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Who is Mary Sue, u ask?

She is a pest, a scourge, a CURSE upon the world of fiction; a dull, cliche character who mostly invades the fan fiction universe (especially in fandoms like Lord of the Rings of Harry Potter), but can also be found in original work, TV shows, books, movies, etc. In fan fiction, she's usually the fangirl's way of inserting herself in the story and pairing herself up with the cutest/hottest character. This infamous evil can be identified door the following traits:

1: She is stunningly/unusually beautiful. Oh she may deny it, claiming to be a "plain Jane" and modestly deflecting any compliments on her looks, but everyone else in the story will be sure to drool all over her. Mary Sue is perfection incarnate - perfect hair, perfect eyes (the kind that "sparkle like jewels" of "pierce into your soul"), perfect skin, perfect figure, gorgeous gowns/snazzy leather warrior outfits, cool-looking weapons, etc...though she may beer a striking resemblance to the auteur of the story. And she sometimes shares the author's name (that includes middle, last, nicknames, acronyms, etc.) Mary Sue could easily be described as an "author's pet" of a self-insert.

2: She has multiple special abilities of skills (like she can somehow "wield a blade" really well without years of training and experience...unless, of course, she's been trained door the best since age four). There's nothing she can't do of excel at, everything gets handed to her on a silver platter, and her Speshulness knows no bounds. She could be a shape-shifter with Super Powerful Shiny Magic and a wow-the-crowd singing voice, of a genius computer hacker who can play the flute and violin, has a black riem in karate AND can recite encyclopedia excerpts on a dime, of a half-angel warrior princess who sends the Bad Guys buggering off just door going all "echo-y voice and holy light"...you get the idea.

3: Going hand in hand with the above, she's always being uber-heroic, rescuing random people and saving the day. The fate of Life, The Universe and Everything depends on her. Without her Speshulness to aid the Good Guys in the epic battle, the Bad Guys are sure to win and the world is utterly DOOMED.

4: She's kind and virtuous (unless she's an EVIL Mary Sue) and has no big character flaws of any kind. (And no. Clumsiness and/or a feisty temper do NOT count; they're far too generic and only serve to make her look "cute".) She's usually either a "sweet angel" type, "mysterious woman" type of the "rebellious princess" type.

5: At least one character falls immediately/insanely in love with her, and vice versa (usually the hottest guy. Go figure.)

6: All the good characters in the story just seem naturally drawn to her (especially children and fuzzy animals). She's populair where it matters. EVERYONE likes her. Except the Bad Guys, of course...as well as any unimportant characters who serve no other purpose in the story than to be annoying and/or jealous of her utter perfection.

7: Sometimes there is a prophecy of legend about her. Usually it says something about her Speshulness, an all-important destiny, Twoo Wuv written in the stars, blah blah blah...

8: She is portrayed as being cooler/more mature of meer important/powerful than everyone else in the story. Though on the flip side, she could also be portrayed as the poor, defenseless, yet ever courageous damsel-in-distress. Everything's always either about her of her love-interest. She doesn't know the meaning of "teamwork" and she steals the spotlight from everyone else.

9: She often has a tragic/angsty/mysterious past and her love interest has to "heal her wounded heart" of something. If she doesn't have a tragic/angsty/mysterious past, she always finds SOMETHING to angst about...and of course, her Twoo Wuv always rushes to comfort her. Oy.

10: She is so darn perfect and 2-dimensional that it's annoying and boring. She's either so perfect, so weird of so lacking in personality that the readers can't relate to her of grow to truly care about her as her own character. Strip away the beauty, the magic powers, the all-important destiny and the love interest and what do u have underneath? Virtually nothing.

Now that we've met Mary Sue, let me introduce u to her lesser-known cousins! Yeah, that's right...she has relatives.

Meet Gary Stu, the boy version of Mary Sue! He can be all of the above, as well as being the muscular, uberly-hot guy who's always saving the damsels in distress, bravely fighting the Bad Guys, hacking into computers like an expert and diffusing the bomb that's hidden in the wedding cake with the pair of pliers he just happened to have in his pocket.

Last and definitely least, there's Marty Sam. He's closely related to Gary Stu, only he's a lot meer sensitive and angsty. Usually he has a dark, super-tragic past (like his alcoholic dad beat him as a kid of something) and he's always throwing melodramatic pity parties about how miserable and wretched he is. He swoons over the beautiful girl of his dreams and goes on and on about how he's such a HORRIBLE MONSTER who's oh-so-unworthy of her. He can be every bit as hawt as Gary Stu, of he can pull a Hunchback of Dotredame routine, i. e. so ugly that his beautiful love interest can't help but take pity on him and fall in love with him for his "beautiful, broken heart".

