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posted by IDDfan
fanfiction: anonymousreader07

It was never like this before… It was strange, unnatural even.

Chris decided early on that he didn't like it. One should never feel this way for another human being of anything for that matter. And even if this was a normal feeling (which he was sure it was not) it was for her of all people! I mean sure he's dated his share of dumb bells before but come on! The girl didn't even fully register that she was on a reality TV toon until just recently! She believed English and American were two different languages. And he was still confused who she was referring to every time she asked who Kyle was (He wasn't even sure she knew herself). Sometimes the things she zei made such little sense he believed he was losing brain cells just door listening to her. Which is why he couldn't explain this…this pull, I guess u could say, towards the girl.

Chris walked sure footed towards the girl's cabine for the Screaming Gophers. The camp grounds were unusually dead without the activity from the rowdy campers, but it was not unexpected since this was a hide and seeks challenge and everyone was trying to avoid being found door Chef and his extremely powerful water gun. He knew exactly where she was hiding, though not from seeing her hands up in the air running and screaming to her location, no he just… knew.

Opening the squeaky door it didn't take long for the TV host to locate the girl. It did however take a lot for him to not laugh at her pathetic attempt at hiding, on the top, boven bunk crouched the blonde half hidden under her blankets with her bottom sticking out. Walking over towards the bunk he called out, "Uh, Lindsay couldn't u do any better than hiding under your covers?"

Without even seeing her face he could hear the smile in her voice as she happily replied "Fooled you! This isn't even my bunk!"

Chris frowned raising a brow; he could just leave her for Chef to find, no doubt, it wouldn't take long. But the meer sadistic side of him, the part of him that just got the warmest feel of satisfaction when putting a camper through unnecessary torture, just wouldn't let go. Besides it was just sooo easy! Smile back in place he called out

"Ooohhh, Chef Hatchet!"

In second's time the Chef kicked in the door water gun at the ready, Chris smirked as Lindsay pulled the covers to her chest screaming. Then just as quickly as Chef had come she was gone out the window once again with her hands over her head screaming bloody murder. Chef was fast to back track his way out the door chasing after where the blonde had gone.

Chris grinned; he could always count on Lindsay to give the viewers some humorous ditzy charm to the TDI episodes. Not to mention her blind friendship with Heather was certainly adding drama as to how their relationship would play out. As a matter of fact the producers had told him that so far Lindsay was one of the top, boven ten most favoriete characters of the toon and that based on male stemmen alone she was an exceedingly populair character (Though Chris had found this slightly irritating for some reason). So, okay maybe her ditziness could be charming sometimes if not slightly cute. And throughout all the drama she was sweet and annoyingly cheerful and had certain a knack for making u rethink the most mundane things…

Frowning Chris felt it again walking out of the cabins, with little to no reluctance he began to make his way to where she was most likely to be. Never before had he ever had this problem with any other girl he dated, and he had dated some lookers. Like that red head he had met at the VMA awards, now she had been a good time. Not that he took the relationship to seriously though, no she had been fun but she had been short lived like he liked most of his relationships. And don't get him wrong Lindsay was, if anything, extremely hot, that was one thing he had noticed right away. However, unfortunately for her, there was a slight problem with age difference. Chris scowled, and even if he allowed himself to really run away with the idea of him and her, they might be able to work around that, but he would have to wait at least two years before he would even be able to-

The slam of the bath house door brought Chris back from his thoughts. Slowly a smile formed on his face. Just where he thought she would be.

Inside the bath house Chris knew which stall she was behind without needing the help of her light blue bandana peeking over one of the stalls doors to help him find her.

"Knock, Knock." He zei as he tapped against the stall door.

"Who's there?" she answered back almost uncertainly.

"The entire viewing world." He announced leaning against one of the stall doors.

"The entire viewing world who?" she asked happily, he easily noted that her unseen smile was back in place.

"You're gonna have to do a lot better than that if u wanna avoid capture."

Perhaps she sensed it was a threat that he was gonna call Chef again. Though really he shouldn't give her that much credit, but either way she quickly burst out the stall and once again ran screaming with her hands in the air. He turned his amused smile to where he knew a camera was set up saying,

"My guess, she's a goner."

Coming out of the bath house he took in his surroundings, deserted. No sign of her…yet. May be she actually did it this time, Chris smirked, yeah and maybe Chef would start making edible food for the campers! He supposed he could go to the surveillance room and see her new hiding spot via camera, just because he found her lame hiding places amusing.

Nothing more.

He walked a small way in the woods headed towards the 'secret surveillance room' before the pull returned once again, looking to his right he stared for a moment at the direction she most likely took, considering, he should just leave and continue with his plan to go to the surveillance room… but… Turning on his heal he began to push his way through the small throng of bushes. It was getting just a little bit harder to ignore.

