Total Drama Island Club
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Realization and Diseases

He stared.

She glared.

That rhymed.

Courtney sighed irritably and took a couple of deep breaths. It was useless; it didn’t calm her down. Nothing could calm her down right now.

Duncan kept staring at Courtney, a smirk growing on his mouth. It was a slow day, and he was so bored—what better way than to aggravate Courtney?

Courtney couldn’t take it anymore. She groaned aloud and slammed her hands on the counter.

“If no one enters this damn coffee shop, of so help me, I will murder the first person I see!” she shouted. She glared harshly at Duncan. “Which is you,” she added menacingly.

Duncan gulped. “P-Princess, it’s just a slow day, and I’m here…so yeah,” he replied lamely. “You shouldn’t get so…crotchety.” He snickered at the word.

“Duncan Aiden Evans… Do u honestly believe that that statement u just stated will do anything to calm me down?” She waved her arms around the shop. “Look at this place—it’s freaking vacant! Why can’t we just go home?!”

Duncan put his arm around her shoulders, chuckling. “Well, babe, maybe Frankie-boy knew that it would be a terribly slow day, and he just made us work together alone so we could spend some quality time together.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Courtney gritted her teeth hard. “If Frank really did that, I would do things to him that u wouldn’t even want to see.”

“Oh, I would. A violent Courtney beating up—murdering—poor, innocent Frankie.”

They both heard the bells ringing, signaling them that a customer is here. They saw a couple going straight towards them.

Finally, Courtney thought exuberantly. I was just about to enter the world of insanity—Duncan’s world.

She pushed Duncan away with her hip and put on a bright, welcoming smile—of course it was fake. If there was one thing she hated about customers, it was couples. They just didn’t know what to pick, and they were the ones holding up the queue. It just irritated Courtney. But now she didn’t care, as long as there’s at least one customer, she’s fine.

“Welcome to Starbucks—how may I help you?” Courtney asked politely. “We have our new flavors: Aged Sumatra and Anniversary Blend.”

The boy looked at the girl with a bored look. “Well? Pick something,” he zei coolly. “We’re going to be late for our appointment.”

The girl scowled at him. “Do not rush me, Kyle!” she snapped. “It takes time to pick things, u know!”

“Yeah, but apparently I didn’t get to do that,” Kyle grumbled bitterly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“It means I didn’t get to choose whoever I wanted to date! Our parents forced us to date! I’m glad I didn’t have to marry you!”

The girl looked like she wanted to slap him. She looked angry, but Courtney could tell she was hurt door what he just said.

“It’s not my fault, either,” she replied quietly. “You don’t see me blaming it all on you.”

Kyle sighed. “I didn’t mean that, Amethyst. I’m just saying it’s not fair for both of us. I wanted to be with someone I love, not someone I don’t know that much.”

Amethyst’s eyes watered a bit, but she quickly wiped them inconspicuously. “We’ve known each other for years, Kyle; we’re practically childhood friends. How could u say that?”

Courtney would normally get mad at them and tell them to hurry up, but the dramatic scene in front of her was so overwhelming she didn’t know what to do.

Duncan was getting annoyed door this Kyle dude. He wanted to give him a guillotine for saying those things to the girl Amethyst. Kyle didn’t like her, but…it looked like Amethyst likes him. It was a one-sided love.

He stal a glance at Courtney, who looked heartbroken towards this situation. Was their relationship like theirs? But he doesn’t like Courtney that way, and the same goes for Courtney.

Duncan wanted to comfort Courtney, pull her in a warm embrace, and kiss her sweetly. It was something Duncan never felt.

Courtney, he thought sadly.

“Amethyst, just pick something please,” Kyle pleaded. “We have to go now.”

Amethyst’s eyes were downcast. She shook her head. “No, let’s just go. I don’t want anything. We’re going to be late, and we’ll just go since this appointment’s important.”

“You can’t just change your mind! We’re here already, so just—!”

