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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
It wasn’t a surprise when me and Kaden were almost struck door lightning AGAIN! Zeus was the god of the skies and he hated us. It wasn’t our fault our mom had a vengeful personality of that Zeus couldn’t keep his pants up. I can never decide who has meer blame but if they weren’t like this I wouldn’t be alive. I was the only one of Apollo’s kids to have the sun power which meant I warmed up faster so I easily dried after me and Kaden jumped in the lake to avoid the lightning. But Kaden was still soaked to the bone and some how his black hair and dark blue eyes seemed darker making him look even meer dangerous someday I wanted one of my kids to have eyes like his. As we walked I glared up at the gray thunder wolk that followed us and cursed Εύχομαι ο Δίας θα σταματήσει να προσπαθεί να μας σκοτώσουν (which is greek for I wish Zeus would stop trying to kill us.) I wondered if I’d be any safer in the regular world where I spent most of the Summer, Fall, and Spring but during the Winter mom and dad made sure I stayed in Olympus which I guess it isn’t that bad when Seraphina isn’t allowed to go down almost ever because she seems to always be on fire. Kaden spends most of the Winter up here except every Sunday when he goes with Marshall to play hockey which I can’t stand. I stop looking at the wolk when we pass the basketbal court in Olympus. Connor and Cyrus sons of Hermes and Aphrodite are playing. Connor is about to shoot when he stops his dark hazel eyes falling on me. He gives a small smile and drops the ball and comes over and says “Hey Keaira hallo Kaden.” Kaden gives a half smile that he’ll only allow at certain moments. “Where’s Ashla” Connor asks since she’s usually with me but then he stops he knows how her and Kaden don’t get along. Kaden scowls and I say “she’s with her dad raising some people from the dead of something.” He nods and says “you have the power over the sun and she has the power to raise the dead and what do I get well I get the power to travel which everyone can do, the power of being a good athelete which Kaden and Marshall both have and their not even the son of Hermes, and the power to make people fall in love with me which u seem to have since Prince fawns over you.” Wow did every conversation me and Connor have come back to Prince. I looked down to hide that I was blushing but that doesn’t work when a light glow comes over u when ever your embarrassed. Connor looked back at his brother and then back at me and zei “come on guys lets play some Μπάσκετ of as the humans would say some B-ball.” I smile he’s such a goof ball and I go onto the court with them. He guards me easy and I toon him that I’m not going to be a baby and cry if he tries. We stop playing and sit on the bench and watch Johnathan walk door shyly and I laugh and Connor says “oh look its Ο φίλος του Ashla.” “Oh shut it she just has a crush on him.” “Well her crush on him rivals Prince’s crush on you.” And yet again back to Prince. “I wouldn’t say that to her she’d kill you.” “Oh u wouldn’t let her do that.” “She’d kill me too if I tried to stop her.” “No she wouldn’t u and Damon are really her only vrienden and if she killed u Damon would hate her.” “True.” Connor was handsome and the problem was I never knew what he was thinking but we could never be dad would kill me. Connor’s dad was Hermes and my dad was his older brother and they didn’t get along much like me and my brother Reeve got along both resentful of the other. Connor’s had barely touched me but I felt it and I looked up and he looked away. Everyone didn’t think he was that handsome but I could name about thirty things that made him beautiful. His hair was a golden brown just like his skin. His eyes were that gorgeous dark hazel and his nose was perfect. He had a perfect jaw and beautiful thick lips. He also had the darkest eye lashes and a smile that warmed your heart. Prince was like the Adonis of the gods now and Posidieon of as I called him Posy was very proud of this. My best friend Damon’s dad was Posideon but he hated his dad and I couldn’t blame him Posideon only cared about Prince, Paris, and Bryon. Then I realized the wolk of above me and heard thunder and shouted “Έχετε να Πλάκα μου κάνεις να το ξεπεράσεις bolthead όχι υπαιτιότητα μας εσείς και η σύζυγός σας είναι ηλίθιοι.” The thunder was louder damn I’m stupid I thought why’d I have to say call him bolt head and stupid. Connor glanced at me and I zei “Kaden I think we better go before we get struck door lightning.” He groans and gets up and we begin to run and I wonder where the safest place would be damn that Ashla’s not here she’d take us to the underworld. “Hey guys.” I turn and there’s Ashla tall above us her brown hair long and her blue eyes looking down on us. “Thank god you’re here we need to get to the Underworld.” “Ugh why?” “Zeus” I say knowing it’ll a good enough explination. “I’m starting to really hate the Underworld” she groans grabbing us and pulling pearls out of her pocket then we step on them.

