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posted by QueridaPantufa

It was as if the earth had moved. The sky was shaking, so that all there was left were falling stars. I forgot all there was around me, everything of everyone I had ever seen of heard about just didn’t matter anymore. I had found her. My true and only love. But just like a falling star, it went as fast as it came. And then all there was left was emptiness. A big hole left inside of me. I will never forget her, she saved my life in every way a person can be saved. So this story isn’t really about me. It’s about her, and all that she was. Because what does it really mean to be happy? Is it friends? Is it family? of is it love? I guess it’s a little bit of everything. Without people around you, you’ll just feel empty and sad. You’ll always feel like something’s missing.

It all started on a beautiful Tuesday. The sun was shining in the sky and the kids were playing in the streets. It was a beautiful Tuesday. Well, to most people at least. Right now I can’t help but wonder what would have happened to my life if I hadn’t picked up the phone of if I hadn’t gone to the park. Then I probably wouldn’t have met her at all. Then she would still be alive right now. Everything would have been different.


Ryan Smith was a nice guy. He zei hello politely to his neighbors, he’d help an old lady kruis the road, he would even help getting somebody’s cat out of a tree. Yes, Ryan Smith was a nice guy. But even nice guys have their bad days. And this, this was one of those days.
Ryan Smith stood up at the same time as usual that day. He ate the same thing as usual, he watched the same TV program as usual. But that was the problem. He was tired of it, he was tired of doing the same things over and over and over again. All day, every day. He wanted something new in his life, something exciting. He wanted to go to bed, not knowing exactly what was going to happen when he’d wake up. And especially he wanted someone to share it with. Faith was on his side this beautiful morning, he just didn’t know it.

So he took a short, ice cold douche just to do something different that day. Just as he was about to go to work, his phone started to ring.
‘’This is Ryan.’’
‘’Hé Ryan, it’s Johnson. I’m just calling to say that u don’t have to work at the office today. As u know, today is the grand opening of the new park just outside of town. I want u to go there and write an artikel about it.’’ Ryan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His first big article! Now, that’s something new and something really exciting.
‘’Really?’’ He asked. ‘’Of course! I’m happy to! Thank u so much John! I’ll go there right away!’’ Ryan heard Johnson laugh. ‘’Well, well. Now that’s the kind of spirit we need meer in this world! Good luck Smith. I’m counting on you.’’
Even though Johnson had hung up the phone, Ryan could still hear his voice clearly. ‘’I’m counting on you, Smith..’’ Ryan quickly grabbed a pen and his work map, made a couple of sandwiches and went on his way to the park.

‘’Honey? Honey, wake up!’’ Lauren Sullivan was trying to wake up her daughter.
‘’Come on Melanie, rise and shine! You’ll have to wake up if u want to go to the grand opening of the brand new park!’’ Melanie slowly, but surely started to wake up. ‘’Hmm..?’’
Lauren laughed. ‘’Now come on, u sleepyhead. Time to get up of else I will go without you!’’ Melanie quickly got up and jumped out of bed, feeling a bit dizzy. ‘’Okay, okay.. I’m up.. See? I’m ready to go!’’ Lauren looked at her eight jaar old daughter. ‘’Don’t u think u should eat and get dressed before we go?’’ Melanie looked a bit confused. ‘’Right.. That’s probably a good idea..’’ She started walking towards the bathroom.
‘’Oh, Tom..’’ Lauren thought. ‘’I wish u could be here to see what a pretty, little lady she is becoming..’’ Lauren quickly shacked the memory of her husband out of her head, and went downstairs to make breakfast.

door that time Ryan had arrived at the park. He was just searching for a parking place, but it was already full of cars. ‘’Oh, god.. It’s still a couple of hours to the official opening. Why is everybody here already?’’ He thought to himself. He felt his good mood slowly slipping away from him. Luckily, he had finally found what seemed to be the only parking place left, that wasn’t a half-hour walk to the park. Ryan never liked walking that much. He preferred driving everywhere.
Lauren wasn’t like that at all. She absolutely loved to walk, and so did Melanie. So it isn’t really a surprise that they decided to walk to the park, instead of driving there.
It was about eleven o’clock when they got there. The official opening started at one o’clock.
‘’Mom! Mom, look at me!’’ Melanie was jumping and running around in the grass, pretending to be a butterfly. ‘’Look mom, I can fly!!’’ Lauren looked at her daughter smiling.
‘’Just don’t go too far, okay? Stay where I can see you.’’ Lauren said, not sure if Melanie even heard her. She found a good place in the shadow of a big tree, where she sat down to read a little before the opening. She grabbed her old version of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. Lauren had read all of her boeken hundreds of times, but never got bored. Yet today she wasn’t feeling the excitement she usually felt when reading a book. She couldn’t even open it. She couldn’t help but think of Tom. She missed him so much, sometimes all she could do was stare out of the window, without even moving an inch. Wondering what If ?
She missed his smile when she did something clumsy as usual, she missed how his hair looked when he just got out of bed. But mostly she missed the way Tom used to looked at Melanie. It was a look full of love. Lauren had never told Melanie she was adopted, she just couldn’t do it. But even though Melanie was adopted, Lauren and Tom had always loved her like she was their own. The reason that they had never told her anything about that, was because of Tom. Tom was adopted as well, so he knew what it was like. He knew what it was like not knowing who your real parents are. He knew how it felt to always think what if ?
What if I was never adopted? What if I met my parents now? What would I do? What would I say? The only thing Tom had known for sure, was that he had a biological twin brother.
But he had never met of seen him. And now it was too late.

