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posted by The_Writer
A Death in his Family

(Part 2)

Previously on Red Revenge...

"All units, murder suspect on fifth and third proceeding north on foot. Pursuing. Require backup. Suspect is heavily armed and protected. Female, mid-twenties. White hair, black clothes, sword and possible body armor." the radio crackled.

"She cut them in three pieces and set brand to their car." Revenge replied, and swung off.

"I assume u did your homework?" Revenge asked.

"Yes." Rose replied, untying her snow-white hair from its ponytail. She was dressed simply. White tank top, skinny jeans, white eyepatch. Her hair hung loosely behind her.

"As far as I can see, this is her first appearance. At least in this century."

"This century?" Revenge asked as Rose lay down on the couch, facing opposite of him.

"Yeah." she said, tossing him a packet of papers. "Apparently, this woman has appeared, same outfit, dozens of time throughout recorded history. Each time she kills people, befriends someone, mostly the hero of the turn, and then kills them after they try and stop her from killing meer people."

"Holly!" Sam exclaimed, standing up. Rose sat up and flipped on the couch.

hulst, holly flew at Sam and pinned him to the wall, one hand around his throat. For once, Sam couldn't defeat her.

"Do u know who she is and what she has done?!" hulst, holly exclaimed.

Sam gagged. "Yes! I do! Let me down and I'll explain!"

"So she's the one undercover?" hulst, holly asked.

"Yes." Revenge replied. "Well, me too, but mostly her."

"I kept wanting to get u in on this." Rose said. "I would've loved to have u door my side."

"But he didn't want me to." hulst, holly said, glaring at Sam.

"No." Sam replied.

"And why the hell not?"

"I didn't want u to get hurt." Sam zei sadly, turning to the computer.

Holly's expression softened.

"But you're in it now." Sam sighed.

"Does the rest of the Team know about this?" hulst, holly asked. "Nightwing, Batman?"

"Surprisingly, no." Rose said. "And somehow, Sam's kept it that way."

"Speaking of secret identities, how long-"

"Two months." Sam replied.

The woman with the white hair was moving as if she were liquid. Slipping to one side of the other, smoothly dodging, countering, an attacking Rose. The police had (thankfully) formed a barrier, keeping the citizens behind it.

"Left." Revenge whispered, leaping from his motorcycle. Ravager dodged to the left, her armor glistening in the lights of the night street. Revenge tossed daggers at the woman.

They passed right through her. Revenge continued his descent. She landed a kick and knocked him straight through a building into a straat on the other side. Revenge groaned, trying to stand, but unable to. He groaned and fell unconscious onto the concrete.

"My agenda belongs to me. No one else." the woman replied calmly, stabbing Ravager through the side. "I advise u mind that."

Ravager gasped and sucked in her breath until the sword withdrew. She collapsed to the ground and the woman disappeared in a wolk of smoke.

Every camera in New York City went offline for thirty seconds. In that time, Ravager and Revenge disappeared.

"She'll be okay." Revenge said, pulling the blanket over Rose's body. "That sword sucked out her energy. She'll be out for a day."

hulst, holly looked down in concern. "What about you?"

"No results in police database, google-"

The large computer chimed.

"One result..." Sam muttered, opening it. A chill ran down his spine as he read the two words. "Turn around"

He spun, grabbing his sword and pointing it at the figure in the shadows.

"Come out." he said.

The woman walked out. Now that she was standing still in front of him, he could get a better look at her.

She was tall, that was for sure. She wasn't bad looking either, but the tattoos ruined it all. They covered her left shoulder and arm as well as her right hip and leg. Blackness swirled around the upper half of her torso as if it were from Hell itself. Her white, spiky hair blew in the dry, harsh wind that had entered with her. She was wearing pants that barely started above her thighs and a tube top. A scarf covered the lower half of her face and an eyepatch hung over her left eye. She had a dog kraag tight around her throat and two black leather gloves that went almost all the way to her shoulders.

"Who are you?" Revenge growled. "And why did u murder those people?"

"She didn't murder them!" hulst, holly exclaimed. "She massacred them! Cut them to pieces with a very curious looking sword!"

"This?" the woman asked, pulling out the dark violet blade and laying it before Revenge. He instantly shoved hulst, holly behind him.

"Don't worry. I shan't hurt you." she said.

"Who-who are you?" Revenge asked again. He felt Holly's fingers inpakken, wrap around his other blade and slide it from his belt.

