Elizabeth Lim

lid van fanpop sinds March 2012

  • Female, 25 years old
  • Somewhere far from here, Siberia... Nah, just joking. I live on mars. Cheers!你好!
  • Favorite TV Show: The noose (ppl who don't live in SG won't know this)
    Favorite Movie: Harry Potter and the deathly hallows parts1&2/ wrath of the titans/other HP movies/ karate kid/Hunger Games/ Magic to Win/ the three musketeers/
    Favorite Musician: Ummm... Mozart? Sorry, I like classical music...
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter/Percy Jackson/Hunger Games/Maximum Ride/Hardy boys./secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel/CHERUB
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mgsgirl1998 zei over Kickin' It
I envy everyone taking martial arts becoz it's like my life dream and my parents won't let me. geplaatst een jaar geleden
megon4ever zei …
oh no!!! u left my story!
please come back and read!!! geplaatst een jaar geleden
megon4ever gaf me complimenten voor my comments
omg cool, i gave u your first prop!
here's another just because you're awesome. geplaatst een jaar geleden