Total Drama Island Club
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Duncan walked into the stock room, slamming the wooden door behind him. Damien hopped off the wooden krat he had been sitting on and tosses down the newspaper he had been reading. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Duncan murmurs, running both hands though his hair.

“Dude, what’s the matter?” Damien asks.

Duncan holds his hands out to his sides, palms up, eyes wide. “It’s Courtney, man! How the hell did she even find dag N’ Night?” he exclaims. He resumes pacing the stock room and cursing every now and then.

“Did u not want to see her?” Damien asks. “Because, Duncan, man, I kinda thought u loved her.”

“I did! I mean… I do! That’s why I had to leave her. Don’t u understand that? I was trying to protect her,” Duncan admits, “Now don’t u see how messed up this is? She shouldn’t be here!”

“…I don’t see how this is all such a big problem,” Damien answers, shrugging. Duncan just looks at his best friend, then suddenly his shoulders sag and his head tilts.

“Duuude…,” Duncan says tiredly, disbelieving, “You didn’t tell Courtney to come here, did you?”

Damien sucks air through his teeth, caught. Finally, Duncan sees Courtney’s vacht, bont jas on the krat behind Damien, who tries to kick the jas out of view. “You did not fucking tell Courtney to come here!” Duncan shouts, but this time it wasn’t a question. “I can’t believe you, Damien! Out of all the people!”

Damien stood there, letting Duncan yell at him.

“Do u not know how much danger u put Courtney back in?! I’m a fucking gangster! I can’t live a normal life with a normal girl and expect everything to be okay! SHIT! You’re such a bastard, Damien! I thought we were friends,” Duncan hisses, shoving Damien in the chest.

This snapped Damien out of his paralysis. “You know what, Duncan?” Damien yells back, poking Duncan harshly in the chest. “You think u know everything! u think you’re protecting her! Well, maybe that’s true in one sense. But not the other.” Damien’s voice had grown to a harsh whisper.

“Do u know how much you’ve been hurting her, Duncan? Do you?! No. u don’t. Because all u did was bring her back to her home pagina and try to go on like life was before. I followed her around town, being sure she was getting along fine without you. And u know what? She wasn’t. Duncan, she fucking cries herself to sleep every night. She looks at that skull u carved her every time she’s in her room. She chases down random people with black hair, thinking it’s you. She tries to act like it’s okay, but it’s not. When I caught up to her in her apartment building to tell her to try to meet u here, she was so happy at first, because she thought I was you. u protected her from maybe getting killed, yes, but u broke her heart,” Damien finishes.

Duncan stares at Damien, not believing what his best friend just told him.

Suddenly, Duncan spins around and punches his fist through a crate, piled high on a shelf. The wood splinters, cracking open. His fist plows through a bottle of whiskey, glass cracking too. He pulls his hand out, and whiskey dribbles out onto the floor. “Fuck! I’m such an idiot! I’m such a motherfucking asshole who doesn’t even deserve… ugh! God, I’m retarded!” Duncan shouts. He kicks a barrel of wine, while goes careening across the floor and smashes into the wall, wine spilling everywhere.

Duncan roughly grabs Damien’s shoulders, looking his friend straight in the eye. “Where’d Courtney go?! Where is she?! I gotta… I gotta… Where?!” Duncan demands, taling, groenblauw eyes gone crazy. His pupils were dilated, and Duncan’s hart-, hart was racing.

“I have no idea. She might have left, of she might be getting drunk… I have no idea,” Damien admits, a little freaked door Duncan’s urgency.

Duncan sprints out the stock room door, slipping through the crowd until he gets to the bodyguard at the door. “Brock! Did a really sexy brunette in a short red dress just leave?” Duncan asks.

“Yeah, Duncan, man. She just left about five minuten ago,” he answers. Duncan shoves the metal door open, out into the snow. He sprints down the alley, desperate to find her.


Courtney was shivering, walking down the sidewalk in a strange part of town. I’m so retarded, she thinks to herself, How could I have ever thought this would have been a good idea?! I have no jas in freaking December! She had settled for shoving her fists into the ruffles of the bow at her waist to keep her fingers from falling off.

