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I could hear the noise droning softly in the nearby forest. A gurgling muffled cry that was slowly receding, becoming fainter. Usually I would ignore such sounds, but the desperate plea imbedded in the cries was enough to make me turn and listen, like some creature was calling me. Weird when I put it like that but that’s exactly what went through my mind when the first cry sounded, a blistering screeching scream.
I stumbled through the over growth, frantically trying to find the bron of the sound before it faded with the gentle whisper of the wind. The forest around me was darkening quickly, the trees fading from a brilliant jade to a dull emerald. The last glimpses of the suns rays glittered off of the trees peaks and the dew drops from the afternoon drizzle. The forest had a comforting musky scent and usually this was enough to comfort me but today, my purpose of following along this well used trail was what kept me on edge.
For a moment I felt the sound disappear completely so I stopped and stayed perfectly still, straining my ears for a sound, trying to get my bearings. I listened for a long time, not even daring to breath, afraid it would be too much and I wouldn’t hear the sound. All that I could hear was the gentle evening breeze and the cries of swallows as they settled in for the night. It was at this time of the days when most minor, smaller life forms of the forest hunkered down for the night, avoiding the piercing eyes of the hunters that come out to play.
I knew this forest, and I knew what sort of creatures inhabited it. Occasionally on the stillness of the late night, the silence would be erupted door the howls of the wolves that lived nearby and the unfortunate victim at the wolves’ mercy would let out one last desperate cry before it slowly faded as the animal suffocated its prey.
It was advancing fast to near night, and I was still about a quarter mile from the beginning of the trail. I knew I would need to turn around very soon but yet something compelled me to keep going. I walked on slowly for a little way, listening in the piercing silence for the cry. I stopped short. In front of me lay the point where the trail forked off in two directions. I decided, against everything in me, that I had gone far enough. I began to turn back the way when I heard a groan, low and husky. I stopped and listened. The groan continued and began to pitch higher. Suddenly it revolved into another scream so high and yet so ear shattering I crouched down and covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut.
It continued, unevenly as if the thing was convulsing of writhing in pain. I pressed my hands against my ears tighter as the scream sustained. It was a horrid and dreading cry of pain and agony, and as I heard it, tears began to spill over as if I could feel its pain, its terrifying ache for survival, for relief.
After what seemed an endless moment, it began to fade into a gurgled sob and I was able to stand steady. I listened for the sobbing and could tell it was close by. I turned my face in each direction, anxious to help it. I heard it again, a little to the north off of the trail. It was dangerous to walk off a trail in this environment so I laid down a marker I could easily identify.
As I stumbled around through the thick bushes, I tripped over an uprooting branch, moss covered with age, and staggered into a small clearing of trampled weeds and grass.
My gaze traveled around the clearing, confusion flickering across my face for a moment before been replaced with sheer horror as my eyes stared, frozen wide, at the boy that lay a few feet from where I stood.
He lay on his belly, his face turned away from me, gasping and breathing rapidly, panting, as if struggling for air. His arms and legs flailed awkwardly around him as he fought to breathe. His back was marred door vicious scars and wounds as the blood had trickled down his back and dried, leaving a trail in its wake. His arms and legs had tear marks ripped through them and the wounds were caked with blood and dirt. His fingers dug into the ground with intensity and he attempted at kicking to right himself. His hair was rugged and knotted with twigs from his struggle.
As I was tracing along the scars that coved the boy, I only had just noticed the chains.
Locked around each of his ankles and his wrists, were huge clasps that were attached to long thick gangly chains that where nailed into thick solid stones around him.
I stared, unable to even send a message to make my body move, my muscles were frozen in place, like stone, I stood, unblinking, my mouth hanging open a fraction. I balled up my fists, fighting against the urge to scream and run from this. Without even hearing the boy make a sound, I knew this was the cry I had heard.
I fought against all urges, digging my feet into the soil, clamping my eyes shut as I protested. Suddenly the boy reared up. His arms flew as he lifted the stones from the ground with unimaginable strength and managed to flip himself onto his back. His leg chains were still twisted but there was enough length he could twist his legs as well. His eyes pressed shut, tight, as he fought the immense pain. His back arched a fraction and as he heaved I stared at his bare chest.
Thousands of tiny scars covered his abdomen and chest. Like a crisscross pattern. His arms were covered in thick muscles and his abs was well developed.
My gaze slid up to his face. As I studied it, it shocked me how such a body could be torn up and marred but yet the face stood untouched. It was a pretty face, of a young adult. He still had hints of his youth with the roundness of his face, his nose and cheekbones angular. His hair was a soft sandy tone.
I was adsorbed so much door this that I barely noticed his breathing relax and his panting slow. His muscles relaxed and the sharp spasms that made his back arch were slowing. His lips parted as he exhaled and gently flickered his eyes.
At first, he searched above and around him, his gaze sliding around the clearing edge. Then his eyes rested on me, standing just a few inches from his feet.
When our eyes met, I involuntarily leapt back and nearly fell back over the branch.
