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(Part 3)

Previously on Red Revenge...

"Batman, my detective the Question. Question, this-"

"We've met." vraag said.

"Ah." Flash said. "So u know him Batman?"

"Too well." the Dark Knight growled.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed. The thief ran out into the hallway and was heading towards the doors when Sam grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. He snatched the portemonnee away. Sam ripped down the man's kap and turned him around. He froze when he saw the man's face.

"It can't be." Sam said, stumbling away from the thief. "You-you're dead. I saw you-"

"Thank you-Sam? Sam? Are u okay? u look like u just saw a ghost."

"I did." the male responded, turning to his girlfriend.

"Falcon aka Ryan Salvaderez was my sidekick for five months."

hulst, holly looked back at the portrait. "So this is who u think u saw?"

"I know it couldn't have been." Sam said.

"Why not? Did he retire and leave New York?"

"Because I watched him die. And his death was my fault." Sam said.


New York City

June 5, 21:32 EST

"See u in hell." Ryan said. He put his finger on the trigger and started to pull on it when the window crashed in and a figure tackled Ryan. The gun flew away and Robin stood up.

"I see u keep a number of dangerous acquaintances." The Boy Wonder said. "You're lucky Cass and I were so close."

"Where is Cassie?"

"Here!" the blonde replied, flying in the window and landing gingerly. "Sorry, I don't like Batman's entrances of glass in my feet."

"Look out!" Sam yelled, tossing the two teens to the side as Ryan fired. Sam grabbed one of the daggers on the floor and threw it at Ryan. He missed, and the killer was gone.

"Well that was effective." Robin said, brushing his sleeves off and standing up. He offered a hand to Cassie who took it.

Sam started to walk out, but Robin put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey! What's going on?" the Boy Wonder demanded.

Sam shrugged the shoulder off, but Robin grabbed him and spun him around.

"I asked u a question." Robin growled.

"Stay out of it!"

"I don't think so!"

Sam punched Robin in the face. The Boy Wonder fell to the ground and Cassie caught it. Sam was gone door the time Robin was back on his feet, rubbing his jaw.

Mount Justice

June 6, 00:43 EST

"Recognized: Robin. B-20. Wondergirl. B-21."

The duo walked into the Cave to be greeted door Bart speeding through yelling something about school ending the volgende day.

Robin sighed. "Is Batman still on the Watchtower?"

"Want a surprise?" tijgerin, die tigerin asked, turning from the console. "Other than your step sister being here of course, Batman retired to bed."

Robin sighed. "How bad's the injury?" he asked, covering his face with one hand.

"No injury, he was "tired"."

Robin's eyes widened in surprise for a minuut before they were back to normal. "So who debriefs me?"

"Nightwing." Helena replied.

Robin and Wondergirl walked into the briefing room to see Nightwing talking to Red Revenge.

"Wondering what was taking u so long." Revenge said.

"Where have u two been?" Nightwing demanded.

"Saving his sorry ass!" Cassie exclaimed, pointing to the Black Hero.

"That was an uur ago! What took so long?" Nightwing demanded. Cassie looked down and Robin sighed. "We were looking for him."

"Well, he's off Team and off mission. I need u two for something different."

"But someone just tried to kill him!" Robin said.

"A lot of people want me dead, kid." Revenge said, folding his arms over his chest. He looked at Nightwing. "Thanks,"

"Sure," Nightwing said.

"Recognized: Red Revenge A-13."

"How do u get along with him on a professional adult to adult level?!" Robin exclaimed.

"He is an adult. Simple."

"So what did u need us—"

"Hold on." Nightwing said, touching his ear comm. "Alright, Wondergirl, meet Blue Beetle in El Paso for mission briefing. Batgirl will be in charge of you. Robin, with me."

"Where are we going?" Robin asked.

"To the beach." Nightwing said, putting his arm around Tim's shoulder. "We need to talk."

New York City

June 6, 8:00 EST

"I don't care what he used to do of how much it looks like him!" Revenge yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "I want him dead of in a jail cell! Now!"

"For what?!" the police captain of New York demanded.

"Attempted Murder on Samuel Grant!"