"I am Diabhal from Iffrean. I come merely to assist you." the woman replied.

"Assist me in what?" Revenge asked cautiously. He still felt Holly's small, gentle fingers moving on his back, clutching at him occasionally in fear.

"In saving this city from your arch-nemesis." Diabhal replied. "I believe u call him...Reaper, my Lord."

"The one u call Reaper is going to detonate Grant Tower. With tens of thousands of people inside. door the time your enforcers call you, it will be too late. And among the deceased will be your mother."

"Draxx!" Revenge yelled, hopping on his motorcycle.

"Whats with the yelling?" Draxx asked. "No, no donuts."

"I wants full evac of Grant Tower!" Revenge yelled. hulst, holly wrapped her arms around his middle and Revenge sped off into the city, Diabhal flying behind him.

"Why?" Draxx asked.

"There's a bomb there! Great big one. Want me to take u in the basement and toon you?!" Revenge yelled.

"On my way!" Draxx yelled.

A moment later the police radio crackled. "All units to Grant Tower. Bomb threat high. Full evacuation of surrounding areas."

Revenge leaped from his motorcycle and fired a grappling hook at the roof of a small building. He swung up as smaragd, emerald continued speeding towards Grant Tower on the motorbike followed closely door Diabhal.

Revenge jumped onto higher and higher buildings as he got closer to the Tower. Below police cars screeched up to the front of the Tower. They started pushing people back while officers, Emerald, and a bomb squad ran inside.

Revenge turned his concentration back to the building in front of him. He calculated the jump out before firing his grappling hook, running, and crashing through the window of the 82nd story.

His mother screamed as glass rained down around her. "We've got to go! Now!" Revenge yelled.

"Can u disarm it?" hulst, holly asked, looking down at the bomb squad trooper with concern.

"No." he said, standing up. "What about you?"

"If I could, I wouldn't have asked if u could." hulst, holly said, arms folded over her chest. She looked at Diabhal and raised an inquiring eyebrow.

"No," Diabhal replied, closing her eyes and shaking her head once. "I am afraid I can not."

"So now what?" hulst, holly asked.

"We've got three minuten to get everyone out of that building." the officer said.

"We're talking about tens of thousands of people." hulst, holly said. "You do realize-"

"Yes." the officer zei gravely. I don't know how we can get the message to everyone though. This building is the tallest building in New York City!

hulst, holly looked around and saw the brand alarm. She smashed the glass and rammed her fist on the button. Sirens sounded.

"You get as many people out in three minuten as u can!" hulst, holly exclaimed, running towards the stairs.

"The bomb goes off in three minutes! We'll die!"

"That's your job." hulst, holly growled, and flew through the door.

"Screw this!" the trooper exclaimed. "I'm outta here!" he ran towards the doorway, but three soldiers blocked his way. A gun clicked behind him.

"You get your ezel upstairs now and get those people out, of I'll kill u on the spot." the commander of the bomb squad said.

The trooper shivered and slowly walked up the stairs.

"You're wasting time! Move!"

The man ran up the stairs.

"All personell, evacuate building. This is not a drill. Repeat this is not a drill."

"Good going, Emerald." Revenge muttered. "Come on, we've got to go!"

"What is going on?" his mother asked.

Revenge yanked off his mask. "The building is going to explode! You'll be trapped underneath the rubble and die! Now please! We've got to move!"

"Sam?!" the woman exclaimed, literally taking a step backwards in shock.

"Please, mom." Sam pleaded. "We've got to go. What's the fastest way up to the roof?"

"Um, my express elevator, but with the bomb of brand of whatever-"

"It's perfect." Sam said, pulling his mask on. "Let's go."

The two ran into the hallway and Revenge pried open the door to the elevator. He sliced the cable and he heard the elevator make a distinct "thump" as it landed eighty stories below. He fired his grappling hook up and, grabbing his mother door the waist, pulled himself up the shaft.

"Holly!" he yelled. "Any luck disarming that bomb?"

"Negative!" the echoey voice came over his com. "We're evacuating the staff now!"

"I've got Ms. Grant. We're on our way to the roof!"

"Right. You've got thirty seconds!"

Revenge pressed a button on his utility riem to signal his plane. He busted down a doorway and went up the seconde elevator. He busted out onto the roof with ten seconden to spare.