His eyes were like nothing I had ever seen in all my life. They were a brilliant and vivid green, intense and deep. Beautiful of course, but when I actually looked at them, something shot through me, fear, pure undiluted fear of this boy. The eyes screamed a thousand words at me, a nasty feral edge to every flicker of muscle.
He locked his gaze on me and I was unable to look away, I gaped at him, our eyes never parting. I took another step back, cautious this time. What ever my original intention had been to find this boy, they were long forgotten as my body took charge and told to get the hell away from here.
This time, I didn’t protest, I didn’t care what was wrong with this boy, I wanted nothing to do with him, and I wanted to forget this ever happened.
But as his eyes never left mine, not even to blink, I couldn’t escape, couldn’t run. He had me under a spell. Like the snake hypnotizing its helpless victim before the rapid strike. That is what I felt like right now, the mouse, the rat, the stupid dumb animal that won’t make its legs move. And when it did get its chance, it would be too late.
He began to sit up his arm muscles flexing as he dragged the stones a little closer so he could sit upright.
I could see the strain, the energy it took to do that one little maneuver, as his face tensed, but yet his eyes remained unchanged, never letting me go.
He rolled his shoulders then, his bones cracking as he stretched his neck muscles. Blood tricked from inside his elbow but I only faintly noticed it. He lifted one hand and flexed each finger before making a fist; he repeated that with the other hand.
As he casually stretched out the rest of his body, a million thoughts raced through my head.
He obviously is too weak to break free of those chains, so what are u worried about? It’s not like he can get u as long as u stay out of arms length.
Then another major thought battled against it.
Get the hell out of there, don’t be fooled door his weakness, u saw him lift those stones. u don’t know what he can do with those lags, look at them, and look at him!
I battled against it. Run like hell of make a slow escape.
He noticed my pondering as he lifted his hand as a fist, palm up, and then flicked one single finger, beckoning me to step closer.
Without even rationally thinking it through, I took a step, closer to him.
What the hell are u doing?! Are u insane?! SHIT! He’s got a grip one you. Get out! Now!
My breathing staggered and my whole body trembled, but as he flicked his finger again, I stepped closer again. He stretched out his hand, holding it to me and I lifted my hand and placed it in his.
He sighed and closed his eyes as I shivered at his touch.
It felt like a thrill, like stroking a wild untamed animal, which probably wasn’t far off from what he was.
A moment too late I realized I had used up my chance to bolt. Now as he opened his eyes again I caught a glimmer, something flashed in his face and every muscle in my body stiffened my eyes unseeing, my bones locked.
His hand began to shake; tremors ran up and down his body as his hand tightened on mine. His eyes locked in pain and the spell was broken, but yet I couldn’t escape because his grip had become unbearably strong. His grip tightened even further and I began to feel the first spasms of pain as my bones began to crash against each other. I could feel them squeezing together, fighting the pressure. I let out a whimper of pain, hoping he would release his grip. He didn’t, and the tremors only grew, literally rolling off him in furious waves.
I attempted at yanking my hand away and I tugged heavily. It hurt, a lot but I ignored the rapidly crushing pain and pulled with all my strength. Eventually, with one long heave, my hand flew from his but with such force that I stumbled backwards and fell, my head hitting something hard.
When I was able to gain focus I got on my hands and knees, scrambling to sprint. As I looked up, something came crashing into my side and knocked me sideways. I let out a blood curdling cry as the pain shot through my hip and along the back of my legs.
I lay awkwardly on my back, a huge stone crushing my upper thigh, unable to even wriggle from under it.
As I turned to stare at him, he was on all fours, the stone was attached to his left arm chain was the one that had me trapped.
I stared wide eyed with terror as I watched him gasp and groan again, the horrible screams bellowing from him again. I covered my ears again but could not turn my gaze from the sight before me.
He clenched his teeth together as the spasms began and he arched his back. His hands clutched at the soil as another wave of agony rolled through him.
He gnashed at the chains, trying to break free of them, his voice taking on a vicious snarl. His eyes bulged as he doubled over and light brown vacht, bont began to sprout from his scarred back. He writhed and convulsed, letting out short gasps and inhaling angrily through his nostrils. His eyes slammed shut.
He let out another groan, but it sounded closer to a deep rumbling sound from his chest, something I recognized as a growl.
The vacht, bont was soon covering his back as his skin began to contort, his limbs stretching and the twisting, lengthening and becoming narrower. His shoulder blades compressed and shifted to either side as his arms thickened, the muscles enveloping them. the vacht, bont sprouted along his arms as the muscles crawled up them, his fingers thickening and shortening as the began to slightly mold together a form a round shape, knuckles raised and nails morphing into dark talons. A paw.
The process was exactly the same along his other arm, synchronized at the same moment.
The vacht, bont then spread to his lower body, his hip bone contorting as it shaped it self to match the lengthened spine, a little narrower than the width of the shoulders.
His legs shrunk but his feet stretched out as his toes molded themselves together, the bones arching as they had with the front paws. Claws gnawed their way out, replacing the toenails.
His legs shifted as they were placed to his sides and his knees thickened as the vacht, bont finished sprouting. He was now on all fours, but the change wasn’t finished.
I watched as a small lump protruded from the small where his back was jus before the vacht, bont covered it and it grew, vacht, bont crawling along it as it exploded in huge tufts.