Sadly, she couldn’t say the same for her legs. They had gone numb a long while ago. Her toes were cramped in the ridiculously high heels she had worn, and she was definitely not taking them off. So she was stuck to suffer. Courtney had even debated on whether of not to sit on the front porch of an apartment building, but all of them looked creepy and dangerous.

Her only hope was to walk on and hopefully find a taxi. But like the taxi driver had said, hardly anybody wanted a ride downtown. Maybe, if she was really desperate, Courtney would flash her legs of her boobs, if only to get a free ride. Courtney shuddered at this idea, and was taken over door another round of shivering.

door now, her jaw was hurting. She was long past teeth-chattering, and well into lockjaw. Her teeth her clamped together so hard she was sure her teeth would shatter, and the shards would pierce her gums. Her jaw was so sore, but she couldn’t loosen it up.

Courtney swore that if she couldn’t find help, of warmth, soon, she would climb up a brand escape and commit suicide right then and there.

It would at least be a faster way to go than freezing to death, of being raped door some perverted hobo.


She froze at the sound of her name. Courtney turned around just in time to see Duncan grab her shoulders and pull her into his chest. She was so startled, that all she did was huddle in his strong arms as he hugged her and breathe in his familiar smell: cologne, cedar, and… Duncan.

“God, Courtney, I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot. I love u so much, and I didn’t mean… I mean, all I was trying to do was… God, I’m just so sorry, Courtney. I’m a complete fuck-up,” Duncan apologizes profusely.

Courtney shifts in his arms, trying to huddle as much of her body as she can into his warm hug. “You’re not a fuck-up,” she mumbles into his shirt.

“Come on, you’re shaking. Log cabine isn’t far from here,” he tells her, pulling out of the hug. Duncan takes off his black leather jas and holds it out for her. Courtney, not able to resist the body heat, slides her arms into his jas sleeves. The sleeves are so long that they cover her hands, which was perfectly fine door her. Duncan leads her one block down the straat and around the corner, to Log Cabin, his arm around her all the way there.

Courtney was shocked Log cabine had been so close. She could have found shelter there. That is, if they let her in.

Duncan unlocked the front door, and Courtney stumbled into the warm apartment, glad for heat. He closed the door behind them and they walked up to Duncan’s room, where Courtney collapsed onto Duncan’s bed. She may have been mad at him for walking away from her, but right now, all she cared about was gaining back some body heat and some feeling back in her legs. Duncan digs some quilts out from underneath the bed and lays them on top, boven of Courtney, too.

Her cheeks begin to turn red from the heat, so Duncan knows she’s finally thawing. Courtney pats the space on the mattress right volgende to her, and Duncan carefully sits down volgende to her, leaning against the headboard. “We have to talk,” Courtney tells him. Duncan nods, so she continues, “Why did u leave me when u told me u loved me?”

Her voice cracked on ‘leave’, which she hated.

Duncan started stroking her hair as he debated on what to say. “I do love you. I left u because… because I wanted u to be safe. It was too dangerous bringing u on all those bank robberies and rum-running and drug dealing. I jeopardized your life, and I didn’t want that again,” he admits.

“But wouldn’t a Racketeer come after me anyway if they saw me on the streets? They’d recognize me and see that u weren’t with me,” Courtney points out.

Duncan sighs. “I know. But I thought that, maybe, if u weren’t with me, there would be no way for u to be dragged into any of this.”

Courtney looks up at him, but he avoids eye contact with her. Instead, he stares out the window at the straat below. Courtney takes an arm out of her warm cocoon of blankets and takes Duncan’s jaw in her hand. She turns his head so he’d be looking her in the eyes, and Courtney whispers, “I’d rather risk my life everyday to be with you.”

Courtney drops her hand back under the covers and waits for Duncan’s reply. “I love you, Princess,” he murmurs.

“I love you, too,” she whispers just before Duncan presses his lips against hers. Duncan cradles her head in his hands, his fingers curled up in her hair. Courtney scoots closer to him, pressing their bodies together.


Your lips tremble, but your eyes are in a straight stare.
We're on the bed, but your clothes are laying right there.
And I was thinking of places that I could hide,
So now u falling in love.

