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 The Writer Behind the Words
The Writer Behind the Words
Luck has little to do with link. A long lasting writing career doesn’t just happen. A writer can burst onto the scene and quickly disappear. Another can have a series of hits then write a bunch of flops and never be heard from again. The difference between a long lasting career and one that burns out is strategy. Here are seven rules to help u find the right strategy for u and get u started on your journey to long lasting success.

Learn the power of focus. For most of us, we have meer than enough to do on a daily basis. And when it comes to any writing project the lijst can grow exponentially- u have a blog to write, a monthly newsletter to keep up with, two deadlines for upcoming books, a speaking engagement and more. A long “To Do List” can be overwhelming and for many of us can lead to procrastination, confusion of just plain paralysis! The solution? Do one thing at a time. Come up with a goal for the day. Writing of marketing? Then do the tasks that will accomplish that goal. If u have extra time u can focus on other less pressing tasks.

Keep moving. Humans are smart. Sometimes too smart. Many times obstacles come in our way like a boom in the middle of the road and instead of going around it, we try to chop it down of climb over it. Don’t focus on the obstacles. A rejection is an obstacle but instead of focusing on it verplaats to the volgende submission of work on something else. So your first play wasn’t the greatest, start your volgende one; okay so your favoriete editor left your magazine, try to woo the new one. Don’t focus on the roadblock. Go around it.

Don’t use a shovel to eat soup. Use the right tools that work for your project. Whether it is the tool of language (different language is used in romantic fiction versus fantasy of literary) of software. However, u don’t need all of the latest technology to be a prosperous writer. I still write all of my initial story ideas long hand before entering them on my computer. To help ‘speed’ the process, a jaar geleden I bought a Neo AlphaSmart that has helped me capture ideas and bits and pieces of my manuscript and uploaden it directly to my computer, but my handwritten notes are still my old standby. There are a lot of reasons to spend money, new software, writing books, gadgets that promise to make your writing life easier, choose only the ones u really need.

Time stops for no man. How u spend your present time dictates your future. Daydream about writing and months later you’ll have a lovely daydream and nothing to toon for it. If u envision a book write it every day, if not every dag at least every week. With our busy lifestyle many of us--beginner and professional writer – let time get away from us. For some of us, we are always trying to ‘find’ time to complete of start our volgende manuscript. Time never stands still so it’s up to u to grab a hold of it rather than waiting for it to be ‘enough’. I know a dear friend of mine who when she was working full-time always dreamed of being able to stay home pagina and paint. She now works from home, but still doesn’t find enough time. Why? Because she hasn’t learned the importance of time management. She fills her time with activities that don’t get her close to her dream of painting. So now every dag she puts in a half uur when she must paint and is working towards her dream of being a full-time artist. Time is not the enemy, how u use it is. So be conscious of what u do with it. You’ll be surprised how far you’ll go.

Be your own cheerleader not your opponent. We all suffer from doubts, but don’t let your inner critic stop you. When a baby is learning to walk she’ll fall down a lot. She’ll get bruised and cry, but in order to master the skill she’ll need to keep on getting up and trying again and again. We understand that falling is part of the process, but for some reason as adults we’ve become averse to falling. We’ve interpreted it as ‘failing’ and it is. But one must fail his way to success. When u fail at something, instead of letting the critic have the final say, replace it with your inner cheerleader. The one that says, “That’s okay, keep going.” of “I know it didn’t work this time, but volgende time will be better.” Like the baby learning to walk we have to keep getting up. One rejection letter of two hundred should not stop u from building your writing career. So an editor didn’t like your latest story, come up with something else of bevestig to a different editor. Every career will have its ups and downs. The ones that burn out are the ones that hit the floor and stay there.

