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Not Mine (

"Robin? Robin!" Kaldur hissed, looking around the darkened room the team were currently hiding in.

"He's gone isn't he?" Wally asked quietly, glancing up from the computer.

"Yep." The Atlantean nodded, exasperated.

"Figures." Artemis groaned softly. "M'gann, can you…"

She was interrupted door gunfire from the volgende floor up in the wolkenkrabber and a familiar cackle.

"Oh. There he is." Kid Flash mused, before racing up the stairs.


"Seriously dude, you've gotta stop doing that." Wally grimaced as the team were assembled back in the cave.

"Stop doing what?" Robin glanced at the speedster in confusion.

"Stop running off in the middle of a mission." Kaldur elaborated.

Robin blinked. "I did…? oh, right." He winced. "Sorry…"

"Just be meer careful volgende time." Artemis told him.

Robin nodded obediently, smiling. "Yes, ma'am!"

"You zei that last time. And the time before…" Conner pointed out.

Robin shrugged, a red tint colouring his cheeks a little. "I don't do it on purpose… it's just habit…"

"Then break it." Artemis folded her arms.

Robin shrugged. "I'll try…" The Boy Wonder told her.

He placed a hand to his ear, listening to something in his comm. link. "Yeah? I'm on my way." He decided.

He glanced up at his friends. "Sorry guys. Arkham break-out."

The black-haired boy walked to the zeta-tube. "Recognised. Robin, B01." The computer announced as he vanished.

"Well, actually I'd better run too." Wally said. "Really gotta study for a test tomorrow. See u all later."

He vanished in a blur.

As he ran, he kept thinking. Robin running off could seriously endanger someone – Rob himself most likely, but it could also be whoever he was supposed to be watching out for. And what if he actually got captured and everyone assumed he had just gone on patrol?

There had to be a way to…

Kid Flash stopped in his tracks, an idea blossoming in his mind. Perfect.

Two weeks later, they were on another typical mission – an 'observe only' that had rapidly turned into a battle.

"Robin's gone." Conner hissed as they all crouched behind a tipped over table, trying to hide themselves from the bullets raining against it.

"Great." Artemis rolled her eyes, nocking an arrow as she pressed her back against the table.

Suddenly they heard a familiar cackle and a shout of "Bird-boy!"

The bullets stopped hitting their makeshift shield and the team felt it veilig to look up over the table.

Instead the gunmen were firing at a shadow on the ceiling. Robin laughed, jumping down. He landed on a first man, knocking him to the ground and twisted around, punching a second.

He didn't notice the gun that was trained on his back until suddenly an arrow hit the Kevlar vest, knocking the third gunman backwards.

"Thanks Artemis!" Robin grinned, throwing the forth and final gunman aside into a wall. The man stared up dazedly.

"Robin…" Kaldur zei warningly.

"I know, I know." Robin shrugged his shoulders slightly. "No running off door myself. I get it Kaldur."

"That was irresponsible and u could have been seriously hurt…" Aqualad began.

Robin shrugged. "That tafel, tabel would have lasted another ten seconden max."

Wally reached into his sleeve he'd sown onto his outer-wrist for just this occasion. He pulled out a spray bottle filled with water and raced up to his friend.

"Bad ninja! Bad ninja!" He sprayed him twice.

"Yah!" Robin jumped backwards, his arm raised in a block. He grabbed his cape and pulled it up as a shield. After a seconde it became apparent that Kid Flash had stopped spraying him.

"KF, what the hell?" Robin dropped his cape and stared at his best friend. "Seriously, what was that about?"

"Bad ninja." Wally said, spraying him in the face once more.

Robin yelped again and wiped his face with his sleeve. "What the heck?"

"No running off in a mission, Robin." Kid Flash folded his arms, still holding the sprayer.

"No spraying me with water then!"

"I won't spray u if u don't run off."

"Yeesh, fine KF." Robin rolled his eyes, exaggerating the movement so his team-mates could see it behind his mask.

"Good." Kid Flash smiled. He glanced at the gunmen and nudged the closest with his foot. "Let's get these guys tied up."


