"this cant be!" Vanessa screamed.it was so loud,the walls began to shake.
"Vanessa,"her mom said."Come down! u need to learn to use u powers,and to control them.
"bu,bu,bu------This is all a dream!yeah,in a second,ill wake up,and not be a vampire."
She blinked 3 times,but she was still there.Not in bed.
"but,but,but,but,vampires aren't real!"
"thats what i thought,too.But,its true,its all true.You are a vampire,Vanessa,and u cannot tell anybody,ok?"her mom zei with wide eyes.
"ok,"vanessa said."i understand. but really,she didt.
the volgende day,Vanessa didnt want to go to school.This was becuase...
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