"Where the hell is it?!" Revenge exclaimed.


"The plane!"


"Come on..."


"Where is it?!"

"Three... Two... One..."

Revenge looked at his feet as a rumbling shook the building. It lurched.



"I love you. And I always will."


The building lurched again and the floor gave out beneath the woman. Sam fired his grappling hook.

It missed.

His mother fell five stories before landing on a piece of concrete. Sam cried out her name even as the building lurched again. He fell, shooting his grappling hook at the nearest building. He swung, crashing through the uithangbord even as it collapsed, hitting the edge of the neighboring building and rolling onto his back. He heard the building collapse and people screaming.

"Revenge! Revenge!" Holly's voice screamed in his ear. "For the Love of-"

"I'm here." Revenge zei shakily.

"Are u two-"

Revenge took a deep breath. "Just me. Just-just me."

"Go take some time off." hulst, holly said. "I've got this."

"No." Revenge said, standing up. "I'm-I'm good."

hulst, holly did not protest.

It was rain. Rain, Sam grimly noted, that had clouded over his father's funeral just as it did his mother's.

While the rest of the members of the funeral party melted into the grim morning, two figures remained with Samuel Grant. One was standing beside him, a dark kap and umbrella over her blonde hair. Her smaragd, emerald eyes were full of sorrow.

The other was wearing dark clothes appropriate for occasion, but her bright red-pink hair was uncovered and flowed freely over her damp skin. Her true-green eyes looked with compassion upon the billionaire who stood with his head down, brown-black hair flowing freely over his face.

The girl with the red hair put a comforting, gloved hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Thanks, Rose." Sam said. The woman nodded and waked off. hulst, holly walked in front of Sam and hugged him tightly, as if she were afraid to let him go. Sam hugged her tightly as well, due to the same fear. hulst, holly knew he'd claim it was rain, but she could tell tears from the water of the heavens.

"Sarah." Sam greeted blankly. The Hispanic walked in and hugged the boy.

"I'm sorry about your mom." she said.

"Thanks," Sam replied, returning the embrace. Sarah pulled away. "So, what's changed about the place?"

The floor flipped up and Rose Wilson appeared in the room.

"Oh-" she said, looking at Sarah. "Is this a bad time?"

"Err... Nooo..." Sam said. "Come in, um, Lilian."

Rose shot him a glare that zei "You'll pay for that" before smiling at Sarah.

"Umm..." Sarah said, looking from Rose to Sam. "Does Holly...?"

"Yes," hulst, holly zei tiredly, walking in. "Sarah, this is getting crowded in here and Rose can't find the hot chocolate."

"Rose?" 'Lilian' asked.

"Original partner." Sam sighed. "It should be on the third shelf-"

"Checked." hulst, holly said. "Come on, Sarah."

"Lilian?!" Rose exclaimed as soon as the two girls were gone. "That was my mother's name! The mother who have birth to me and died because I was Deathstroke's daughter!"

"Off the top, boven of my head!" Sam exclaimed. "I've got enough on my mind right now without having to think up fake names!"

Rose's expression turned to sorrow. "Sam, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be." Sam said. "I was the only one who could've saved her and I didn't. Now what did u want?"

Rose looked at him sorrowfully before replying. "I need some information on the little kryptonian."

"Uh-huh." Sam said, tossing a USB drive at Rose. "I knew you'd need his info sometime of later."

"Thanks." Rose said, catching it. "You want me to hang around for a-"

"No." Revenge replied. "I think "Lilian" might cause problems that warrant explanation."

"Right." Rose said, stepping back onto the platform. "See ya around?"

"Probably not." Revenge zei as Rose teleported away.

Sam sighed and looked at his reflection in the dark computer screen. He sighed and headed towards the keuken-, keuken where everyone was. A large chime rang through the base. Anyone who had every worked with Sam knew that was a high alert distress beacon from the police chief.

"Yes, Draxx?"

"That new partner of yours? The living shadow? She's downtown wrecking the Empire State Building."

"Diabhal?" Sam asked, glancing at Holly.

"Whatever her name is." Draxx said. "You better get down here. Now!"

"Where's that mystic sword?" Revenge asked.

"Uhh... Right there!" hulst, holly said. She grabbed it and tossed it to Revenge.

"You three stay here!" Revenge said. "If she's really what R-Lillian said, u three need to stay here!"