Claim your status. Whether you’re published of unpublished claim the fact that you’re a writer. Don’t wait for someone else to give u that validation. Once again your inner critic may be saying, “I’m not a real writer because I haven’t published anything.” of “I’m not a real writer because I’m not published in hardback.” “I’m only a genre writer; I’ll be a real writer when I’m in mainstream.” of “I’ve only been published in the community newsletter I’m not a real writer like a journalist.” If u write, you’re a writer. u don’t need anyone’s permission. However, I will caution you, if u make this claim, take the necessary steps u need to grow your skills as a writer. On the flip side there are a number of people who proudly call themselves writers, but never grow in their craft and their careers shows this lack. So constantly strive to be a better writer. This can be accomplished in many ways, online workshops, attending a conference, taking college courses, self-development door reading, etc. Don’t ever stand still.

Be flexible. Successful writing careers are rarely linear. Writers have to take detours when a magazine closes of a new editor hates the writer’s work. A successful mystery series suddenly becomes stale of market trends change the type of work that is accepted. Stretch your writing muscles so that your career can always take a new and exciting journey. Do u write poems? Try writing an artikel on poetry. Perhaps that could lead to a book. If your novel isn’t selling, perhaps serialize it online of take the theme and write a short story. Fiction authors try non-fiction. Don’t let yourself be victim to the whims of the industry.

Success is mainly strategy. Writers whose careers have lasted haven’t been without failure, disappointment and setbacks, but these individuals have learned how to verplaats vooruit, voorwaarts on the goals they’ve set for themselves. Hopefully with these seven rules u can linkfor success.
posted by ashesandwine
Not much to say, just thanks to DxCluvr for the help....
Thanks to Just_bella for all the help as well...
Thanks to Patrisha727 for helping me find the banner and the icoon for my spot...
And thanks to everyone for the support...
This time the lines are all mine... No song to inspire them

"Daniel's POV"

Can I fight when there's no hope? Can I smile when there's no happiness? Can I still love when the one I love is gone? Can I live when I hope for death?
I try to stay awake not wanting to dream of her, not wanting to see her eyes, her lips, her face begging to stay with me! I'm trying to go back...
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posted by ashesandwine
Thanks to I_Love_Cullen, for talking to me... Thanks to Patrisha727 for making my spot and for letting me know that my story was a featured article....
Thanks to Emmet4ever for believing me...

Daniel and Catherine's lines from when they are saying goodbye are addapted from a portuguese song called Gaivota (seagull in english) and the singer is called Amália.
If u want to hear it here it goes...But I doubt that u understand the song because it's in portuguese:S


"Catherine's POV"

I never really knew what love was until I met him.... I saw the others couples all around the city, around...
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posted by genyva
New Smells

The smell. There was nothing like it the first dag at school. I looked to my brother. This was our first school jaar in Maine. The weather was crappy all the time but it was worth it I am not really a night person. Whose to say I have to do everything like my parents. This is the new millennium not 15 hundreds.

My family is different. Other then the fact that we have lived for hundreds of years, we are also vampire. 40 years ago, the human world found out about our world. Slowly rights were made to fit our needs, and schools were open for the young and unadvised. Humans could fall...
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Chapter Thirteen

When Jamie and Sean got inside Jamie’s home, put the bags of food on the keuken-, keuken counter, put Jake in his playpen and gave him a toy to play with, and the moment they saw a smiling Jake and completely ignoring them door admiring his toy, Jamie and Sean grinned at each other and to get it started, they ran upstairs to Jamie’s bedroom and closed the door.

The moment they got inside, Jamie got rid of Sean’s light blue...
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A/N: Going over to Jamie’s POV right now and last night, I had thought of a good storyline for Sean. It sets between his wife’s death and the verplaats to Washington and it’s about what is going on for Sean and how he was reacting for it and I tell u one thing: It’s a little crazy but he is going to be fine, I think. In other words, it will be the prequel to Wanting Someone and I might do it the moment I get the plot, the characters and the titel ready!

