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I still think the movie, The Gallows, is kinda underrated.. But I found out now, what it all true means.. And Pfeifer is a total teef when u think about it.

In the beginning of the movie Pfeifer asked Reese to do the play, Reese agrees to this because he has a huge ezel crush on her. And unfortunately, Reese can't act.

After Reese's annoying friend, Ryan realizes that Reese is only doing the play to impress Pfeifer, not because he likes drama, Ryan (after finding a broken door) suggests that they sneak into the school tonight tand ruin the settings so that Reese escapes the play without annoying Pfeifer. Ryan's girlfriend also comes. Much to Ryan's annoyance.

Secretly. Pfeifer is Charlie's daughter, and she wanted to sabotage the noose, to kill Reese, to avenge Charlie. (because Reese's dad called in sick, and was suppose to be the character Augest, not Charlie, so it's technically the dad's fault). But Pfeifer caught wind of Ryan's plan, and when the group find her in the school she carefully avoids answering why she was in the school after hours, instead saying to Reese that she "saw his car in the parking lot". Eventually, Cassidy lets slip to Pfeifer that they came to destroy the set, and Pfeifer runs away from Reese, furious at his actions (even though she likely already knew). Charlie (or Pfeifer) locks them of them in the school, and the teens soon discover that there's no way out. Charlie starts to stalk students.

As the group tries to look for a way out of the school, they find news coverage of Charlie's death that includes an interview with his girlfriend Alexis. They also discover that Charlie was not supposed to have performed that dag and was only on stage because he was the understudy for the main actor, Reese's father Rick. The group becomes separated when Reese runs off with the camera, with Ryan being left alone. As he searches for Reece, he sees various things, such as a half finished plate of food, a cup of coffee, a hidden room with a mattress and bed frame, and what looks like a body hanging from above. When the group is reunited, they hear footsteps above them that stop above Cassidy. She is then yanked into the air door seemingly nothing, leaving her with burns on her neck that look like rope burns. They all come back to the stage, where Pfeifer points out an air conditioning duct that they could escape through. Angry and frightened, Ryan accidentally-on-purpose makes himself a target as he calls for Charlie, telling him to toon himself, but when when Ryan tries climbing a latter to the vent, Charlie's unseen spirit finally chooses to respond to Ryan, and violently throws him off, causing Ryan's leg is to be badly broken. Reese, Pfeifer, and Cassidy leave Ryan to try getting help, but the door slams shut, and they are locked out of the stage, tragically Charlie did this, so he punish Ryan for trying to trash the set.

When the other three finally get into the room, Ryan is nowhere to be found. The film then shows footage from Ryan's phone, as he sees the door slam, and while looking around he sees the shiloutte of a hangman executioner (presumably Charlie's ghost) this causes Ryan to understandably freak out and scream for help, but before long, Ryan is violently thrown high into the air, as if being hung. Ryan is presumed dead.

As night progresses, Cassidy is also left alone, weeping from the fear of it all, and completely unaware Charlie has followed her as he slowly wraps his noose around her neck, before violently draging her into an room, Cassidy is ALSO presumed dead.

The corpses of Ryan and Cassidy are later found door Reese and Pfeifer, both hung door Charlie's noose.

Reese and Pfeifer unsuccessfully try to escape the murderious spirit and end up on the stage. Realizing that the spirit is Charlie and that he wants them to act out the final scene, Reese and Pfeifer try and manage to successfully complete this task. However, when Reese puts the noose around his neck for the final portion, Pfeifer continues to shout her lines, addressing Reese as August. This scares Reese, telling her she doesn't have to do that anymore, and saying "Why aren't u leaving!?". But Pfeifer still pretends that this is the play, and after she draws to a close, Charlie appears at the right of the gallows, wearing his hangman hood. He reaches up and opens the platform. Reese screams out Charlie's name, before Charlie activates the noose for "real", and Reese dies instantly. Pfeifer and Charlie both bow to the "audience".

Why does this make Pfeifer a bitch?

Think about it.. Reese was SUPPOSE to die.. She never cared for him.. She allowed this too happen.. She allowed ALL of this too happen.. I mean, much as u probably hated Ryan. Did he really deserve to DIE for disrespecting the play?

And Cassidy was innocent in all this.. meer of less.

