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It seemed like my bedroom was spinning before me. Could half-vampires even faint? It felt like I was about to. Every surface of my room was covered with the disgusting flowers.

“Nessie, what’s wrong?” My father took in the scene before us. What he saw made him growl. He instantly put his arms around me. I clung to him like a little girl – a frightened little girl.

“Sweetie, tell us…” My mom crossed the bedroom floor to the windows, crushing the roses in the process – the sound of snapping stems made me wince. The windows were now opened wide. I was absolutely sure I shut them close before leaving the cottage this morning. “I don’t recognize the scent. The roses don’t help either. They overpower it.” Her eyes roamed the forest before her but whoever it was would be long gone.

“Nessie, please tell me what this is all about? toon me.” My dad pleaded. He took my hand and placed it on his cheek. My thoughts were incoherent.


“Jacob! Where is Jacob?! Daddy, let me go! I have to find him!” I screamed. My efforts to be released were futile. My father only tightened his grip as he stared in my wild eyes – becoming wilder every passing second.

He took his phone from his pocket and dialed a familiar number.

“Emmett, we’ve got a situation. Ask the others to come with you.” Feeling me tremble, he added, “And hurry please.” He dropped the call and immediately dialed another familiar number. “Jacob. u need to come over. NOW. I can’t explain….You need to see it for yourself…”

My father carried me to the living room. He sat on the sofa and cradled me. His eyes now burning with controlled anger for the intruder and worry for me. He constantly peeked at my face, all the while rubbing my back.

“Nessie, would u like to tell me now?” He asked hesitantly. He couldn’t fully understand my chaotic thoughts. I shook my head, whimpered and pressed my face on his stone chest.

My family arrived, Jacob following them after a few seconds. The vragen they meant to ask cut short as they saw me almost limp in my father’s arms, my mother pacing and wringing her hands. My father only gestured towards my room.

“How could something like this slip past me?” Aunt Alice wailed.
“Who did this? I don’t even recognize the scent.” Grandpa Carlisle murmured, his brows pulled together in concentration.

Jacob took me from my father’s arms. “Ssshhh, Nessie. It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Oh, Jake…” I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed, still trembling but now relieved that he’s safe, that he’s with me. He kissed my forehead and held me tight.

“Apparently, we’re not the only ones who knew Nessie’s birthday.” Uncle Jasper zei in a grim voice, tonen us a piece of paper. I could make out the words ‘Happy birthday, Renesmee.’, written in an elegant script. “I found it on her bed, buried beneath the roses.”

Jake’s whole body quivered. My mom reached out for me automatically.

“I’ve got it under control, Bella.” He zei after taking a deep breath, refusing to hand me over to Mom.

"Who could have done this? It was clearly planned.” Aunt Rose asked.

All of them stared at Aunt Alice.

“I don’t know!” Aunt Alice almost shouted.

“The Volturi?” My mom asked. Her lips trembling. Dad wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his body.

“No. I would have seen it.”

‘I don’t think this was the Volturi’s idea. This is not their style. If they meant to scare us, wouldn’t Aro just ask Alec and Jane to drop by?” Uncle Emmett mused out loud.

“Aro wouldn’t send the twins. He knew that Bella’s shield could easily repel their attacks. Speaking of shields…” Grandpa looked meaningfully at my mom.

My mom simply nodded. Her lips now in a tight grim line.

“Nessie, honey, it would help us if u tell us what u knew. Do u know something about this?” Grandma asked softly, kneeling in front of me. I stared at my Grandmother’s warm loving eyes now filled with concern. I took a deep breath and began to tell the dreadful nightmare.

I don’t know why I couldn’t tell them about the boy. Some crazy part of my mind insisted that he couldn’t be in anyway connected to what we’re dealing with right now. I couldn’t explain that I felt almost powerless before him. I couldn’t tell them the unexplained hold he has over me. I don’t know why right now, amidst the panic and confusion, I’m keeping this piece of information from my family and Jacob.

“Nessie, are u sure that’s all? u only dreamt of a garden filled with roses where u found Jacob chained on the ground?” My father asked.

