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posted by just_bella
I swore that I wasn't going to write this story for a few days, but it's like an addiction. I love writing all of my stories, but this one is SO much fun!! Enjoy!!

"Emmett, you're alright. Nothing will hurt u anymore." The doctor zei as he touched my hand.

I had so many vragen I wanted to ask. I tried to hold my mouth shut, but once again my mouth opened. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for the screaming.

Nothing happened, I wasn't screaming. I opened my eyes quickly and looked around at everyone, the suprise obviously tonen in my face.

I heard a laugh from the other side of the room and shot who ever it was a dirty look. The person tried to hide the sound as a cough, he didn't do a very good job.

I glared at him and he laughed again, this Ed person was not my favoriete person. He was rude, he was inconsiderate and finally he was laughing at me.

"What is happening?" I said, my voice rough from all the screaming.

"Emmett, I know u have a lot of questions. I have to ask, how are u feeling?" The doctor said.

"I feel wonderful, I am really confused though. I feel like I am missing a lot." I zei as I looked around the room at all the faces again.

It was like everything was clear, like everything I was seeing was somehow veiled before. The light was a bright white color, the 'click' of the clock was louder, the bed was softer and the cold had that was holding mine was no longer cold, but was now warm.

I looked over at the woman who was sitting door my bed. If I thought she was beautiful before, now she was absolutely stunning.

Her blond hair hung just below her shoulders, it seemed like it was blowing but there was no breeze. Her eyes were a soft gold, the bruises that I barely remembered were now gone. I realized that I could stay here forever and stare at her, but I still had vragen that needed answers.

"Who are u people?" I asked trying not to anger anyone with my questions.

"Oh my, I forgot that u don't know that yet. I am so sorry." The doctor zei as he watched me sit up on the bed.

"My name is Carlisle Cullen, this is my wife Esme, our son Edward and u have met Rosalie." He zei motioning to each with his hand.

"Ok, it's nice to meet u all. What's going on? I mean I remember wishing/praying for death to find me and now I feel better then I ever have." I asked.

"Emmett, do u remember being attacked door the bear?" Esme asked.

"Yes, I remember it attacking me. It's a bit foggy but I remember the beer heard something and turned away from me. I figured another animal had come across me and wanted me for its own." I said, the memory causing me to shake a little.

"What else do u remember?" Carlisle asked.

"Well I could hear the beer and whatever fighting, I remember hearing a strange sound like a growl and then the beer screamed." I explained.

"Emmett, that was me u heard." Rosalie zei as she sat on the bed volgende to me.

"I was hunting, I heard the beer attacking something and had to investigate. I came around the field and saw it attack you, I don't know...why...but I felt the need to help and protect you." She zei taking my hand in hers again.

"The beer attacked u one meer time then backed off to kill you, of attack again. I couldn't stand watching it play with you, so I did what I thought was necessary." She said.

"I'm very confused, what do u mean it was u I heard?" I zei looking right at her forgetting that there were other people in the room.

"Well....hmmmmm." She stopped and looked at Carlisle.

"Emmett, my family is diffrent from everyone else." He zei slowly.

"I need to explain this, please be patient and hear me out. That is all I can ask for now, I promise this will explain things." He zei as he sat in the chair that Rosalie had just left.

I sat very still, still intrigued door the way everything looked, felt, and sounded. I realized that they were waiting for my response and so I nodded.

"The reason that Rosalie was there is because she was hunting, that is true. She was very far away because we need to be careful not to hunt in one area too much. Emmett, what do u know about vampires?" He asked as he leaned closer towards me.

The vraag threw me off a little bit, what did vampires have anything to do with my story?

"I just know what everyone else does, the stories about people who drink blood and turn into bats." I zei looking him in the eye.

"What would u say if I told u that vampires are real?" He asked.

"I would probably tell u that u should be checked out door another doctor." I zei shaking my head.

I shook my head thinking about this poor doctor, he thought vampires were real. I wondered if everyone else in the room thought this too.

I heard a laugh from door the wall, I turned and looked to see Edward looking right at me laughing like he heard some inside joke.

