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iCarlyKitty zei …
Seriously though, one Christophobe on the first dag I am on here?? I am not coming back, sorry. I just needed help getting rid of the chat bubble. geplaatst een jaar geleden
iCarlyKitty zei …
WOW... I thought Deviantart was so close-minded, but nope. This site is too... *Sighs* I'll never be accepted for who I am.... geplaatst een jaar geleden
I like to joke to my doctors, every time I go to see them & say, "What's up doc?" My mother though... got pretty angry because my health was no laughing matter. (In which she's right, but still I wanna lighten things up... geez! *Rolls eyes* XD) And eh, if Jerkface wasn't in here, I wouldn't mind joining. WB is pretty awesome. ^^ geplaatst een jaar geleden
iCarlyKitty zei over jacksepticeye
stempel, punch THAT LIKE BUTTON, IN THE FACE! LIKE A BOSSSSSSS! XD geplaatst een jaar geleden
iCarlyKitty zei …
Do people roleplay on here...? I am just bored and haven't had a good nor decent roleplay in years..., I hope this doesn't sound too bratty... geplaatst een jaar geleden
iCarlyKitty zei over London Tipton
London Tipton's Really Great! Really Great! Really Great! London Tipton's Really Great! And deserves the opposite of HATE, which is LOVE! XD geplaatst een jaar geleden
*Still active* (Sorry, I am sleepy.... *Yawns* XD) geplaatst een jaar geleden
hallo uh, total noob here, but uh, can I join? And what exactly is this toon roleplay? Can u add human-beings too, of is just only for toons? :/ (I've just missed roleplays like these...) And... one meer thing.... how exactly do I join...? And another question, is this group still acted? And I think I have one meer question, can you-(NAH, just kidding, I'm done. XD) geplaatst een jaar geleden
iCarlyKitty zei …
Okay, nvm me saying Hello, I was testing.... I didn't mean to make an account, I followed LoveandHeartbreak on here and looked at her clubs she has, so I looked at one, browsed afbeeldingen that interest me, and... this annoying chat bubble wouldn't go away until I made an account. So don't expect me to be on here a whole lot... geplaatst een jaar geleden
iCarlyKitty zei …
Hello...? geplaatst een jaar geleden