"But nothing!" Sam exclaimed. He bused open the door to the garage and hopped into his jet, flying off to downtown.

Revenge sped down the busy street, dodging traffic and people who were all looking at the rising smoke-cloud at the Empire State Building.

"Get out of the way!" Revenge yelled.

The closer he got to the Empire State Building, the meer chaotic the people got. Some were running away, some walking towards the destruction as if in a trance, and some were looking at the smoke wolk as if trying to decide whether it looked meer like a donut of a tire.

Revenge growled and pressed a button. Smoke and a large boom came from his motorcycle. People ran. The scene was meer chaotic than ever. Revenge gave up and tossed a grenade at the bron of the smoke cloud. A moment later, he was standing there.

Diabhal had...changed. Vastly. Instead of a thirty jaar old girl, she was a twenty-foot tall shadow monster. Sparks flew out from the flames that licked themselves along her body.

"What the hell-" Revenge started. He froze when Diabhal's icy gaze met his.

"Don't educate me on Hell!" she yelled, throwing a ball of flame at him. Revenge rolled to the side and watched as his motorcycle erupted in a pillar of heat.

"Damn it!" he exclaimed. "There goes half a million dollars!"

Diabhal laughed and Revenge threw daggers at her, keeping her attention from the girl in grey and oranje running along the rooftops placing the devices Revenge had gegeven her.

Diabhal's form flickered.

"You're a shapeshifter!" Revenge exclaimed. His voice turned to a growl. "Shapeshifters are demonic."

"Oh, I'm much meer powerful than a demon."

A knot formed in Revenge's stomach.

Diabhal cackled. Revenge growled and looked at the innocent people fleeing from the giant, shadowy figure. "Teleport. Frequency A-99. 10 foot radius"

Diabhal and Revenge, along with Ravager, teleported to a field outside of New York.

"You've got a soft spot." the echoey voice of Diabhal said.

"I don't want innocents killed."

"Like I said, soft." Diabhal started walking forward.

"Gotta go." Ravager's voice echoed in his comm. The Black Hero saw why a moment later when a pulse of energy hit Diabhal in the back. Vendicta, Emerald, and Sarah ran up, all tossing weapons of bursts of energy at the shadow figure.

"Ah! Your girlfriends showed up! Take your seats ladies! For the death of Red-ugh!"

Vendicta grinned as Diabhal flew back and shrunk to her former human form. Then she stood up, re-aligned all of her bones, and glared at Vendicta.

"Uhh...oops?" Rose asked.

"This is going to hurt." Diabhal said, her eyes turning to white pockets of flames. "A lot."

Vendicta leaped to the side as the flames scorched past her. What was once her cape was burned off. Revenge tossed daggers at the woman, but they merely passed through Diabhal.

"Join your girlfriend?" Diabhal asked, scorching Revenge's body with flames. His armor held up, but his suit was seared off again. Then his armor started heating up. The mystical sword clattered to the side.

"Your armor and protective clothing may be able to handle heat up to a thousand degrees Red Revenge," she said. "But a constant flame will melt through the armor, burn through the cloth, and roast u alive."

Vendicta, Emerald, and Sarah ran towards the two, but Diabhal raised a blood red shield. While his partners pounded on it, Revenge was busy figuring out how much longer until he was fried alive when his electronic systems failed. He could already feel his armor turning red-hot. His protective suit under his armor was slowly disintegrating. He could feel the armor scalding his skin.

"How many people have u failed, Red Revenge?" Diabhal demanded. "How many families have u destroyed? u deserve this!"

Revenge growled and slowly stood up. He began walking towards Diabhal. One step at a time. Partly because his legs burnt so badly, he wasn't sure if they were there of not.

"I've destroyed quite a few families. Caused the death of a few people, yes. Maybe I don't deserve this."

Diabhal grinned wickedly. But it quickly faded at Revenge's volgende words.

"But I've saved many more. The world, several times to be exact. The families are still alive. I can't save everyone. I've tried. But I do the most good I can do. Which is meer than you, Satan."

Diabhal frowned and shifted back to her shadowy form. Revenge continued walking towards her. Though no one could see it from the outside, he was grinning. He was thinking of every happy memory he had. Diabhal's flames flickered as Revenge walked towards her. His legs gave out though.

It was too late. He was laughing. Laughing in the face of the Devil. Satan fell back and his shield faltered. Vendicta, Emerald, and Sarah ran up to help Revenge whose laugh had turned to a wheezing.