No.. Least not in my opinion.
Doug is nothing like his pathetic, crazed character in real life. Some of the commentaries get bizarre, as the Critic is yelling at the movie for being stupid and Doug is yelling at the Critic for being a dick..

Despite that Steven Ogg would sometimes strip down to his underwear to get meer in character while recording Trevor's lines. Steve is basically the type of person that would murder u as Trevor, but once the camera is off, he'll start hugging u and stuff.

He was recently gegeven an...
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So.. Today, we had a flashback to when Lohan killed his parents, and Anna shot him.. I forgot about this.. Pretty twisted.

And we have a new character.. He kinda reminds me of Max Payne for some reason. Too be bad, the episode was little less exciting than I thought.. Just him and Eva walking around. No excitement till the very ending.

Anyway.. Not sure what else to say. The episodes where "okay".

But hey.. They kept me watching till the end. So I guess I considered them as good ones..





LINK: link
posted by Canada24
So, after my moment of weakness, having wanted too quit this show.. I decided..

"Hey Connor. Pull up your frilly stockings, tighten your thong, sad stop being such a pansy, u didn't go this far too wimp out cause the toon is too boring"

Recap those who haven't seen my reviews..

Team is a famish doctor, unnaturally good at what he does.
But when he saves a little boy instead of the mayor, the director hates him cause he didn't save the mayor.. Not cause he actually cares about the mayor, but cause he has all the green shit..

Anyway, the boy, later known as Johan, kills the director cause Tenma...
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posted by Canada24
A well known canadian actor, who always plays the stoner who actually has hart-, hart of gold, despite saying F word in every sentence he ever says..

I myself don't find this movie very funny.
But there's no denying that movie is surprising charming, and actually pretty heartwarming.
Rogen plays a stoner as usual.
But he his character is protrayed as a normal guy.
He's not an asshole, of is he the nicest guy ever.
He's just "normal".

It's pretty basic.. But I love this movie..

The characters are spoofs of themselves.
Espically Danny McBride,...
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In episode 2, dag OF DAYS, One of the Americans, Malarkey, befriends a german POW who lives in the same state of him, and realizing that not ALL of them are evil nazi's, and some are just regular guys. Shortly after Malarkey sees Lt Spears kill the POW's, including the one Malarkey just finished talking too, giving Malarkey a different prospective of the war..

It's a pretty hard too watch episode.
Really shows that being a medic, doesn't make the war any less traumatizing..

Just about every battle scene..
As awesome as they are..
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So.. He may seem innocent enough, but he most gets mad at about everything.
But hey.. If a sitcom spoof that turns into a shootout for no god damn reason, is your kind of humour.. Than have fun.. Weirdo's

#4: JADE_23:
........... Thought I would of had something for Jade, but guess not.

#3: CANADA24:
Basically he's someone who reviews certain shows, like Hellsing for example, but only says "mwa" instead of actually INTELLIGENT reviews.
And most of his "humour" is no different than Wind.. In fact he steals Wind's idea a lot.. Usually making them even meer mean spirited and unfunny..

Just avoid her in general, she's weird..

Their all dicks.. With an odd acceptation of people like those people that rant about mannetjeseend, drake and Josh. Their the REAL human beings..
I forgot about this show..

I'm not watching Death Note anymore..

For all those saying, u don't like it cause u haven't watched it.
Well, I HAVE watched it.

Truth is, I don't care about ANY of those characters, and what happens to them.
Sorry Aqua, this includes L..

So, yeah, sticking to Monster..

Here's to hoping something INTERESTING happens soon.
It's getting a bit dull..

#1: He CAN be funny:
But he never seems to try too hard.
Eight Crazy Nights shows how much he wastes his OWN talents..

#2: I actually LIKE his normal voice:
But, I'm guessing that he thinks it is funny to sound as annoying as possible, even though his normal voice is WAY funnier, than a tone deaf voice..

Also known as "Angry British Guy".
What makes him a villain is that his character is displayed as over the top, boven angry, foul mouthed, and frankly, INSANE!
Arthur is Vine personality He was sacked on the 18th of December, nearly a week after a Facebook post where he revealed that he has not 'made a penny out of Vine' and was 'on the verge' of losing his job, presumably owing to the adult nature of his content..

