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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I left Jason at his house while I drove to work. When I first walked into the building and straight to the elevator, floor twelve. I got of the elevator and waiting there was a woman with a clip board smiling at me well I don’t know if she was smiling at me of if her face was stuck like that but I greeted her.
“Hi I’m April Meyers; I’ll be your assistant.” She held her hand out and I took it. “Vanna is waiting for u in her office. Do u need anything?” She walked and talked. “No thank you, not right know.”
She opened the door and I stepped in and shut it. I couldn’t believe I had an assistant and I just walked in.
“Sit down,” She zei pointing to the chair in front of her desk. “So your bureau is set up u have your assistant, is there anything that u think is missing?” She asked, “Do I get my first report?”
She walked back to her bureau with a cup of coffee and rummaged threw so papers. She took out three and placed them in front of me. “One u can go to the mall and interview teenagers and see what the buzz is about this new band School Boy Humor, Two u can go to the ocean and do the cover for haai attacks for this jaar of Three u can go the morgue and do a meld on the person that just died there last night.” She sat back as I picked.
It didn’t take that long I new that I wanted the murder case. I grabbed it and looked back up to her, she smile and then there was a knock on the door, “Go do u think… can I call u Anna?” “Sure” she smiled as her assistant walked threw the door.
I walked over to my bureau and opened the folder.
Jack Williams died Sunday night June 7, 2009 around 11:40. He was hit on the head which cracked his skull and then his body was drained of all his blood. That’s a way to die especially after having all my blood drained out that’s just… I stopped thinking and I grabbed the photo’s that were in the back. I looked at every inch of his body that was photographed looking for some sign of bite marks.
I knew that the only way to drain all the blood out of a human and not leave any evidence left was door a vampire. There was nothing on any of the photos. I fell back on my chair to think.
“Anna ever thing okay?” I opened my eyes to see April standing in front of my. “Yeah just thinking.” She nodded and handed me another folder. “Vanna just got some meer foto's of your victim from the morgue.”
I snatched the foto's out of her hand and ran threw them. About the 6th one in I found just what I was looking for. On his left wrist was two small marks. “Bite marks.” I whispered to myself.
“April I’m going out okay I’ll be back later.”
I jumped into my car and drove to the morgue. On my way there I was searching for my cell phone. “Hey Jason your never going to believe what I just got for my first case.” I was sort of excited about my first case have to be about a murdering vampire. “What?” “Well my first case some guy Jack Williams died last night at the LA Morgue… door a vampire and…” I was about to speak but when u get cut off it’s hard to. “NO NO NO. u will not take that case.” I was shocked. “What why not? u can’t say anything that would make me give up this case.” There was a short silence and then the phone when died so I guess I won.
A couple minuets later I was pulling into the parking lot of the morgue. There were so many reporters and people just standing there. They had a gate set up for the few people that were allowed to go in and out. But there were police officers every two feet because of the piling up.
I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get in door telling them that I worked at Buzz Wire it didn’t seem to be working for the other reporters there.
I got out of my car and walked to the door. “Excuse me, u can’t go in there.” I looked at him crying. “I have to-o, my grandmoth-er just died.” He looked at me as I stumbled threw my sentence. “Okay, I’m sorry for your lose.” He opened the door and I walked in slowly.
I got to the last door which had tape on it to keep people out but that didn’t stop me. I walked in slowly and quietly. I went to shut the door and it slammed. But I hadn’t touch it yet. I spun around to find Jason there.
“What the hell are u doing here I told you, u couldn’t take this case.” I walked up to him my hands on my hips. “Jason this is my fist asiment and I can’t just take it back because it just so happened that there was a vampire involved, plus how many of are crimes in the states have to do with vampires?” He glared down at me for a while. “Okay your right most of the death in the states have to do with us monsters but still just be careful please? How did u know that we were the mane bron to human deaths?” I turned around to look at the scene. “I watch way to many films and in ever one that bron of information is always a true fact so I took a guess and I was right… like most of the time.” I turned to smile at him and he smiled back.
He walked over to the far right corner of the room and bent down to look at something I just fallowed. “So what are u doing here?” I asked leaning ageist the wall. “You can say I’m a investigator but only for of kind and I go and tell the humans of the victim a story that’s as close to the real story as possible with out spilling are secret to them.” He got up and looked a little confused.
“What is it?” He looked at me like he was having a really bad feeling. “There’s two types of blood here. So there’s meer then one victim.” “Jason this is a morgue there’s probably every blood type here your probably getting mixed up.” He was shaking his head. “No I’m not fresh blood is stronger and blood that usually comes from here is not as strong. Lets get out of here now.” He grabbed my arm and yanked me out to the front door instead of the back door.
We walked to the back parking lot to get my car and know one was there they were all gone no reporters. We’d only been in there for a couple minuets I wonder why they all just left. It couldn’t have been because the cops told them to reporters never back down from that.
“Why couldn’t we have gone threw the back door?” I zei searching threw my bag to find me keys. “Because…” I looked up and my keys were in his hand holding them out for me to take. “the back door was locked form the inside so…” I shot a look at him “Wait u have that good of hearing to know the door locked from the out side?” He looked at me and smiled.
“Start that car so we can get out of here, yes I do but I already knew that because I come here ever other week for my food.” I laughed silently but I knew he knew that I laughed.
“What? It is my food.” I came to a red light and stopped and sat back and looked at Jason. “Yeah I know but to a human it sounds funny.” He shook his head and kissed my hand that was already in his.
“So what am I suppose to give my boss?” He pulled out a big envelope and handed it to me. “I knew u wouldn’t just give up on this case so I did some digging for u to get started.” We were parked in front of his apartment building.