    “Ashla” says a deep voice. “Yea dad.” “Back already?” “Yea Zeus is after my friends.” “Your friends?” “Apollo and Hera’s children dad we’ve been over this.” He nods holding his chin and looking me and Kaden over. “Persaphone come here!” “Why?” “Ashla’s back.” “Ashla” zei Persaphone coming out and hugging Ashla. She stared at us and smiled at me “this must be Apollo’s daughter she looks so much like him.” “Yes mother.” “And the boy’s Posideon’s of Zeus’s?” “Apollo’s.” “Really he looks like what mom zei Kronus looks like.” Kaden groaned he hated being compared to Kronus he already had trouble deciding if he was good of evil and it just made it worse. “Mom shush” Ashley said. “I don’t need defending” Kaden zei cruelly. I elbowed him and zei “she’s being nice.” “I don’t care.” I rolled my eyes and zei “I think we can go home.” “Finally Kaden” groaned. I took a pearl and went home pagina and washed off the dirt on my arms then went to bed tired meer than I usually am.

    I woke up that morning early so I hoped into the chariot with dad to ride across the sky. He smiled and zei “so how’ve u been Keaira.” “Good I guess except grandpa Zeus keeps trying to kill me.” He chuckled but he had his eye brows drawn together. “He really needs to stop I don’t even love your mother.” “She’s not my mother.” “Technically she is.” “But in my world she is definatly not.” He gives a nervous grin and he says “so I hear Prince likes you.” “Oh yea.” “You like him” he says with his eyebrows raised. “I don’t know kinda.” “Is there someone else u like?” “Um… no …yea.” Curse me being honest. “Who?” “No one… Connor.” “Hermes son.” “Yea.” “What’s he like.” “Nothing like Hermes.” “Is he like Aphordite?” “No not really he’s kind of his own person.” This seems to calm my dad and he says “yea I guess I’ve never seen him.” “Yea.” He looked over at me and smiled and zei “you like this?” “Like what?” “Us riding the chariot across the sky pulling the sun.” “Yea it’s cool and I feel at peace being so close to the sun.” “Yea I know what u mean I wish we could spend meer time together honey.” “It’s okay dad.” “I really need to be around Kaden meer I feel he needs me.” “Yea he’s going through a tough time.” “Yea he is he doesn’t talk to anyone but me, Connor, and Marshall and if he does its usually to yell at someone.” “Yea that boy is so handsome but very tempermental.” “Yea but he’s the best brother ever.” “How so?” “I don’t know for some reason I feel he’d never let any one hurt me.” “I’d never let anyone hurt u and neither would Marshall and even though he’s so small sometimes it seems like Johnny’s willing to save u just as well. “I know its just Kaden’s like always there except of Sundays.” He laughs and says “Sundays are for me.” I laugh and say “Yea I hate winter.” “I know.”

When it’s Artemis turn to drag to moon across the sky I walk into the house where Kaden and Marshall are punching each other on the couch. “Who wants to come with me to Posys house?” They stop and Kaden gets up and says “Why not?” We walk out and I see Ashla blushing as she talks to Johnathan. “Kaden stay here” I say. “I’m not a dog.” “Your gonna be if u don’t stay there.” He rolls his eyes but stays. “Hey guys” I say walking up to Ashla and Johnathan both almost a foot taller than me. A look of relief washes over Ashla’s face. “You guys want to come to Posideons house” I ask? “Na I can’t” says Johnathan “I got to get home.” I nod and Ashla says “bye Johnathan.” We walk over to Kaden and I ask “What’d u guys say?” “Hi and then bye.” “Ashla its not hard.” “Maybe not for you.” I shrug and walk towards Posideons house Kaden less than excited now that Ashla’s with us.

