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 Rikki Daniels
Rikki Daniels
I heard this really annoying beeping noise right in the middle of this awesome dream I was having. I slowly opened my eyes to find that it was my stupid alarm clock, which, for some reason I couldn’t remember, I had set for 5:30 in the damn morning when I usually had it set for 6:00. I stood up, and turned the alarm off before slowly making my way out of my room, which was pretty much a huge flash of different shades of purple every other place u looked. My place isn't the easiest place to get around at first, but since I've lived in this house with my dad, mom and twin sister for a years now, I knew my way around. Why was it so hard to get around my house?'s mainly because I live in a link

My name's Rikki F. Daniels, and, yes, this is my house. I have a very rich and famous family; my dad, Rasheed Daniels is a film/TV director, writer and producer, my mom, Gigi Daniels is the creator of Aurora, the current most gorgeous and populair couture line in the world (yes, the WORLD), and my twin sister, Melisa J. Daniels is a pretty populair up and coming model/actress, and also the face of our mom's line. As for me, I don't have anything going for me just yet; I've always been the wallflower, but being as quiet and shy as I am, I prefer it this way. I've only told the very closest people to me in my life about my family being the famous Daniels Clan (it's a name that's developed for us over the years). I only do this because not only do I not like dealing with psycho fans myself (unlike my sister who likes the attention), but I know my mom and dad deal with them 24/7 already; no way I want to stress them out even more. So, anyway, that's mainly my family life in a nut-shell; I've always kind of been in my mom, dad and sister's shadows, but I'm quiet and don't really have a lot going for me right now anyway, so I'm used to it, and happy with it...especially since I'm kind of in the lap of luxury and I didn't even have to lift a finger to help get myself there. ^^

As I've zei before, I'm a shy, quiet person; at school, I usually keep to myself, and don't really talk to a lot of people unless I'm spoken to first. The thing about me, though, is that I may be shy and innocent for the most part, but it just so happens that I'm also very easily angered, and when I'm angry enough, it usually ends with someone getting some kind of a fatal injury, and it's usually not me, either. Still, other than my shyness and lack of control over my temper, I consider myself an globaal, algemene good person, and so do the people in my life I actually talk to. I've always been loyal and kind-hearted to those I love, and if u ever get close enough to my heart, you'll realize that. I'm also a little over-protective, but that's mainly of the people close to me; anyone messing with people I love is a huge pet peeve for me, so don't do it...I'm serious, it's a really stupid idea.

Anyway, it took me about an uur total to take a shower, brush my teeth, and get myself dressed for school. I went to this prep school (my mom zei it was best for the family's reputation for me not to go to a public school), and I couldn't say I hated was mostly annoying, but at least link was pretty cute. I stood there near my huge, canopy bed, feeling that something was missing, but then I remembered what it was; "Oh, right, my brooch." I zei to myself before heading over to my dresser. I opened the jewelery box on top, boven of it to find link inside of it. I carefully took it out, and put it on my signature link with a smile; I never went to school without being sure I had that brooch on...I considered it a symbol of my individuality since pretty much every girl at my school wore the same outfit with the acception of the fact that the rok and anything on the whole uniform that matched it could be just about any color of the regenboog as long as it was plaid. I walked to my room's front door, and smiled at myself in the mirror; I wasn't usually one to gloat, but I had to admit I looked pretty good today.

I opened the door, and walked downstairs, and walked into the hol, den to find my dad writing something that I thought may have been a new script he was working on. I walked over to him, and gave him a hug; "Hi, daddy." I zei sweetly before kissing his mostly bald head. He smiled, and stopped writing long enough to hug me; "Hey there, sweety. u sleep well?" he asked looking at me and putting some of my long, black hair behind my ear. I shrugged; "I did, but my alarm went off right in the middle of this awesome dream...I think I was singing in it, but I can't really remember too well..." I zei trying to remember my dream. My dad smiled at me; "You know, Lavender, if u ever change your mind, I could always sign u up for a talent competition if I find one; your dream's probably telling u it's time to let the world hear that voice of yours." he said. I smiled at the name that he just called me...Lavender was sort of my nickname from him since I was 6-years-old because he knew my favoriete color was purple; he nicknamed my sister Her Royal Highness when she was the same age because she acts like a total princess most of the time.

Still smiling at my father, I shook my head; "It's alright; I've still got really bad stage fright. I know the time will come, though; I'm just not ready yet." I zei calmly. My dad nodded; "You're a wise young woman for only being get that from your mom, u know." he zei placing a hand on my face. "Yes, I know, daddy; u tell me that all the time." I zei while shaking my head slightly. I stood up straight and stretched; "Well, I'll see u when me and Melisa get home, daddy." I zei before walking out. My dad waved to me; "Bye, sweety; have a good day." he called to me before he started writing again. I smiled back at him a little bit, then quietly walked out of the room.