"Robin, u promised not to do this any more…" Kaldur grimaced.

"He broke his promise." Conner shrugged.

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" Robin folded his arms and glared at his team-mates, his foot resting on the tied up villain.

"Barely." M'gann said. "Robin, u could become hurt if you…"

"Bad Ninja!" Wally interrupted her, spraying Robin. "Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja! Baaaad Niiinnjaaaa!" He gave a long spray for the last one.

Robin wiped his face. "You have serious problems, u know that right?" He glanced around at his team-mates. "Does anyone else think that this is nuts?"

Artemis touched him on the shoulder.

He spun around to face her, and got a faceful of water.

"Bad Ninja!"

Robin took a step backwards automatically, moving a hand up to defend himself. After a seconde he realised what she had done and stared at her. "Artemis? Really?"

"Really. Bad Ninja!" She sprayed him again.

"Why the heck are u copying Wally?"

"Because it's fun." Artemis shrugged. "And he was the only one who came up with a good idea for how to get u to stop running off. Bad Ninja!" She sprayed him once more.

Robin stared at them, wiping his wet hair from his face and then looked at the other three members of the team. "Seriously guys?"

"Well, don't run off I guess." Kaldur shrugged, biting back a smile.

"Asterous." Robin muttered, pushing his now wet hair out of his face again.


"And I win!" Robin cackled, poking Wally from behind with the speedster's wristband in hand.

"No fair! u cheated!"

"Did not! The point of the exercise was to be the last one with their wristband. I'm the only one left." Robin smirked, tapping his own wristband.

"But u went all ninja on us…" Artemis complained.

"Yep. It's what I do." Robin shrugged, then he took a step back and raised his hands defensively. "And it was a training exercise so don't u dare…" He gave a yelp as both Artemis and Wally pulled out their spray bottles and sprayed him.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Not fair!" Robin snapped, holding his hands up as a shield. "I'm supposed to do that here!"

"He's right." Kaldur agreed. "Wally, Artemis, put the water sprays down."

Reluctantly the speedster and the archer followed the orders.

"You two have serious mental problems." Robin scowled. "And I should know. I fight nutsos every dag of the week."

"Now you're on a team with them." Wally grinned, tapping the Boy Wonder lightly on the nose.

Robin decided this was a good time to demonstrate that his mentor wasn't the only one who could do an impressive Bat-Glare.


"Robin!" M'gann sighed in relief, flying forwards. Then she paused, fear clouding her eyes.

In a seconde Kid Flash was kneeling door his best friend's side. The Boy Wonder was lying on the ground, washed up onto the kust-, oever of the lake.

The speedster placed his fingers on his neck. "He's alive…" Wally whispered in relief as everyone else crowded around.

Right on cue, Robin coughed and sat up to see his team looking at him in worry. "Are u okay?" M'gann asked.

"I'm asterous…" Robin said, sitting up and coughing. "Just a bit waterlogged."

"Robin, u could have drowned!" Artemis said, relief making her angry. "You couldn't have waited so we could tell if it was dangerous?"

"I'm fine…"

"Bad Ninja!" Artemis decided, spraying him.

"Hey!" Robin raised one hand up, supporting himself with the other. "Seriously, where do u even keep that thing?"

"In my quiver. Bad Ninja!"

"Bad Ninja!" Kid Flash agreed, spraying him as well.

"Guys! Almost drowned here! Don't need any meer water!"

Robin crab-walked backwards and glowered at his two friends. "Seriously guys, that's just insane."

Kaldur paused. Well, they are teaching him not to disappear… He mused to himself.

The hydrokinetic jerked a hand. A bubble of water raised from the lake. The rest of the team saw it but Robin still had his back to the lake as he clambered to his feet.

Suddenly the water fell down, pouring over him.

Robin's jaw dropped as the cold water soaked him. He stayed stunned for a seconde before turning around to glower at Kaldur.

"What was that for?" He shouted, pushing a sopping wet lock of hair out his face.

Kaldur gave a small smile. "Bad Ninja."

"Urgh!" Robin threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. He turned off and began to walk off. "Did we beat the bad-guys yet?"