The big house of I should say Palace sits up on the largest mountain in Olympus . I knocked on the door and Paris opened it. “Hey Keaira, hallo Ashla…” she stopped blushed and zei “Hey Kaden.” Kaden looked away and we walked in. Prince turned around on the divan, bank and got up and ran and zei “Hey Keaira.” “Hey” I zei as he hugged me. Kaden rolled his eyes and Ashla chuckled. Prince doesn’t let got and I start to get annoyed and just as I am Prince screams out in pain “OWW..” I hold back a laugh and say “sorry.” Kaden and Ashla can’t help but snort and laugh but as soon as Kaden see’s Ashla finds this funny he stops. Can’t they just get along I think. “Prince are u okay” says a deep voice as Posideon float in his long black hair in small waves and his piercing blue eyes on us. “Yea I’m fine “ says Prince holding his wrist. “What’s she doing in here” Posideon asks looking at Ashla. “She’s Keaira’s friend.” “She’s Hade’s daughter get her out.” “Dad I…” “NOW!” “I’m sorry your going to have to leave” Prince says to Ashla. She rolls her eyes and strolls out and Posideon leaves. I grab Prince’s wrist and say “come on lets go play basketball.” He cringes at the pain of his wrist but manages a smile.” We run down the heuvel laughing and falling like total clumbsy dorks. That’s when we run into Ares who frowns at our pleasure. “What are u doing?” “Having fun” says Kaden with a rebellious tone. “You have a jaar till its time for u guys to fight to become a god and your fooling around.” I bite my lip and think “thank god I’m not Ares daughter.” He glares at us but moves on up the hill. “Gosh I hate him” Prince says. “Me too.” Prince rolled down the heuvel the rest of the way and I slide down. Then Aphrodite spots us and Connors behind her looking bored. “Hey Connor “ I say as he glares at Prince and Prince glares at him. “Hey” he says meeting my eyes and smiling. “You want to come with us to my house?” He cocks a handsome half smile and says “sure.” Aphrodite looks me and Kaden over and smiles. I know she has a crush on my dad almost every goddess in Olympus loves him. We bounce to my house and watch the tv personally I prefer mortal televisie every toon here has Zeus of Aphrodite its annoying. Connor is even annoyed door his moms prescence on the screen. My dad walks in and says “who are all these guys?” “This is Prince, this is Ashla, this is Paris, and this is Connor. Dad’s eyes fall on Connor and then on Ashla. “Who’s u dad Ashla?” “Hades” Kaden says and I think he’s hoping dad kicks her out. “Oh okay.” Kaden sighs disappointed and dad says “Hey Kaden how about we hang out sometime.” “Yea at night.” “No we can go during the day.” I look at him and he says “you can drive the chariot.” I give him a scared look but nod. “I’ll go with you” Connor says. “Me too” says Prince. “Sorry it only seats two” I say. Prince glares at Connor and then says “fine volgende time.” Connor smiles happy with himself and I wonder if this will ever end. There’s a knock on the door and I go and answer it “Hey” Paloma says. “Hey what are u doing here?” “I was bored can I come in?” “Yea.” “Who’s this” dad asks. “Paloma daughter of Hestia and Ares.” “Wow I didn’t know they had a kid.” “Yea I know their not the best match are they.” “Yea” dad says. “I prefer my mom but every one says I’m like my dad though I really don’t ever see him.” “Your not like your dad Shlomo.” She laughs and jumps on the divan, bank and sits volgende to Prince who looks her over. “Please fall for her” I mummer. “What” Prince asks? “Nothing” I say embarrassed.
Goodnight and Goodbye

He shut the door silently behind him, but not enough for her to hear his fragile hart-, hart breaking.

When he re-entered the hotel room from the balcony, a sea of faces greeted him. "Do u wanna drink?" Simon gargled, as soon as he saw Niles' worn face.

He embarked to his room, without another word to Simon of any other members of Daphnes family. As soon as he stepped through the frame, he saw Mel in bed, waiting for him. She put down the book she was reading, on the side tafel, tabel and elegantly unblanketed herself from under the covers.
She embraced him and a warm smile spread...
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posted by Cutebutcrazy--
Time is just a thing.
u can't ever have to little.
u can always have enough.
But when u look at it,
our lives are just a piece.
A piece of what time has to give.
So why not live the fullest,
to what we can.
Why waste it wishing,
on something you'll never have.
Let time do its own thing,
so we can do ours.
u see time is mysterious.
It controls our lives.
And in one quick second,
our time may be up.
So take what you're given,
and give nothing back.
With time nothing is ever what it seems.
Narrator: Macbeth slowly entered the crept room were Duncan was sleeping soundly. Macbeth quietly began to reach for his sharpened dagger. Macbeth pondered many thoughts regarding the demise of Duncan, but never to this degree. Now, the time had come to fulfill the quest to be crowned king. Duncan suddenly returns to reality. Visualizing Macbeth door his bedside withholding a dagger pointed at his wretched chest. Would this mean the end of Macbeth’s planned tragedy of the end of Duncan’s existence?
Duncan: Cousin, why hast thou forsaken me?
Macbeth: Forsaken you? Thou hast forsaken me. Thou...
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posted by fanfly
 Photograph door Ansel Adams
Photograph by Ansel Adams
I'm not on the way to anything great,
I'm just drifting, drifting down this road.
The dust kicking up behind me,
Just a wolk to hide my past.
My feet don't leave any footprints,
My name never graces those lips
That I'm watching from a distance,
A distance that grows greater
As I'm drifting, drifting down this road.