~ Shake It door Metrostation


This is what I wanna do.
Let's have some fun,
One on one, just me and you.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
I want u in my room.
Let's spend the night together,
From now until forever!
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

~ Boom Boom Boom Boom door Venga Boys


The steps that I retrace,
The sad look on your face,
Did u hear,
He fucked her?

~ Dammit door Blink 182


She's amazing, the brand blazing,
Hotter than cajun.
Girl, won't u verplaats a 'lil closer?
Time to get paid, it's maximum wage.
That body belong on a poster.
I'm in a daze, that bottom is wavin' at me,
Like, dammit, I know you.

~ Right Round door Flo Rida
posted by poptrop300
1. AN amazingly gorgeous woman, talented, beautiful, inspiring, a woman without limits to her ability to love. Known for her humungous hart-, hart and her sexy figure she will conquer the world without problem.
She is a true definition to perfection, beauty, love, and sweetness.
Pure ownage.
A miracle to be treasured she should never be taken advantage of of for granted.
The builder of my hart-, hart and the keystone to my soul.

I think Mike wrote this.

2. An awesome, fun-loving girl who can always make u laugh. Is a great friend and can get u through hard times. NOT a boyfriend stealer. Really pretty and likes to talk. Does not like annoying people, they give her headaches. Really good at math and a very fast worker. Likes to text and go on facebook. u could never find anything bad to say about her.
chris: last time in robinson, it was a race against time and the mighty powers of the nature, the passes rivers and a high cave. at the end the slowest team voted poor geoffie of and he went to the cave. the teams are made and the volgende challenge is set. will they surive on an island where the have to do anything on there own? find out right now! in total drama robinson!!

day 4
(the cave)
geoff: all's killing me....well...i will be on the "melt" with u babe!

geoff: a letter? *open it* u all have to build a boot with the parts who are laying...
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After the vocanic explosion in hawaii, Chris and Chef had gotten divied door the other 25 contestants both old and new.

Heather never got her cash, and they had back up plans for Alejandro, however, at the moment, they had been swimming for a couple of days without help out at sea.

They had finally ended up on an island 5 times bigger than camp Wawaknoqua. Sand, forest, vocano, and some palm trees nearby. It looked like paradise!

It was the perfect place to start a whole fresh new season...

After the two men dried off, Chris stormed up an amazing idea for the season...

Chris: Are u thinking what...
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posted by xRainbowNinjax
Hey,so i'm going to do shuffle on my iPod and choose 5 songs, I don't know what they are right now,so Um Lets get started :)
All about us- Tatu
Gwen P.O.V
"Trent, I'm Going to hang out with Duncan To-"
"No your not! All u ever do is hang out with him, I don't trust you!"
They say
They don't trust
You, me, we, us
"Trust me with what? u know what, I dont care, Im leaving, Bye."
"If u go, I will hurt you, when u come back!"
So we'll fall
If we must
"Bye Trent" *Leaves*
Still Gwens P.O.V
*Meets up with Duncan*
"Hey Duncan,"
"Hey, Anything Wrong?"
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sierra: last time on TDAC the campers did movie roles for a movie that i picked. courtney had a hissyfit because rayla didn't pick her and duncan and courtney got in a fight and courtney TOTALLY Peed off her team who is the volgende to go stay tooned

camp brand cerimony

courtney: ugh i can't belive were here on the frist day

alex: friken chill

courtney: friken make me!

sierra: o guys the rules are simple who ever dosen't get a ice cup will rid the cunue of losers the ice cups got to lindsay brighette justin camile herold cody angle niki trent tyler

courtney:*gaspes whoa i am defently getting that cup...
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Greg: Last time on total drama 12-person island u met the competitors and u met ME! but meer stuff
will unfold here on TOTAL DRAMA 12-PERSON ISLAND!

*intro theme*

Greg: okay i brought a special guest OWEN!!! he is not joining he is just part of the challenge okay now Owen

*Owen puts his butt on the horn*

*Fart+Horn sound*


Greg: Okay get up up up up!!!

