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hallo hallo readers! Guess what…..It's AN EPILOGUE!

WOW I know….it's been ages…I usually never take so long to update a story but I had trouble thinking of an appropriate way to end the story!

I know since I've taken so long, I kind of forgot how to write this story….so sorry if the writing style of the mood doesn't fit in with the rest of the fic!

It's in two parts…because it was so long, the volgende part will be geplaatst tomorrow of the dag after…


"Do u think she'll get angry with me daddy?" asked 5 jaar old Eliza Waldorf-Bass, pulling her father down door the kraag to whisper in his ear.

Her father chuckled and picked up his daughter, cuddling her tightly, "don't worry princess, if mummy gets angry, it'll be directed at me, not her little girl," he smirked, trying to imagine the look on his wife's face when she fell for their little prank. Blair had been away for a whole week, in France visiting Harold, her father, who had gotten a little sick from the cold winter weather. She hadn't wanted to take Eliza with her just in case her daughter ended up getting sick too so Blair had promised to only spend a week away and had called her husband everyday since, reminding him and her daughter how much she hated being away from them. Blair had arranged to return on a Sunday when she knew Chuck would have a dag off work and Eliza would be home pagina too, she had also hinted out to Chuck that she was expecting a huge welcome back party (exclusive to her, Chuck and Eliza of course), Chuck had been meer than happy to agree.

"But mummy will get really cranky!" whispered Eliza nervously, she wasn't entirely sure what the word cranky meant but she had heard her daddy call her mummy that word every time Blair got angry.

As much as she liked playing tricks on her mother, as it meant she could team up with her daddy, she was still afraid that her mother would be upset with her. Blair would often be the target for the plotting and scheming that occurred between father and daughter, even though Chuck often took the blame the truth was that it was almost always Eliza's idea for her and Chuck to play pranks on her mother.

She just loved the proud look on her daddy's face every time their plan worked, he would pick her up and douche her with kisses and call her his perfect little girl and his equal; she loved him for it. There was nothing she loved meer than hearing her father tell her how much he loved her and of course she loved her mother just as much. Blair would get her share of quality time with Eliza too, there was no favouritism on Eliza's part, she loved her parents equally but just in different ways.

She loved being exactly like her mother, dressing like her, looking like her, pouting like her, talking like her and of course acting just like her. She absolutely cherished every time her father, and almost everyone else, would tell her how much she was just like her mummy, it made her feel beautiful and loved, she was a little celebrity in her own right. Her parents would protect and guard her from public attention but there were those few occasions when she would get pictured door the paps and she loved seeing her picture in the glam mags just as much as her mother loved seeing herself in them.

"Trust me sweetheart, mommy will be upset for 5 minuten until she realises the truth and then she'll be angry for about...10 minuten max, but that's where u have to really pout and put on that cute innocent forgive me face...if that doesn't work then..." just as Chuck was about too finish he was interrupted.

"the waterworks!" cried Eliza, which resulted in a proud smile from her father. Her hart-, hart leapt as she saw the look of approval on her father's face and then she felt it beat even faster as he kissed her cheek, there was nothing better than being praised door her parents.

"That's my girl!" he beamed, she was a genius at scheming, just like himself and Blair.

He knew it wasn't due to genes because Eliza wasn't their biological daughter, that would be impossible with the state of their bodies, they weren't able to reproduce and Blair wasn't able to carry a child because their bodies had evolved and where they came from, babies were grown in laboratories, unfortunately for them science hadn't really grasped how to do that in this world, of at least it was seen as unethical. Blair had been gutted at first because she had always wanted to have a child who would have her DNA and genes, so at least the child would look like her, but seeing as that wasn't possible Chuck had searched far and wide for the perfect baby to adopt and eventually he had hit the jackpot. The baby was in an adoption centre in Washington and the little baby girl was only a couple of weeks old.

Her mother and father shared similar looks to Chuck and Blair which made the baby a perfect choice. She had been up for adoption since birth and Chuck hadn't ever actually met her real parents, he had just seen the pictures his P.I had collected, amongst all the other candidates, and the moment he had laid eyes on the baby he had known she was the one. He had checked her biological parents' medical histories and everything seemed clear so they decided to go for it. Chuck had travelled all the way to Washington to get her, luckily Nate had pulled a few strings and made sure the adoption process was secret, quick and simple and that the biological parents, who weren't ever a couple nor did the father have any idea of the baby's existence, would have no knowledge of the adoption, not ever. So that was it, within a few weeks Eliza Waldorf-Bass had been named and welcomed into the family.

Blair had gone to France as soon as Chuck had shown her the first foto's of the baby, before the adoption. The plan was to pretend that Blair stayed at her father's château due to pregnancy and remained there for a couple of months after the birth of the baby. Chuck was regularly visiting France whilst Nate handled the adoption in America. Eliza remained in the states the whole time and eventually Blair returned once Eliza had been brought home pagina and the press had no reason to suspect any foul play.