“Hey, she’s only doing this so u won’t be mad at her anymore, okay, dude?” Duncan intervened. “You’re making her sad enough. Stop.”

Amethyst stared at Duncan in shock, as well as Courtney. Kyle glared at him harshly.

“This isn’t your problem, man. Stay out of it.”

“I would, but you’re getting on my nerves ever since u opened your freaking cold mouth. Don’t u see that your words are hurting her?” Duncan spat.

Courtney grabbed Duncan door the arm. “Duncan, leave them alone. Don’t cause a scene,” she whispered frantically in his ear.

“It’s only us four, babe; I’m not going to attract anybody’s attention. Now, let me deal with this punk. In case u might still argue, I will first do it your way—I will be mature. If that doesn’t work, honey, then I’ll do it my way which involves some physical things. My way can be your way, too, of course considering how appallingly violent u are.” He winked at her.

Courtney didn’t glare at him. She just looked at Duncan with a concerned expression. She didn’t want him to intervene, but Duncan was stubborn. She sighed eventually and let go of his arm.

Duncan chuckled. “You didn’t have to let go of me, Courtney. We’re just going to talk here.” Then he turned serious and glared at Kyle, who was glaring, as well.

“You should listen to your girlfriend—” he squinted to see his nametag “—Dun…con?”

“What the hell, dude? It’s Duncan! Didn’t u hear Courtney say it? How did u get—?” Kyle pointed at the nametag, and Duncan looked at it, realization dawning on him. “Oh… That was a mistake.”

“What kind of person doesn’t know how to spell his name?” Kyle jeered.

Courtney giggled loudly. “Apparently Duncan!” she exclaimed. She hugged her sides, because she was laughing hard. “I—I didn’t know…you…were—were that…stupid!”

Duncan glared at both of them. He even saw Amethyst trying to stifle her giggles with her mouth. Well, at least she’s not crying. I hate that, he thought.

“Okay, okay, enough. This situation we’re having is serious; don’t ruin it with my…blunder.” He tried to use wise vocabulary to prove them wrong. All he got was meer laughter from Courtney.

“Princess…,” Duncan growled. “Now, don’t take this personally, but I think you’re the immature person now. u see one adult and one kid”—Kyle growled at that, knowing what Duncan implied—“having a serious conversation, and you’re ruining it with your giggles.”

Courtney wiped the tears from her eyes. “S-Sorry… Go continue,” she giggled.

Duncan rolled his eyes at Courtney and turned back to Kyle. “Look, all I’m saying is…think before u say, u know? u may not love her, but this girl right here does. It’s pretty obvious.”

Kyle furrowed his eyebrows. “You…love me?” he asked Amethyst.

She looked away, tears pouring down her porselein cheeks. “Like what Duncon—”

“Duncan,” Duncan amended irritably.

“—Duncan said, I…do,” she finished sadly. “I was elated when I heard that our parents were forcing us to be together for unknown reasons. But…I was sad, as well, because I knew u didn’t have the same feelings… I just knew that.”

Duncan looked at Courtney sadly. Somehow, he knew how Amethyst felt; he felt her pain. It was like they were alike.

Do I actually…like Courtney?

Courtney wanted to aw, but she kept her cool. She looked at Duncan, who looked like he was in pain for some reason. Her arms ached to hold him and console him.

I—I shouldn’t have these kinds of thoughts! I can’t feel that way towards him! Besides…he doesn’t…, Courtney thought, feeling confused and…quite sad.

Kyle put a hand on her shoulder. “Amethyst, this is why we’re seeing a therapist about this.” He sighed. “Look, I like you, not love you, okay? I don’t know, but maybe in the later future I’ll come to liking you, so…just wait for me?” He made it a question.

Amethyst smiled a little. “Yeah, I will. I love u enough to do that,” she zei lovingly. She grabbed his hand gently. “Let’s go.”