“That’s all.” I mumbled not meeting his penetrating eyes. I focused on the relief I felt that no harm has happened to the love of my life. My father frowned.

* * *

I now lay curled on the sofa my head resting on Jacob’s lap. Both my father and Jacob itched to kom bij the rest of my family. They were now foraging the forest hoping to find a lead.

I wouldn’t let go of Jacob when he told me he wanted to kom bij the others. I couldn’t allow him to look for someone who meant him harm. Seeing I’m nearing the end of my wits, he finally agreed to be left behind. My parents decided it’s best to stay with us. Who knows the intruder might decide to pay a visit?

* * *

"Whoever she is, she made sure we couldn’t follow her. Her path was totally obscured.” Uncle Jasper informed.

“She?” My father inquired.

“Just an assumption. The scent was delicately floral mixed with herbs. Oleander and spearmint.” Uncle Jasper explained.

I’m sure it’s not a she…My father’s head jerked.

“What was that Nessie?”

“Nothing, Dad.” I have to be very careful, so I thought of trivial things like being too tired to clean up the mess in my room.

“At least u don’t have to leave for college now, muffin. I know it breaks your hart-, hart to leave poor Jacob behind.” Uncle Emmett teased – only he could tease me at a time like this.

“College? u never told me u anything about leaving for College?”

I couldn’t make myself look into Jacob’s accusing eyes.
10: Tell her that Edward and Bella are going to get married in Vegas.

9: Tell her Aro is coming back for Bella. When she asks u why she didn’t see this coming, laugh at her. Run away before she can react.

8: Lock Jasper in a closet for two months. Throw mutt boy in with him so Alice can’t figure out what happened to him. When she asks u where he is tell her he is on his honeymoon with Jane. Refuse to tell her where they went.

7: Give all her clothes to charity.

6: Encourage Jacob Black to follow her around. Constantly.

5: Ask her to go shopping with you. Don’t buy anything.

4: Ask her “what’s Jacob doing right now?”.

3: Trip her up and ask if she saw it coming

2: Ask her what u will be doing in five minuten every ten minutes.

1: Take her credit cards and shopping vouchers, hold them above your head and tell her to “jump for it”.
posted by RATHBONE07
Hope u all love this Ha she’s finally fighting back

I stood door Embelline door, listening to everything James was telling her.
“Why’d u do it Em? Why? u knew we still had something. Why?” I felt like a huge ice brik, brig was in my throat that second, I couldn’t swallow. What we had? There was something going on between James and Embelline? How could he not tell me? No wonder they both acted funny every time they were near me. Then something came into my mind. Mary had once told me that she was with James. Was James just with everyone? That little cheater. I didn’t want to talk to...
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Below are our top, boven 10 "Twilight" MTV moments. Which is your favorite?

Spunk Ransom Is Born
In one of his first interviews for the "Twilight" franchise, MTV News had nearly an uur alone with the soon-to-be A-lister on the set of the film. Among the many vragen we brought him was: "What do u think of your nickname RPattz?" He responded in his usual charming, rambling manner, insisting that he wanted a new nickname: Spunk Ransom. The term has stuck, been officially defined, yielded some very cool "Twilight" merch and is reportedly the easiest way to get a smile out of Rob — er, Spunk —...
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So in Alice&Jaspers wierd&love Alice finds out she has a daughter and Alex(her daughter)changes her diet and brings her home pagina to the family,everyone likes her!!

So in the New Story Alex and Renesmee become best vrienden and they start school together and go through everything together like with family,friends,crush's,the imprinting and maybe falling in love!

