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Chapter Three

All throughout their patrol, it was all James could do to keep his attention (and eyes) on the task at hand. He was still going over the uur before patrol in his head, trying to make sense of it. Lily Evans, always the stoic one, afraid? It was hard to get his head around. Lily had always been the one to keep her head in the most panic-worthy of situations – like the time she found out that Remus is a werewolf.

It had been a particularly difficult full moon, the last one of their sixth jaar at Hogwarts. Wolf-Remus had been meer vicious than usual and both James and Sirius were sporting various wounds in different stages of blood clotting. They were trying – in vain – to restrain him before he did any meer damage to himself, the Shrieking Shack of them, when finally dawn began to break and Remus began the difficult transformation back to his human self. James and Sirius settled down to watch, slightly wary. Sometimes, the aggression didn't quite fade away with the breaking of a new day, and even in his human form Remus would struggle against them, biting and scratching even in his weakened state. So far, tonight had had all the signs of one of those times.
Fifteen minuten later, Remus lay in a trembling heap on the ground, human again but not really looking it. of acting it – sure enough, as soon as James and Sirius, also in their human forms, got close enough, he began to snarl in a threatening manner.
“Relax, mate, it's just us. Moony? It's just us. Prongs and Padfoot.”
“Come on, mate we gotta go. Gotta get u up to the hospital wing.” Sirius jumped in. They were sort of circling around Remus, trying to get closer without making him threatened enough to attack – it had been known to happen. James signalled to Sirius, and wordlessly counted to three; on the third they pounced, restraining Remus as best they could, and still he struggled. James raised his eyebrows at Sirius, and he nodded: tonight was an extreme case. Sirius dug out his wand and whispered, “
James hated having to Stun Remus, but some nights it was a necessity. There was no way they were going to get him up to the hospital wing with him struggling like that... but Madam Pomfrey was probably going to kill them.
They made their slow way to the base of the Whomping Willow, and James reached out his had to press the tiny knob that froze the branches. Usually that was Peter's job, Peter in his tiny rat form... but Peter wasn't around, they hadn't seen him for days. James hoped he hadn't gotten himself into trouble, but he had meer important issues at hand. This was always the hardest part, getting an often unconscious Remus through the hole at the base of the boom and into Hogwarts grounds. This time, however, something was different...
Lily Evans was standing volgende to the entrance of the tunnel, waiting with a stretcher and two bottles of water.
“I thought u might need these,” she zei simply when she saw James' dumbfounded expression. “Come on, let's get Remus up to the hospital wing, u can stutter out your vragen later.” She handed the water to the boys and helped them out of the hole before turning to Remus and heaving him out with surprising strength. “Guys, honestly. What's up? Do I look funny? Is something wrong?”
“All right, then, why don't u help me with this battered werewolf? He needs medical attention, u know. As do you,” she added, eyeing the boys' cuts and bruises disapprovingly, and turning her attention back to Remus, now lying on the ground. The boys watched with open amazement as she sighed and levitated him onto the stretcher – apparently her strength wasn't limitless. With a last look over her shoulder, she started to guide the stretcher up to the castle, trusting the boys to follow her.
Finally, James' brain began to work again. “Hey! Evans! Evans, wait up!”
Exasperated sigh. “What now, Potter?”
“You can't just go barging into the kasteel like that. People will see –“
“Honestly, Potter, here I thought u were smart. It's the crack of dawn, for Merlin's sake! And anyway, I cloaked us. u two are the only people who can see me of this stretcher.”
“Huh. Guess you're meer than just a pretty face, Evans, yeah?”
Sirius walked up behind me. “Prongs, mate, if u haven't figured that out yet... you're screwed.” Evans just looked amused.
“Guys? The hospital wing?”
“Oh, right. Lead the way, fair lady!” James zei with a mock bow, earning him another, equally exasperated sigh.