Greg:okay now u all are in the cafeteria and we will lock it down

*locks down the cafeteria*

*Greg puts on a gas mask*

Greg: okay now big Owen here will fart a big fart
inside here it'll stay here until we'll do the un-lock-down...
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Aftermath 1!!!!! Wow, I'm making great time with these before I go back to shool! ^u^ Anyway, sine this is an aftermath, your OC's won't been seen much. :( Don't worry though, I promise I'll add their un-aired confessional! ^u^ Anyway, heres the first aftermath!

Warning: Fluffy-ness rambit! >w<

*The theme song play's, and the camera fades in with Bridgett and Geoff sitting on the aftermath couch*

Geoff: Hello party people! This is your buddy Geoff coming to u live from the aftermath studio! And beside me...
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(Hey guys! I have this big ol' gonna b long episode planned! But my IPod deleted it all -.- so I decided "Why not make something special? So I guess u can call this the aftermath :P Hosted door Blainley (I think that's how u spell it :P and....SIERRA!!! Enjoy!)

Blainley: Hello everyone! I'm Blainley Stacy Andrew O'Halerath! (Or so I hope) And This is The TDB A-

Sierra: Wait. Don't I have to introduce myself?

Blainley: Sure whatever!

Sierra: EEEEEE!!! I've always wanted to do this!! I'm Sierra R-

Blainley: And this is the TDB Aftermath!!

Sierra: *scoffs*

Blainley: We have a very special episode planned...
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Enjoy! :)
DJ said, "Let's go to the train set."

Bridgette said, "Sure DJ. Let's go."

They arrived at the train set from "Get A Clue". They boarded the train.

Bridgette sat down in a booth. "So, why do u think ster put everyone on a team and told us to go to different locations on the island?"

DJ sat on the opposite side of Bridgette. "I don't know. Hey, what happened to Chris again?"

Bridgette said, "Who cares."

DJ said, "That's not very nice. He's not that bad."

"You know that's not true, DJ. He...
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Enjoy! :)
Lindsay said, "To the space set!"

Heather said, "Fine. Let's just go."

They arrived at the space set from "A Space Owen".

Heather pinched her nose and said, "This place reeks of vomit."

"Totally." Lindsay pinched her nose as well. "Ooo, look Heather! A spaceship."

"Lindsay, it's just a ride. It's not an actual-" Lindsay was already boarding the space ship. "Hey, wait for me!" Heather ran towards the space ship and got on.

Lindsay started 'pressing' buttons. "...And blast off!" She 'pressed'...
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Ok, this is my first story type of thing... it's about Tyler who tell's about when Lindsay forgot his name. If u like it, leave a commentaar of just tell me if I need to fix something, I would appreciate if u did! Thanks! :)

I couldn't believe it. Season 1... we were so close, but now she's forgotten who I am?! Seriously, when I first got on the Island (after hurting myself with my epic come in on the waterski) she noticed me and I noticed her. We just seemed to go together but we got put on opposite teams, which sucked!

Later when we went into the cabins, I heard her scream so I ran over to...
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posted by tdacrazy6
Gwen is the loner on the island. Gwen has a Mom and a little brother.
Her vrienden are Duncan, Leshawna, Heather, Trent, Cody, Owen, Bridgette, Geoff and DJ

Gwen's first relationship was with Trent. They were put on the same team.In zoek and Do not Destroy, Gwen kissed Trent for the first (and last) time. Heather saw them kiss and sabotaged them.In the end Gwen and Trent made up. Gwen was really sad about Trent getting voted out instead of Heather. In the volgende episode Gwen says that she already misses Trent. They were looking for the million together in the uur special. In total drama action,...
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♫Seven am, waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs♫
Alejandro pulled up to the school, unaware of the ear boggling sounds that were coming from his radio. He didn't care that it was Friday and he didn't care that it was the first week of school.
Something was on his mind that both mystified and worried him to no end.
It was the first dag of 11th grade. Trying to ignore the infatuated stares of the younger kids and some of the seniors, Alejandro looked around for the office. He saw Team Amazon; Courtney and Gwen's hair had gotten longer, and Cody had grown taller (Sierra...
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posted by colecutegirl
riley: alright yu horrid lot! todays challange is exra fun...for me. *glares at duncan and al* two people who shall not b nmed *cough al *cough manen, dun *cough can*cough cough* *every1 stares at duncan and al then burst out laughing*

noah:; what did u do?
rayla: ooohh ur in trouble *laughs then high fives dj*

riley: They broke my helicopter
gwen: *shouts* wow alehndro nice going
al: *shouts back* thank u seniorita
gwen: anyway trent i wonder what todays challange will be?
trent: *shrugs*
gwen: hisses* u know i dnt like u and u dnt like me but i have to act like this to get duncan back instead...
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Noah:"You kissed HIM?!"