"Well door all means if the mighty Mr. Grant wants it, let's all just shove protocol aside and do what he says! Now get out of my office!"

Revenge busted through the door and out of the police office before driving off on his motorcycle.

Mount Justice

June 6, 01:09 EST

"Tim, what happened?"

"We chased down Revenge." Robin zei simply, looking out over the water.

"No, u didn't." Nightwing said. "I saw the look on Cassie's face when I asked what took so long."

Tim sighed. "She kissed me. Nothing special, but she did, and now she feels bad for it. I feel like…like I took advantage of her, Dick."

"Did she kiss u of did u kiss her?" Dick asked with concern.

"I..I don't know. One moment, Revenge is in the room, punching me, the next, I have my hands on Cassie and we're kissing." Tim looked up at Dick. "I took advantage of her, didn't I? I took advantage of her emotional trauma and kissed her. My better part is trying to block out the memory, but..Dick..I—"

"Don't beat yourself up over it." Dick said. "I'm sure she wasn't thinking either."

"That's just it, Dick!" Tim said, exasperated. "She wasn't thinking! She gave in to her emotions that I took advantage of! It happens so many times, I always think of those people as trash, and I do it too…" Tim trailed off and looked out at the clear blue water.

"Tim," Dick said. "Go back home pagina and rest. We'll sort through this in the morning."

"DICK!" Time yelled. "I can't just go home! What will Bruce think?!"

"He'll understand." Dick said. "Heat of the moment. Heck, the entire team made out on the uitkijktoren after battling the Justice League."

"Just…don't follow me!" Tim said, standing up.

"Tim!" Dick exclaimed, trying to grab the boy's arm. The Boy Wonder snatched it away. Robin ripped off his mask and threw it at Nightwing. "Just leave me alone!"

Robin stormed away to the astonishment of Dick and grabbed his bike, driving off, throwing sand and leaving a trail. Nightwing sighed and made the trek back to the Cave. Helena was waiting inside the mountain. "Where's Robin?" she asked.

Dick sighed. "Tim," he said, holding up the domino mask. "Left this on the strand and went for a midnight ride."

"Wonder what's up with him." Helena said.

Dick sighed again. "He and Cassie kissed. He feels like he took advantage of her."

"Which one started it?" Helena asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Tim blames himself, but he's not sure."

Helena sighed. "Should I turn on his tracer?"

"No." Dick said.

"Why not?"

"He'd have ditched it door now."

"How do u know?" Helena asked as Nightwing walked into the zeta tubes.

"Recognized: Nightwing. B-02."

"I used to wear the "R", remember?" Nightiwing asked, then disappeared.

New York City

June 6, 4:00 EST

Sam's phone rang. He glanced at the alarm clock and saw the time. He groaned and picked it up, answering it.

"Samuel Grant." He said, rolling over on his side and holding the phone up to his ear.

"Hey there, Sammy boy." Sam's eyes jerked open. "Do me a favor. Put on a overhemd, shirt of I put a bullet on your girlfriend's pretty face."

Sam glared around.

"Oh, u won't find me." The voice said, seeming to grow nearer. "I'm everywhere, and nowhere."

"Show yourself!" Sam hissed, standing up and reaching for the pistol under his nightstand. A fist grabbed his and slit his wrist. Sam hissed in pain, trying to keep hulst, holly from waking up.

"Face me like a man!"

"Like u do?" the voice snorted. Revenge felt something clamp over his mouth. There was an overwhelming smell of odors and suddenly Sam was unconscious on the ground.

"I told u to put on a shirt." The invisible guy snorted, Sam's body seemed to drag itself out of his room.

The Batcave

June 6, 8:00 EST

"Yes, we'll do everything we can Emerald. Promise."

"Recognized: Wondergirl. B-21"

Batman flipped up his monnikspij, cowl and shut off the elevator. "Call u back." He said, and shut off the computer.

Cassie flew into the Batcave and landed volgende to Batman. "Where's Robin?" she demanded.

"He's…out." Batman said.

"Where?" Cassie demanded.

"Not going to say." Batman cocked an eyebrow. "How did u get in?"

"Same access as the Bat-Bunker."