“Are u hungry? I don’t have human food but we could order out.” I smiled at him for trying to make a human datum but it just wasn’t right. “Not for lunch I have to get back to work what about tonight?” I gave him my puppy eyes and he just smiled. “Yeah that’s sounds better.”
He got out of the car and walked to my side and kissed me goodbye. “I love u my Anna.” “I love u too. I’ll see u tonight.”
He smiled and was gone. Sometimes he forgot that it wasn’t the nineteen hundreds and still talked in there classy way but I guess sometimes it was nice to hear it in his voice. I was also getting use to the snowy mint that would come off his words when he spoke, I didn’t really daze off into la-la land. I was able to comprehend what he was saying… most of the time.
I got back to work and April was sitting at her bureau on her computer but most of the other people were gone, probably out to lunch it as twelve.
“Hey April, Your not going to get lunch?” I zei walking over to my desk. “Not really I don’t usually. I bring lunch.” I nodded and opened the folder Jason gave me.
Just a bunch meer photos, I didn’t need those. In the middle there was papers written up. The first one zei in big bold letters at the top, boven Jack William’s Biography.
I skimmed over it not really caring about his past I wanted to learn about his death. Until my eyes caught sight of the word vampire.
What? I was confused I thought people didn’t know about them unless they were the vampires’ personal pet feeding them when they wanted of me. This has to be some vampire meld because I know that Jason didn’t type this up it’s not perfect enough for him. I should call him.
I went to grab my portemonnee and I realized I had left it in my car. “April I’ll be right back I left my portemonnee in my car I just have to go grab it.” She didn’t turn around and answer me. “Okay.”
I jumped out of the room and walked over to the elevator. The elevator muziek was so boring they needed to put something ells on so the people in the elevator would fall asleep.
I hoped out of the elevator and opened to door and the heat hit me like a thousand bricks. I blinked a couple of times to get my vision back and walked slowly to my car trying not to trip over any thing. I bent down to grab my portemonnee in the passenger zitplaats, stoel when some one walked up behind be. “Annabella I have to go and pick up my daughter from daycare she’s sick. So I don’t know if I’ll be back to day.” She looked so apologetic. “Yeah u go take care of her I have to leave early tonight any way so it’s okay.” I zei smiling but and trying to look sorry for her. “Thanks Annabella. I’ll see u tomorrow.”
I grabbed my portemonnee as I saw Vanna pull into the parking lot. She has one of the coolest coloring on her car that I’ve ever seen. She had a Porsche just like me but is was a type of metallic u know like the color that when ever u verplaats it, it changes color, that’s what her car did.
“Hey Anna, did u find anything new?” she asked as she shut her car door and walked towards me. I walked closer to her to tell her what Jason had found. But I wasn’t going to tell her it was Jason that would be smart I would have to lie to her about a very big secret.
“Well I actually…” I didn’t know what happened I was talking to Vanna and then there was this huge light that hit.
I wasn’t sure which direction it was coming from then it felt like someone took a huge balloon and flung me in the air. I hit the grown hard very hard. In a matter of seconden after hitting the ground I went out as I heard a huge explosion. It sounded like it came from the building but I wasn’t sure. Then everything went black.
I didn’t know how long I was out for but it couldn’t have been long because I knew I was still on the ground and I didn’t hear any sirens. I got up slowly and my head started hurting as I got up meer it felt like it wade meer then a car. I ignored the pain and tried to open my eyes.
It was foggy for a little bit but it cleared up. When I got a good look at what was the building that had my job holding it was gone nothing but the floor.
I started getting feelings back in my body. I looked around what use to be the parking lot which now looked like a battle field. Glass was every were bricks were broken into little bits that looked like rocks know. doors were every were along with broken window frames.
The few cars that were in the parking lot weren’t that bad because know one had it parked right volgende to the building. They had scratches and had a couple dents and probably a bunch of crap inside the convertibles. But one car did have a broken back window.
I looked around me and there was a long peace of meddle on my left leg. I should probably just leave it there and not verplaats just what till help comes. I thought to my self I looked meer around me and there was a doorknob near my right leg and I was covered in glass.
I was getting my scenes back and I could smell the blood coming off of me and probably coming of the few dead bodies that were in the building. Then that’s when the pain hit me like a rock on my foot. The meddle panel was killing my leg I had to get it off.
I found another thinner meddle rod that I used as a leverage and stuck it under the meddle laying on my foot. In a couple tries it came up just enough for me to lift my food out from underneath it.
I dropped them the seconde my food was out of it’s grasp. I let it go and sat there trying to breathe. That thing was heavy.
Then I remembered that Vanna was here in the parking lot with me. I stumbled up to my feet and looked around for her but I couldn’t see her.
“VANNA, VANNA, VANNA…” I heard something at the end of the parking lot underneath a pile of stuff from the building.
As I ran to her all I was thinking was how good it was that this happened around lunch time so not many people were here and the fact that Aprils daughter got sick and I left my portemonnee in my car. If April didn’t need to get her daughter of I didn’t leave my portemonnee in my car we could be dead.
I reached the pile and stared throwing things off of her. I lifted on big peace of wood, which looked like the top, boven to Vanna’s assistants desk, and I caught a big guest of blood. The smell was horibel I was just hoping it was Vanna and not a dead body.
I lifted one meer and I could see her. I grabbed and threw faster now that I knew it was Vanna.
I finally got everything off of her. I grabbed her and tried to get her out of here.
“Vanna we need to get away from the building just incase there’s another bomb.” I grabbed her and picked her up and she got up and wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked away from what little of the building was left. As we were leaving the parking lot I could here the sirens come closer. We sat down and waited for them to arrive.
posted by BellaSwan636

