My Wall

tigerali zei over Migoland
WE NEED TO GET SPINEWORLD BACK!!! Spineworld is so much better than Migoland in my opinion, so if u agree, then vote here for the petition: link We can do this, everyone!!! geplaatst een jaar geleden
tigerali zei over Love
I have a website that I would like all those young single teens out there to check out. It helps teens overcome their shyness to finally get the guy they're after. It teaches how to talk to boys and how to know if they like you. It also has a blog about my occurances with boys and what I learn from them. I also offer advice to anyone with vragen of problems. Check it out and tell your vrienden please! geplaatst een jaar geleden
tigerali zei over One Direction
WHEN WILL KISS u COME OUT I NEED IT NOW!!!! geplaatst een jaar geleden
buffy_marta commentaar gegeven…
7.1.2013 :( een jaar geleden
tigerali zei over One Direction
I'm thinking I should make a fansite for One Direction just for Directioners! What does everyone think? :3 geplaatst een jaar geleden
ZoeyMalik28 commentaar gegeven…
That sounds like a good idea! Love your icon(: een jaar geleden
tigerali commentaar gegeven…
Okay, I just wanted to see what other people thought of the whole idea. Thanks, door the way! :D een jaar geleden
directionr4ever commentaar gegeven…
that would be AWESOME!!!! een jaar geleden
ZoeyMalik28 commentaar gegeven…
Hah,welcome<3 een jaar geleden
tigerali zei over One Direction
hallo guys, I was wondering what kind of website I should make just for Directioners. A fansite? A fanfiction site? Anyone have any ideas? :) Please reply with any good ideas and I will make an awesome website for everyone! geplaatst een jaar geleden
emilymcguire commentaar gegeven…
fan site. een jaar geleden
tigerali zei over One Direction
Hey, does anyone know where the best place to post my One Direction fan fiction in this club? I'd really like to share it with u guys! geplaatst een jaar geleden
LifesGoodx3 commentaar gegeven…
Post it in the articles, of if u have already geplaatst it on another website then in the linken possibly :) een jaar geleden
ZoeyMalik28 commentaar gegeven…
Post it in the articles(: een jaar geleden
tigerali commentaar gegeven…
Thanks guys! :D een jaar geleden
EvilPineapple commentaar gegeven…
I recommend u post it on Wattpad! It's a website just for people to post story's that they have written! there are heaps of One Direction fanfictions on there! :) een jaar geleden
I dreamed that there was a sequel to The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction! It had One Direction's voices, and was longer and even funnier than the first! geplaatst een jaar geleden
tigerali zei over Manga
Please to to the forum and help me on my manga! <3 ;) geplaatst een jaar geleden
tigerali commentaar gegeven…
Nevermind... :) een jaar geleden
Jackelinee zei …
Hi! btw niall 's hair is brown now, just in case u didn't know b4! and add me back! kaykay! :D geplaatst een jaar geleden
I was the 101st fan! I died with laughter when I watched the genius of Mark that is "The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction." geplaatst een jaar geleden