Chapter Twelve

Jamie watched Sean’s eyes which turned to azure the moment he turned to her and stared at her for a few seconden before...
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posted by Ms_Montana

1. Kalte Pizza

Es war ein kalter und verregneter Tag im November. Manche Menschen bezeichneten diesen Regen sogar als Schnee, aber nicht so Helena. Sie war nicht der Typ Mensch der das alles beschönigte.
Während sie durch hol, den voll gestopften U-Bahnsteig hetzte, kramte sie ihn ihrer Tasche nach ihrem Handy. Sie versuchte in dem Gedränge die Nummer ihrer Mutter zu tippen, jedoch ohne Erfolg.
Helena rollte genervt mit ihren Augen. Ihre Mutter hatte ihr gesagt sie müsse mittags ihre kleine Schwester Allison abholen. Und nur deswegen stand sie hier.
Links von ihr telefonierte ein schwer...
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posted by harold
Abel finally made it to the coast just before sundown. door the time he'd used the restroom and grabbed a bite to eat at the local burger joint, the dusk was so dark that stars were already pricking the night sky.

Cece had zei she'd meet him at the beach, and he hoped he wasn't too late; she'd sounded excited on the phone, which he'd interpreted as eagerness. Ditching work at the first opportunity, Abel had jumped in his car and started driving. Frustrated at not finding her, Abel chided himself for his idiotic rush to meet his ex-girlfriend as he redialed her number...no response, not even...
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posted by Free_Spirit
Me: I'm back yes, to everyones dissapointment lol. I'm sorry everyone but when i wrote this I was really high on sugar sorry if its to happy go lucky to be realistic

And suddenly I just felt like laughing. I started giggling. I don’t know what I found funny though. I’ve lost my family, when I fall asleep I travel to a different world and get beaten, I’m stuck in a hospital and I’m laughing? Oh my god I am going crazy. That brought on another round of giggles for me. Like people didn’t think I was crazy before, I thought.

When my round of giggles subsided I felt ashamed of myself. Here...
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posted by livethislifeup
Like after all the nights before, I had woken up a several amount of times. Every hour, past twelve, until I finally woke at nine. This routine was my life. It was all it was, after Max.
Max, was my life for the twelve years we had. However, five of those twelve years, we spent in grief.
Diagnosed with lung cancer on our sixth jaar anniversary. At first, we were a little worried--but we were certain that things would turn out fine. He promised me that they would. That, however, was not the case.
With radiation treatment, and surgeries here and there, the cancer came back every jaar until our twelfth...
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posted by Lorelei-Essence
The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of beroemdheden turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in toon business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived door his wife Play Dough, two children, John Dough and Jane Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived door his elderly father, Pop Tart.
posted by BellaSwan636

I watched two little girls playing, watching one in particular. She reminded me painfully of Serena. The little girl pulled her friend to her feet and ran towards a woman that I recognized.

It was her. At first I was sure I was halluncinating.

Her dark hair was a little longer than I had seen it last. She was wearing a black pencil rok and a deep blue blouse. She looked happy as the girl ran up to her.

She hugged the little girl. Their hair was the same colour.

I watched numbly as Serena looked at the child with unfathomable love as she told her something.

Serena looked up at me, pain and shock evident on her face.
posted by BellaSwan636

I'd driven to the nearest airport, but even so, it was a three uur drive. It was mid morning when I got there, because I'd left my apartment at dawn.

I decided to leave my car in the parking lot. It wouldn't matter anymore.

They wouldn't be able to track me down. I'd upgraded my cellphone about a week geleden and hadn't gotten around to telling anyone my number.

I stopped at an ATM and drew out the cost of a flight. To New York.

The line was frustratingly long, and my luck was clearly out because the volgende flight was in another three hours. I checked my baggage in anyway, and sat down in...
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posted by BellaSwan636

About an uur after she called me, I was still sitting there. Unresponsive.

The phone rang again. I forced myself to pick it up.

It was Serena. She was crying.

"I couldn't do it," she said, before hanging up again.


I couldn't do it. As soon as I was out of the clinic, I drove home. When I'd parked my car, I couldn't hold the tears back.