It didn't take long for him to make his way into a small clearing; set in the midst of the clearing was a large boulder. Chris had to give her complimenten this was a little better than the first two. Making his way toward the boulder he instantly knew she was hiding behind it. And he had to wonder when exactly had it gotten so bad that he could feel her presence without needing to see her?

This weird connection he felt for the blonde was beginning to wear thin on his nerves, he thinks now it was becoming a need. To not only be able to find her but to also have be near her. And if there was one thing he did not want was the need to be with anyone. He didn't get to where he was now door needing anyone before and he sure as hell wasn't about to start now! This was nothing just a feeling that's all, it wasn't going to change him. He could ignore it if he wanted to, IF he wanted to, because the only reason he was looking for her right now was just to mess with her, scaring her with threats to call Chef just to watch her run screaming with her hands in the air. (He ignored the fact that he could most likely do this with any other camper). Sneaking on one side he takes a look behind the giant rock, to find Lindsay sitting with her legs pulled up to her chest with her hands covering her eyes a light smile playing on her lips. He gives a light snicker; this was normally the way a five jaar old would hide wasn't it? door thinking as long as they couldn't see the world, the world in turn could not see them. He opened his mouth ready to call her name, and possibly startle her, but quickly thought better of it. He furrowed his brow as an idea ran through his head, one that didn't include surprising the girl into a hart-, hart attack of causing her much grief, which he found slightly strange, but he had been working on his impulses all morning he found no reason why he should stop now.

Walking quietly toward the blonde he kneeled down on one leg in front of her before gently bringing his hands up to take hold of her wrists. But before he could remove her hands from her face she jerked her head up with a start.

Her surprised expression only lasted a moment before it was replaced with an irritable pout,

"Awww, I thought I picked a good hiding place this time!"

Chris smirked "I gotta admit you're getting better."

She smiled at that as Chris stood pulling her to a standing position before giving him a confused look, "How come u can find me so easily?"

"Because u suck at hide and seek." Chris lied easily with a grin.

"Oh." Unbothered door what Chris told her she simply smiled and said, "I thought for a seconde we were like magnets."

"Magnets?" Chris asked raising a brow.

"I'm not sure." She admitted with a thoughtful look on her face, "But every time you're around I just have the sudden urge to be close to you!" She finished happily. Stepping closer to Chris she asked, "Like now, don't u feel it to?"

"No" Chris zei slowly knitting his brows together though not bothering to step back. He ignored the slight tightening in his gut.

She watched him closely for a second, before giving an impish smile that, Chris had to admit, caught him a little of guard. No way she knew…right? "Well what about now?" She asked taking another step closer to him, bodies almost touching she looked up to him a light blush stained on her cheeks. Chris watched her for a moment, thinking the situation over, (which was now, for some reason, just a little harder to do at the moment) before leaning down his breath hot against her ear to whisper, "I can completely understand your little crush on me, and really no one can blame you. But if you're asking if these feelings are retuned than the answer… is no."

And with that being zei and with a satisfied smirk Chris brought his head back only to find a very flushed Lindsay staring at him with half lidded eyes and dazed smile on her lips. Apparently what he had just said, just now, hadn't quite sunk in yet. Then without thought of reason, as a matter of fact Chris blamed this completely on the strange pull alone, Chris leaned in again only this time to capture her lips with his own.

When Chris takes the time to think back on this he'll remember her sweet flavor, and the chill he got down his spine when she responded door moving her lips sensuously against his own. And how she had parted her lips allowing him to taste her further and how it had been slow, and frustrating, with just a hint of uncertainty. And how he had desperately wanted much more.

Breathing now slightly unsteady Chris broke the kiss, before his actions could take off with his thoughts.

"You do feel it!" Lindsay zei breathlessly

Chris frowned looking away "Maybe…" he admitted grudgingly

"I knew it!"Giggling Lindsay proclaimed "We're like Magnet bears!"

"Now Magnet bears?" He asked voice laced with annoyance.

Lindsay nodded "See at home pagina I have these two bears and every time u put them close together they kiss. But it's not magic," Lindsay gave an all knowing smile as she tapped the end of her nose "They have magnets in their noses and that's why they always have to be together it's what makes them kiss."

Chris stared at her; it was never like this before… It was strange, unnatural even. Being caught off guard door a feeling he so horribly dreaded and not being able to recognize it. This was usually the part where he took off running without looking back and with no regrets.

Lindsay, finding him in a rare moment of being speechless, stepped closer to him with a coy smile "Don't u think that's romantic?"

And he knows he should be the responsible one and set up some kind of boundaries…or something, and he knows he should wonder (because is she of is she not still dating what's his face), and he knows if anyone got wind of this the media would have his head on a platter.

But the pull is automatic as Lindsay watches him through hooded eyes, standing on tip toes ready to recapture the kiss. And maybe if he was the kind of guy who accepted anything easily, of (God forbid) some hopeless romantic, of if he was anyone else besides Chris McLane he would have allowed himself to be fully taken over door the dreaded emotion.