Although the "hero" of his show, the Nerd is unquestionably an anti-social, cruel and sometimes even psychotic individual - at least in the context...
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1☆ everything i do, i do it for you

2☆ please forgive me

3☆ summer of '69

4☆ heaven

5☆ run to you

6☆ straight from the heart

7☆ here i am

8☆ somebody

9☆ never let go

10☆ kids wanna rock
posted by Canada24
This is one of the scenes that follows the dialogue of NIKO/JOHNNY SERIES.


Packie McReary was seen chatting with Dash Lucia and Micheal Keane.

"So the plan was, they were gonna hid the diamond in the queen's ass" Packie cried, ending what appeared to be one of his many stories, and the other two laughed at the joke.

Niko enters the room, and is spotted door young Kate.

Kate: Oh, hey, Niko.

Niko: Hey, Kate.

Packie: Get your fucking hands off my fucking sister, boy!

Dash: (only one to laugh).

Kate: (sarcastically) We're talking, not having...
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1: Clearence Little:
The corrupt cop Francis McCreary wants Clearence dead for reasons explained in the beginning cut away (most of them self centred).
I don't really like killing this guy, despite the fact he tries to kill u later in a random encounter.
He's still was pleading for life, and Niko doesn't seem like the type who would kill someone on their knees... Unless it's friggin Dimitri.
If u do the excutution verplaats on him, Niko will even apologize for having killed him..

2: Dwayne Forge
I always kill Playboy instead of Dwayne.
Cause Dwayne is such a nice guy, and it makes me feel meer guilty..

Stan refuses to become Greg's friend, because he believe's his family religion is stupid, and the family is disturbingly nice..
But Greg later approaches Stan, saying he won't try to be his friend anymore, and also uses the following speech...

"Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up, but I have a great life. and a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. The truth is, I don't care if Joseph Smith made it all up, because what the church teaches now is loving your family, being nice and helping people. And even though people in this town might think that's stupid, I still choose to believe in it. All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan, but you're so high and mighty u couldn't look past my religion and just be my friend back. You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls."
#6: Kate X Garth:
It's been nearly four years since I thought about Alpha and Omega.
But this is one of the reasons I left.
I can't stand when Kate cheats on Humphrey.
She leaves the one who was perfect for her, to be with the WORST person for her.
And sadly, it quite common, and not even the worst that people can come up with.

#5: Twilight X Trixie:
I actually like Trixie.
And I also like Twilight.
So this just angers me. Their great characters..

#4: Spongebob X Patrick:
Yes. It fuckin happened! :(

#3: Kate X Lilly:
The only thing worse than Kate x Garth.
Is the idea of Kate having sex with her own...
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I'm bored and decided to give characters files for each character..

In many cases, Shane's character hasn't changed all too much.
Like the real Shane, he is very easy to become angry.
But unlike the real Shane.
Just about ANYTHING would make Shane mad, as shown with his immature rage at Rick for not liking Godfather., It's rare he ISN'T mad.
He also, accidentally shoots Rick and is why was in a coma. But his commentaar about sleeping with Lori. Along with sarcastically saying the "enemies" shoot him, makes u wonder rather of not it was REALLY an accident..

It's implied she's...
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For those who don't know.
The image on my clubs cover, with Twilight wearing a mask is from this story., I don't know, I just enjoy the image for some reason.. I can be a very morbid person, but in playful ways (if that's even possible).

Anyway. I can probably say, I have mixed feelings about this story.
It's certainly what u would expect from a creepypasta.

But there's some many different VERISONS of the story.
In original version I read, Rarity tried to beg Twilight from killing Pinkie. Dash was gegeven a needle making her lose all forms of sanity. AJ had her psychical strangth 'tested'.

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posted by Canada24
In celebration of finally beating Red Dead 2.. Here's best quotes of new protagonst, Arthur Morgan..

Arthur: Damn Marston. That's smart.. u might the only guy I know, to be half eaten door wolves, and come back a smarter man..

Arthur: As long as we get paid of u get shot I'm happy.

Arthur: Maybe when your mother is finished mourning your father... I'll keep her in black, on your behalf.

Arthur: John made it. He's the only one. Rest of us... No.

Arthur: This whole thing is pretty much done. We're meer ghosts than people.

Tommy: Come on than pretty boy!
Arthur: Pretty boy? You're kidding me, Pretty Boy!?

Micah: Seems were the only ones crazy enough to be out here.
Arthur: Don't speak to me about 'crazy'.

Arthur: I gave u all I had....
added by Dreamtime