‘’Mom? Mom!’’ Melanie was standing over Lauren. Lauren quickly got back to reality and focused on Melanie. ‘’Yes, what’s wrong sweetie?’’ Lauren zei worried. She had never seen Melanie look so confused and so excited at the same time. ‘’Mommy, I just saw daddy! Daddy is here also!’’ She zei happily. Lauren couldn’t even say anything, she just stared at her daughter. ‘’What do u mean; u saw daddy?’’ Melanie didn’t answer her, but instead started pulling Lauren’s arm to get up. ‘’Come on! Get up! Don’t u wanna say hello to daddy? Don’t u miss him?’’ As Lauren slowly stood up she tried to make sense out of what she’d just heard.
‘’No.. He couldn’t be..’’ She thought to herself. Without even thinking about it, Lauren started to walk along Melanie to wherever she was taking her. Melanie looked up to Lauren.
‘’Look mommy! There he is! u see? I told u daddy was here too!’’ Lauren was so shocked door what she saw, that she just dropped her book on the floor. There, a couple feet away from her was sitting Tom. She couldn’t believe it, though it was right in front of her. It was Tom! It was a miracle, he was back!


‘’Mommy? Mommy!’’
‘’Is she alright??’’
‘’What happened?’’
‘’Should we call someone?’’
‘’Kid, do u know who we can call for your mother?’’
Lauren slowly opened her eyes. She was lying in the grass, hearing voices she couldn’t quite understand. What had happened? Did she pass out? Tom! She saw Tom! Where was he?
Did he leave again? ‘’Tom? Tom, where are you? Tom?!’’ She looked around confused.
Who were all these people? ‘’Tom!?!’’ She tried to sit up, but someone stopped her. ‘’You should probably stay down for a while, u just passed out.’’ Lauren didn’t listen, she didn’t want to listen. She stood up and looked around. ‘’Tom, where are you? Tom? Where’s my husband!’’ She didn’t see him anywhere, he was gone. When everything was finally going well with her life, he showed up. And now he has disappeared again. She fell on her knees, looked up and started to cry. ‘’Please, please Tom.. Come back to me.. Please.. u can’t leave me here, not after everything I’ve been trough..’’ Melanie looked at her mother insecurely. ‘’Mommy? Daddy’s right here, but he says he’s not daddy…’’ Lauren looked at her. Beside Melanie a man was standing who at the same moment looked exactly like Tom, yet also was a stranger to her. It wasn’t Tom. Now that she looked closely enough she saw it. It wasn’t the man she’d known for all her life. It wasn’t the man she had married. And it sure wasn’t the man who had died in a car accident a couple years back and broke her heart. It wasn’t Tom.

The man sat down beside Lauren. ‘’Are u okay? I don’t know who Tom is, but it isn’t me. My name is Ryan Smith.’’ He looked at her with a worried face. All the other people had left already. She now was alone with Melanie and Ryan. ‘’I’m fine, thank you.’’ She avoided looking at him. ‘’Melanie, u want to go home pagina of stay here for the opening?’’ Lauren asked.
‘’I want to go home, but I don’t wanna walk all the way again.’’ Lauren quickly thought what she should do. She didn’t bring any money, so they couldn’t go with the bus. She also couldn’t carry Melanie all the way. Her thoughts got interrupted door Ryan. ‘’I drove here, I can take u home pagina if u want.’’ Lauren finally looked at him. He probably thought she was some kind of crazy woman. ‘’No, that’s okay. u came here to see the opening, it’s almost starting. You’d miss it if u take us back.’’ The poor guy kept looking like he had to do something, anything. ‘’No, no. It wouldn’t be a problem at all. It’s the least I can do.’’
Lauren looked at him thankfully. ‘’Well.. Okay, I guess. I appreciate it. Thank you.’’
Ryan smiled relieved. ‘’Okay, let’s go then.’’