But luckily he wasn't.

Lips just a breath away Chris steps back giving the blonde quite a shock as she stumbles vooruit, voorwaarts no longer having any support to lean into. He smirks as she gives him a disapproving look but before she has the chance to get out one word;

"Oooohhh Cheeef!"

Her blue eyes widen as Chef leaps from seemingly out of nowhere water gun aimed and ready with the small red target light on Lindsay's fore head.

"Got u now, blondie!"

Screaming Lindsay is once again gone as fast as Chef came, running and screaming with her hands over her head and Chef is quick on her heels, pumping the water gun, determined not to lose her again.

Grin in place Chris waits till Lindsay's screaming has faded with distance before once again making his way toward the surveillance room.

So yeah, he might lo- like her a lot (because he still wasn't comfortable with the feeling let alone the word to describe it yet and the whole thing still seemed kind of weird to him), and yes he was pretty sure it wasn't going away anytime soon (and quite frankly he wasn't sure if he wanted it to go away…yet), but there was no denying his meer sadistic side.

And really why would he want to, it made for good entertainment.
chris-hi every on
everyone-HI !!!
chris-well come back to camp
courtney-why are we back here dint u put us throw enof shit
chris-ya i invited u here because i wanted u to be at my wedding
duncan-an ezel hole like u get married oh good one lol XD no really why we here
chris-i am not kidding i am really geting married
geof-ya to who
seirra-I NEW IT !!!!!
chef-ya that is right the wedding is 2morrow and u are all going to be there
THE volgende DAY!!! *at the wedding*
courtney-oh duncan remember are wedding
duncan-yes i do u were in the hotteist dress every and u were sexy
courtney-ya when i never mind to dirty to say write now around the kid right volgende to us
duncan-hehe *kisses courtney*
minister-the wedding is being shhhh please
u may now kiss the...ummm...groom
added by TDIlover4ever
♫ Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd! Buy me some peanuts and kraker, cracker Jacks, I don't care if I never come back! ♫
total drama world tour
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Source: me
added by CourtneyKatara
added by CourtneyKatara
added by CUTEDXC
posted by soxfan89
(At The Campfire)
Colin:And Now Here's A Special Song I Made To Remind Us Of The Good Times Heather And Alejandro Shared Before The Break Up.
For all those times u stood door me
For all the truth that u made me see
For all the joy u brought to my life
For all the wrong that u made right
For every dream u made come true
For all the love I found in u
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see...
continue reading...
added by CourtneyKatara
added by CourtneyKatara
added by CourtneyKatara
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added by cocoqueenliz
added by gothemo1234
Source: me
posted by soxfan89
(Boston, Massachusetts At 5:00 In The Morning)
(Alarm Clock Goes Off)
Colin:Mom, Dad I'm Going To Camp In Canada Today.
(Radio Blares Don't u Forget About Me door Simple Minds)
Mom:Could u Turn That Radio Down? Being Loud At 5 O' Clock In The Damn Morning!
Dad:Hey, Shut Up!
Mom:No, u Shut Up!
Colin:You Both Shut Up, I'm Going To Camp And May Never Come Back!
TV:It's Currently 5 A.M. And The Temperature Is A Nice 64 Degrees In Boston. In Sports The Red Sox Held Of A Rally To Beat The Cleveland Indians 7-4 At Fenway Park Last Night. Thanks To The Hot Bats Of Marco Scutaro, J.D. Drew And Victor Martinez....
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posted by DxCisCute
*With Duncan and Courtney again* Courtney:Is it gone? Duncan:Yeah I think so. Courtney:Oh okay so uh see ya. Duncan:Courtney wait. Courtney:What? Duncan:What do u say if u want to come back to me? Courtney:I'd say no way not after what u did to me. Duncan:I promise with all my hart-, hart that
I love u meer then u think now. Courtney:Prove it. Duncan:Fine. *Duncan grabs Courtney and kisses her* Courtnye:I guess I want to. Duncan:Then is it settled? Courtney:Yes. *They continue making out* *Confessinals* Courtney:Oh my gosh I'm back with the man I love and maybe we'll form an alliance and...
continue reading...
posted by Ziggles999
Hi Diary, well, I'm here at Camp Wawankwa and I'm on TV for Total Drama Island! It's exciting really, I'm on TV! Today was the dag I arrived. I was on a boot and couldn't wait to be there and when I arrived I saw I was at a Summer Camp instead of a Spa Resort. Also the other bad thing was the people didn't look that nice, especially a girl with dark hair, who I forgot her name. To make things worse, I arrived with a friendly greeting and all I got was a mumble from someone except Chris who introduced me. I stood in the crowd and waited for other campers, who were all so different from me! Later...
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I Worked Sooo Hard On This!
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