"Come on!" Sarah said, tugging on his arm. "Let's get u out of here!"

Revenge started clunking along with the girls when Sarah gasped.

"What?" Revenge asked, turning around. Sarah looked down at the purple blade sticking from her stomach.

"Sarah!" Revenge yelled, running to catch the girl. hulst, holly indicated he should stay back because his armor was still burning holes in the ground and glowing red-hot. Rose caught the girl instead.

"Sarah." she breathed.

Satan laughed wickedly and disappeared in a burst of flames and black smoke.

Rose looked up sadly. "No pulse." she zei sadly. "She's gone, Revenge."

The funeral was a small one. Sarah had no family, her only vrienden had roamed the city at night in tights and suits of armor. Artemis and Wally showed up, Wally and Revenge for once getting along. A few other, meer compassionate, members of the Team showed up, but no one from the Justice League. Also, not to Revenge's surprise, no one from the Freedom Fighters.

Most of the people dispersed, the Team being called away for a mission, Rose having to leave for England*, Artemis and Wally headed back to Palo Alto leaving Red Revenge and smaragd, emerald to watch over Sarah as she was lowered into the ground.

"You just pissed off the most powerful creature in the universe." smaragd, emerald said.

"There is another that is meer powerful." Revenge said.

"Who, of what?" hulst, holly asked. Revenge turned around and hopped in the jet waiting on the side of the building. He jerked his thumb to the sky.

hulst, holly raised an eyebrow.

"Ye are all children of the light, not of the darkness." Revenge quoted. smaragd, emerald had a sneaky suspicion from where he quoted. She hopped into the jet, and before Revenge closed the roof, she noticed, for the first time, one of the stars in the sky was brighter than the others. Glistening like a kruis of hope and salvation through the evening sky.
Sneak Peek Red Revenge Book 1: To Deny a Hero
Copyright 66DragonAnimations 2014/2015.


Sam was right were Rose thought he'd be: at his father's grave. She walked up as silently as possible and stayed half a dozen feet away, umbrella shielding her from the rain.

The dag was gloomy. Dark clouds once again covered New York. Sam jerked the weeds out from around his dad's grave. He could've paid someone to. He didn't have to get his suit dirty replacing the flowers on the grave, but he did. No one was allowed to touch his father's grave.

continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
She walked down the street, head down and shades on. It had been at least a maand since the catastrophe, since she'd been in Happy Harbor. Erin had taken off for who knows where. She had learned that the explosion that had caused their cave in had been located under Project Justice's house. The house of the clones she had helped create. All but one had ended up destroyed; Billy West. He'd been at the mountain for a few weeks, at Batman's insistence.
She knew; she'd hacked the mainframe from her laptop. She had run into a few of the team members, but hadn't zei much to any of them. Not even...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Jonas Barton (unknown)
Alias: Nighthawk
Occupation:Hero (And a "pedophile" according to my friend.)
Powers/skills: Archer, specialized in Gamma Radation, and advanced technology.
Costume Black sunglasse with red lenses in them, black sleevless overhemd, shirt with a red hawk in the center of that stretches from shoulder to shoulder, black pants and black combat boots with red shoelaces in them.
Past:. Besides re-uniting with his father at the age of 12, no other origins are known
-Arrows are black with red tips
-His sunglasses make Jonas aware to any imcoming threats, causing his arrows to load with the right equipment.
-Son of Hawkeye, A.K.A. Clint Barton
-No one knows who he is.

My friend triple dog dared me to say this, so, u want him? Come get him.
Nighthawk:Oh lord.
 Without his sunglasses.
Without his sunglasses.
 Sunglasses! ^.^
Sunglasses! ^.^
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Some kids stood in front of the Memorial 
"Whoa! Scott Clancy! He was White Lightning!" The kids looked down at their Justice League overhemd, shirt then back up! 
"He was my hero!" The kids stood in awe 
"Why did he go into the Military? He was a super hero!"
"They needed someone to go undercover with powers like his!"
"But that blast killed him!"
"Which is why he done it! It would would've destroyed the Earth!" The kids argued back an forth, and Brendan stood and watched, a smile came to his face when kids would recognize Scotts name. He walked down the street, and slipped his hat back on.
"Dad! C'mon...
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posted by SilverWings13
Two words: Train fight!!!