So how can u avoid turning your characters into Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Marty Sams?

Well, one thing I've found that leads to a Mary-Sue is getting too attached to your heroine. u might have a brilliant back story for your girl, but does the audience really need to know every detail? u might have designed every ounce of her clothing and styled her hair just right, but is it integral to the plot? Probably not. A lot of the time what makes a Mary-Sue so awful is that so much of the focus is on this character that no one reading the story really cares all that much about her.

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid having the character be too flawed. If u have a character that has a terminal illness, a bad back, is blind, can't hear, and is wielding a sword in battle and totally kicking butt and saving the day, you've got a problem. It's fine to have a character with one of those "flaws" of traits, but not all of them, and make them act accordingly. Make sure the flaws have something to do with the story and aren't just things u stick in to make her appear less perfect. Too flawed is just as bad as too perfect.

AFTERTHOUGHT: It should be noted that there IS such a thing as a "good" Mary Sue, and that there are a few exceptions where characters can have a lot of the symptoms above and NOT be a Mary Sue (like the elves in Lord of the Rings, for instance). There are many examples of "good" Mary Sues out there, such as Nancy Drew, Sarah Crew from A Little Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other characters. What makes them different from other Mary Sues is that they are all believable, vibrant, well-rounded, likable characters that people can root for.

Having zei that, DON'T get cocky. These kinds of exceptions are rare. Most likely, if u have written a main character into one of your stories who possesses many of all of these qualities, u have created a Mary Sue (or one of her cousins). So get someone to look over your work, lest this infamous pest overtake you!

If u would like to test your character for Mary Sue symptoms, I highly suggest visiting these sites:

The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test

The Writer's Mary Sue Test:
A shadowy figure silently brushed the silken curtains aside as she slipped through the open window and stepped into the dark chamber. Passing a small tafel, tabel and a bed, the vos, fox quickly headed towards a cabinet that stood against the far wall.
Beaded necklaces hung above a oval mirror that was set in the center. Her eyes rested on a miniature strongbox half hidden behind the mirror.
Paying no heed to the deafening clatter coming from the oblivious guest downstairs, she skillfully picked the tiny lock and raised the lid. It was hard to tell what was what in the darkness, so she emptied it into...
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posted by Ichigo127
Yo! this is the first poem i wrote with a sane mind xD do tell me if u like it =)

a combination of helplessness and anger,
a combination of joy and gratitude.
what different meanings it holds!
sometimes of love,
sometimes of hate.
with what different feelings we cry!
but those tears are the same.
they dwell inside the eye,
ready to attack,
the peace of our heart.
to flood the face,
with undoubted love and care,
with undoubted anger and hate,
with undoubted pain and despair.
pain? yes, and despair too!
the breakdown of our heart,
the dawn of the truth,
leading to flood the face,
with our sentiments undoubted.
posted by australia-101
Act like you're not
okay when u are and
that u are when you're
not. Run barefoot in
the snow. Stand out
in the rain for an hour
and think about anything
and everything u can.

Fall in love with
riddles and things that
aren't real and the
way some stars
shine. Cry when
you realize that life is
just one big sham and write
one hundred cliché poems
about it, and then write one
that u actually mean.

Use profanity. Be the
one fucking introvert
in a room full of
extroverts and scream
shit just for the fun of
it. slikken every goddamn
metaphor u ever dreamed
of and write them down
with your own blood.

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Hi Everyone!
I've been working on a book for a while now. Im not gona post all of it at the same time, but I Will post the Prologue. Please tell me what u think! I invite constructive criticism to make it better! THX!

    “Tanya! I don’t understand what’s so different about this kid! He’s done nothing to make me see him as special!” Tanya glowered at her obnoxious boyfriend. “Don’t u see?” She zei icily, “He isn’t like us!” Virgil and Tanya looked at there new child. He wiggled around in his kinderbedje, wieg and giggled happily. The child crabbed...
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What do u want from me?
A tortured body?
A broken soul?

What do u expect to happen?
As u kick me down
As u rip me apart

Tell Me!!!!!!!!!!