I walked towards the door just before recieving a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see my favoriete out of all of the butlers we had; link. He had link with him, and I giggled to myself before carefully taking from him; "Thanks, Jerry...did the roze parade already come through here?" I asked before slinging my backpack over my shoulder. The man gave me my keys as he chuckled lightly; "Yes, miss; your sister headed outside just a moment ago." he zei in his slight British accent while smiling kindly to me. I held my keys tightly in my right hand and gave him a quick hug; "Thanks, Jerry." I zei before heading out the door of my house.

I walked out, taking a deep breath; something told me this dag would probably be one of my most interesting. Just after I made it to the driveway, I saw my sister's link drive down it and away from the house, blasting Britney Spears' Circus, the latest in a long line of her favoriete songs. I smile as I watched her head off, then walked over to link.

I opened the door, got into the driver's seat, and put my backpack in the passenger's zitplaats, stoel beside me. After checking my mirror's at least 5 times out of slight paranoia, and putting on some vanilla scented lip gloss (my mom's line also has make-up, and she gave me the first successful set of the vanilla scented lip gloss that she made), I started the car. I gripped the steering wheel tight, looked ahead of me excitedly with the usual slight adrenaline rush I got when I first get behind the wheel of this exact car starting to come over me, and I drove down and out of the driveway as fast as I could.

I slowed down when I got closer to my school. I parked my car in the parking lot, not too far away from where my sister's car was, and looked up at linkas I slung my backpack onto my shoulder. I had been going to Oakland Preparatory School (I just got that off the top, boven of my head, people) for about 6 years now; my mom and dad knew I was gifted in a lot of different things, so they wanted me in a school that supported both academics and the arts very's one of the things I respected a lot about this school. It can be pretty strict sometimes, but that's because half of the students here were actually sent here for being trouble makers, and they need strict rules to keep those guys (or girls) in line; I usually didn't cause a lot of trouble there, so I had no problems, but even if I did do something that would get me into trouble, I usually wouldn't get caught anyway. There were only a few certain things about the school that really bugged me, and that was mostly some of the students; a lot of them are so full of it that it makes me almost barf...people with huge egos annoy me. Still, all and all, I was able to put up with a lot of the crap that was going on at this school; I'm able to tolerate a lot of annoying things for an exstensive amount of time...that is, until it gets too annoying for me to bare.

I walked into the school with a deep sigh as I looked at everyone; all of the girls had on either red/black, blue/black, green/black, pink/black, and even orange/black versions of the uniform I had on, and all of the guys were wearing the same kind of shirt, but with either khakis, navy blue/black pants, of some kind of jeans; in a nut-shell, I thought everybody looked pretty much the same...almost like an army of android clones of something. This was another thing about the school that kind of got to me; I hated wearing uniforms...and not just to school; uniforms annoy me no matter where I go! I always thought that uniforms took away a person's sense of individuality, and I really liked knowing that I was my own person. Unfortunately, that's hard for anybody to realize when everyone's mostly wearing the exact same thing. This, however, is the reason I wear my heart-shaped brooch on my vest; it's the only thing I have that won't get me in trouble, but also expresses that I'm not just one of the crowd...I'm my own person. (Yay! ^-^) With these thoughts in my head, I went to my locker, and started putting the boeken I wouldn't need for the first few classes inside of it.

Suddenly, I heard someone shouting "RIKKI!!!" over and over again. I turned to my left and smiled to myself. The long/dirty blonde-haired girl running to me was Alexa Stoner, my very best friend in the whole world and the only person I was actually happy to see in a red and black version of the uniform I was wearing. We've known each other since about kindergarten, and it didn't take very long for us to become best friends. She was almost my opposite in a lot of ways; self-confident, a major trouble-maker, and probably meer of a leader than I'd ever be... Still, we were also very alike; we were both (basically) loners, we both hated uniforms, and, most of all, we both seemed to feel out of place at home.