"Stop it Edward, he doesn't understand and your laughing is NOT helping anything." Rosalie snapped.

Edward shook his head and walked over to the bureau in the room sitting in the chair.

"Emmett, what u have been told is not entirely true." The doctor said.

"Wait, what do u mean entirely?" I asked confused and a little scared.

"Emmett, Rosalie was out hunting because it's what we eat." He zei like that would explain everything to me.

"Ok she was hunting for food, lots of people go hunting for their food." I zei defensivly.

"Hmmm, Emmett we ARE vampires." He said.

The room suddenly got very quiet, I looked around at everyone wondering when someone would start laughing at the joke Carlisle had just made.

No one moved, suddenly I was afraid. I wanted to get away from all of these people. Carlisle was so serious when he zei they were vampires, did everyone else believe they were too?

"Yes, well we don't all think we are vampires we know we are." Edward zei looking right at me.

I jumped off the bed, noticing that I moved a lot faster then I usually moved. I stood with my back against a window, everyone was watching me. I backed up until I met the windows.

"How? I didn't say that out loud?!" I zei glaring at Ed.

"Oops." Was all that he had to say.

"Emmett, please. u need to listen to us, what u have heard is not right." Rosalie zei as she started walking in my direction.

"Please stop." I zei as I put my hand out infront of me as if to stop her.

"Emmett, please allow me to explain." Carlisle zei as he turned to face me.

"We are vampires, it's true. However; we do not harm humans. We don't turn into bats of sleep in coffins. We live as close to normal lives as we possibly can." He explained.

"And what does this have to do with me? u zei u don't hurt humans, why did SHE bring be back here then?" I asked, anger building inside me.

"Emmett, when I found u the beer was going to kill you. I had to save you, u were dying. I killed the bear, the sound u heard was me fighting the beast. As soon as it was dead I ran all the way back here so that Carlisle could help you. Emmett, you're one of us." Rosalie said, her eyes begging for me to understand.

"What do u mean save me? What?? I'm one of u now? What does that mean?" I zei the panic obvious in my voice.

"Emmett, dear please listen." Esme zei in a motherly tone.

"I can't hear this, please leave me alone. I don't want to know what is going on. Please leave me alone, I want to go home pagina now." I zei upset.

"Emmett u can't go home, that would not be good at all. u are one of us, your injuries were so bad that the only way to save u was to turn u into a vampire like all of us." Carlisle said. The sadness in his voice was noticable.

I jumped away from the windows, I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to get away from here.

I ran past Edward, feeling his hand grab my wrist. It was no problem to get him to let go, for some reason I was stronger then he was. Carlisle tried to grab my arm but I moved out of the way before he could stop me.

I was at the door way when Rosalie somehow was infront of me. She was standing like she was about to fight someone, I didn't want to fight her of all people.

"Emmett please stop. I know u are angry, but please don't leave. I want to explain everything to you, I promise I will have everyone leave. We can be alone and talk about everything." She pleeded.

I thought about it for a second, I didn't want to leave her. I wanted to stay with her, but there was so much that had to be talked about and I needed time to process everything.

"Ok I will stay and let u explain things, I can't say I won't leave after but I owe u this after u carried me so far." I zei as I winked and smiled at her.

"Carlisle, Esme, Edward please could u let us have time to talk?" She asked.

"Rosalie I don't think it's smart to be alone with him right now. He's new and his emotions are all over the place, he's not safe." Ed said.

I was still angry about before when he answered me when I thought something, and his attitude was not helping anything at all.

"Edward, I know u will all be close. If anything goes wrong I will let u know and we can take care of things." She said.

"Come on, let's go. Please Emmett keep a open mind, she will explain everything else. Just let her explain, and Rose don't forget to yell if anything happens." Carlisle zei as he, Ed, and Esme walked past us.

"I'm glad u are with us, I will see u later." Esme zei as she walked door running her hand across my face.

She closed the door behind her and Rosalie motioned for me to take a zitplaats, stoel on the bed again.
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
Source: twifans
added by Andressa_Weld
added by Melissa93
added by Melissa93
added by Melissa93
added by sunrise_90
Source: justjared