I let out a shudder as it wiggled.
My eyes traced back to his neck. It was thickening as well, arching so his head was face on instead of upright. The skin along his lower jaw and chin shivered for a bit then protruded to form the muzzle. vacht, bont covered his neck as the muscles incased it. His sandy slightly curled hair shrunk away as smooth wiry hair replaced it. His ears shifted and began to push them selves to the top, boven of his head, the tips becoming a meer prominent point and the cartilage stretched fanning out to form a cup shape as vacht, bont covered it, forming a long taper at the points.
The muzzle stretched and began to form a cone shape as the end darkened with his nose and two large nostrils flared. His dome skull shape flattened out as his brows pulled over his rounding eyes, the vivid green ever meer intensifying. The vacht, bont finished covering his face and his head narrowed, his cheeks disappearing to the side of his enormous head.
He let out another pitiful cry, closer to a howl, as his teeth exposed. I watched in horrifying awe as the still blunt canines lengthened and became meer shapely, forming a pair of fangs. The rest of his teeth separated as they shifted and his tongue slithered across them, pointed and no longer human.
The vacht, bont finished covering his entire body, growing in length and in thickness before tiny whiskers sprouted from his upper lip then everything settled.
He collapsed then, panting heavily, his eyes closed, but relaxed now.
I took in a sharp breath, my throat dry, unable to even let out a whisper.
I shifted jus slightly to right myself, but my hand crushed a few twigs and his eyes flew open, his ears pricked.
I stared into the eyes of a creature that was once a boy, possibly not much older than eighteen, now a full grown, full fledged wild animal covered head to toe in muscle and fur. A werewolf.
He got up onto all fours, his shoulders jus slightly higher than his forequarters. He licked his muzzle and raised his nose and he sniffed the scent wafting around him.
He turned towards me then and leaned as far he could go and inhaled deeply.
He tried to take another eager step, but the chains restricted him and he growled viciously with frustration.
He turned to yank the chains from the rocks but the stones at his feet wouldn’t budge. As much as he tried, he couldn’t upholster them from the soil.
He growled again, louder this time, as he scratched and clawed at the stones, gnawing on the chains hoping they would break their bonds.
He frantically flung his face around to me, his tongue sliding across his muzzle in anticipation.
He tried to gain back my attention with his hypnotic stare but I knew better than to fall for that again. I quickly turned away, closing my eyes. I heard a nasty snarl erupt behind me, this angered him.
I squeezed my eyes shut as the tempo of his activity increased, scrapes and wood been ripped to shreds, his massive claws ripping up the soil, his ragged snarls. The chained thrashed wildly but did not give way. I tried to struggle free of the weight but it wouldn’t even shift an inch.
I was hoping he would throw it off me so I could make a bolt but I knew he wasn’t stupid, even in this wild untamed form.
I turned to sneak a glace, his was facing me, but his eyes were past the calm, they blazed with fury, he was beyond reasoning as he thrashed violently.
I thought for a moment. If there was someway to enrage him enough to throw the stone off me, then maybe I might stand a chance.
He clawed the ground, loud whimpers escaping his throat as they built up to a bellowing howl.
He raised his head and reared onto his two back legs as the noise seemed to reverberate off the trees around us and shake the ground.
I was momentarily stunned door the desperation of it that I didn’t notice the stone was flung off me.
I stood then gasped as the bones cracked and protested against the weight.
Suddenly the wolf whipped his head around as he noticed his mistake. With out warning, the stone came flying at me and hit me straight in the gut. I flew back and doubled over as a new pain shot through me. Against all, I stood up and tried to reach the branches so I could krab hold of something.
He snarled brutally as I ducked out of the way of the stone that flew at my face the seconde time.
I staggered a little way then collapsed to the ground as my back gave way and my leg could not support me.
My breathing was ragged as I took in quick wheezes, struggling for the air to reach my lungs.
My head dropped as my vision began to blacken, the angry growling right behind me a distant noise.
Some branches snapped and I turned my head barely to notice three pairs of brilliant green eyes gazing down at me.
I took one last frayed breath then faded into nothingness as a huge weight crashed down at the base of my neck.
 This was my inspiration for most of the story
This was my inspiration for most of the story
datum Night *sequel*
Chapter Three: avondeten, diner Time Trauma
By: moolah
    Haley groaned as she heard knocking on the back window. She was on top, boven and barely had her bra and ondergoed on. She quickly pecked Sean on the cheek and put on her yellow tunic on. She put on her gray skinny jeans on then. She ran her hand threw her hair and hopped out of the car. Luke was standing there in his clothes with Ian on his hip. “Are u guys doing something I shouldn’t know about?” Haley smiled and said, “Yeah, probably. Now, what is it?” Luke raised his left eyebrow and zei simply,...
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Mr Grey took us down a big endless corridoor, where our dorms would be.
"Boys one this side, girls on the other. At this school we believe that closeness brings power, so u will both be sharing dorms, with three other students. Of your own sex of course.,"he stopped at one of the doors, the girl side."Ahhh, this will be your dorm Miss Stirling,". I looked at the door, there was a shiny number pate on it, 912. "The students have a dag off today, so it should give u enough time to learn your timetable," he clicked...
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posted by lindizzle215
Today my brother Joey and I were going to drive down to our family camp that we help with every year, we still do but were all teenagers so were counselors now.

