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posted by Vampiyaa
"So, where are we going?" Aiko grinned. Blaine beamed at her.
"I was thinking someplace special," he said, trying to sound casual. Aiko thought and then replied, "Do u have somewhere in mind?"
"Take a look." Blaine pointed to the entrace of the new amusement park. Aiko gasped.
"No way!" she laughed. "You actually got tickets?" Blaine shrugged and said, "It wasn't hard. When I zei I was the agent of Dusk Rivers, they had to let me in."
"How much were they?" Aiko asked curiously. Blaine hesitated.
"Not much," he zei hastily.
"Blaine, tell me."
"Yes." Aiko stared hard at Blaine from over her sunglasses, until he finally sighed.
"Fine," he zei in exasperation. "They were a hundred apiece."
"Blaine, that's ridiculous!" Aiko cried out, stomping her foot. "Why were they so much anyway? Tickets are usually just fifty per."
"Er... because tonight is the Harvest Moon Festival," he zei quietly. "And because I zei I didn't care how much they were." Aiko stared at Blaine for a while, and then sighed.
"You are very strange to me, u know that?" she said. Blaine grinned and replied, "Yeah, I know." Aiko flinched when Blaine handed the ticket woman the hundred-dollar tickets. A man standing in line beside them peered at Aiko over his spectacles and said, "Hey, aren't u Dusk Rivers?"
"Ah... no," zei Aiko hastily. "Everyone says I look like her, but..." Her voice trailed off.
"Moving on," zei Blaine quickly, steering Aiko away from the line. What neither of them noticed was that somebody was following them closely. Somebody with a long, sinister looking jas and a hat that shielded his face in shadow. Someone with glowing red eyes and fangs that were wishing to sink into Aiko's throat.
"Ah... no!" Blaine sighed, when a drop of water landed on his nose. "It's raining!" Aiko froze stiff and immediately looked at the sky. It was too dark for her see if thunder was involved.
"How about we go in...?" Blaine began to suggest, but his voice suddenly went slack as he noticed Aiko's horrified look. Aiko shook her head to try and clear her mind and then smiled nervously at him.
"Y-yeah!" she stammered. "There's a warehouse over there. We''ll... stay in there for a while." Blaine followed her curiously into the warehouse and shut the door.
"This is one huge warehouse," exclaimed Blaine. The warehouse was nearly the size of a football field, with large boxes scattered here and there.
"Hey, there are stairs over there," zei Blaine. He approached them and climbed out of sight. At that moment the lights shut off.
"Gah!" Aiko gasped, jumping backwards and tripping over a box. When she finally managed to get up and brush herself off she heard a rustling volgende to her.
"Blaine?" she whispered. "Is that you?" Blaine didn't answer.
"Blaine?" Aiko said, blinking in the darkness. "Okay, come on, this really isn't funny." Blaine did not reply. Aiko began to feel her way through the darkness, panic starting to build up in her chest.
"Blaine, if this is your idea of a joke, it really isn't funny at all!" she zei irritably. She jumped when her hands found something soft.
"Ah... i-is that you, Blaine?" she whispered.
"Maybe," zei Blaine's voice quietly. Aiko swelled up with anger.
"Where have you—?" she started to ask, but at that moment a loud clap of thunder sounded from outside. Aiko jumped, squeezed her eyes shut and sank to the floor, praying that whatever building she was in, it had a roof on it. of at least something rubber inside it.
"Aiko...?" Blaine zei uncertainly.
"Ah... it's nothing!" she zei hastily, stumbling upward. "I just—" A seconde clap of thunder was heard, and this time Aiko flinched and yelled, "Uh... I HAVE TO GO!" She tried to run for the exit, but ended up slamming into Blaine and knocking him down. Aiko buried her face in his chest, her hands clenched against his overhemd, shirt and her whole body flinched.
"Aiko, are u afraid of thunder?" Blaine asked her. Slowly and shakily, he felt Aiko nod. Another loud crack of thunder pierced through the air. Aiko flinched again, and this time she slid her arms around Blaine's waist and hugged him tightly.
"Come here, silly," Blaine laughed, sliding his arms around her shaking figure. He felt her trembling under his arms and for some reason he couldn't help but think somehow this was right.
"Blaine, don't let it hurt me," Aiko whispered, clinging onto him as if for dear life. Another crash of thunder; Aiko screamed and squeezed Blaine even meer tightly.
"Shh..." soothed Blaine, smoothing back her hair in a comforting sort of way. After a while the storm blew itself out and the cracks of thunder and lightning stopped.
"Aiko," whispered Blaine. "Come on, wake up."
"Nng," she replied. "Is the lightning gone?"
"The lightning can't hurt u anymore," Blaine insisted. "It's nearly two in the morning; Elaine going to kill us."
"'Kay," Aiko mumbled. They exited the warehouse to find the park dark and closed.
"Oh God, we are so dead..." zei Blaine desperately.
"Wait," Aiko zei hastily, tugging on Blaine's sleeve. "When was the last time u replenished?"
"Oh, brother..." Blaine zei exasperatedly.
"Don't u 'oh, brother' me, Mr. Vampire," she zei firmly. Blaine rumpled his hair and zei quietly, "Two months ago."
"That's ridiculous!" Aiko exploded. "Let's go behind the building and—"
"No," zei Blaine flatly. "We really need to go before Elaine has our throats."
"She's not the one who need mine," Aiko hissed. They stared at each other for a while, and then Blaine allowed Aiko to tug him behind the building and into the shade of the trees.
"Nobody will see us here," she zei softly, cheking for any intruders. She slid down the uithangbord and tied her hair back.
"Okay, go," she zei firmly. Blaine put on arm on her shoulder and one arm around her neck. He opened his mouth wide, exposing his fangs, and slowly and carefully pressed them into her neck.
"She... she isn't even in pain..." Toyo gasped. "Well, not entirely in pain..." He watched Aiko's face twitch slightly, but still not a single scream emmitted from her rosy lips as it had done on the occasions when Toyo needed to replenish. Toyo doubled over when the scent of her blood was carried door the sudden gust of wind , his eyes flashing a glowing red.
"Got... to... get out... of here..." he choked, running in the opposite direction. Aiko exhaled slowly, the pain fading away slowly as Blaine took his fangs out of her neck, panting. His eyes were glowing red as he stared at her; Blaine's consciousness had been gegeven away to his senses. Slowly they faded from red to chocolate brown again and his dark expression slid into something that was almost devastated.
"Can... can I try something?" he asked quietly. A trickle of blood was running down the side of his mouth.
"Um..." stammered Aiko, noticing how close Blaine's face was to hers. "Sure, I guess." Blaine reached out and cupped the side of her face with his hand.