Batman sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The Bats seemed to do that a lot.

"Robin ran off last night. He refused to let anyone talk to him, reason with him."

Cassie nodded and flew back towards the zeta-tubes.

New York City

June 6, 12:09 EST

Sam woke up and groaned. He was tied, hanging upside down from the ceiling door his ankles. The chains creaked as he moved around, trying to get a grasp on his settings. He was still only clothed in his shorts, which he had been sleeping in. He groaned again and looked at the floor.

There was a pool of water beneath him. At the very bottom was a large blob. Before Sam could try to decipher what it was, a door opened on the far end of the room and a figure walked in.

"Sammy old boy! Nice to see u again. Well, the feeling is probably not mutual, but still."

"You bastard." Revenge growled. "You have no idea what you're doing."

"Actually, I do." The guy said. He gestured at the vis tank below. "I don't know how long u can hold your breath, but it doesn't really matter. It's how long can u swim?"

"What?" Sam asked. The blood rushing to his head was making things blurry and dizzy. He felt like was going to puke.

"That, old boy, is a portugese man o' war. u touch it, you're dead."

"What do u hope to accomplish door all this?" Sam demanded, trying to twist from where he was hanging as the male walked around the room.

"To make u pay." The Hispanic said, grabbing Sam's face and shoving it in the water.

Gotham City

June 6, 21:09 EST

"I can't find him." Cassie zei into her comm, flying over the streets of Gotham.

"He wouldn't go anywhere else. He had to stay in Gotham."

"Where did he become Robin?" Cassie asked.

"Checked that. All the bat bunkers and the Man—his apartment."

Cassie sighed. "Could he be in Bludhaven?" she asked.

"No, I seem to have developed a grudge with most of the Team."

"You killed your best friend!"

Nightwing sighed.

Cassie narrowed her eyes as someone walked out of an alleyway. "I think I found him." She said, landing behind the boy. She turned him around and sure enough it was Robin.


Except his glasses were off.

"So you're Robin." She said, astonished.

"Cassie," Tim repeated her name. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to hurt u again."

Cassie was shocked. "Hurt me?"

"I took advantage of u when I kissed you." Tim said, looking at the ground and tucking his hands in his pockets.

Cassie looked stunned. "I kissed you, Tim." She said. "If anyone took advantage of the other, it was me!"

Tim looked completely surprised.

"I was still down about Liam, but I needed comfort. I knew you'd give me that comfort no matter what," Cassie looked him straight in his eyes. "Because that's the type of guy u are."

Tim managed a small smile.

"Well?" Nightwing demanded in her comm.

Cassie looked at Tim who slipped on his dark glasses and nodded.

"Yeah," she said. "I found him."

"Well bring him on home."

New York City

June 6, 22:00 EST

Sam had been hanging in the same position so long he had gone to sleep. He was jerked awake door the sound of soft footsteps in the warehouse. Sam blinked sleepily and fell to the ground in a heap. Nightingale leaned over him and undid his chains. Sam looked at her crazily.

"Someone's been running around impersonating your brother." Sam said.

Nightingale didn't respond.

Sam stood up and flexed his joints. "Why did u do it?" he asked. "Why not just let me die. That's what u wanted."

"Yes," Nightingale spoke in her soft voice. "That is what I wanted. But we can't always have what we want, can we?"

Sam shook his head slowly.

"You got a lesson. You'll keep an eye on your partners a lot closer now, won't you?"

"Always." Sam said, shadows moving to cover his face.

Nightingale turned around to say something else to the man, but she settled for a glance and walked out.

"Weird." Sam muttered.

The Watchtower

June 7, 23:09 EST

"Recognized: Red Revenge A-13. Override. Red Revenge 13."

Samuel Grant stepped out of the zeta tube. "Someone malfunction my authorization?" he asked.

"No," Batman said, handing the holo computer to Flash and walking toward Revenge. "We've got no reason to not trust you. You've proven time and time again that u are always on the side of justice. No matter what it may seem."

"Welcome to the Justice League."

Mount Justice

June 7, 8:09 EST

"Recognized: Red Revenge, 13." Revenge walked out of the zeta tubes and opened a holo-computer.