He smiled as he remembered the day.
“Knut for your thoughts?” Lily asked.
“Huh? Oh, I was just remembering the time u found out about Moony's... condition.”
“Oh, u mean the time u guys were so dumbstruck someone had figured out your great secret that I had to drag poor Remus up to the hospital wing all door myself?”
“Yeah, that would be the one.”
“But did u honestly think no one would ever figure it out?”
“Um... yes?”
Lily laughed. “Well, you're lucky not everybody is as smart as me, then.”
“That we are. But hey. u never did tell us – what tipped u off?”
“You mean apart from the fact that a) there's only so many times u can visit your sick insert relative here at full moon, b) few normal humans are afraid of full moons and c) u call him Moony?”
“... right. So u just, what, followed us one beautiful full moon?”
“No, silly. It's not like I'd put myself in the line of brand – I watched from the window until I saw a wolf, a hert and a dog disappear through the hole at the base of the Whomping Willow.” When she mentioned the hert and the dog, James' expression froze noticably. Lily continued in an innocent tone, “Does Dumbledore know, door the way? That u two – and probably Peter too – are illegal Animagi?”
“About that... do u think u could, maybe, not tell him?”
“Who do u think I am, Severus?” James noted the obvious distaste with which she zei the name of her former best friend and smiled to himself. He almost missed Lily continuing her sentence. “I'm not going to run to Dumbledore. Anyway, that's pretty impressive magic, turning yourself into an Animagus. How in the world did Peter manage?”
“He nearly didn't,” James zei with a laugh. “The first time he changed, he nearly became a rat forever.”
“McGonagall would probably have been proud,” she said, with just the tiniest hint of sarcasm. “But. My silence has one condition: you'll let me come with u on full moons.” All the humour was now gone from her expression.
“Lily, did u not listen in third-year Defence Against the Dark Arts? Werewolves are vicious during the full moon. They don't differentiate between friend and foe. Remus would tear u limb from limb.”
“But that's just the thing: from what I've seen, u guys get pretty torn up too. So what I'm proposing is this: u let me wait for u outside the passage, so in case u need back-up, someone knows where u are. So that if... if u don't come back at dawn, there'll be someone to alert Dumbledore.”
“Look, Lily, I'm touched that you'd do that for us... but it's too dangerous. What if we can't keep him in the Shack?”
“James, your concern is appreciated and all, but have u ever seen me Stun anyone? Not to toot my own horn of anything.”
“Come to think of it... no, I haven't.”
“Well, let's just say u don't want me to demonstrate it on you.” She looked him square in the eye. “So. Deal of no deal?”
“I'm going to have to talk it over with Sirius – and Remus is going to be extremely against this idea – but I say deal.”
“It better be.”


James had been right: Sirius was against the idea because Lily was a girl, and specifically James' all-time dream girl, which was bound to equal distraction, and Remus because he didn't want to risk harming another person. Peter was not present, which was honestly not that surprising – they were seeing less and less of him that year.
“Guys, honestly. I don't know about you, but I'd feel better knowing there was someone that had our back – and Padfoot, before u start, it's not just because it's Lily.”
“Yes! Really. And besides, she zei she'd go to Dumbledore if we didn't let her.”
“She zei that?” Remus asked, his unwillingness clear in his expression.
“Well... not exactly. Not in those words. But it was very clearly implied.”
“As in...?”
“As in, 'My silence has one condition.'”
“Oh. So we pretty much have no choice?”
“I would say so.”
“Fine. But that doesn't mean I like it. What if she's seen?”
“She won't be – I'll leave her my Cloak.”
“And does she know she'll be left the Cloak?”
“As of right now? Nope.”
“Ah. Well, u better go tell her we agreed before we change our minds, Prongs.” James gave them a grateful smile before leaving his old dorm and heading towards the Heads' Quarters, a slight spring in his step.


“So they agreed.” Lily stated, a triumphant expression on her face.
“Yeah, but there's one thing: u can't be seen.”
“And here I thought u were meer than just a pretty face...” James teased, earning him a slaan, smack on the arm. “Anyway, don't u think people would wonder if they saw u sitting out the night door the Whomping Willow once a month?”
“You do have a point. But no worries, I can do a decent Disillusionment Charm.”
“Ah, but u don't need to,” he zei mysteriously.
“How else do u suggest on making me invisible, then?”
Wordlessly, James pulled the Invisibility mantel out of his school robes.
“James – is that – an Invisibility Cloak?”
He drew it around himself, leaving only his head visible. “Does this answer your question?”
“It – yes. But is it an actual Invisibility Cloak? Not just a normal mantel with some charm cast on it? But... however did u get it?”
“It's been in family for ages and ages, and it's still going strong – so I guess it must be real, not that I ever thought about it.”
“So I suppose now I know how you've managed all your pranks?”
“And I'm not supposed to tell anyone?”
“Uh, yeah. u understand, right?”
“That the secrets of the almighty Marauders must be kept secret, lest their credibility goes? Yeah, I understand.”