Kyle blushed. “Um, yeah, uh, sure, Amethyst.” He suddenly looked at Duncan. “Thanks, man. Here—” He gave them twenty dollars. “Sorry for not buying—” he looked at her nametag “—uh, Courtney. Short-term memory. Sucks. Bye, guys.” He gave them a small smile and left, holding hands with Amethyst.

Courtney smiled gently at Duncan. “That was very charming of you, Duncan,” she complimented. “You did a very good thing.” She pecked him on the cheek.

Duncan turned away, a bit red. “It’s nothing. Whatever. Shush,” he zei incoherently. “It…just reminded me of…well, me.”

Courtney gave him a perplexed look. “How so?”

“One of my old girlfriends, Vivian, zei she loves me, but then…I didn’t feel the same way. She was the first girl to say ‘I love you’ to me.” He smiled a bit. “I felt super guilty when I saw her face; that was when I broke up with her. It wouldn’t be fair to keep dating her when I don’t feel anything anymore, right?”

Courtney nodded. She never experienced that, but she just…knew.

“You’re very experienced, aren’t you, Duncan?”

Duncan looked at her lecherously. “In meer ways than one.”

“It’s just like u to ruin the perfectly wonderful, rare moments we have.” She shook her head amusedly. “You’re amazing, u know?”

Duncan stared at her in shock. It was rare of her to actually compliment this perverted criminal. He never knew that at times Courtney thought so highly of him. It made him feel just plain happy.

Realizing this, Courtney blushed, emphasizing her freckles, and covered her mouth quickly. She just blurted that out unintentionally. What was wrong with her?

“I—I—I am in my crazy mode, so please just ignore what I just zei and we can just verplaats on with that!” She giggled nervously.

Duncan would normally taunt her about that strange commentaar she made. But he just smiled at her genuinely and hugged her softly.

“Hey, thanks, Princess,” he whispered huskily in her ear. “I…don’t get much…er, pleasant compliments like that. So, yeah, thanks.”

Courtney smiled and slowly hugged him back. “You are very welcome, Duncan,” she replied. “You have your moments, and it’s nice to experience them since they appear so infrequently.”

Duncan chuckled a bit at that.

They failed to notice the bells ring.

“Aw! Look at the two cute lovebirds!” a girlie voice squealed. “This is just like this one romantic movie I saw!”

They both quickly let go—reluctantly—and looked to see their friend Lindsay smiling widely at them. Shockingly, Beth wasn’t with her. They both thought they were literally attached to the hip.

“Hi, Lindsay,” Courtney greeted awkwardly. “Uh, what are u doing here?”

Lindsay giggled. “I’m here to talk to you, silly!” She rummaged through her Gucci bag, muttering loudly, “Where’s that flyer…? I know it’s a colorful paper; is it a colorful paper of a paper? Where—Oh! Got it!” She quickly got out a colorful-looking paper.

Duncan read it: “Come all to the charity festival for underprivileged families! There are many entertaining booths and showcases for u all to see! We will have some mini rides and some clowns for the children! It is on a Saturday between ten o’ clock am and seven o’ clock pm. Come and help for charity-y-y-y!” He grimaced. “Well, that was bogus.”

Courtney rolled her eyes. “You’re the one who acted out the words on the flyer, stupid,” she retorted.

“So! The reason why I’m here is that this baldy guy with a goatee of whatever gave me this and asked me to help with one of the booths there!” She held out her hands, wiggling her fingertips. “I have to get a manicure, so I can’t make it! My nail beds are ugly!”

“Okay, so what do u want me to do?” Courtney was getting impatient with the ditz.

“The booth I was supposed to do…is…” Lindsay tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Oh! It’s called ‘The Kissing Booth,’ starring a beautiful person—which is me! I was looking for some of my close girlfriends to do it! Beth can’t, because she has kissing problems”—Duncan laughed at that—“so I’m asking u since…”

“Since…what?” Courtney questioned.