"Cam lets go I want to get there at a desist hour." Joey said
"Fine, I'll be there in a minute." I zei back while sitting on my suit case tiring to zip it up.
"Need some help?" Duke asked leaning against the door frame.
"Yes, please." I zei
He came over, zipped my bags up and took some down stairs. I grabbed my other bags and ran down stairs. I put my bags down and zei goodbye to everyone and that I would see them all in a few days....
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posted by HarryPLover
Its too dark
Too dark to see what is going on
Tripping over the couch
Slamming into the wall
stepping on the remote
It was too dark
The undone dishes
The scattered roses
The broken picture
My broken heart
It was too dark
Believing it would change
That he would change
A Waste
A waste of my time
My Effort
The “No Messages” left on my phone
It was too dark
It was too dark to see what had happened
Too dark to try to fix things
Its just too dark
Someone turn on the light
That light bulb in my head of what Ive done wrong
Its too dark
Prom Night
By: fatchick and moolah
It was December on Christmas Eve. Tucker and Kaylee were on their way to the midnight prom when, they ran into Ashlynn and Luke. They were on their way to prom too. Then they all went in the same car. On their way they ran into Hannah and Jacob, so they all rode together, when they ran into Anne and Jordon, then they went to prom. When they got there Haley was taking pictures about 10 minuten later Haley went up to Sean, the DJ, and Haley asked Sean to play a pop song. Then, Haley’s boyfriend, Zack came and they danced.
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Book 2