I looked up, shocked. I had gone to my mother's house.

I stumbled out of the car, and my mother came running out. I collapsed in her warm arms, still sobbing.


I hear my daughter. Crying. I run outside, and hug my angel, my little angel.

I don't try to make her tell me what's wrong. She'll tell me when she wants to. I know her that well.
posted by BellaSwan636

All of that seems so long ago. meer than the two years it has actually been. Because right now, I'm torn in my desperation and fear. Because right now, I am nineteen.

I am nineteen, and I have too much to fear. I made one mistake, and now my entire future has changed.

Two weeks ago, I found out.

I had just moved into my new apartment. It was close to the universiteit I would be attending in the fall. Shaun is going to one in another state. He is helping me verplaats in. Finally, it is all done. He sits on the couch, and I go into my new keuken-, keuken to fetch us something to drink.

This is probably...
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posted by BellaSwan636

Three months later, we were apparently "an item".

She had me twisted around her little finger. She could have made me jump in front of a bus, all that was needed was one look from her "love me, u know u want to" chocolate brown eyes.

I paid attention to her every move, her every word.


When I first told her I loved her, I was expecting rejection, but she surprised me. She kissed me, and zei she loved me too. The sun revolved around where she stood.

Nothing else mattered.
posted by khfan12
 this is aqua
this is aqua
“You can’t catch me!” Chavez shouted. “Yes I can!” I yelled. I started to run faster. It was a great feeling. The wind in my face. “I can’t believe that people don’t like it out here….” My thoughts were interrupted door a voice. “Aqua!” Chavez…. I ran farther into the forest and stopped dead in my tracks. A few feet away, was Chavez, being wrestled to the ground door men in black suits. “Aqua run!” Chavez yelled when he saw me. I couldn’t move. I was frozen with fear. One of the guys in black started to run towards me. “Run!” Chavez repeated, right before they...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I left Jason at his house while I drove to work. When I first walked into the building and straight to the elevator, floor twelve. I got of the elevator and waiting there was a woman with a clip board smiling at me well I don’t know if she was smiling at me of if her face was stuck like that but I greeted her.
“Hi I’m April Meyers; I’ll be your assistant.” She held her hand out and I took it. “Vanna is waiting for u in her office. Do u need anything?” She walked and talked. “No thank you, not right know.”
She opened the door and I stepped in and shut it. I couldn’t believe...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I was half asleep half awake lying on my stomach. I could feel Jason’s cold fingers slowly moving up and down my bare back. He was humming a lullaby but I didn’t know what it was.
“Do u still want to know my secret?” he asked in a soothing tone. It didn’t help that his voice so soft that it made it harder to stay awake. “Sure.” I zei moving closer to him.
“I’ve none u before u were born.” He paused a second. Probably to make sure I wasn’t going to freak out. “I was vrienden with your mother before u were even born before your mother met your father. I met her...
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Ximena knelt down besides the majestic bed. She could no longer hold back her tears. Her hands were wrapped around the lifeless form of the Cid. The cruel wound had finally extinguished the light which had burned bright and guided the people of Valencia through the dark times. Their beloved Cid was no more.

Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar, El Cid had commanded the Spanish conquistadors against the invasion of Yusuf‘s Berber armies. A mighty leader he was, who fought with supernatural vigour and whose energy was transmitted to all who fought beside him. Many legendary battles he had waged and won. Undefeated...
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What hast thou done unto my heart?
Unto my soul what hast become?
When I met thee at the very start,
I knew I could not tell my mum.

Thy language foul, it bothered me,
But I saw through thy ettiquit.
I had seen thine sincerity.
Our conversations my dag lit.

What hast thou done unto my heart?
Unto my soul what hast become?
When I met thee at the very start,
I knew I could not tell my mum.

For hours we would sit and talk.
Secretly I admired thee.
My pain I let thee block.
I wanted to know if thou didst too love me.

What hast thou done unto my heart?
Unto my soul what hast become?
When I met thee...
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