hope u like it!!!when it comes out!!
Read to find out what happens!!in this new story!!!
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
No, lets suprise them! Jake said. How? I asked. We can get into an agrument about something. Jake said. About what? I asked. Do I have to come up with a plan? Jake asked. Yes! Your such a selfish little child! Jake said. Okay kid is one thing but chil and I am not selfish! I yelled. Jake, your the selfish little wolf! I yelled. u have a short fuse! u blow up about everything! Jake screamed. Me blow up about everything? u started the fight! I yelled. Than he wispered phase now. I closed my eye and phased. I leaped into the air and culided with Jake in his wolf form. We turned around...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I woke up to the birds chirping. I wished it would be rainy all day. I couldn't hear anyone in the house, that was the best sigh ever. I didn't know why Jake was mad but I didn't really care. I heard the phone ring but no on answeredi heard the answering machine pick up. It was Carisle! hallo Taylor, I got your new hearing aid in. Stop door anytime so I can put it in for you. Bye. Than he hung up. I unlocked the door, went to the keuken-, keuken to get a drink of water. There was a not on the tafel, tabel saying " Taylor, I went to the store, probably will be there a while, Jake is doing shift back to back....
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look for edward's reveiw of breaking dawn is hilarious really!!!
and i have a vraag are robert p. and kristen s. really dating now cause i saw some pics of them on a concert but im not sure????????????

Alice's pov

it had been 4 months since noah and i had kom bij the volturi well not kom bij force to kom bij would be the right words.

they had been the most miserables months in my life.....

the only thing they make us do is practice our powers our fighting abilities and then go hunting
(noah and i had been teach sooo many thing about fighting that i think i could take jasper easily
i miss jasper

i hadn't...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Hope u all like this one:)

All was quiet. Embelline stood in back of Laurent crouched door the ground.
“You always want to attack from the position that they least expect it.” She demonstrated door pinning Laurent to the ground and biting his neck. “See, Laurent expected nothing.” She started laughing. Laurent got of the floor and brushed the dirt of his knee. “You got it Vic?” I looked once meer at the hole on the ground, the one Embelline had just tackled Laurent through.
“Yeah. Seems simple enough. “ She stood up as well, towering over me, her blonde hair sticking out in every...
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posted by teamalice_0

I hesitated, she told me about them, there was alot of vampires. meer tha I liked, actualy. Alot of guys too. Girls I could deal with, I grew up around them, guys... I was dead scared of. A man, hurt me so emotionaly, I could never get over it.

I cringe near them, I shook if I touched them. Just touching them was bad enough. I nodded. I couldn't be afraid of them forever now could I? I would have to get over it soon. Anyways she wanted to know meer abput me. Since she was done describing what little she knew. But her gift surpirsed...
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nessie's pov

noah wasn't here ........
pain in my hart-, hart was horrible
how many days have i been in our room crying ???
but now i was so hungry i needed to eat noah wouldn't like that i starve myself...
i went downstairs everybody had a pain look in there faces
jake had come the 30 dag but he went back to la push he has extremley surprized when he found me crying so hard , he thought it was just a crush with noah ....
i went to the keuken-, keuken i eat everything from the frige and the donated blood they had
"honey i know it's hard but you'll see things will get better" my granma zei hugging me

but i fetl...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
When we got home pagina we all went to the back yard, we were going to practice fighting more. I didn't feel like fighting but I knew I needed to practice. I didn't like fighting my family but I knew if I wanted to be with them forever, I nedded the pratice. We only had a couple of days beofore the Volturi showed up. I wish it was longer, I was happy to see everyone on our side. I knew they would be, we're one big family. I knew if they were there for Nessie they would be there for Sawyer and I. Soon it was my chance to fight. I morphed into a couple of animals and than I finially caught Jasper. I...
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posted by Gabstaaa
Ever since I was a little girl, I had watched the birds dive and swoop through the air. Gliding and soaring over tree-tops and houses. When I had walked, hand-in-hand, with my Gramps through the park we’d collect their feathers. eend feathers, zwaan-, zwaan feathers. If we were lucky and searched hard we would sometimes come across abandoned nests with hollow eggs left inside. I would handle them with great care, like they were going to crack any minuut and out would pop a brand new baby bird.
‘Can I be a bird, Gramps?’ I always used to ask.
‘You can. Do u want me to teach u how to be a bird?’...
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey all I'm gonna post 1 chapter today for my friend ashesandwine and of course for all of u thx for reading.Now I'm gonna shut up and let u read. P.S. Don't kill me