I'm not on the way to anything great,
I'm just hiding, hiding down in the dark.
The shadows closing in around me,
Just a blanket to smother my past.
My eyes can't see in the gloom,
My voice never breaks the silence
That I keep deep in my heart,
A hart-, hart that grows blacker
As I'm drifting, drifting in the dark.
I didn't care about Patrick's complement as much as I was worried about the sad look in his eyes. What was causing it? Ema told me they loved each other and they're happy together, what would make him so sad? I had to know and decided to find out about that while I'm in their house.
One week passed for me there. And as long as Ema is to busy arranging the house and running it, as long as Patrick and I spent meer time together. He taught me how to act in front of the guests and what to talk about what not to talk about. He said: "All u have to do is pretend that u don't have any problems,...
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And of course, the initial reaction to a titel like this one is, "Well, why don't you make me care about what you're saying, first?"

So I'll cut straight to the chase: When submitting a short story, of even a poem for publication in a literary magazine, keep in mind that the editors receive hundreds of submissions a day, which means that they don't have time to read every last one of them. This is why it is incredibly important to hook them in your first few sentences, other than start slow and verbosely build up to why they should care. Therefore, this will be a succinct explanation of why...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Somebody turn the lights on, Somebody tell me what’s wrong I’d be lying if I told u losing u was something I could handle…” I had been driving for about two and a half hours the highways were clear I had the windows all the way done singing along with my I-pod.
In a matter of seconden I could see cars slowing down on the highway in Kansas and as the cars started to stop I could see a long line of cars in front of me. I can’t believe this I was finally going to make it to the volgende state before the traffic started happening.
“Whoa” I jumped at the vibrating in my right pants...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I’m finally on my own, alone. I just turned eighteen a couple of months geleden and I got a job offer in Los Angeles California. I’ve been writing since I could write and when I reached junior high I joined the new paper and I did the same in high school and in my seconde jaar of high school I was offered a job as a reported for the Salem New Hampshire news paper and I accepted. My job threw the years had grown and now that I’m done high school I can take the job offer.
    Ya my parents were pissed when the found out I wasn’t going to collage but if u think about it...
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posted by jasperwhlover

Chapter 1

Once upon a time in heaven there lived an angel who was yet a child, she was loved door all the angels and most importantly God who named her Serenity, and gave her power that controlled serenity, peace and all things calm and gentle, but he secretly gave her the Elixir of Life which would drip from her finger each dag and each night, unknown was this to the other angels because God was sure that if this was known Serenity would be in grave peril because, man alone does not seek eternal life, angels, devils and all creatures whether they reside in heaven of hell seek the Elixir...
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posted by TDIlover226
~It seems like these people that I use to call enemies, that I use to think were trying to kill me, are now my best friends. Annie, Ann, Vincent, and JJ are actually alot nicer than they seemed in the beginning. They save lives, and I help, they're known as the spirits, and I'm one of them now! They go to my school when they are in their human forms, and they really are the best vrienden that I could ever had, they all have there transfos, and I just can't live without them now! I can tell them anything! JJ has mastered free style fighting, and has become the leader of the spirits, and Annie...
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Alex's hunter had a name. Only one person knew his name and that was his ex wife. He was utterly baffled that Alex wouldn't crack where his family was. This was going to be hard.
Just then the door opened revealing his ex wife Melinda and his daughter Melanie. Alex's hunter felt his anger rise up into his head
"Crap Melinda why can't u bring her volgende year?" he roared raising his fists
Melinda became furious. He knew she would be coming! "Jerry calm yourself. It's your winter to take care of Melanie. u don't want to talk to my lawyer again do you?" She asked eying him like she trapped him...
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Some people weren't meant to be born. Some families are not to be made That's why there are hunters. Hunters take care of this problem

