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I love Regina because u really don`t know if she`s evil of not. Yeah she changed, but some of the things she does, there`s evil in there. I don`t think she`s that really evil, in fact, Snow and Charming did some horrible things too and they`re still heroes? I don`t get that. Emma was the best evil when she was the dark one, because she really didn`t do anything bad. geplaatst een jaar geleden
Walking Dead is way better than Fear the walking dead. Way, waaay better. geplaatst een jaar geleden
Simmeh commentaar gegeven…
Yes! een jaar geleden
WolfFreeland commentaar gegeven…
Agree :D to me Fear The Walking Dead was Alright but The Walking Dead was Awesome! ^^ een jaar geleden
I just wanted to say, why did they kill Glenn?! He was my favorite, and the way he died was so awful! He deserved better than that scene, but I guess they couldn`t let Daryl die. How is Daryl still alive? I want him to live, but it just seems unreal because people usually die when they are captured (on other seasons of episodes). geplaatst een jaar geleden
kitakedo commentaar gegeven…
Plot armor, reason is his fangirls will start a riot if he dies. een jaar geleden
Bibi69 commentaar gegeven…
Glenn died the exact same way he did in the comics. And Steven Yeun wanted to have that death, he asked the writers to never give that death to anyone else but Glenn, because he deserved to have his epic death and no one else. een jaar geleden
Bibi69 commentaar gegeven…
Also, not everyone who gets captured dies. (Glenn in season 1, Glenn & Maggie in season 3, Michonne in season 4, the whole group in season 4/5 (Terminus), Carol in season 5...) een jaar geleden
SergeantByrd commentaar gegeven…
Besides, if and when they really need to "PUSH" either Rick of Carol in a new direction, they kill off Daryl. een jaar geleden
FatElephant zei over Z Nation
At first, I thought this toon was going to be gay. It didn`t seem real when a baby was turned, because that baby was running really fast!!! It seemed like it just got a superpower. I don`t know why, but I couldn`t stop watching it. lol Z Nation surprised me, and it keeps better and better! I don`t know if it`s true that they`re going to change the actor for Murphy, but that would be really sad....I think he brought most of the humors to this show. I hope he will stay until one of two seasons. geplaatst een jaar geleden