The drive home pagina was awkward. Lauren didn’t know what to say, neither did Ryan. Melanie just sat silently in the back, still feeling a bit confused. Ryan stopped the car in front of their house. ‘’So.. Here we are..’’ Ryan zei nervously. Lauren finally looked him in the eye.
Tom’s eyes.. She felt a familiar pain in her chest. ‘’Thank u for driving us home pagina Ryan. Uhm.. Do u want to come in for some tea?’’ She asked trying to be polite. ‘’No, thank you. I can’t. I have to write an artikel on the opening. It’s my first real article, so I really can’t miss it, sorry.’’ Ryan responded.
Lauren actually felt kind of relieved, though she tried not to toon it. ‘’Oh, okay. That’s fine, don’t worry about it.’’ She looked at Melanie. ‘’Come on, Mel.’’ Before she got out of the car, she thanked him again for driving them home, since she didn’t know what else to say.

The rest of the dag Lauren tried not to think about Ryan. She went to the cinema with Melanie, just for the distraction. Yet as much as she kept trying, she saw Tom everywhere. She thought she saw him when there was a man with the same jas as Tom used to have. She thought he was sitting behind her when she smelled his old aftershave. She thought she heard him when someone laughed, because it kind of sounded like Tom.
Lauren hadn’t felt this way in a long time and now it was starting all over again. Now that she could think about it, it was pretty logical. She always knew Tom had a biological twin brother. So of course they looked so much alike. What she couldn’t figure out though, was how she just bumped into him. There were so many people in the park at that moment. This couldn’t just be coincidence, could it? Maybe she was supposed to meet him, since Tom never did. But she didn’t ask for his phone number of address. It didn’t even kruis her mind until now. If it really wasn’t just a coincidence, she would see of hear from him again. If she didn’t, she just had to forget this whole day.

That night, when Lauren was lying in bed, she just couldn’t fall asleep. And when she finally did, she had nightmare after nightmare. It mostly was about Tom’s accident. She knew how it happened, of course she did. She was sitting right beside him. She still couldn’t fully understand why he had been the one to die and not her. She had felt so guilty for so long. Like it was her fault that Tom died. Like he died because of her. His life for hers. Of course that had nothing to do with it. It sounded so crazy, even when she didn’t say it out loud.
But u can’t just change the way u feel. of the way u are for that matter. People say it’s so easy to change, like they know what is going on inside your head. They always look at u with criticism in their eyes. Even when they don’t say it, u know it. u can feel it.
If u lose someone u love, everyone suddenly cares. Suddenly everyone wants to help you. But after a couple of months they forget you. They don’t come door to check on u anymore, they don’t call as often as before. They just don’t care as much. Sure, it’s tragic, but u have to verplaats on. A few months is meer than enough to grief over your dead husband, your dead father, your dead friend. At least, that’s what they say. Not in front of u of course. Nobody ever says anything in your face anymore. All of it happens behind your back, yet u still know exactly what their talking about. You.


The volgende morning everything seemed to be going normal again. Lauren was just finishing Melanie’s breakfast, when she heard the doorbell. She washed her hands and went to see who it was, so early in the morning. When she opened the door, there was Ryan. For a quick seconde she thought, of better zei wished it was Tom. ‘’Ryan? What are u doing here?’’ Lauren asked. ‘’Well, yesterday u left your book in the park. I thought u might want it back. I forgot about it when I drove u home.’’ Truth be told, he did not forget. Ryan just wanted an excuse to drive door again. He felt a strange connection to Lauren and Melanie.
He couldn’t explain it, he didn’t even understand it. Lauren looked at the book in his hand.
‘’Oh! Thank you, Ryan. I appreciate u taking the time to drive by.’’ She didn’t really know what else to say. Neither did Ryan. ‘’No, no, it’s okay. I was in the neighborhood anyways.’’
Lauren quickly thought to herself about what she should do. She did promise herself that if her meeting Tom’s twin brother wasn’t just a coincidence, she would see of hear from him again. And now there he was, right at her doorstep. ‘’Do u want to come inside for some coffee of tea?’’ She asked. Ryan couldn’t help but smile. ‘’Yea, sure. I would love to.’’