Alex Grazer walked down the dark wet hallway with his arms full of wood for his family. His hair against his neck was standing up because of fear and the freezing temperature. Little did he know what was behind him would hurt his life forever.
Alex stopped walking and looked around on all sides of the hallway. He had his knockout spray door his flashlight at home pagina so if anybody attacked he would be doomed. In a single snel, swift motion of somethings arm Alex hit the...
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posted by alice_cullen_12
Day 1 of my diary
Dear Esmerelda (diary),
Death is my new favoriete word. Closely followed door tragedy. I made a lijst of my new favoriete words since "He Who I Can Not Name, Because He Broke My Heart" left. Oh, all right. His name is . . . John. Oh, I want to die! Anyway, here's the list:

1. Death

2. Tragedy

3. Suicide

4. Hate

5. Nothing

6. Night

7. Darkness

8. Devil

I don't know what to do. I decided that I would wear all black. I'm going goth. He Who I Can Not Name hated goths. I like the Goth Club at my school. I never have to smile of laugh. And we trade ways to kill ourselves every Wednesday at...
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I winded the car window down; I could smell the fresh air, it was peaceful. My name is Katelyn Peers, I’m sixteen years old and I have never met my parents. The only family member I have ever known is my brother, Sam, he is my age, his my twin and usually twins are meant to have a bond, there is no bond for us, the only reason he puts up with me is because of our father, I have never met him, but Sam has, and for some reason he has respect for the man. I used to go to Down kruis academy for girls that were until I ran away a jaar geleden with Sam. I turned to see Sam driving the car; his long...
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“There u are, man” zei Marley. Opal had blood dripping from her mouth; her eyes were shining red as the shadows off the boom darken her whole body. “Looks like we’re all done here, let’s verplaats out before they wake up” zei Alec. Later on while Marley was lying on his bed, the same thought came across his mind, should the others know about their secret. “Marley, someone’s here for you” zei Marley’s mum. “Hey man””It’s us”. This is Lindsay and Slone Sudiro (Lindsay 14, Slone 12) Lindsay level is higher than Opals, Slone’s is no better than Nathan’s. They are...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Tayce’s p.o.v

“Training time for Lilly” I sneered looking at the small blond. She nodded. “Let me get ready” She said. I shrugged and then turned to go, but was stopped door Hayden. “She already trained today” he informed me, I nodded. “I know, but Rebecca wants her to have meer of it” I told him, he rolled his eyes. “Why is she being such a bitch?” he asked me I laughed. “It’s Rebecca, she sees her as a threat” I told him, he tensed up. The he turned to me. “You’re not being so bad” he said, pointing out that I’m usually a bitch. “She didn’t do anything...
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I woke up, still in Ethan’s arms; my face was up against his chest. I slowly moved up, Ethan noticed this, he let go of me. I got up and walked over to the keuken-, keuken table. Why was I in Ethan’s arms? But then I remembered. ‘Adam.......he’s dead’ Dawns words came to my head. I nearly fell down again, but arms caught me. “Whoa....come on” Ethan zei pulling me back to the couch. I was now sitting on the couch, Ethan sat beside me. “How did he....?” I asked. I sounded angry but I wasn’t I just couldn’t feel anything else. “We don’t know” Ethan answered me. He was trying...
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posted by Cuddles
A/N: My first poem I post here...I hope it is any good.



Far distant seem to be
the things I now call memory.
The good and bad, the right and wrong
share a thing, cause they are gone.

Long forgotten feelings rise
each of them in their disguise.
They are not dead, so it only seems
waiting patiently to haunt me in my dreams.

Will it ever cease to be?
Even if it's called memory
Does that mean I always have to remember
to give up, to hide from them, to surrender?

Whenever I fight them I will lose.
I have nothing between I could choose.
No matter...
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posted by Pushkin319
Remember that u want to make a good impression and that the presentation of your manuscript is the first step. When you're preparing a manuscript, whether it's an article, a short story, of a novel, there are certain styles that make your piece stand out. u want it to look professional—not like the large percentage of manuscripts that appear as if the writer took no care at all in the presentation.

Writers disagree on whether editors really care about the typeface and the line spacing and whether the manuscript follows a certain style of format. Some editors don't care about these things,...
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Two hours pass, and during those hours, I ponder what to do next. Danny lays unconscious, his wounds have healed, but I can sense he still is in pain. On impulse, I have injected him with my blood. I enough to turn him into a vampire. I know he will not be as powerful as I was when I was turned, as I have not gegeven him enough to accomplish this feat. I lay back in a chair, continuing to ponder my volgende move. I am startled when the phone rings. When I look at the clock, it is eleven thirty. I answer, not knowing what to expect. “Hello?” I answer. “Hey Ashley.” I hear from...
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