End of Excerpt. Aren't I just cruel? :D
posted by jedigirl
The dag my life became meer than reality was when I was seven.
2 months earlier, my mother had passed away due to reasons I never understood. All I knew was she was gone and Dad wouldn't talk about it.
I was sitting at my desk, watching the snow fall out the classroom window. The window started to frost over quickly. I turned back to the teacher, but she was frosting over too. I realized it was my vision frosting over. I rubbed my eyes to stop it, but it only made it worse. So I sat in my bureau and let it take over.
I soon found myself in a field of dandelions and fireflies. I looked around...
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posted by Isabella_17
Is It True u Lie?
Is It True u Hate Me?
Is It True u Want Him?
Is It True You're My Best Friend?
Is It True u Enjoy Hurting Me?
Is It True u Like Me Crying?
Is It True u Talk Behind My Back?
Is It True u Tell People Our Bussiness?
Is It True I Hurt You?
Is It True u Back Stabbed Me?
Is It True u Let Me Believe The Lies?
Is It True u Let Me Call u My True Bestfriend When u Weren't?
Is It True.....?

This is A Poem Hope Yuh Enjoy It Btw Tell Me What Yuh Think And This Is Just About Me Gettin Hurt After Being Stupid Enough To Believe Her Lies She Wasnt A True Bestfriend
posted by AuthorForPooh
Her eyes were brand red,
as if they were
lit from anger.

I dont understand
why u are
mad at me.

Why u shoot
those harsh words
at me.

Aimed like bullets,
piercing my soul.
And It cant heal.

I never can dodge them.
The words hit me,
and I fall back.

My vrienden ask me:
"What's wrong?"
"Can I help?"

But they cant help.
Because I dont understand,
why u are mad.

Why do u have to do
what u do to me?
Why does it give u
joy to harm me?
Why are people bullies?
Why dont my vrienden take action?
Why cant u tell me WHY?
posted by TheAmyPond
She stopped dead in her tracks. She was startled. Her voice was completely gone. Shockingly, she saw that the hooded silhouette in front of her wasn't her mother; she did not know who it was.
Slowly, as not to alarm the unwanted visitor, she reached out for her ballpoint pen and dug it as deep as she could into the neck of the intruder. The mess was horrific, blood all over her face as well as his clothes, but Emily stayed strong. She clumsily tumbled off her bed and ran as fast as she could downstairs to the phone.
She hastily pressed any buttons she could until she'd finally keyed in the number...
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posted by para-scence
"Cosette!" Echo shouted. We ran over to each other, and hugged. She nearly squeezed the life out of me, but I didn't care; I'd missed her so much.