Bella's POV

"Alice have u hunted yet?" I asked her ,looking her straight in the eyes."Well no.I kinda forgot with all the planning for your party.But who cares." Alice zei in her It Doesn't Matter voice.I rolled my eyes.It was so Alice to forget hunting while planning a party."Let's take a few pictures before open any meer presents"Esme said.I Took pictures with all of them even Rosalie.Then Alice shoved a wrapped box into...
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posted by surfergal
That morning I woke up and decided that I didn't want to go school. Sure I had been missing a lot of school but I didn't care. I looked over and Nathen as still door my side as I had fallen asleep that night. It was nice to wake up and Nathen was still door me I was so warm and comfy I didn't want to get out of bed but I had a feeling that the waves were going to be good today.I went over to the computer and checked the surf meld and of course my feelin was right the perfect swells were here. I went to my bathroom and put on my bathingsuit and then grabbed my wetsuit that I leave hangin up in...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
He stopped, for a few seconds, which let me get out of his grip since I was stronger than him. It was funny to me that I was stronger than Emmett. Emmett was so much taller and really big, I was short and skinny. Okay, very good Zoe, but I think I'll let some others try. Whos next? It was Alice's turn. I went back to Sawyer side. u did great, He zei as he held my hand. Alice was great at fighting Jasper. She captured Jasper and kissed him on his neck. Alice had won. volgende it was Sawer's turn. He did pretty good and he tied like me. Everyone went back in side. We dicided that this wold be...
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Boo Stewart: I’m Signed On For Three Movies
By Twilight_News |
Access Hollywood managed to get Boo Boo Stewart on their Dish of Salt program and got the following info:
“I heard there’s going to be three meer movies,” he told Access Hollywood’s Laura “Dish of Salt” Saltman in a new interview. “‘Eclipse,’ ‘Breaking Dawn,’ and there should be one more.”
The star’s rep also noted the additional films when Boo Boo’s casting was announced to Access.
“Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the volgende three installments of the wildly populair ‘Twilight’...
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posted by RATHBONE07
“So, Victoria, u don’t know why you’re here, u don’t even know where. u must be really worried, it must be killing you.” Mary was standing in front of me, I was tied to a chair. She was leaning forward, looking stunningly beautiful, whispering her plans to me. “Your not going to die, at least not today. But trust me, every freakin second, u will be wishing u were dead.” Her smile got wider, tonen her bloody teeth. I cringed. “You’re the most important thing right now, for the first time ever, if u fail, I will personally kill you, slowly. And trust me, I have...
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renesmee's pov

i couldn't let nothing happen to Noah of to Jacob it was my fault

i run as fast as i could between noah and jacob because jacob was going to attack Noah and Noah was looking at me so he had no idea


i was just in time to put myself in front of noah just a seconde before jacob attack him

"NO NESSIE!!!!" i heard noah and daddy scream but it was too late jacob's teeth were on my neck

i felt the pain in my neck and then a blow of aire pushing me away toward my dad that was running towards me

the aire must had been noah trying to veilig me, how could...
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thanks for the great commentaren im writing as fast as i can go lol

Noah's pov

While this jacob was in the air i raised a uithangbord from the floor to protect my love my world
how this Dog could tell me that the girl i love is his and then attack me while she was so close of course he didn't love her as much as i do

Nessie was crying her deep brown eyes were so miserable
i had to make this stop seeing her like this was worst than any toruture i've been through
i kissed her in her forhead both her cheeks and at her lips and walk to face ,and kill the dog that had make so miserable my reason for...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up I was lying in a hospital. Alice and jasper were sitting on a loveseat holding hands and Emmet was sitting in a chair and Rose was sitting in his lap and Esme was standing door the window with Carlisle. Nathen was sitting in a chair right beside my bed holding my hand with his head down like he was asleep. Everyone looked avondmaal worried and then all of the sudden everything hit at once all the flashbacks of what happen a coue if days ago. Carlisle came over to my bed and ask;
Hey Addi, everything is gonna be okay. He said.
It feels like a truck hit me in my side. I told him.
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