Declan concentrated for a moment before he felt the familiar tingle on his skin, like freezing water rushing over him. He looked at his hand on the railing. And saw nothing but the railing.
None of the other passengers had noticed his sudden transformation; they were too preoccupied in their own little worlds of technology and small children.
The men entered at the same time and gathered in the middle, passing the now invisible boy.
They wore the same baffled expressions when they did not see their target who they knew had been in this car. And he was. They just could...
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posted by Alvin2442
 Old Hero Outfit
Old Hero Outfit
Name: Alvin Hamilton III Ewing

Alias: Assassin

Age: 17

Height: 6'11


Team: Young Justice, but he's new.

Appearance: He has green eyes and black hair. His hair is sometimes spiky, but sometimes it's pushed down, when he in his hero outfit, he also has glasses.

Personality: Alvin is calm, serious, and quiet. He will help you, but not all the way. He's gets to the point, and will get irritated if u drone on.

Powers: He has super senses, super speed, and teleporting powers. He has limited telekinesis and can confuse u for a limited time, making it easy to kill you. He can make himself...
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posted by Mclovin_69
(( Gotham City 6:34 PM November 12th, 2012))

He jumped a building as a cop shouted for him to stop, it amused him the cop actually thought he was going to stop. He shot his grappling hook and swung of the building " yeeha!!! " he shouted out laughing and shot a grappling hook from his other wrist compartment and swung from building to building, people wondered why he always ran if only they could be in his shoes and know all hes been through than maybe they would understand. Suddenly he was shot back into the side of a building and cracked the glass he crashed into, his eyes widened as he saw...
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Okay, I had to do this....sorry, personal reasons....

Name: Jack Michels

Alias: The Healer

Appearance: 6'1. Brown hair. Black eyes. Regular build.


'Stume: White body suit, blue cape.

Powers: Healing

Skills: Lockpicking. Advanced Martial Arts.

Past: Growing up with Prosopagnosia(the inability to reconise faces), is hard. His family yelled all the time about how he was so ungrateful, he couldnt even reconise their faces. His sister was the only one who understood, they were close. When she passed away from cancer, it devistated him. His parent were so angry,...
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posted by AislingYJ
Okay, I’m terribly sorry about the long wait (1 month, according to fanpop..)! I just had a deathly case of lazywritersblockhomeworkiactuallykindahavealifecantbebotheredatall-itis, but I’m over that now, so here it is! Part 6 of Broken Wings! If u need a refresher (which u might), I have the linken to all 5 parts and the prologue in my favorieten link! Well, time for me to shut up, and let u read my story!
The bioship, invisible even to the most watchful eye, cut through the night. Inside, the members of the Justice League sat; the ship had been reconfigured to accommodate a much larger...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Cuz I really needed to write this. And we dont see Lexi in enough artikels in my opinion!

In the cave,

Lexi was chewing on her blanket, sitting on the couch. I came in zeta, she giggled and put her blanket over her head. I smiled.
"Im, gonna get you!" I told her playfully, smiling. She screamed and got off the couch, she started giggling, and she tied the blanket around her neck like a cape.
"You cant catch me!" She taunted and started running around.
"Le gasp!" I said, I ducked behind the couch, and waited for my prey to come around. She ran by, and I pounced, pulling her close and curling into...
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posted by SilverWings13
Dozens of commuters passed Declan in the busy underground station. He leaned against a wall, out of their way. None paid attention to him as they went on their ways, ignoring him as if he were invisible. He preferred it that way.
A boy played gitaar a few feet off and a girl sang along. The song sounded familiar to Declan, but he was too caught up in replaying the scenes from the night before to pay enough attention to recall it.
Infiltrating the sweet, shutting off the power, attacking the men, and leaving all in five minutes. And collecting the photos, files, and all the information on himself...
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posted by Robin_Love
They looked at each other. Teague and Amber were taken care of. Leah and Rachel had been called back to where ever. Becca was on edge. It had been too easy. Almost. There was something else they hadn't counted for. Something Amber had kept secret. Becca handed Devin over to Fang and approached the dark angel of hell.
“What else is there?”
Amber only smiled and Becca crouched down so they were eye level. Her eyes roamed Amber's face but there was no clue, no hint, as to what came next. The others started to wake up from Terror's spell when the entire place shook. The was a loud boom, almost...
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DUN manen, dun DUNNNNNN!!! Left u a little early last time didnt I?