Lauren took Melanie to school and spent the rest of the dag with Ryan. They talked about themselves, their jobs and their lives. They talked about Melanie and at last they talked about Tom. Ryan hadn’t known he’d had a biological twin brother. He wanted to know as much as he could about Tom. How was he like? How did he die? What kind of films and muziek did he like? Did he like to write, just as Ryan himself? Had he been happy with how he spent his last days on earth, of was he angry? Sad? Bored? Ryan had watched the photo’s in Laurens house, feeling like he was looking at what could have been him. He could have had a wife door now, a child, a family. But he was alone, because the only thing he had been able to focus on was his work. For the last years he’d spent so much time trying to get a promotion. And then he finally got a chance to write a real artikel and he missed it. He was too late for the opening, because he drove Lauren and Melanie home. But he didn’t even care. Not really. Because otherwise he wouldn’t be sitting there, hearing stories about the brother he had never known. Otherwise he wouldn’t have met Lauren. For the first time in his life, Ryan understood why people would choose family over career. When he drove home pagina that day, he realized that he’d been so focused on work because he was lonely. But how could he ever meet someone if he was always working? Even when he didn’t have to write something for his job, he did it anyway. Trying to improve, to be better. He has come a long way because of it, he just hadn’t had the chance to toon it yet. Until yesterday of course.
posted by theanimemaster
It's the middle of the night,

And I can't sleep

Your face, planted with a smile

Are the only things I see

Your voice calling my name

Is the only thing I hear

I can feel your hand rubbing my back

Hearing u whisper ''good night''

I jump and look around,

And soon realize u are not there

I sob, tightly holding the gift u once gave me

It's right here, on my bed, in perfect condition.

30 minuten later, I wipe my face and go back to sleep…

I wake up once again

And the cycle starts all over again…
added by zanhar1
posted by zutaradragon
your mistakes don't define you, now. they don't tell u who you're not, of who u can never be. what's it take to get u to say you'll try? you've got to live this life like it's the only one you've got. what would u say, what would u do, if this was your last day? so, u found out today that life's not the same. not quite as good as yesterday.
and, yes, i know it hurts & i know your pain, but u never gave up this easily befor. such a beautiful thing to just throw away. i think u need to know that, of all the colors that u shine, this is surely not your best, it's really not your style. u should think about what u do, befor u do it, over and over again. i know u feel alone, that know one can figure u out, but u sould know that we just love to see u smile.i know u feel like you're lost, feel like you've drifted way to far away, but we can help u come back.
posted by alicia386
Shane Gildmen stared at the roaring waves. In just a couple of days his girlfriend would be back from her trip to Europe. He had no idea how he was going to deliever the tragic news. His girlfriend was so fragile. He didn't want to crush her feelings.
A week after she left, he cheated on her with Emily Tones. Emily was there for him. While his girlfriend, Trinity, went on vacation. Emily talked with him when he thought Trinity was cheating on him with some european dude. He kissed Emily. He daydreamed about Emily. He even wanted meer from Emily then just a kiss. Soon he depended on Emily....
continue reading...
added by axemnas
Source: Lindsay Reddick, axemnas
posted by madening_mahem
 Example of the Maiden
Example of the Maiden
At night, far away, in ancient Japan...
A fair maiden slumbered, only to be awakened door blood curdling screams. She open her eyes to a frightening sight, the bodies of her most beloved servants and close relatives astray on the floor, lifeless, dead. She hastily slide open the doors to her room, and ran down the corridor, which was lit with the moonlight that seeped through the paper doors, which were now drenched in blood.
Though her limbs felt heavy, she ran as fast as her hart-, hart beat. Running away from the cries of her family still being slaughtered door an unknown murderer, away from what...
continue reading...
posted by Epismatic
The Man With No Eyes Collection (1): The Actor

Sundown, sunrise.

Big smile!

(Tired eyes.)

I vanish into thin air.

An actor never fails.


To give the world a rousing show

(While begging to be recognized.)

To shine as brightly as the sun

Upon the troon that we’ve devised.

A patchwork-quilt protagonist

A villain from the shadow realm

The work of the illusionist

When I, the actor, take the helm.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to see…”

The whisper marks my story’s birth.

The audience will gather ‘round.

(The jury to decide my worth.)

"The Man With No Eyes" is a series of poems, all of which are unfolding from one character's point of view. They are meant to represent an ongoing journey. So if u liked this one, stay tuned for more. :)
posted by Dearheart
A/N: I finished writing this about five minuten ago, lol. It's actually a song, but I figured it would fit as a poem as well.