"Revenge," Nightwing said, starting towards the Black Hero. The zeta-tubes hummed to life again.

"Recognized: Tezla, A-23."

A blonde girl walked into the Cave, dark glasses on and backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Nightwing, we need to speak."

The black haired male looked at Revenge, the zeta-tubes, and lastly Brooke.


The three walked off to the side as the rest of the Team began to enter the Cave.

"This is Brooke Shields, Tezla. She's gonna need some basic training, tour of the Cave, but she is NOT a member of your Team." Revenge said, jabbing his finger into Dick's chest on the word "yours".

"Understood." Nightwing zei coldly. He whistled a sharp, high tune and Robin ran in.

"Robin, take Tezla and introduce her to the Team. Give her a tour and start training."

The Boy Wonder nodded and departed, the blonde girl in tow.

"What happened to your identification?" Nightwing asked.

"He's part of the Justice League now." Batman said, his face popping up on the screen. "We need all available Team members in Bialya. War just broke out. Revenge, you're with the Justice League. We'll be fighting while the Team preforms zoek and Rescue."

"Roger." The two males nodded. Nightwing tapped a holo-computer. "All Team members meld to Cave Briefing Room immediately. Delta Alert."
posted by SilverWings13
Two words: Train fight!!!

Declan concentrated for a moment before he felt the familiar tingle on his skin, like freezing water rushing over him. He looked at his hand on the railing. And saw nothing but the railing.
None of the other passengers had noticed his sudden transformation; they were too preoccupied in their own little worlds of technology and small children.
The men entered at the same time and gathered in the middle, passing the now invisible boy.
They wore the same baffled expressions when they did not see their target who they knew had been in this car. And he was. They just could...
continue reading...
posted by Alvin2442
 Old Hero Outfit
Old Hero Outfit
Name: Alvin Hamilton III Ewing

Alias: Assassin

Age: 17

Height: 6'11


Team: Young Justice, but he's new.

Appearance: He has green eyes and black hair. His hair is sometimes spiky, but sometimes it's pushed down, when he in his hero outfit, he also has glasses.

Personality: Alvin is calm, serious, and quiet. He will help you, but not all the way. He's gets to the point, and will get irritated if u drone on.

Powers: He has super senses, super speed, and teleporting powers. He has limited telekinesis and can confuse u for a limited time, making it easy to kill you. He can make himself...
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posted by Mclovin_69
(( Gotham City 6:34 PM November 12th, 2012))

He jumped a building as a cop shouted for him to stop, it amused him the cop actually thought he was going to stop. He shot his grappling hook and swung of the building " yeeha!!! " he shouted out laughing and shot a grappling hook from his other wrist compartment and swung from building to building, people wondered why he always ran if only they could be in his shoes and know all hes been through than maybe they would understand. Suddenly he was shot back into the side of a building and cracked the glass he crashed into, his eyes widened as he saw...
continue reading...
Okay, I had to do this....sorry, personal reasons....

Name: Jack Michels

Alias: The Healer

Appearance: 6'1. Brown hair. Black eyes. Regular build.


'Stume: White body suit, blue cape.

Powers: Healing

Skills: Lockpicking. Advanced Martial Arts.

Past: Growing up with Prosopagnosia(the inability to reconise faces), is hard. His family yelled all the time about how he was so ungrateful, he couldnt even reconise their faces. His sister was the only one who understood, they were close. When she passed away from cancer, it devistated him. His parent were so angry,...
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posted by AislingYJ
Okay, I’m terribly sorry about the long wait (1 month, according to fanpop..)! I just had a deathly case of lazywritersblockhomeworkiactuallykindahavealifecantbebotheredatall-itis, but I’m over that now, so here it is! Part 6 of Broken Wings! If u need a refresher (which u might), I have the linken to all 5 parts and the prologue in my favorieten link! Well, time for me to shut up, and let u read my story!
The bioship, invisible even to the most watchful eye, cut through the night. Inside, the members of the Justice League sat; the ship had been reconfigured to accommodate a much larger...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Cuz I really needed to write this. And we dont see Lexi in enough artikels in my opinion!