Alexander Riley

9. N E A R T H E L I M I T

After a few weeks, Mariah was recovered from the accident. I didn’t really expect she would come and get me. She just appeared in the racing tracks in the other night telling me to slow down. I was surprised, though. It’s like she was concerned. I didn’t know why I kissed her in the forehead. I’m pretty sure she expects that we’ll be touching lips door then. But, that didn’t bother me too much.
Mariah is a great person. She’s thoughtful, funny, well what else can I say, gorgeous? I guess that’s the right word to describe...
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This Story begans with a man. And his Brother Tom. Tom Was 20 yrs old n Played Gutiar in a band called Tokio hotel. Tom Was cacasin n had dirty blonde long dreads. Always Wore Gucci Close n Fifty59s (Type of hat) he Was 6,2. his Twin Brother bill on the Other Hand. had blk long Hair like a lion. Cacasin n Dresses Rocker Style 6'2. Wears Make up n Nail polish. n is The lead Singer in Tokio hotle. in That band r 2 Other mebers of That band Gustav n George
Gustav has Short Hair big Glases n is The Drumer. George has Shighty long hair down 2 his Sholders n Was The bas, bass Gutairest. This band n These...
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This one is pretty short but I've been so busy, hope u like it commentaar and tell me what u think.

Elena’s POV
I woke up to find the curtains being draw open and Stefan gone. Every thing seemed a little fuzzy. I could see a figure walked towards me. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.
“Good morning sleeping beauty.” Damon spoke softly. When things came back to focus I saw Damon half dressed, wearing just a pair of sweats.
I ran my fingers threw my hair pulling it out of my face. “Where’s Stefan.” “Not here, in fact it’s just u and me. Hungry?”
He got up and headed for the...
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Chapter 1.
    I had just moved into forks, Washington, me and my brother Eddie were
close so after our parents died Eddie didn't leave me out of his sight.
I was unpacking and going through my things when I heard the door klok, bell
ring. I knew who it was because every time I moved the people volgende door
would come and welcome us. Well I figured it was our neighbor.
    I heard the door open and heard talking. I looked like a slob in my
baggy t-shirt and my shorts. So I changed into jeans and a long roze
tank top. I walked down stairs and zei my hellos I let...
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Katherine’s POV
I leaned off the uithangbord smiling. “I can tell that u didn’t miss me.” I zei turning to Stefan my smile fading.
I turned back to Damon smiling. “I can’t tell much if u miss me with all that ‘I love u Elena.” I glided my hands over his perfectly sculpted abs. His overhemd, shirt so thin u could feel every little curve.
My fingers moving up his stomach one door one. “You seem to love Elena so much, have u ever wanted to tasted her blood, because I know I’ve been dying to.” I zei running my thumb over his lower lip.

Damon’s POV
From the moment she spoke my body...
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Elena's POV

"Why don't u sit down and we can talk." I was pressed tightly up against the counter. "No need to be scared." Katherine was smiling as she took steps towards me. "Katherine this is between Damon, Stefan and u not me." Katherine tilted her head and shook it tell me no. "Honey this is about you."

Damon's POV

"How the hell could u do that? Damon I asked u to do this for Elena." Stefan was furious. I just rolled my eyes. "Your just upset because she may also have feelings for me to, just like Katherine."

Stefan sat there shaking his head. "Don't u get it Damon Katherine never...
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So, I am alway on the look out for writing contests with inspiring prompts for me to enter. I got really exited when I found this one:
link because I had an idea for it right away. I spent all afternoon researching the Battle of Little Bighorn, because I wanted to set it in the aftermath of that battle, and writing it, instead of writing a biography of William Blake that I was supposed to be doing for school :P. then, when I went to go bevestig it, I figured out the people wanted me to sign up for a membership to their website for $6.75 a maand to enter the contest, which I don't really want to....
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
17: Wheel in the Sky

