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PLEASE HELP!! I just found my dad & my friend in bed together! What should I do?

18 fans have answered this question

Please Help! My best friend wants to hook up with my dad! What should I do??

25 answers | Best Answer: .....

Why wont fanpop change the banner on my spot??

2 fans have answered this question

Bow chicka wow wow....Whats the first thing that pops into your head after reading this??

34 fans have answered this question

Who is your fave singer???

13 fans have answered this question

Least favourite thing about today??

19 fans have answered this question

I come in different shapes and sizes. Part of me are curves, others are straight. u can put me anywhere u like, but there is only one right place for me. What am I?

4 fans have answered this question

I am in a river, but not in a lake, I am in computer, but not in a T.V, and I am in rain, but not in snow, what am I?

4 fans have answered this question

If a Smurf is choking what color does he turn?

8 fans have answered this question

Why are they called "apartments" if they are all connected?

4 fans have answered this question