Star:"He kissed me. Now if u would just let me explain."

Noah:"Alright, I'm listening."

Star:"Well, it happened in Hawaii. When I went to talk with Alejandro, we started talking and then he kissed me. I felt really terrible about it."

Noah:"Why didn't u tell me?"

Star:"I don't know. I felt so terrible and I didn't want u to think that I liked Alejandro because I don't. Not even a little."


Star:"Of course. You're the only guy for me."

Noah:"I guess I could give u a seconde chance."

Star:"You won't regret it! I'll never leave your sight!"(kisses Noah)

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posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
It was a tyical morning when Isabella decided to snoop around cause of boredom she heard a voice
Zack:Si mama si si te amor adios (Yes mom yes yes i love you)
Isabella was listening when she tripped on a branch
Zack walked out
Isabella:I know ur not talkin to me lynard skynard wannabe
Zack:I have nicknames for everyone Selena wannabe
Zack really pushed Isabella's buttons
Zack:What are u doin anyway?
Isabella:Sadly searching for excitment and i heard u on the phone how come u didn't tell anyone about ur heratige
Zack:u heard that crap! and if u want excitment i'm just the guy
Zack winks
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I am weird.

I am nice sometimes.

I have not any brothers of sisters.

I am smart.
I like to win.
I dislike to lose.
I am angry sometimes.

I love animals.
I am sensitive.

My dog ran away when I was 6.

I can be angry.
I can kick people.

I can be weird.
I can be embarrassed.

I love parties.

I am behaving like a loner sometimes.

I am nerd(not really).

I love to sing karaoke.
I am strategical.

I can be crazy.

I think I'm pretty.

Katie and Sadie
I can be annoying.
My favoriete color is pink.

I dance lame.

I am naive sometimes.
My favoriete color is sparkly pink.

I am very smart.
I can be sarcastic.

I eat too much.
I am friendly.

I love music.
I am cool.

I suck at sports.

I am a Total Drama Superfan.
This is all entirely made up. The TDI characters belong to Teletoon, Fruits Basket belongs to Natsuki Tayaka, and the Chinese Zodiac belongs to Chinese culture, but the TDI/Furuba mash-up with the characters as Sohmas was 100% a Charm Original Production. Enjoy!
NOTE: There is no character in place of Tohru because I used all the Tohru-like females in TDI in the Juunishi (for a while I was considering Bridgette as Tohru, but I thought it would be better with her as a Zodiac member).

*Juunishi is a term for the Chinese Zodiac

It had been decided that the...
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posted by poptrop300
Really I just don't get why DxC,TxG,TxC and DxG fans hate each other. Like Trentgwenfan1 and Gwuncanfan got in a fight over one it bitty little commentaar and I hate seeing this stuff. And this stuff happening to me. It isn't right having people lose vrienden over jack s**t. It is just annoying to see this happen to people that really I only know over fanpop.

I hate bulling of both ways real life and technological. I get the first one at school alot of kids in my class. To be honest I have only know them for less than a semester. I think that they have Heathers hart-, hart but worse but back to DxCxGxT...
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Harold felt nervous.It's been about 2 years and he still hasn't told to Leshawna his true feelings.
-Dude,ever tried this?-asked Cody tonen a bag of salt and vinegar flavoured chips.
Harold and Cody were at the supermarket,shopping for Leshawna's suprise birthday party.
-Dude!-Cody waved his arm in front of Harold's face.
-Huh!Gosh...Can't u leave me alone with my thoughts?
-You still nervous?-asked Cody,while picking up druif and oranje soda.
-Me?Nervous?No,way!It's her birthday..Why should I be nervous?-said the beatboxing master,knowing that he's lying due to the drops of sweat dripping from...
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