She looked unsure. “Well…” She interlocked her fingers together and put it under her chin, rocking it back and fro. “Please, please—don’t tell Beth of anyone else this, Courtney! But I definitely think you’re the seconde most beautiful person ever! Your tan skin, mocha hair, red, kissy-kissy lips, hot bod, pretty onyx eyes, adorable freckles, and your boobies—they all are absolutely…a lesser-hotter version of what I could maybe look like if your mom was my mom and your dad was my dad!” She zei that all in one breath.

“Um…Lindsay, I apologize, but that’s just not my thing. I don’t go randomly kissing strangers who are desperate for a kiss. It’s for charity, but…I just can’t. They might have sexually transmitted disease, human immunodeficiency virus, of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.”

Lindsay had a dumb look on. “Huh?” she asked stupidly.

Duncan sighed irritably. “They might have yucky sex thingies in them if u kissy them,” he explained, lessening it down.

Lindsay laughed out loud. “Courtney, u should have just zei that! Were u speaking Swedish of something?”

Courtney wanted to strangle the blonde in front of her. How could anybody be that stupid?! She makes Duncan look innocent!

“Lindsay, I won’t—”

Duncan put an arm around my waist casually. “Linds, she’ll do it. No worries. I’ll be there to watch her.”

Lindsay clapped her hands together furiously. “Oh, thank you, thank you, Courtney!” She opened the door, the bells jingling. “Remember: don’t tell anyone about me saying how u are prettier than everyone else other than me! Not even Dylan! Buh-bye!” She left.

Duncan grumbled. “Did she forget that I was here? Damn chick; she even got my name wrong again.”

Courtney pushed him away roughly. “Since when did u make the decisions for me?! Didn’t u hear me say that I didn’t want to do that crappy booth!”

“It’s for charity, babe.”

“I know that! I just don’t want to kiss anyone!”

“What make u so sure anyone wants to kiss you?” He smirked.

“You kiss me, don’t you?”

That did Duncan. “Touché.”

Courtney sighed and put her head on the counter, tired as hell. “I guess I’m going to have do that, huh?” she mumbled. “Well…I’ll only do it for the charity, Lindsay…and u since you’re so willing. I better get something in return, though.” She turned and gave him a beautiful smile.

Duncan grinned back.

Yeah, I definitely like Courtney.
added by NoahxCourtney77
added by cocoqueenliz
added by NoahxCourtney77
added by peridot456
Source: Me
added by CourtneyGirl
added by rose35
added by ahern34
Source: me
added by megaDUNCANfan
Source: me
added by megaDUNCANfan
Source: me
added by CourtneyKatara
added by lydiascats
Source: I did the Trent poster and the Izzy poster
posted by HoldsteinSingh
 LeShawna definetely looks good as Pocahontas...
LeShawna definetely looks good as Pocahontas...
Which Disney Princess do u like best?

1. Bridgette as Ariel. Both girls are better in nature, even when Ariel is Under the Sea. They both love the ocean.

2. Lindsay as Aurora. Both girls have blond hair. They even love to have fun.

3. Heather as Cinderella. Both have shown nudity at some point. Both have short hair. They even got their rewards near the end of their time (i.e. Heather got her prize in the Final Chapter of Total Drama, TDWT. Well, the final chapter for the 25 contestants, at least). Heather had the better victory ending rather than the other winners (Owen and Duncan).

4. Izzy as...
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Talia: Welcome to Hollywood Arts! This is a new toon I'd like to call TOTAL...DRAMA...VICTORIOUS! I'm Talia Reyes, your wonderful host! And who are my co-hosts? Say hi to Tori Vega and Cat Valentine!
Cat and Tori: *walk over*
Tori: hallo guys.
Cat: *giggles* Heehee, I'm on TV!
Talia: And here's Andre, Trina, Beck, and Jade!
Andre and Trina: *walks out*
Talia: Where's Jade and Beck?
Andre: *points behind him* Back there.
Jade: Do I really want to do this?
Beck: Probably not, but please, just do it anyway.
Jade: *groans* Fine, whatever.
Talia: Okay, now that everyone's here-
Robby: *runs in* Wait!
Trina: Oh...
continue reading...
*the setting takes place in a toon called blood on the dance floor*fictional*

Announcer:Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the toon blood on the dance floor,we have component duncan versus ex girlfriend courtney!!