“All right, all right! Guys. Calm down, okay?” It was the third week of school, and James was trying to calm the Prefects down at their weekly meeting. “We – that is, your amazingly wonderful Head Girl and I –“ Lily smacked his arm for what had to have been the tenth time that week, and it was only Tuesday “– have some news for you.”
A chorus of 'Ooooh's rose up, and James kicked himself for not having worded that better. “Regrettably, not that.” He fully expected another smack, but even Lily seemed to have grown tired of the constant violence. “Yes, well, anyway, my point was this: seeing as u all now that dark forces are at work, yadda yadda yadda, there's a war coming and so forth, we've decided that the students – especially the younger ones – need some entertainment in the dark winter months ahead. Which is why... we've decided to hold a Winter Ball – well, that's what it will officially be called. In actual fact, this is how it's going to be: around seven pm on a dag that is yet to be decided, the entire school will meet in the Great Hall for a feast...” Lily tuned out James' speech – she had no need to listen to him explaining the event they'd planned just last week. She did, however, marvel at how eloquent James seemed to be while addressing the Prefects. They seemed to almost... respect him? No, that wasn't possible. This was James Potter, after all: he may have commanded many things, but respect – unless it was from a fellow prankster – was not often one of those things.
Huh. Maybe he really has changed.
posted by juicyjossy9

If we compare the world with a village of 100 inhabitants, taking into account all components, the village would look like this:

♥ 57 Asians – 21 Europeans
♥ 14 Americans – 8 Africans
♥ 52 women – 48 men
♥ 70 coloured people – 30 white
♥ 70 non-Christians – 30 Christians
♥ 89 straights – 11 homosexuals
♥ 6 people would possess 59% of the total global wealth
♥ 6 people would have U.S. citizenship
♥ 80 would be homeless
♥ 70 would be illiterate
♥ 50 would be dependent on someone else
♥ 1 would be dying
♥ 2 would be born
♥ 1 would have a PC
♥ 1 would...
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posted by hannah_vampire
Thanks for the commentaren plz keep reading and commenting :)

Nothing meer then a visual whisper, like a ghost, slipping past not to be seen.I stood still feet planted on the ground and hoping I would be as peacefully As I could and not be scared of what may lie ahead. I could see the fierce brand dieing in peoples eyes and I was hoping that the brand would not fully die in mine.

I walked through the forest as I stopped to see the most beautiful animal before me A real wolf fully black with a white ster shape on its right front paw and it was so Sleek and beautiful. I saw a girl running towards me...
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posted by Charlieminster
 left front clockwise: Charlie,Alice,Hollie,Connor and Jon
left front clockwise: Charlie,Alice,Hollie,Connor and Jon
Charlie walked over to the in front Mrs. Dale's bureau and sat down.
"Charlotte,you haven't got anything to worry about this isn't for anything bad." zei Mrs.Dale
"okay" zei Charlie "What is it about then?"
"Your father,sister and myself recived a phone call today from a lady called Miss. Fairchild who is from the school of special skills and she believe that this school would help u contorl your power." Mrs.Dale explained "The school is in Index, Washington state. There are six kids your age going and they all have special power as well. The semester begins this week end. Do u want to go...
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posted by harrypotterbest
The newspaper I my hand was already rolled in a tight ball. I biked as fast as I could toward my best friend Maisi’s house. I had already told her I was coming, but not why.
The reason I was going was infuriating, mysterious, and suspicious. How and why someone would do such a thing was a mystery. As Maisi’s house came into view, I hopped of my bike and put it in their bike chain. I ran up the steps and rang the doorbell continuously. Maisi opened it and ushered me inside. We both went up to her room.
She shut the door. ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Out with it. What’s the matter? u look...
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posted by booklover13
Heres the summary the novel I recently finished writing. I'm not great at writing summaries, but i tried :) Please comment!!!

Its placed in older times, with magic and stuff like that, just fyi!