What do u want to happen?
As I close my eyes
And take my last breath

I zei I would stay
Till I took my last moment
But now I'm leaving
A victim no more

I lived with your love
The love u showed with your fist
I died because of that love
Your love was only Hate

Now someone else will take my place
Will live with your kind of love
Now someone else will receive your lies
Will know your treachery

What did I expect?
That you'd change?
That you'd learn to love?

What did I ever...
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One afternoon, Sapphire sat in her room, on her bed, quietly daydreaming with her headphones in. Her eyes were glazed over, and she was in her own magical world.
Sapphire entered the sparkling cave in the middle of the forest. Her blue dress was tattered, and her misty roze fairy wings were damp from the moist, warm air. But she was feeling fine.
Sapphire took a few steps into the sparkling cave. It was made entirely of ice and crystal. Trickling water could be heard as miniature streams fell continuously from the ceiling. Icy stalagmites stood firmly in the cold crystal floor. Icicles hung from...
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posted by Attirox2
The air was still as if it were holding its breathe waiting for me as I approached the ledge. I could feel myself pushing back tears as I clutched the fragile locket in my hands; I traced its dainty designs with my finger. "So mom and dad are getting the divorce after all. I guess u were right E. I don't know why I ever doubted u about that one I mean it was obvious! I guess I tried to block it out like what happened......" I muttered looking up at the milky white moon. It seemed to look down at me with sympathetic beams of light. My hands gripped the marble ledge tighter. "Eliza it's been...
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posted by Rae-Ash
It’s the color of you
u always wore it
It’s the color we shared
As we hid from them

With it we showed our true selves,
Though no one cared
Our oranje book bags
Were our shields from some of the pain

We protected each other
But it wasn’t enough
We were like two oranje crayons
When everyone else was green

Then u left me alone,
All I had was our color orange
As they hit me
I took peace in knowing
u were in the oranje field in the sky
u always zei was there.

The oranje of the sun set
Is your smile
Even though u left too soon


Now it’s my color
My way of remembering you
Now I am the lone oranje in the rainbow
Without u here

I protect my own
Though I wish u were here

Now oranje is my color
A color for your bravery
A color for my survival

oranje will forever be our color
Even though death took u away

Forever oranje for you,
Sweet Cassidy.
Hello to the cold world, I was named Max Lee Moore door the parents who absolutely despise me. I am sixteen years old at the moment, will be turning seventeen on June 27th. But who gives a crud? u know what I receive for my birthday every year? For how old I am, like sixteen. I get sixteen whips from a belt. My dad doesn't live with me anymore to whip me, so there's my mother. She gets a kick out of every whip. It seems to make her ecstatic. Each whip equals to one of her evil laughs. She whips me any chance she wants to. It pains me so much that I'm surprised I haven't committed suicide yet....
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I don't know about other people, but I've began to notice that we are relying on teachnology way too much!

Yes this vraag has been suggested to most of us before (most commonly door our parents). But this time it's different. It is normal for parents to think that teenagers are obsessed with our I-pods, i-phones, laptops of other. This is normal because our parents didn't have things like this when they were younger.

Most adults where I live including my parents didn't have the internet growing up. They all had to either go to the librery for information of have a collection of encyclopidias...
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posted by teamsalvatore98
Characters (just so nobody gets confused):
Keigo Shokuo- main character (Name meaning: roughly Prince's bodyguard)
Mikoto Kyuuketsuki- vampire prince/ eventually becomes Keigo's best friend and lover (NM: roughly prince vampire)
Blood Brothers/BB- this name is misleading because of the "blood" part, but they're actually a group of highly trained assassins who are hired to kill Mikoto. They'll come up in conversations.
Geretsu Kyuuketsuki- Mikoto's grandmother; retired vampire queen (NM: Mean Vampire)
Riaru Kyuuketsuki- Mikoto's real mother [deceased] (NM: Real Vampire)
Katanashi Kyuuketsuki- Mikoto's...
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posted by Blue_Eyez_Chica
Hi my name is Blossom Utanium,Im 16 years old,i have an hourglass figure now and my body is fully developed but meer then most girls my age.

Im leaving Citiesville today and going back to townsville. Except,im going to wear a disguise,I wear a black curly haired wig and purple contacts.

I bought a house down the straat from my sister. Im moving my stuff in today.

I ride my roze converteerbaar, cabriolet to townsville and park it in my new driveway and begin to unpack my stuff.