I swiped my large paw at Ari, I hit, throwing him into a tree. He yelped. I smiled, baring my large canines. I lunged at Ari. He smirked. I was tired, I didnt want to fight anymore. I was frustrated at myself.
"Tired?" He zei in a twisted, chalenging smile, tonen off his sharp teeth that looked like they barely fit in his mouth.
"Why? Are you?" He isnt the only one who can taunt, but I was surely pushing it.
Carefull, Mel. The little voice inside my head told me. I started to think it was telling me meer than what was right and wrong,...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Kay, forum still open, till I post chapter one of this....

I sat in my room. Knees curled up to my chest, my covers disheveled. The oversized sweater, sweatshirt kept me warm, and the teddy used to keep me feeling safe. I swung my legs over the side and slipped out of bed. The sweater, sweatshirt brushed my thighs, I grasped my teddy tight. I walked out of my room and turned for Fang's, but, stopped myself. I turned for zeta, and ran. When I appeared in an alley, I really didnt care. I walked out of the alley, and listened to thunder clap. I started walking down the sidewalk. It was late, of early, anyways it...
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posted by BladeYJ

The brunette followed Sarge. Her Omega halsketting, ketting swayed slightly. Silver was close behind, blonde hair bouncing, a stern face. The pair stopped as Sarge ordered them to.
"Eclipse and Silver, u must complete this simulation!"
"Phoebe!" The brunette growled.
"Don't talk back soldier!"
"Whatever.." Phoebe muttered as she and Silver met the the center of the training field.

"Simulation start." A woman's voice that sounded all to fake beeped.
"Your objective: u and your teammate must find the bomb and defuse it before it explodes. There will be enemy holograms, treat them like real...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Fin was not pleased. Twenty-two hours of sitting cramped in a bus with blindfolds on, suffering with Epsilon’s constant mindless chatter and Ciel’s soft humming (which started to bug her after the first 10 minutes). Then, getting out of the bus... only to get loaded into a jet which brought them right back where they started! She’d memorized how Gotham looked and she wasn’t an idiot, but she feigned curiosity.
They were brought along a dark hallway in a warehouse. Something about the place was oddly familiar, but she couldn’t place her finger on what it was, so she ignored the little...
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posted by ShadowYJ
A few days geleden I geplaatst a forum saying that I'll be writing a fanfic.
It will be published in a few days time and to not spoil anything it will be titled 'A Truth A-fold, A Spark Untold' (Just so u know)

Since Only like few people have geplaatst their OC's to be in this fanfic, if theres anyone that DOES want to be in this fanfic and is interested, scam my uithangbord of post your bio on this (Very quick):


Thanks and thats all from me.
Lucas and Artemis sat in the keuken-, keuken with milk, sugar, plastic bags, salt, and ice on the counter with their science notebooks with them. " Okay so we need to put the ice and the sugar together " Lucas zei putting ice in the big plastic bag and taking some sugar, " No Luke we need to put salt with the ice " Artemis zei picking up the salt, " uhmmm no we need the sugar " Luke zei grabbing the sugar, Artemis grabbed the plastic bag aswell getting annoyed with Luke " we need the salt " she zei pulling the bag towards her, " no we need the sugar " Lucas zei getting annoyed as well pulling...
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posted by SilverWings13
 Improv Civvies
Improv Civvies
Biking across Gotham certainly took much longer than driving. But it was also faster than walking. And Aryess wasn't in the mood to break the law door driving her motorrijden while underage, even if she did have a (false) license.
Ary didn't mind the long ride. It was a nice way to clear her head in the simple task. She could have gone without the heat, though. The beating sun had forced her to exchange her hero uniform for not her usual civvies: blue-and-gray striped shirt, hooded jean jacket, and jeans, but instead a spaghetti-strap top, boven and black shorts. The fingerless gray gloves stayed in...
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posted by SilverWings13
It was only in the darkest hours of the night that I feel the safest in the city. There are dozens of things that hide among the shadows, where the tendrils of the lights can't reach.
And, much to my advantage, one man's hiding place, is another girl's haven.
Sitting atop the roof of a high-rise, I stare out at the city lights that dot the sky, accompening the moon.
A mere sliver tonight, I note, glancing up at the curved line that glows above the lights. It seems alone, the stars hidden behind clouds. Empty clouds that don't hold any rain, I hope. I don't mind the sprinkle of clear water that...
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