do A Challenges For Day. If They Loses The Will Be Forced To Ride The boot Of Shame door The Docks and Will Be Sent To A Nice Spa. Where They Can Be Treated For Anything They Caught In Total Drama Craziness of If They Win They Will Get $5,00000 Big Ones. Now Here Is Total Drama Craziness. *Does Theme Song* The Theme Song Is The Fame door Lady Gaga. How Was That For The First Part. Tell Me Was It Good.
*TDI theme*



Andi:*stretches* Wow those new beds are SO comfertable!
Sofie:I know!! *puts shoes on*
Noah:Well I thought that I was sleeping on a ton of ridged rocks..
Andi:Wow Noah..Why so grumpy?
Noah:Im not grumpy u SON OF A B!TCH!
Noah:*walks away*
Courtney:Hes just mad cuz I took his bed.*starts texting*
Sofie:Didn't u get your own bed, b!tch.
Courtney:*stops texting* Well Miss Duncan Stalker, I didn't get a bed...*goes back texting*
Sofie:IM NOT A DUNCAN ST...never mind..oh and HA HA HAAAAAAA! *razzberry*
Courtney:*roles eyes*
Sadie:Oh my gosh!...
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Chris: tsk tsk tsk....Smart Cookies! u guys are total LOSERS!
Lisa:*puts her head down is shame* Yep losers!
Chris: Ok so all the ppl who weren't animals are safe! Soooo Kyoya,Brittani,Gena,Carly,Lauren,Bridgette,Geoff,Gwen,Beth,Harold,Heather,Ezekial,Honey,Kaoru,and Haruhi!
*all get a apple*
Chris:Ok now for the rest...Lisa,Izzy,Karen, and...............Mori!
Mori:*gets an apple*
*Girls gasp*
Chris:Sorry Owen, u have been eleminated!
Owen:Awwww..well Bye guys!!
Geoff:See ya dude!
Carly:*hugs owen* Bye big guy!!
Owen:*squezes carly*Bye Carly!
Carly:O-Owen....your crushing...
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Sky: ok guys is time to the green team to take the bats and swing!
Flavio is the pitcher of the oranje team and izzy is going to schommel, swing first!

Courtney: come on Flavio u cna do it!!
Flavio: *throws a fast ball*
Sky: strike 1!
Sumer:Izzy! FOCUS!
Izzy: ok, ok!
Flavio: *throw ball*
Izzy: *swing* yay! *starts to run to the first base*
Sky: and is..... OUT! Paola catch the ball in the air! now is Dj`s turn to swing!

Flavio: *throw ball*
Flavio: *throw ball*
Sky: STRIKE 2!
Flavio:*throw ball*
Sky: STRIKE 3! OUT!!! now is the turn of Duncan!
Flavio: oh u are going to be out!
Duncan: yeah sure, just...
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"Welcome to the dramatic marshmellow ceremony!IF i call your name,get a marshmellow.IF u do not have a marshmellow door the end of the night,you are elimnated.Only two of u are safe.The first marshmellow goes to:




sorry but Brooke and Ronnie,you have been elimanted.

(before i start i wanna say the way my world is in the beginning is my world in my mind)

ok so i wake up and im in my fantasy world, it looks like, gray skay, green feild as far as the eye can see, purple paper flowers, and one black pond in the center, ok so i wake up and im in a black n' white omish dress in my world holding a black rose, and im happy and feel good inside, so i lay there holding my black rose, so i go inside the black pond, i come out and im trenched in blood and everything is now snow, so i try to dig for the gras but its just snow, im freazing clod, wet, and trenched in...
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ok before i make all the statements i'de like to say i respect EVERYONES opinions but i wanna get some people into DuncanXCourtney, there oposites and they had a love hate relationship and i thought that it was so cute, i hate all the other couples with Duncan but the only couples i have heard were DxG(thats stupid because he's punk and shes goth), DxH (heather doesnt like him,she cuddled him in tdi so they would win and she was forced to kiss him in tda), DxL (what did u pull that out your ass), DxHarold(WTF???u nasty perv), DxTrent (WTF???u icky) heres my opinions, Duncan&Courtney,...
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Note:The following is JUST a fanfiction

"I'm your host,Katie!""And i'm your host,Sadie!"
"This week we'll be taking some of the new contestants from Total Drama The Musical to talk with us!""First up,Cody!"

*Cody walks in*

Andrea:*sighs while head points down*
Katie:Oh my gosh,Cody!
Sadie:We,like totaly missed you!
Cody:What's up with her?
Katie:Don't mind her,she's just upset.

*Andrea is crying*
Andrea:I'm f-f-fine....
Katie:So what is Kathie like?
Cody:Ya,she's nice can i talk to Andrea?

*Runs over*
Andrea:*Face turns red with anger*STOP HUGGING ME!
Cody:What's wrong?
Andrea:It's so obvious...
Katie:Ooooooooo let's watch the clip!

*Clip was kathie and cody kissing*
Andrea:I don't know how long it's gonna be to take to feel ok after THAT!And i thought u loved me!

Chris: Welcome To The Bonfire Camp Ceremony, When u Hear Me Call Your Name, Come And Get A Marshmellow:
The Final Marshmellow Goes To:
Katie: "Woo-Hoo Yeah! Woo-Hoo!"
Chef: "I'm Sorry Lia....But u Have Been Eliminated."
Lia: *Walks To The Dock Of Shame*

*Chris Narrating* "Hi Guys! Guess What, I Got To Say The Names Of The Campers On The Ceremony Today! And With Lia Being The 4th Camper Eliminated, Who Will Be volgende On Total Related Island!"
izzy wasint ment to be in tda but she chandge her name to E-scope so E-scope is in the game not izzy thay also call her calidoscope to make it easy for u here ca-lIdO-scOpe first GxB get voted of (by the way escope was awsome in the paint ball game XD) coinetinu then escope gets alimantad then izzy oh i mean E-scope is called izzy when trent picked her with made E-scope a littul ticked of later E-scope says she is 87 years old iside of her self becuse she was recarnat a houl buntch of times and says she is the vary same carnashin of her grany mavesand says ih thar ladei u spend away on...
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