In the cave,

Lexi was chewing on her blanket, sitting on the couch. I came in zeta, she giggled and put her blanket over her head. I smiled.
"Im, gonna get you!" I told her playfully, smiling. She screamed and got off the couch, she started giggling, and she tied the blanket around her neck like a cape.
"You cant catch me!" She taunted and started running around.
"Le gasp!" I said, I ducked behind the couch, and waited for my prey to come around. She ran by, and I pounced, pulling her close and curling into...
continue reading...
posted by SilverWings13
Dozens of commuters passed Declan in the busy underground station. He leaned against a wall, out of their way. None paid attention to him as they went on their ways, ignoring him as if he were invisible. He preferred it that way.
A boy played gitaar a few feet off and a girl sang along. The song sounded familiar to Declan, but he was too caught up in replaying the scenes from the night before to pay enough attention to recall it.
Infiltrating the sweet, shutting off the power, attacking the men, and leaving all in five minutes. And collecting the photos, files, and all the information on himself...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
They looked at each other. Teague and Amber were taken care of. Leah and Rachel had been called back to where ever. Becca was on edge. It had been too easy. Almost. There was something else they hadn't counted for. Something Amber had kept secret. Becca handed Devin over to Fang and approached the dark angel of hell.
“What else is there?”
Amber only smiled and Becca crouched down so they were eye level. Her eyes roamed Amber's face but there was no clue, no hint, as to what came next. The others started to wake up from Terror's spell when the entire place shook. The was a loud boom, almost...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Kay, forum still open, till I post chapter one of this....

I sat in my room. Knees curled up to my chest, my covers disheveled. The oversized sweater, sweatshirt kept me warm, and the teddy used to keep me feeling safe. I swung my legs over the side and slipped out of bed. The sweater, sweatshirt brushed my thighs, I grasped my teddy tight. I walked out of my room and turned for Fang's, but, stopped myself. I turned for zeta, and ran. When I appeared in an alley, I really didnt care. I walked out of the alley, and listened to thunder clap. I started walking down the sidewalk. It was late, of early, anyways it...
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posted by BladeYJ

The brunette followed Sarge. Her Omega halsketting, ketting swayed slightly. Silver was close behind, blonde hair bouncing, a stern face. The pair stopped as Sarge ordered them to.
"Eclipse and Silver, u must complete this simulation!"
"Phoebe!" The brunette growled.
"Don't talk back soldier!"
"Whatever.." Phoebe muttered as she and Silver met the the center of the training field.

"Simulation start." A woman's voice that sounded all to fake beeped.
"Your objective: u and your teammate must find the bomb and defuse it before it explodes. There will be enemy holograms, treat them like real...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Fin was not pleased. Twenty-two hours of sitting cramped in a bus with blindfolds on, suffering with Epsilon’s constant mindless chatter and Ciel’s soft humming (which started to bug her after the first 10 minutes). Then, getting out of the bus... only to get loaded into a jet which brought them right back where they started! She’d memorized how Gotham looked and she wasn’t an idiot, but she feigned curiosity.
They were brought along a dark hallway in a warehouse. Something about the place was oddly familiar, but she couldn’t place her finger on what it was, so she ignored the little...
continue reading...
posted by ShadowYJ
A few days geleden I geplaatst a forum saying that I'll be writing a fanfic.
It will be published in a few days time and to not spoil anything it will be titled 'A Truth A-fold, A Spark Untold' (Just so u know)

Since Only like few people have geplaatst their OC's to be in this fanfic, if theres anyone that DOES want to be in this fanfic and is interested, scam my uithangbord of post your bio on this (Very quick):