"Yep." Conner nodded, trying to hide a smile.

"Good. I'll be back in Gotham then." Robin scowled, walking off. His feet made squishing noise as they were filled with water.

Behind him he could hear his vrienden cracking up.

"So not feeling the aster…" He muttered, getting onto his motorcycle.


"Robin?" Artemis looked around. "Robin?" She hissed.

"I really hate it when he does that." Kid Flash groaned.

M'gann placed a hand on her head and the team all heard her voice in their heads. Robin, where are you?

Busy. Was the acrobat's sharp reply.

There was a crackle of gunfire to the side.

Kid Flash ran forwards as fast as he could and threw the guy to the ground, grabbing the gun.

Artemis was right behind him, arrow shooting off to the other gunman.

Kaldur pulled out his water into a mace, clanging it into the third gunman.

The other three were already taken down, most likely due to Robin.

"None for us?" Conner smirked as M'gann floated volgende to him. Kaldur changed the mace back into regular water and dropped it back into his sheathes.

"Sorry. I'll try to save some for u volgende time." Robin grinned.

The other members of the team all paused, and than in unison pulled out identical spray-bottles and aimed them at Robin.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally announced as they all pressed the trigger together.

"Bad Ninja!" Artemis agreed.

Robin spluttered, wiping his face. "Is this a conspiracy of something?"

"Yes." Kaldur nodded. "Bad Ninja." They all sprayed again.


"You'd've thought he'd've stopped door now." Artemis mused as they all ran into the room.

Robin was busy tying up the unconscious seconde rate villain. "Hey guys." He grinned, looking up.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally shot forwards with the sprayer ready.

Robin's hand shot to his utility belt. In a seconde he had aimed his taser straight at the speedster. "Don't." He warned.

Wally paused and stared at his friend. He looked at his sprayer. Than he looked back at the taser, then at his sprayer, then the taser and then his spray bottle again.

"Bad Ninja!" He sprayed him.

Robin pulled the trigger and then tasered his friend.

He'd already changed the settings it so that it wasn't in lethal mode, but Kid Flash still dropped to the ground jerking.

The rest of the team paused and Robin took his taser back and slid it into his utility belt.

Artemis touched Kaldur on the shoulder and began to whisper in his ear. Kaldur nodded with a slight smile.

There was a rushing noise, and suddenly the pipes snapped. Water sprayed out, thundering into Robin.

For a seconde the Boy Wonder was choking, trying to ride the wave of water the fell through the room. Then it petered out and Robin was left gasping on the ground in front of the team.

Kaldur smirked. "Very Bad Ninja."

Robin sat up and glowered. "I hate u all." He gasped out. "With a vengeance."

"Okay then." M'gann shrugged, knowing that he didn't mean it.

She flew over him and whipped out her own sprayer. Aiming it straight at the lying down Boy Wonder's face, she smiled. "Bad Ninja."


The team snuck into a warehouse.

"Robin, where is it… Robin?" Kaldur looked around.

"Oh, great." Kid Flash grimaced. "Not again."

There was a swish of a cape and suddenly Robin was behind him. "I can go off to get the blue-prints, I'll just have to go to the control room." He told them.

The team all glanced at him. "Back soon." The acrobat added, vanishing.

"Did he really just tell us before running off?" Artemis asked.

"I guess it worked, then." Wally shrugged, tapping the sprayer attached to his wrist.

Half an uur later, the team finished their mission. "Let's see, not that big a mess door our standards." Robin glanced around the warehouse. "The building's even standing."

"And u didn't run off." Kaldur smiled slightly. "Well, u told us before disappearing."

Robin flushed. "Yeah."

"So the Bad Ninja thing worked?" Artemis smirked.

"Actually, no. I was considering doing it on purpose just to spite u all, but then I figured your arguments were pretty good. Not the spraying thing." Robin answered.

Despite being trained door Batman, each member of the team knew the lie for what it was. The water spray was what had made him tell them.

Kid Flash zoomed up behind Robin.

Before the Boy Wonder could react, Wally patted him on the head. "Good Ninja. Good Ninja. Good – hey!"