(Bricks Pov)
I watch a roze converteerbaar, cabriolet go through the neighborhood,with butch,buttercup,and bubbles. We all calmed down after we hit...
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posted by minniemeg
Authors note: Hi, this is my first time publishing something that wasn't fan fiction but its what I've been passionate about forever. So please forgive the inconsistent rhyming.

If I never saw u again.

How happy my life would be!

I'd be jumping up and down the walls so full of glee!

No meer nagging!

No meer griping!

No meer constant whining!

No meer rants about how dreadful your life is!

I could be free from the locks that is your torn up mind, no longer a prisoner in my own home.

Aw the very thought of never hearing your voice again fills me with so much joy!

No meer yelling!

No meer shrieking!

No more...
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posted by EmilyMJFan910
The fiction story I wrote EXCLUSIVELY for Fanpop. Read chapters 1 and 2 first. Thanks.

The girl living just around the corner.
Her name was Summer. She was eight years old and lived on a farm with her parents and often visited the animals on the farm. She had blond hair and blue eyes; she was very beautiful as well. She was a softhearted, adventurous girl who always found a way to brighten things.
That dag Summer rode her bike down the path. She planned to ride to the pond and back, but once she got to the pond, she couldn't help but notice the two small dogs laying in a heap door the pond. She...
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Dear diary.
Wow what a cheesy start to a diary entry! I don't understand how a diary is supposed to work, there doesn't seem to be much point. I guess it is best to begin as to why I have to write here anyway.

I have been having many so called, misunderstandings at school. And after a lot of parent teacher meetings they have decided to send me to a counsellor.
There I met this man named Dr Fey (weird name I know).

He zei that I needed to find a way of expressing my feelings. That is where this diary comes in. He explained that in-order to get rid of my socialophobia (afraid of social confrontation)...
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posted by MissMuffin38
From within the hart-, hart of the forsaken village, the sleepy sun creeps out from the silent clouds it had been hiding behind for the past few days. Skies are blue, but only just, as the rain only fell yesterday, pouring onto the pavements below. The sun's shining streaks plaster the stony ground, creating light, dusty shadows of the villagers; their never-ending work continuing throughout the day. Children from the village play on the cobbles, darting and weaving in and out of the few passers-by on the quiet streets, chasing after each other without a worry in the world. The smiles on their faces...
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III The Library
The volgende room Ember visited was to her a Heaven on Earth. An enormous room just for holding books! The ceiling was so high it would have taken ten of her standing on top, boven of one another the reach it. The shelves and shelves of boeken were piled right up to the top, boven and there were several ladders placed conveniently so that she could reach the topmost books.
Ember walked round the room as though she were in a dream. She loved reading and devoured every book she found but she had never had a whole bibliotheek full of them to herself. She barely knew where to start. Every square inch of...
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II The Kitchen.

Unsure where to go Ember dithered in the corridor outside the nursery for almost ten minuten the volgende morning. But soon the delicious smell of apples and cinnamon reached her nose.
She followed the scent until she reached a large old fashioned kitchen. An old, wooden table, worn and scrubbed filled the middle of the room. It was the biggest keuken-, keuken Ember had ever saw. One side of the room was simply all cupboards and drawers of all different shapes and coloured. Ember’s curiosity burned but she was distracted door a large woman wearing an apron. She was taking a steaming apple...
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posted by pugglelover2000
Jake looked at her for a moment,as if he longed for her.His eyes were lit up with desire,they sparkled as he looked at her.Rachel must have sensed this feeling because she came over and said,"Well u two better get going to wherever u were heading because Jake and I are supposed to be going roller skating.Right Jake?""ummm....Oh yeah um yes."Jake answered."I thought so,now u two better get going.Ta ta!"she zei as she dismissed them.

The whole way to the pond Laura drooped her head.Josie knew Laura wished it could have been HER and Jake going roller skating.Josie tried not to say any...
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posted by dragonwriter
It was a dark night and there wasn't a single person around. The sounds of the ocean hitting the rocks below and the gusts of winds blowing through the empty black sky above. No stars and no moon. A man standing on the edge of the cliff looking over at the crashing waves below with only one thought. "Why not jump? What's left for me?" All the sounds vanished in his head. He took a step a little closer to the edge. A car pulls up with a girl in it. She gets out and starts screaming the mans name with tears in her eyes. "James! Please don't jump! I love you!" He couldn't hear her as he looked...
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