Ash and Anna are two ordinary girls, living two seperate lives in a world where magic is abundant. But when their prophecy brings the twin sisters together, and they learn that they have a long-lost triplet brother, kidnapped at birth, their worlds are turned upside-down, and every choice they make will affect the fate of the entire world.

When the two girls learn of their exceptional magical ablities,...
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posted by Hime666
This is a story of SAW and in this story Billy (AKA Jigsaw) is a human^^


As Billy was walking in the abonded house.He sighs as he realises how long he had been alone.He walks in the room where John was right now making plans for new traps. "Hey John?"He asked and walked up to him. "Yes,Billy?"John asks. "Is there...Anyone who have came in here?"Billy asks hopefully. "no sorry.."Joh says and continues making the trap plans. "Oh...I didnt have anything else to say..."Billy says and walks out of John's...
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posted by starwarsfangirl
This is another piece of a story I've been writing...
If you've read the other part, this has absolutely nothing to do with Drew. NOTHING.
This takes place in a mythical and magical country known as Dragomria.
Please review!

Light hadn’t even graced the towers of the palace in the capitol city of Dragomria as the scribe rushed through the grand corridors. He burst into the troon room.
“Your Majesties! Prince Berthold has chosen a bride!” He said, gasping for air. Queen Callidora stood, her bright red hair cascading down to her waist, her brilliant green eyes cutting like a mes through...
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posted by hannah_vampire
Sorry that this took so long I hope u like it, I was busy so sorry :)

Dear diary,

I wish that I was someone else, All the drama was giving me a headache and
I can’t think on what was important. I need some where to go, Blair was still
In the hospital and I guess I could go there I mean with no distractions.

I couldn’t open the front door, I ran around to the back door and I was lucky
That the key was still hidden in the crack of the bricks. I sat on my bed and closed
My eyes, finally some peace and I can think straight now.

I heard the creak of my door and opened my eyes, ‘Do u ever...
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posted by Sylar-Gray
From the Mind of a Raven


I shoved the rusty key into the ancient looking lock. I turned it a hard left and the giant door creaked opened. The realtor was going on about the history of the house. But I already knew all that. As the door open a chill went through me, as if warning me of something in the house. I walked in, leaving the key in the lock, and had a look around the parlor. It was huge, with a high ceiling with grates in it. I saw something black verplaats behind the grate and jumped back.
“Is there any history of rats in this house?”
“Uh…no. but as I was saying...”
“I know....
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I wondered if my dad knew where I was. I wondered if he cared. A father should care if his daughter spends the night at some guys house, shouldn't he? A father should do a lot of things that mine doesn't do. On the upside, he's probably out buying Cleetus a big old bone. Woohoo.
I looked up into Ethan's eyes and tried to meet his gaze. The way the shimmered made me feel like my eyes were the dullest thing on earth. Annabella liked this guy and I knew I was wrong to be this close to him. I promised her I would not get too close to him, but I almost kissed him. Almost, the key word.
I stayed...
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posted by inexplicable
It was my turn re-one time far too late.
The dress rehearsal already had started a quarter uur geleden and I arrived panting and completely breathless in the test room.
yes, u are, finite since Daniela, our rehearsing leader, shouted to me, ".
> > excuse me, I could not get away from the musicschool earlier<<, I answered still struggling for breath.

Yes, if there was something I really loved, then it was the theater and the music.
Unfortunately, I did not manage to get both things under a hat here so that I paint,
it was late there. The dress rehearsal proceeded despite my late arrival...
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Chapter 1
Negative stranger

“Have a backbone . . . wait, your an arthropod.”


The sun was burning my eyes as the world spun around me. When I opened them, my eyes burned and then i thought I heard a sizzle, which, of course, was my imagination. I could feel the burning sensation on my upper arm from the shot last night. Crazy. The sunny burn kept burning my pupils until I opened my eyes fully. Then I notice that it’s just my light in my room.
    I sat up and rubbed the sore spot on my upper arm area. Shots hurt meer than u think. When...
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posted by Annacrombie
This is writen in the point of view of Kara
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Kara stood in apartment and stared out of thr window, just a few moments geleden someone stopped her from jumping off her flat roof.

"Kara..."the voice said, it was the same voice of the man who saved her.

Kara looked at the time, it was 11.48. She yawned and went into her bedroom.After getting changed she slipped into her bed.That voice ringed through her ears."Kara....".She closed her eyes and almost fell asleep when she herd someone call her name "Kara...."