"Echo! I'm so glad to see you!"

"Ahem," a voice said. Echo smiled and rolled her eyes, and took a step back. Asher smiled as he hugged me, and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his chest.

"I missed u too," I told him. He chuckled.

"Come on!" Echo zei impatiently. "Let's go do something! Anything! I just don't want to deal with this mushy-teen-love crap." Asher and I rolled our eyes, but smiled. I told Grandma we were going to hang out.

"See you...
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posted by para-scence
I admit that I kind of slipped into a depression. I wasn't sure what to think about anything. I started to feel like I couldn't trust anyone. I wanted so bad to drink, and forget for at least a little while, but I couldn't when someone was always home.

That was the only bad thing about not being with Drew anymore; I rarely go the chance to drink. I started going into withdrawal as well. I couldn't keep control of my emotions, I felt like I was going insane sometimes. I had meer stress related seizures, meer than I usually do while on medication. I've had a lot of headaches, I've been sweating...
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posted by athena305
Streetlamps, houses, gates, remotes, books, CDs and televisions. Brothers. Pairs. Each has a twin. In this chaotic place of materials the world has come to be, everything has a brother. But brothers are family. And family is connected somehow; if not door blood, then door what?


Look hard. At everything that has a brother. A line of energy casts a connection between the two. The energy, with its harsh glares and cold looks creates the strongest and most complex bonds. Strong because of their brotherhood. Complex because of its invisibility. For there is power in invisibility. Cold, cruel power. The power to be a persecutor with no chance of being a victim. The power to twist and squeeze but not feel the wrenching pain of your twists.

Now, u ask, what is left? Cruel, invisible energy. For a cruel, invisible world.

This is my first time writing in stream of consciousness. I know it's short but don't judge me too harshly.
posted by Sonicishot
It was late at night and the lights were out, and i couldn't see at all. So i crawled on the floor dragging my hand with me because i needed to feel my way too. I bumped into three friends. Ike, Roy, and Sheeda. I screetched. Ike covered my mouth. "SHUT UP!!!" He whispered. Roy chuckled. Sheeda followed my hand. So did Ike and Roy. I tried to stand up, but my head hit the table. I rubbed the back of my head and crawled out from underneith it. I slowly slid my hand across the uithangbord to zoek for the power switch. "Whoever this is, u are very cute!!!!" she zei feeling around me to reconize...
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posted by twilight_23
This is a piece I wrote for an essay contest about a jaar ago. It's extremely short because they wanted us to keep it around 500 words, but I thought I would post it anyway. I love comments! Hearing what other people have to say about my stories is probably my favoriete part of writing, so don't be shy, tell me what u think(: Also, if I made any mistkes (i.e. spelling, grammar, punctuation) please let me know so I can fix them, thanks:D

As I walk through the doors of my new high school, I see my best friend at the end of the long hallway. She's standing in front of her locker and she looks...
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posted by Thalia_huntress
please tell me what u think.

I told her everything she was so excited that I hung out with meer then one guy she hopped he would be the one for me after that I went to my room. I had my laptop on my dark blue desk. My bed was a black blanket with dark purple pillows only one thing in my room that wasn’t dark was the light blue curtains lacey got me when I was a baby. I wonder why my mom didn’t want me. “Kura!” lacey called. I went down stairs. “Yes?” I said. “why did u get the ride with Evan?” she asked motherly. “Um lacey I got the ride with Evan because my truck broke”...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok... so this is my first time, so commentaar but don't be bad;)Thanks Emmett4ever, Patrisha727, Just_bella, and everyone else for supporting me and liking my story.... This one is for you:D

How could I leave him? How could he leave me? We always knew that we were meant to be together, our love was so strong, so beautiful, so pure.
I couldn't stand to think that we had to be apart, he was everything to me. I live for him just like he lives for me...

I heard a sound behind me and I turned around slowly... I just stopped breathing, he was so beautiful and I was so lucky that he wanted me. He must...
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If u Can't Answer This One vraag Your Script Will Be Rejected - Corey Mandell via FilmCourage.com.
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