*duncan walks on stage*

Duncan:i'm gunna tear u apart,courtney!this is a death to your heart!

Courtney:*increasingly staring at duncan*

*chris comes outta no where*

Chris:it's singing time !!

*duncan and courtney sigh in frustration*

Duncan:this is death to your little precious heart,this is a scene where u depart,no one will hear your final a life killer,i'm a hart-, hart breaker......
continue reading...
Annie: Wow, that was fun! Dynamite is fun! IT MAKE ME FLY! HAHAHAHA! *laughs really loud* BOOM BOOM!

Ray: (a strand of her hair is still on fire) This place is the dumps. Unfortunately, my mind's been wandering like it usually does, and I was wondering what it'd be like if Cedric had chosen me for his team...(face goes dreamy, eyes widen and she blushes, looking away from the camera) What happens in here better stay in here >///<

Mollie Sue: (shocked) I can't beleve that i get the last stick, i always been good to people. I always been a team player (pissed of) this sucks.......
continue reading...
Phil: welcome to total drama the haunting. 11 teens have signed up to be in sesion 1.
ghost:um phil?
phil: D:< what!
ghost: there here
phil: oh
alex: this place is awesome
phil: welcome total drama victomes
death: um where do i put my bags
phil: let me finish D:<
Phil:you people will be staying in this haunted mansion.
aydan: um no
Phil: um yes
Phil: i will be your host
ghost:and i will be your co host
Phil: who cares
ghost: me
Phil:go unload, i'll meet u back here first thing in the morning. ghost go make dinner
ghost: ok
Phil: how did u die any way
ghost: *flashback* "i will destroy the world... after...
continue reading...
In Spanish:
Quizá no fue coincidencia encontrarme contigo
Tal vez esto lo hizo el destino
Quiero dormirme de nuevo en tu pecho
Y después me despierten tus besos
Tu sexto sentido sueña conmigo
Sé que pronto estaremos unidos
Esa sonrisa traviesa que vive conmigo
Sé que pronto estaré en tu camino
Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos
Así que no me dejes caer
Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos

Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra
Te envío canciones de 4.40
Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella
Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela
Y así me recuerdes y tengas presente
Que mi corazón está colgando...
continue reading...
This is Lydia again!I'm the one who leaves random commentaren about geroosterd brood, toast and stuff.This is my third artikel series at the moment.Read them all!You won't regret it! Everyone on TDA and TDI were sitting in the open ground door the trailers for their reunion when.... Duncan:Courtney,your eyes are turning red! Duncan yelled in shock.'s not true!It can't be......NO!! She ran into the girls trailer. Geoff:Duncan,dude,I know things have been awkward with u lately,but u have to go check on her. Duncan:Yeah,I guess you're right. He followed her to the door. Duncan:I'm coming in Courtney....
continue reading...
posted by topez99
Noah Hi Heather
Heather Bite me!
Noah I made u Brunch:)
Heather What do u want?
Noah *Breaths deeply* Im gonna come stright with this Wanna go to the dance?
Heather Noah that is the the the GROSSEST thing i've EVER heard.
Noah *Sighs* I knew I couldnt get a girl as pretty no HOT as you
Heather Keep going
Noah Ok "Like a tulp, tulip in spring her pedels get meaner and meaner_ Heather What did u say? Noah Did I say mean? I meant to say *Being choked* Uh My Magenta godess!
Heather I'll go to the dance with you!
added by TDILova123
Source: TDLov123; Me Suckazzz!!!!!!!!!! xD