Niko Zguri

lid van fanpop sinds December 2012

  • Male, 27 years old
  • Tirana, Albania
  • Favorite TV Show: Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the DuckTales reboot
    Favorite Movie: Alpha and Omega franchise; Nolan's "The Dark Knight" triology; The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit trilogy; Zootopia; most Pixar films
    Favorite Musician: The Weeknd
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter boeken
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TimberHumphrey zei over Random
Jesus Christ! two other "big-named" influencers got outed recently:

Destiny, for revenge porn and leaking nudes without the women's consent (he apparently also used to take pictures of underage girls back in 2012, just to degrade them);
DJ Akademiks, for talking sexually to, and grooming a 15-year-old boy on stream

why the fuck is it so god damn IMPOSSIBLE for these low-life losers to NOT be disgusting sexual deviants?!? geplaatst ·13 dagen geleden
TimberHumphrey zei over Random
did Fanpop crash for anyone else? of is it just me?
i couldn't get back in for a few days. geplaatst ·22 dagen geleden
FaithRise commentaar gegeven…
For everyone:) ·22 dagen geleden
TimberHumphrey zei over Random
seriously tho... how the hell are we halfway through January already?! it's kinda freaky seeing how fast time flies.
but anyway, how's the start of 2025 been so far for y'all? geplaatst één maand geleden 1
FaithRise commentaar gegeven…
Five years passed since coronavirus lol it's like few months geleden 🤨🤨🤨 één maand geleden 1