Robin's hand had shot out and caught Wally's wrist. Bending it back, he forced Wally into a kneeling position with Robin still holding his wrist hostage.

"Don't." He warned.

"Bad Ninja!" Wally pulled out his sprayer with his free hand and sprayed Robin in the face while kneeling.

Robin pulled his wrist back further, not quite breaking his wrist but putting pressure on it. Kid Flash gave a soft, involuntary wimper.

The Boy Wonder released the Fastest Boy Alive. "Don't try that again." He advised him.

"Bad Ninja!" Kid Flash sprayed him again. "Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

Robin threw his hands up in exasperation as Wally kept spraying him. "I'm going back to Gotham where it's sane."

"Gotham villains are saner than Wally?" M'gann asked, glancing at Robin as the Boy Wonder walked out, Kid Flash on his heels.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Not really, but at least I'm allowed to attack them. See u guys." He left.

Wally stayed right behind him, still pulling the trigger on the spray bottle repeatedly.

"Bad Ninja! Bad Ninja!"

"Shut up!"

"Bad Ninja!"

"Leave me alone, KF!"

"Bad Niiiinnnjaaaaaaaa!"
“What's the plan?” Wally whispered as he and Becca danced to the song.
“Just keep playing as we are. I had Devin let the others know. We're the inside spies. Any sign, we let them know. And vice versa.”
“So we have to keep faking liking each other until we find find Robin?”
“That would be correct.”
For some odd reason, Wally felt his hart-, hart sink. There was something about Becca that drew his attention. It made him want to focus. And that was saying a lot, considering his long record of NOT being able to pay attention. He pulled Becca jut a little bit closer and was surprised when...
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posted by Robin_Love
A smile lit his face.
“As long as we find Robin, I don't care what we do.”
Becca nodded. She led him to a secluded area and pulled a tux out of her belt.
“What?! How'd you-Why's that in there?!”
Becca smirked.
“Take a guess Kid Spaz.”
Wally blushed a little as he took it and the answer came to mind.
“In case u and Robin go out after missions?”
Becca nodded.
“Devin can use a little of her guardian power to make it fit you. Now if u need me, which u shouldn't, I'll be back soon.”
Becca slipped off and Devin sprinkled a bit of magic on the suit. It grew to Wally's size and she...
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 I was done doing my exercise.
I was done doing my exercise.
Dick’s POV:

I was just finish when Alfred came in the gym. “Young master, I forgot to say that a friend, a girl, of yours is waiting in your room.” I wiped the sweat of my forehead. “How long is my friend in my room?” Alfred looked ashamed. “Almost for 20 minutes. I’m sorry.” I fast put my towel on my mouth to hide my smile. Alfred normally doesn’t forget such things. “It’s alright Alfred. I will see what she is doing the whole time.” While I was walking to my room, I was thinking who the girl could be. Alfred would not let anybody in my room. So it had to be Barbra or...
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I was doing paperwork when Kate came in the study room. “Rachel, why aren’t u ready!?” She sounded angry. I kept writing while I answered her question. “What do u mean?” She started tapping with her feet on the ground. She was angry, now she is pissed off. “The Charity-party? u begged on coming with me. Ring any bells?” Shit, I knew I did forget something. “I even had to ask the person who organized the charity party if u were allowed to come. He laughed at my face and said: Of course she allowed but she will get quiet bored.” I finally looked up. Kate was wearing...
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posted by Skittles98
“Time can’t freeze. It’s never frozen before!” Robin protested
“I’m as confused as you. But one vraag still remains: why are we still moving?” I asked
“I don’t know” he admitted. I thought back to what we did today that may have set us free from this curse. It’s not like I placed a spell on him of anything. WAIT! MY MAGIC!
“Robin, your riem kept u un paralyzed!” I exclaimed
“What? What are u talking about?” he asked
“When I preformed all that magic on your belt, the residue must’ve been strong, so it created a extremely fine layer of magic that protected...
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posted by justjill
"Hey Robin, u there?" Megan called. "Yeah?" Both of us answered. "I mean the other Robin..." She directed her stare to Megan and quickly left the gym. I stood up walked out of the gym just in time to see KidFlash running down the corridor. "Whoa, whats the rush?"I asked KidFlash as I blocked his path with my arm."Oh, I was looking for you, I need u to help me with something very important and u must tell no one! Especially Artemis." "Come one KF! I'm your best friend, why would i tell anyone?" He looked at me with his know-it-all eyes as he led me to Artemis's room. "I need u to hack...
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posted by Robin_Love
Saturday proved to be an eventful day. Becca was up at dawn and ready for training before seven. She was walking to the sparring room when a blast of cold wind rushed up behind her. Becca stopped before she hit him but looked up at Wally.
“Why won't u tell us why you're here?”
“Leave her alone Wally,” Artemis warned.
She stood beside Becca and both girls looked at him.
“Or do u want another of her escrim stick shoved in your face?”
Wally scowled and Artemis pushed past him, dragging Becca behind her. Artemis shoved Becca into her room, closing the door.
“You okay?”...
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posted by Skittles98
My name is Tiki. I am a sea nymph and one of the meer devious ones at that. I’m always playing pranks on the surface dwellers with the help of my dad. He is a very powerful Ocean master. One day, he assigned me a new task: play with the hart-, hart of the one named Wally West to get him distracted from his work as Kid Flash. I agreed readily to the task. I was put through a minor shaping shifting spell so I could change my dark blue skin to that of a tan human. I swam to the surface wearing a one piece swim suit. My naturally Cyan blue hair was now blonde with a blue streak and I had tattoos going...
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posted by justjill
"So...Have u found any girls yet?" Wally asked me. Here we go again, another one of his talks about his social life when I could be paying attention to battle field where Aqualad and Artemis fighting on the field. Artemis flipped Aqualad on the ground, before I continued,"Nah, The B man doesn't want any drama in the cave, we get enough emotions from Alfred." "Alfred?! Seriously Rob ? Are u gonna keep on staying single until u grow old and die?" I broke into a grin,"You know this is coming from you, the ladies man who haven't even got a lady.""Hey, at least I know I could give...
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 "They must be doing something to him."
"They must be doing something to him."
When I opened my eyes, we were in a dark room, chained to the walls. I felt a sense of deja vu as I recalled Darkseid's invasion that happened a few months back.
"Robin?" I called out, hoping for an answer.
Nothing. My nerves circled around me, causing a shortness of breath.
"Erica?" it was Aqualad's voice, not Robin's, but I was still relieved that I wasn't alone.
"Where are we?" Artemis asked. I heard her hands shuffling against the walls.
"They must have imprisoned us," I concluded, pulling at my chains. "Where's Robin?"
KF looked around. "I thought he was right volgende to me!"
Oh, no. I struggled...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Lily awoke suddenly. She was in a dark room. She could hear voices outside the enclosed myserious room. She then attempted to sit up and put a hand to her migrating head. But that's when she relized she was straped down. It almost reminded her of that gory horror movie she watched once where the girl gets sawed in half door a creepy puppet. She took a deep breathe and attempted to squirm out. But no luck.
Lily then heard approching footsteps. She turned her head in the direction of which it was coming from. The fimiular figure of Chesire walked in.
"Good. You're awake." She smirked evilly....
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"My name is Poison BlackThorne." I answered. "I am the neice of Poison Ivy." "Must run in the family," zei the boy wonder. I ignored him. "I tried to kill u because I was following my orders. The orders from my Master." "So who's your "Master" and is that who your working for?" asked Kid Flash. See, u got my name right, he zei telepathically. I ignored that too. My Master would kill me if i turned against him and told u who he was, i thought. "Its okay, we have a deal. We'll protect you." zei Artemis. "Well," I started to say, "You want to know so much? I'm working for the Joker and...
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posted by KatRox1
*Please leave a commentaar on what u thin should happen next, any suggestions, of just plain old comments!!*