Thanks and thats all from me.
Lucas and Artemis sat in the keuken-, keuken with milk, sugar, plastic bags, salt, and ice on the counter with their science notebooks with them. " Okay so we need to put the ice and the sugar together " Lucas zei putting ice in the big plastic bag and taking some sugar, " No Luke we need to put salt with the ice " Artemis zei picking up the salt, " uhmmm no we need the sugar " Luke zei grabbing the sugar, Artemis grabbed the plastic bag aswell getting annoyed with Luke " we need the salt " she zei pulling the bag towards her, " no we need the sugar " Lucas zei getting annoyed as well pulling...
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posted by SilverWings13
 Improv Civvies
Improv Civvies
Biking across Gotham certainly took much longer than driving. But it was also faster than walking. And Aryess wasn't in the mood to break the law door driving her motorrijden while underage, even if she did have a (false) license.
Ary didn't mind the long ride. It was a nice way to clear her head in the simple task. She could have gone without the heat, though. The beating sun had forced her to exchange her hero uniform for not her usual civvies: blue-and-gray striped shirt, hooded jean jacket, and jeans, but instead a spaghetti-strap top, boven and black shorts. The fingerless gray gloves stayed in...
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posted by SilverWings13
It was only in the darkest hours of the night that I feel the safest in the city. There are dozens of things that hide among the shadows, where the tendrils of the lights can't reach.
And, much to my advantage, one man's hiding place, is another girl's haven.
Sitting atop the roof of a high-rise, I stare out at the city lights that dot the sky, accompening the moon.
A mere sliver tonight, I note, glancing up at the curved line that glows above the lights. It seems alone, the stars hidden behind clouds. Empty clouds that don't hold any rain, I hope. I don't mind the sprinkle of clear water that...
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
Was going to do this way back when, but I put it aside for a while. Here it is: a few ways to stay unharmed when hanging around SilverWings. I recommend NOT doing them ;)

1) Threaten Bentley.

2) Ruffle her hair.

3) Sneak up on her and jump out and yell "BOO!". She may reflexively pull out a mes and... u get the picture.

4) Ask why she doesn't have wings despite her hero name.

5) Touch her knives, hidden blade, of any other weapon.

6) Call her "Angel", "kiddo", "Cub", of any other name Blaze calls her.

7) Spray her with Silly String.

8) Dump a bucket of ice water on her while she's sleeping (yes...
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posted by InfinityYJ
A voorbeeld to what's coming! The sign-up is still open, closes tomorrow. I need some guys, please, so if u could, it'd be nice. ;D
Here we goo!!

Fin rushed to her room, zipping past the people in the front to avoid communicating with them. She slammed her door open, giving the same amount of force to close it, and went straight to her dresser in the closet where she started throwing the clothing out of it. “C’mon, where is it, where is it...”
Blaire, who was sitting on the dog bed in the corner, perked up, curled tail wagging. Fin noticed this and turned, crouching down. The pup jumped...
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posted by Robin_Love
I couldn't help myself. I had to write it. You'll understand everything when Memory is finished; just a few meer parts!!!!

Her hand fit nicely in his. Their fingers threaded together as the walked casually along the koop district of Happy Harbor. They window shopped, looking at whatever they found interesting. And they had meer in common than either of them first thought. They walked past a chocolate store and she stopped, looking at the display. He tugged her hand gently, but she didn't move.
He followed her line of sight, a smile on his lips. Everyone had warned him; keep Becca...
continue reading...
posted by Eclipse-YJ
 'The Blue Knight'
'The Blue Knight'
Name: Jason mannetjeseend, drake Spade

Alise: Blue Knight

Age: 13 and half (In the future)

Appearence: Blue messy hair (like his dad), Deep Green eyes but the left one is blind, nice mascular figure, tall, dark and slim

Story: Born just a regular child of..........DYLAN AND PHOEBE (woah there take a moment to breath again) but when he was about 1 his right eye went blind and the other isn't that great either, so from time to time he has to wear and eye patch. He gained meer emotional to his father when (SPOILER IN THE HOLE!) Phoebe Died (!!!!!). Dylan soon found out that Jason had the same powers as his and trained...
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I have seen what man can do

I ran from The Labs the earth that touched my feet sent chills down my back. I felt so close to it, like a connection.

I look at myself in the mirror, i was not born. I wasn't made door god...i was made door man. A selfish human, who wanted, everything.

When the evil lives inside of you

I saw the pain and fright of the people i attacked. I hurt them to no end, and i felt nothing. No mourning, no sadness. Until now. I couldn't care, i felt no pain, i would ignore the fear...and i killed them all. All of helpless.

I look down at the things i have...
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