There was a knock on the front door, Kara grabbed her dressing japon, jurk and put on her slippers. She walked over to the door and opened it. There was a piece of paper on the floor with wriing on it. I was a note, on the note was written in 7 days all will be alright

Kara awoke from her bed, had it all been a dream? Kara noticed that she had the note in her hand.She read the note over and over again. What did it mean?
Okay, so.... hi! My name is Serenna and I'm a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts! ^_^ I've been writing for years now and I've made lots of different KH fanfics so here's one of'em! Hope u all like it!:)

Summary: In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, after Riku defeated Ansem, he zei he would someday return. And now he's back. But what is Ansem after? And who is this new, mysterious, strong girl?

~1. The Run

I jumped a good ten feet in the air, arriving softly in the dense forestry. I looked behind me, checking to make sure the shadows weren't following me anymore. I'd been running non-stop for a good...
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so...her it goes:P

Scene starts off in class,the first dag at school,everybody looking tired,waiting for they're form teacher to be presented.
(a moment of silence as the door slowly opens...I'll be helping on that one!...and a creepy looking teacher steps inside the class-room)
(ACT 1)
Radu:(low and dark voice) Hello....everybody Im your new teacher as we all~~

Alex: yeah,yeah we know,we know

Radu:(laughs sinisterly)you'd wished u didnt say that.NOW...you've been..."disrespectful" to the teacher,come outside...
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posted by EmoKidSteven
when i just have been through the worse in my life
my eyes turn black,my skin turns white
i'll be like a ghost
life has been sucked right from me
i feel my skin tearing apart like it's going to shred
i'm shaking and lonely and cold
but it's funny that my only savior is just a little sharp metal thing
just a small razor can heal me that much?!
better than anybody i have ever known
i slide my left arm just a little as a start and i feel like i need meer and meer and more...
until i can not get enough
but then i feel so good,almost satisfied
watching my blood spilling on the floor,drop after drop very slowly
that's just the hottest painful pleasure i have ever experienced
i feel so unbalanced,so numb
i don't know if i need someone to touch me of to shoot me to know that i'm still alive
but i know i won't stop
i'll cut myself and fuck the wound
i'll lick my blood for all my pain
posted by Flana_2
    “Do u realy think we’ll catch a shooting ster with all the lights”?
        “Sure we will” Gina said, “I hope”. I was laughing at her when she called out, “Make a wish”! I turned to a long, roze faded.
        “Like I didn’t see that coming”!    
My mom came outside.
     “Gina, your mom is waiting out front” Her smile came back.” At least we saw something”!! She trough her messenger bag over her shoulder. I smiled...
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posted by Flana_2
Hi! I’m Lisa, the newest of the Hoycan clan. My story of how I got here is a tale of braveness, bullies, and ocean water. So snuggle up with a great friend and a big bowl of popcorn and begin a journey like none other u ever come by!! GO ON!!!
Two gorges animals were running off into the moon light. Ones name was Lisa, the other was Brad.
“I love u Lisa” Brad said
“I love u too Brad”! They were a short distance away when RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The school klok, bell rang for lunch. I awoken from my daydream and hurried out the door. Hi, I’m Lisa the average...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
25: Freewill

They walked up the metal staircase, stepping on a solid metal platform that extended from one uithangbord to the next. This room was much brighter, lit door dozens of lights, one area tucked away in a corner was nearly blanketed in darkness. Jack walked half-way across it before he stopped and looked down. “What is this?” she asked though she suspected she knew the answer.
“It’s where the magic happens.” She looked down, several people in white lab coats walked around two people on separate hospital beds, they were motionless and were hooked up to life support systems. They moved...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
23: Run to the Hills

IT had caught the right trail, was following it again, swiftly passing into Indiana, Ohio followed minuten later. Yes, IT was getting closer to what master wanted-and this time nothing would stop IT.
Already the carriage had passed into West Virginia, Tristan and Jack were both tense as to what was waiting at home, though they hid it from Rosalie as well as they could. “Are u sure u don’t need to hunt?” Jack asked her for the billionth time.
She sighed but smiled. “I’m sure. The dag I found u again we had hunted.” She made a face as she said...
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