When the movie was over, I had no idea what I'd just seen.


We sat down in a restuarant.

It was so easy to talk to him. Not in the "Tia" way, but just that I felt I could say anything and not be judged.

I told him about the Michigan boyfriend, and he didn't stop laughing for a full minute.

"So I should probably not mess with your mom," he said.

"Probably not," I agreed, as I tried to stop laughing door forcing myself to take a sip of coke.

I ducked my head in an attempt to prevent another laughing fit, and the irritating piece of hair that...
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Long Way To Your Heart.

Verse 1
You left me all alone – F G D B C D
All door myself – C C D A
There’s no turning back now – F G D B C D
You’ve made your choice – C C High A D
But I don’t know how – A A E D

Time starts to pass – F G G G
But I’ll keep moving on – D D E D C D
I doubt I’ll ever get over u – D D C D E B D C A
Leaving, leaving – C D F E

I’d finally found – G G (High) A G
Something true – C C A
But then u left me here with no clue - G G (High) A G D E C D
What to do – D F G Lower G

It’s gonna take a lot to hold on
It’s gonna take a lot to love...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
(a/n:Rate and message me if u like it!)

Another dag at another life, I thought to myself as I walked home. I won’t go all emo about it and tell u my life sucks, because to u it would most likely be heaven. My family is rich, I am in the populair group every girl in my school is obsessed with my brother. Everything about me is picture perfect, my looks. I have wavy blonde hair to die for; my eyes were very light green almost yellow. I was slender I had always been. And to top, boven it all I have a jock boyfriend, I know how cliché. I let out a deep sigh once I looked at the clock, it was nearly...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Today was Saturday. It had been 3 days since Ethan’s and Thor’s night of fun and ever since then everyone has been laying off the whole fall in love thing so today I decided to give the pendant thing ago.

But this time something was different
This time when I closed my eyes and the pendant went up in the air and I saw the man with the woman she looked sad.