My reason for feeling out of place in my family was because I was the only person in my family who wasn't famous for my own reason, and Alexa's was because she was the only delinquent girl in her house. She was always getting herself into trouble, and when she turned 12, the things she got in trouble over usually ended somewhere between detention at school of being sent to a juvenile detention center. I was used to this, but it bugged me that her being sent to Juvie so often didn't give me a chance to see her too much. That's why she was here, though; she was one of those students who got sent here to get them to act right...still, since she's had at least 1 detention every week since school started (here, school starts in September, and it's October 14th now), I knew it wasn't helping out a lot. Still, half of those detentions and arrests were my fault; she always takes the fall for me if I do something that I'd get in trouble for; it was kind of like an arrangement with us...even though it was one I didn't really like. Still, Alexa's stubborn as a mule, and unless I turn myself in first, I know she's always going to end up taking the fall for me if I get into something really bad...still, it is nice knowing she's as willing as she is to do something like that for me; that's a loyal best friend for ya. (:D)

Anyway, when Alexa finally came over to me, she was slightly out of breath; "'ll never...guess...who's in...our homeroom...right now..." she zei between breaths with her hands on her knees. I closed my locker and slung my backpack over my shoulder; "If it has anything to do with a crush of yours, I don't want to hear it; your crushes usually end after an uur and a half." I zei looking into my friend's eyes. She rolled them, and crossed her arms; "It's not a crush of mine; it's a crush of yours." she zei with emphasis in her voice. I was shocked; "No way; I don't have a crush on anybody at this school." I insisted while putting my hands on my hips and raising one eyebrow. Alexa smiled slyly; "I'll bet u a week's worth of desserts from the cafeteria that you're wrong." "Bring it..." I zei with a sly look of my own.

"Good; come on." Alexa zei before taking my arm, and leading me to our homeroom and my most hated class; math. We walked into the room, and I looked at my friend with my hands still on my hips; "Ok, where's the guy?" I asked smugly, knowing in my hart-, hart that she was wrong and I was in for a week's worth of her dessert. She simply smiled slyly, and pointed to the back of the room; I looked, and soon, my smug look became shocked, and my arms fell to my sides. I couldn't believe who I was looking at, but every quality I remembered about him was there; the blue-green eyes, the familiar nonchalant look on his face, the piercings, the green Mohawk, and even his black wristband was still on him...the only thing that wasn't the same about him right now was the fact that he had on my school's uniform overhemd, shirt and a pair of black pants instead of his usual skull overhemd, shirt and jeans. I couldn't believe it, but I was staring at the Total Drama Island ster and the long-time object of my obsession; the one and only Duncan Ryan Payne! "Looks like someone owes me a week's worth of desserts..." Alexa zei smugly with crossed arms.

To be continued...
 Rasheed Daniels (It's really Nephew Tommy, but I don't have a better picture...)
Rasheed Daniels (It's really Nephew Tommy, but I don't have a better picture...)
 Gigi Daniels
Gigi Daniels
 Melisa Daniels
Melisa Daniels
 Jerry, the butler
Jerry, the butler
 Alexa Stoner
Alexa Stoner
 Duncan Ryan Payne
Duncan Ryan Payne
added by TDI100
Source: me and however made this origonally
added by milorox18
Source: door drago-flame
added by TDIlover226
Source: Me
added by agtimm
Source: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
added by milorox18
added by Flo_and_Trent
Source: Creators of TDI/A
added by Flo_and_Trent
Source: Creators of TDI/A
added by IDDfan
Source: deviantart
added by H2ofan210
added by DandC4evacute
Source: ForZaAleX-1
added by Chibi-Chipette
Source: hielorei on Deviantart
added by PeachyKeen1994
Source: tdthomasfan725
There are 2 Hosts, 1 Chef and 64 Contestants will be either on Santa Claus' Nice lijst of the Naughty List.

*Alejandro - ?
*Amy - Naughty
*Anne Maria - ?
*Silent B - Nice
*Beardo - ?
*Beth - Nice
*Blaineley - Naughty
*Brick - Nice
*Bridgette - Nice
*Brody - Nice
*Cameron - Nice
*Carrie - Nice
*Chef bijl - ?
*Chet - ?
*Chris McLean - Naughty
*Cody - ?
*Courtney - ?
*Crimson - Nice
*Dakota - Nice
*Dave - ?
*Dawn - Nice
*Devin - Nice
*DJ - Nice
*Don - Nice
*Duncan - Naughty
*Dwayne Junior - Nice
*Dwayne Senior - Nice
*Ella - Nice
*Ellody - Nice
*Emma - Nice
*Ennui - Nice
*Eva - ?
*Ezekiel - ?
*Geoff - Nice
*Gerry - ?
*Gwen - Nice...
continue reading...
added by sameyandamy14
added by Brickleberry
Source: TDI-Gwen on Deviantart
added by DandC4evacute
Source: kikaigaku
added by DandC4evacute
Source: kikaigaku
added by HazlAngl2
we will rock u tdi style
added by DandC4evacute
Source: XJKenny