This poem/song was inspired door two things: 1) A few of my favoriete anime couples, namely Ed x Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist and Hoshino x Tanabe from Planetes (AWESOME series). And 2) while my dad was in Iraq, he heard "My Immortal" for the first time and zei he loved the idea behind it...but it was too sad/depressing because "the chorus was in past tense instead of present tense." So he asked me if maybe I could take the same concept and do my own thing with it. I...
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posted by vanelandsisters
I remember your books
In the hallway
I remember u cracking up
Microscopes in the garage
Those old parts
I love u meer than anything

I remember your blue eyes
Looking into my emeralds
Like we lived in our own world
I remember u chasing
Our brother
Then falling asleep in my lap
I can still feel u curled up door my side
Little man
And even through that night I knew
You fought it hard as u could
Remember I
Held u and whispered

Come on, baby
With me
I'm never gonna leave
You behind
You were
My best
Thirteen years

I remember the first night
When my hope
Turned to crying and screaming your name
Flowers pile up in the...
continue reading...
added by segafan
She was beauty woven into a living being... If only that were the case. But as I stepped towards her, opening my mouth to speak, she faced me, never moving her feet to turn. We held eachother's gaze for a few agonizing moments. It seemed as though she was just going to stare at me until I did something.
When I reached this conclusion, i decided to take a step forward. As I did so, she began to shiver. Another step, and she began to twitch anxiously. Another step, this one seemed to be all she could take. Yet, I had to know. So I took one last step, and she broke.
Her eyes flashed and her hair...
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posted by dragonsmemory
Creating your own universe is a great way to pass time. It will also give u a rough outline for your writings. These are the steps I follow in creating Eden.
Step 1: Establish main geographical features. This will be crucial in establishing the settings in your stories. If a certain river has magical properties, u have to knw where the bron of the river is to be able to pinpoint the bron of the power.
Step 2: Establish lifeforms present on your world. u have to know what creatures live there before u can write their histories. If the dragons had not attempted to merge themselves with...
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posted by sasuhia4ever
    “It all started about six years ago…my mom and dad were at the park playing with my younger brother, Tyler, on his fourth birthday. I had decided to hang out with my vrienden instead… now I wish that I had never made such an idiotic decision. Cause of that dag at the park, someone came and murdered my parents and stal away my little brother. I know all of this because that dirt bag left a letter saying “ I murdered both of your parents and stal your little brother because when I went to kill him I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. So, I haven’t decided...
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added by khaledodeh
posted by uniquezandy
Sams POV
I am your normal, typical everyday teen who is 16 years old. Samatha is my real name; say it to my face and I will bite your head off. People say when there young, (girls anyway,) "Look mummy, I want to be a princess when I grow up, and I'm going to marry a handsome prince." To tell the truth, I used to be a girl like that. A girl who read every fairy tale she could get her hands on, and believe that they are real. It is a load of poison now. I had to learn that in real life, true love is rubbish and u won't grow up to be want u want. And in life, change happens quite alot and...
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added by Nostariel510
Source: google
Taylor Mali lovingly mocks his own genre.
slam poetry
taylor mali
i could be a poet
posted by para-scence
**6 months later...***

Bride laughed and giggled as I bounced her on my leg; just another dag at the park. It was summer, finally, a break from school. I guess I was looking vooruit, voorwaarts to being a sophomore. School wasn't that bad anymore now that I had my friends. Felicity wasn't that bad either. We're not exactly the greatest of friends, but we can tolerate each other now. Also, Trace and I started dating. It was great; he's really sweet and funny. I couldn't ask for a better guy.

"Come on, Harley! Gail zei to be home pagina door three!" Aspen called. Everyone else was already at the sidewalk, starting...
continue reading...
posted by ginax0o
Something has severely struck my curiosity
Did he know of his ill fate?
What were his last thoughts?
Did he even have any?
If so were they about his family?
If his life flashed before his very eyes,
Did he have any regrets about what he saw?
What were his last words?
So many vragen about this stranger dying before my very eyes ,
whom I know absolutely nothing about.
The touchiest of subjects and its stuck on my mind
Truthfully, the only people who know the answer
are forever gone.
When time comes for me to know the answer
What will I be thinking about?
Will I know of what is to come of me?
Who will I...
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posted by elizasmomma
I'm setting here looking at a paused televisie screen and i soon think to myself is that the way that our life is life when we are put on hold.

If tht's the case then why are we not able to do the work that we have been meant to do forever,
how can the people in our lives trust us for the decisions that we make in our daily lives that we live.

are we really meant to be th people that we are meant to be of are we just passing through this earth with no-where to go but down, that is what i think about when i see a paused tv.

so what do u think about this journal entry that i just wrote u need to think about what i zei and give me your best anwsers that u can give.

thnx erie morgan maples