Like she was hiding something

I tried to get into her thoughts tried to see what her feelings where but it stopped again. I got up and ran down stairs, Thor was the only one that was home pagina and with him was Ethan. I was panting, Ethan got up,...
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posted by iluvtheshow
"Harper! Aren't u happy she's eating with us?" Gwen asked happily. Harper shot her sister a glare. "It shouldn't be a big deal that your step-mother decides to eat with you." Harper spit out, looking back at the book she was reading. Gwen's face fell. She didn't care what Harper thought, she was going to make the best of this. Their step-mother, Lyn, hadn't eaten with them in 2 months. Gwen walked down the hall toward the kitchen, her sister's words echoing in her head.

Chapter 1 *Gwen*

Divorce. God, I HATE that word. It's like something something toxic. Something that can ruin lives...
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posted by khfan12
Vialo By: Josie Mahre

"Run, Ella, run!" zei Vialo. "I'm running as fast as I can!" Ella said. Vialo is a 14-year-old girl with the unique name Vialo Tarah Wilson, also, she has superpowers and the ability to take over / rule the universe / save the universe. Her friend, Ella Newbie, also has superpowers. "Ella, we can hide here." zei Vialo. "Vialo, go on without me. I'll catch up." zei Ella. "No. I'll just telaport us out." zei Vialo. "No! Vialo, they'll find u easier!" zei Ella. All of a sudden, some people walked up to them. "You two aren't out yet?" asked one. "No Jasper....
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In the years following the war the Ministry of Magic struggled to regain the public's trust whilst people struggled to find peace of mind in the uncertainty of Voldemort's disappearance. In 1985 letters start appearing with a very concerning of very hopeful kind of message, depending on your point of view and personal beliefs. They are so anti-establishment, in parts so truthful, and thus potentially dangerous that the Ministry controlled Daily Prophet won't publiceer them of any talk about them on the Readers' Column.

The letters lay out a vision of future where the Ministry no longer exists...
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posted by Mermaidsea
Hair Ppllllllllllllllllllllllll! I am a mermaid fan and wanna be a mermaid! But I wanna see if I'm actually a mermaid... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................................ we can find out together :) commentaar if I know a sight that tells us if I they a mermaid :)
I heard that I can have these signs:
1. U love the ocean
2. The ocean is calling out for u
3. U don't like wearing pants
4. I r naive
5. I love baths
6. I watch dag little mermaid everyday. But the vraag is are we mermaids? Do we have a psychic connection with the ocean?
Are we even humans?...
Pls we can help each other find out :)
posted by Epismatic
A whisper in the cavern that goes unheard,

and a glimmer in the sky that stays unnoticed,

like the start of a brand new life, at the peak

of a mountain never scaled, lies in wait.

It can't be moved door any cosmic mover,

so no passing wind of fog will douse it.

Only your eyes can scratch out the image

of accept it, the light at the edge of your eyes.

Will u take hold of the key you're offered?

Stop singing of freedom; seek it instead?

To become a companion of the new

takes an ever expanding, soaring gaze.

But even door taking one step forward,

door placing one hand onto the mountain,

as the wind tugs gently at your back,

u will realize the cage has already been broken.
u wake up under a shady willow with a vague semblance of what u had dreamt.
You have dozed off again. And no wonder, there is a good book in your lap and your favoriete songs are still crackling through your earbuds. u ought to replace them, they are going bad. u pull them out and decide to listen to nature’s muziek instead. The soft gurgle of the pond coupled with catkins rustling against each other has always been your favoriete blend of sounds. Every now and again your ear is filled with the nearly undetectable buzz of a cicada humming past. u aren’t quite sure, but u think that...
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posted by edencharles
Eden Brolin enacts an 18-year-old cruddy, somewhat unbalanced pixie, who along with her friends, turns out to be the target of a sorcerers’ cult. She doesn’t seem whom u would call a strong woman and its refreshing we get this in horror movies. She seems volgende door normal unruly girl. Her character has no outstanding characteristic, the artist somehow gives her depth. We see it in her eyes and body language.
Blood Bound plot. No it is not cute, it’s not simple; it’s pessimist and frightful. The story is suggestive of Rosemary’s Baby, which does not seem accidental.
It is 2019, and we’re still exploring age-old subjects like Wicca, human sacrifice and sects. Somehow, those subgenres stand the test of time. Horror stories built around pregnancy never get old either, for obvious reasons. As saturated as these themes may be, in horror cinema these days, Blood Bound manages to impress and surprise. It’s its own thing.
posted by zanhar1
u hear a lonesome bird call as u wander out of the forest. It is dull and misty. The sky is concrete, u can taste rain in the air.