I paced back and forth through the hallway. My hart-, hart was beating almost out of my chest. A thousand thoughts raced through my head. I had finally figured it out. The symbols on their costume, they actually meant something. My guess was that they were heroes, they didn't seem to be looking for a fight, but there just happened to be one. Also, after Zero had Jocelyn come pick us up, there was a whole news meld about how some guy named Bane had robbed a bank.
But I couldn't tell Miles,...
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posted by KatRox1
Anna immediately jumped up and ran to the cell door. Through the small slot she could make out 6 distinct shadows. It was the team. "Back away" zei Aqualad. She walked back towards the corner. Superboy broke the door down. Dust swirled all around. Anna coughed, "Guys! How did u find me?!" The dust was starting to settle. Robin walked out. "Well, all the bikes have a GPS in it. But one thing I don't understand is how Miss Martian couldn't get a telepathic link with you." Anna laughed. "Well, I don't just heal things. I can also block telepathy. I was just scared that someone here would read...
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posted by KatRox1
She laughed under her breath, knowing that this would be awkward for the both of them. But she needed their help. Batman was standing in the corner, quietly taking with Green Arrow and Black Canary. He looked over at her, then back to the others. Anna hadn't seen Robin for 3 years, and she wasn't sure she wanted to now. But before she could change her mind, they arrived. She was only expecting to see Robin, but 5 other teens followed, one was obviously a Martian. Batman walked up to the team, "Do u have a mission for us?" A redheaded boy asked. "No." Batman replied. "Any information on Red...
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 "This is the dimensional transporter."
"This is the dimensional transporter."
A hollow clanging erupted in my ears, and I realized that we were here: the Bat Cave. I heard a few flapping noises from above me, squeaking as they passed.
Of course there're bats in here, I told myself impatiently. I dared not move, for everything was pitch-black. Knowing Batman, moving a centimeter would destroy a 1,000 jaar old relic that would've been important to him. I heard a little whirring noise before Batman started talking again.
"Take off your blindfolds."
I ripped mine off, regretting it instantly when a bright yellow light nearly blinded my green eyes. When I squinted, it looked...
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posted by Robin_Love
Devin flew into the base just before the sun shone in. After meeting with her Sensai, Devin had been asked to help out a small animal trapped in a cage. Of course, Devin had answered right away to save the animal which turned out to be a little beer cub. It's vacht, bont had been matted and caked with mud, leaves, and blood. It had been trapped for quite awhile, starving and almost past the point of insanity. Devin had never felt so worried of hurt; the animal was wounded, starving, thirsty, and motherless. She didn't want to think of what would have happened had she not shown up. But that delay had...
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posted by Skittles98
“I still don’t know how u did that” Robin admitted
“I’ve always been good with kids” I shrugged
“I think he likes you” Kent laughed from inside the helmet.
“Shut up” I said, my face red.
“Nobody zei anything” Kalder said
”I was…talking to…myself” I muttered. I glared at Kent. He laughed.
“Liana, was the spell u put on Grad and Tala permanent” Kalder asked
“To an extent. It will stay on until I remove it” I explained
“Okay. We really don’t want them turning back to normal right here of else we’d be in big trouble” he sighed
“Good point” I nodded...
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posted by Skittles98
“That’s impossible. There’s no such thing as Helios of Prometheus. Those are just ways to explain the weather” he rolled his eyes
“Ask Flash then. Him, Batman, Superman, J’onn and Diana went to Themyscira and fought Hades with Hypolita. If all those Greek myths are really just that, then how is Diana alive? Amazon’s are one of those myths. Same with Hades. Explain that” I challenged
“That just proves that brand is magic, not your mumbo jumbo” he said
“So, how do u explain this?” I asked “Lex eeb nacorb” his goggles turned into spiders. He screamed like a little girl....
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I jumped out of the way of the first serpent's fangs, nearly tripping over a brand hydrant in the process. I couldn't think of a time in my life that I was meer terrified; my feet were rooted to the ground, unable to move.
The other snake however, had its eyes on Robin and Mr. Freeze. They both dodged its feverish attempts to kill them, but Nora was left unguarded.
This would've been a waste if Nora was kidnapped again, my subconscious told me.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." Consciously, I took hold of a piece of skin from the snake that tried attacking me, and leaped over it. Ignoring the sliminess...
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