Dying is not what most people think it is-nothing flashes before your eyes, there’s no white light of what have you. The only thing I felt was pain, the blood flowing through my overhemd, shirt and fingers, making them sticky and beginning to form a jas on my clothes. I couldn’t see much beyond the few feet in front of me, the sun had long such set and darkness had fallen on snel, swift wings. There was one sound: my blood pulsing like it was right in my ears. Eventually I made it to the gras heuvel where I fell, too weak to walk another step.
While I lay there, certain I was destined...
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 "You know... I'm not...the one u love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
There have been so many things that have happened to me in the past, present, and future, that I have had a hard time remembering them all. For a vampire, that would seem unbearably stupid; I mean, we live forever, so our brains should be meer adept at handling the hardcore memories. At times I actually thought I remembered my childhood, of even WWI if I took a deep thought into it. But no, the only thing that came into my mind as clearly as the darkness that surrounds me now is this:
Chloe's eyes.
Chloe Cassalani, the one person I knew from the start upon meeting, was a threat to me. The instant...
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 My eyes traveled over to the waitress, and underneath the cuff of her uniform I saw a dagger-slash on her wrist, still throbbing with a small smidge of blood.
My eyes traveled over to the waitress, and underneath the cuff of her uniform I saw a dagger-slash on her wrist, still throbbing with a small smidge of blood.
In the place where I lived, there was worry to a person when they saw a nine-year-old crossing the straat and looking around in fear. Most people would back off, since that was a common sense habit. But when I was the nine-year-old walking around in fear, there was no way that common sense would be a part of me anymore. I had to use the mature inner self that I refused to shed in the past and make it come to good use, because I would need every ounce of manliness I had.
He left a note beside the cottage when I came back from school, and that scared the hell out of me. I wondered why he didn't...
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posted by amethyst44
After that, I had the courage to go into the forest. Every time I did, however, I felt a smidge closer to guilt and foolishness. His threat should have prevented me from going into the forest again, of even think about it. But no. I wasn't going to be bullied down door a snobby kid in the forest from letting me have my lovely freedom when I wanted. Besides, we owned these woods. He could file against me, of burn the whole forest for all I cared, but he would be the one to pay the price. And door the way his clothes were mangled and destroyed, I don't think the price would even match his dream sufficiency...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Bobby’s p.o.v

After I had spent the night with Tayce I went back to the protector’s dorms, they weren’t as nice as the house of cleaner for that matter but it was a place to sleep. I noticed Kale sitting on his bed reading some chapter book Belinda had recommended earlier this week. He looked up and smirked. “Where did u go?” he asked, I coughed and sat down volgende him. “Walk” I said, his judgmental eyes followed mine. “Gee that was so convincing” He said, I playfully pushed him. “So what, it’s not like I’m the killer” I said, I could tell he believed me, but he still...
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Ellen Collins is Moving to a new town.which means a new life,new house and new friends.Her new home pagina was in the middle of town.It was huge.
"Mom...I don't like it here no one will like me." Ellen zei to her mother concerned her partners were separated.It was a tough time for her.
"Not now hunny I'm on a very important business call.Why don't u go to school?" Her mom said.Her mom was a very impotent business women
"Can I have some money?For some food." Ellen said.
"Yeah yeah here's a twenty." Her mom zei handing her a twenty dollar bill.
Ellen went in town,She stop a girl around...
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Chapter 8: not a sweet life
I woke up with Damien's arms tightened around my naked chest.ewww eww eww eww, I swear I’ll kill him! i slid myself out of his grasp and flew to my closet I quietly wore something to escape from him while I was putting on my jeans I was thinking of some place where Damien cant find me, I really couldn’t think of any where so I grabbed my bag and headed to the door hope fully Damien was still sleeping I opened the door and quietly closed it behind me I rushed to my car when jasper interrupted me
-Bella what's wrong? Your so scared and worried.
Not a good timing please...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Jacob!” I was yelling from the bath room. I was in meer pain than I ever thought was possible. It felt like something was clawing its way out of my stomach. This couldn’t be possible I’d been pregnant for only a couple of months. “JACOB BLACK GET u ezel UP HERE!” I was screaming so loud I thought Jacob would go def. He ran into the bath room and kneeled down beside me. “What’s wrong?” “I need to get to grandpa.” He picked me up and drove me to the house and carried me in.

“What’s wrong with her?” My mother came rushing to my side. “Mom stop just get grandpa.”...
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