Fell it on the breeze.

But u don't care, u keep waking. Walking into the opening where the trees grow ever meer sparse. Where the woodland meets the grassland and all that remains are the twigs and trunks the forest had coughed out. Your bate feet slide over the greenest dewy grass. And here u arrive with a sense of peace despite the chilly drizzle that has just begun to fall. A few meer steps have u standing in the center of an earthy ring. u are...
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posted by FalliNgSparks
The girl I saw had a pure soul
Her eyes sparkled like a precious stone

Her hart-, hart was much golden than her hair
her charming hair flew in the air

.......But I knew she had an aimless life

Every part of her body was filled with an innocent tear
But I made her comfy and told her dear,

nobody is useless.

As she heard this,
every part of her body went fearless.

In a hand I saw a pearl...
& that hand was of the blonde girl.
A Screenwriting Dialogue Master Class & meer - Full Interview with William C. Martell at Story Expo via FilmCourage.com.
posted by floraisbest1
tecna: i love all my gadgets, but i enjoy nature as well
bloom: i totally tecna
stella: ugh all this humidity is making my hair frizzy
bloom: stella!
stella: huh oh yeah i loved sophix powers the outfits were amazing and i loved our bond with nature
tecna: when i think about when we had the sophix
bloom: makes me jelous of floraand just wish
stella: that i had the nature power
timmy: whoah, did u girls just finish eachother's sentece together
brandon: of did u mean totally difrent things
tecna: i was going to say what they said
bloom: same thing
sky: amazing
stella: guys watch out...
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“Bow before oh bow before the Mistress of the Blade.”

She dances in shrouds of silk scarlet.

Heel over heel in spinning in time.

Fabric twisting ‘round her delicate ankles.

“Praise oh praise the Mistress of the Blade.”

The sword an extension of her graceful arm as she twirls it about in Mid-September air.

Crisp September air.

The blade slashes through leaves as they fall.

Hilt of goud adorned in ruby and diamond.

Gleaming and glistening as it slides from her grasp. Wailing through that oh so crisp Mid-September air.

“Watch in wonder oh watch the Mistress of the Blade.”

By night she finds...
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A strange girl started walking towards us, everyone was staring at her. Then they realized that she came to talk to us.
She had mid back length black hair with glowing blue streaks, dark blue eyes that seemed to glow. Pale almost white skin, and dark blue crisscrossing markings on her arms. She gave an angry no nonsense vibe, I was instantly worried.
“You need to come with me.” She said, crossing her arms, her markings pulsed with light as she did so. ”We’re not going anywhere with you, a stranger, and we have school.” Remy stated, the fact that she was unafraid scared me, this was...
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April 30,2000

Dear Diary,

Today's my sixth birthday.I can't wait to watch the new series called The volgende Star.It's a singing competition to see who will be the volgende star.People of any age can try out.I hope some one between five and nine will try out and will actually be good.Anyway I have to go and celebrate my birthday.Mommy made me a sundae and a yummy chocolate cake.Aislinn zei she didn't want to have one birthday for both of us.So we are celebrating hers tomorrow.Bye!


Willow May Rains

May 1,2000

Dear Diary,

Last night I watched The volgende Star.I was watching it and all of the sudden a really...
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posted by karah1999
 Willow May Rains. 15 Yrs Old!:)
Willow May Rains. 15 Yrs Old!:)
Tik Tok on the clock,but the party don't stop!!Tik Tok!"

I covered my ears so I wouldn't hear the rest of that horrible song.People must be tone deaf to actually like it.

I watch as my sister went to turn off her alarm clock.That's when I remembered. Today we were going to see that horrible band in concert because my bestfriend got tickets.My sister likes them too.The band name is Snakebite.I think they are a horrible band that are wanna be screamo/rock popstars.They suck ass.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Willow May Rains,your regular fifteen jaar old girl.I love screamo and rock bands.Real screamo/rock...
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"Welcome to Paris!", her father, Irobin, said.
The old brown horse pulled the wood caravan into the city. Adeena looked around anxiously and wished she could just see everything at once. Although her family traveled, they had never exactly been to a city- not to settle down in. It occurred to Adeena that this was going to be her new home. She looked around skeptically- there was hardly an inch of nature to be seen. Not one. Just what seemed to be miles upon miles of little wood shops and homes, all side door side with the only space being the roads and sidewalks. This was strange, the wagon was...
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