As far as the world was aware, Eliza was Chuck and Blair's biological 3 maand old baby girl, born in France.

They had agreed to keep the truth from Eliza unless of course it became a life and death situation, but they would do everything possible to make sure that no one ever found out the truth. It was the reason Chuck had gone through Nate to carry out the adoption in order to keep his own identity anonymous, the Adoption agency would trust such a high profiel politician to make sure the child was going to be in veilig hands and would trust his reasoning for why the adoptive parents wanted to remain anonymous.

Eliza squirmed in her father's arms in an attempt to jump out of his grasp and on to the floor, as she heard the distinct sound of the front door being opened.

"Daddy! She's here! Mommy's home!" she whispered giddily before leaping from her father's arms. He grabbed hold of her quickly as she was about to run of towards her mother.

"Where are u going! Have u forgotten the plan!" her father reminded her.

Eliza's eyes widened in realisation that she had almost ruined their plan through her haze of excitement at hearing her mother walk in to the home.

She covered her mouth with her hand and Chuck stifled a laugh at how adorable his daughter was when she was excited.

They heard the faint sound of Blair's voice calling out their names and also the sound of her footsteps echoing through various rooms in the house as she was most likely searching for them. The two looked at each other and giggled before Chuck lifted a finger to his mouth to remind his daughter to be as quiet as possible, she nodded happily and continued to peek through the pantry door as they eagerly waited for Blair to come into the kitchen.

Blair walked through the lounge for the seconde time and headed towards the staircase. Instead of climbing up the stairs she decided to just call out for Chuck, there was no way she was going to climb a flight of stairs after the horror of her flight home, she was exhausted.

"CHUCK! ARE u UP THERE?" she yelled as loud as her lungs would allow, but the house remained silent.

She huffed in frustration, hands on hips and pout firmly in place, "they knew exactly what dag and what time I'd be home pagina that Basshole promised me a party!" she scowled to herself.

She literally stomped her way to the kitchen, which is where they usually left notes for each other, hoping that he had at least bothered to do that much.

She had never been angrier than she was right now. She was going to kill that Basstard for missing such an important moment! She had a long arduous flight home, a horrible time in France having to see her beloved father sick in bed and there was nothing she was looking vooruit, voorwaarts to meer than coming home pagina to her husband and daughter (and cake). He had let her down, big time and she would make him pay for it.

She walked in to the keuken-, keuken and almost laughed in disgust when she saw a large bouquet of peonies on the worktop. She walked over to them and picked them up to get a better look, there was a letter wedged into the bouquet so she placed it back down and took out the note.


u were taking much too long in France and frankly, your daughter and I were getting rather bored. I decided we deserved a break so my princess and I have taken a trip to Italy for a few days, possibly a week. I know Eliza will love Europe, just like her daddy. Don't miss us too much darling, we'll be back before u know it. Keep our bed warm for me.

See u soon baby,


"That mother-fucker! The basstard! How dare he leave me like this!" she yelled out loud, oblivious to the fact that her husband was barely a few feet away covering her daughter's ears to block out the obscenities coming from her mouth.

"Aaargh!" she screamed before grabbing the peonies and throwing them across the kitchen, watching them as they crashed against the marble floor and fell to pieces. She felt hot tears falling from her eyes before she could stop them and then she was wiping them away fiercely, she would not cry over that insensitive asshole who decided to take Eliza and go on bloody holiday when he knew she would be back home pagina this weekend and had promised her a good welcome back. She was furious, seething, she wanted to call the creep and tell him exactly what she thought of him right now, tell him what a crappy husband he was and how horrible it was of him to rob her of a reunion with her daughter. She hated him right now! She wanted to scream so loud and was desperate to relieve her anger so she turned her attention to the china sets which were on display and reached for a few plates. She lifted one in each hand before throwing them to the ground and smashing them to pieces.

She smiled at how good it felt so she picked up another, this time throwing it all the way across the keuken-, keuken until it hit the marble and exploded into tiny pieces.

Chuck and Eliza watched on in utter shock, they weren't expecting such a display of anger from Blair. Eliza shuddered from fear every time Blair yelled and threw a plate. Her eyes were almost full of tears but she forced them back, she was not weak, she wasn't going to get upset of scared over something like this, she was a Bass, a Waldorf-Bass!

Her father looked down at her in shock and understanding before nodding to her and letting her know that their game was up, he bent down to her level and spoke quietly, "I'll go out first, I don't want u getting hit door a plate, just wait here until I call u out." Eliza forced a smile and a nod before she saw her father take a deep breath and open the pantry door.

"Blair! Stop!" yelled Chuck, causing Blair to yelp and stumble.

"Chuck! What are u doing here!" she cried out in confusion, wasn't he supposed to be in Italy.

He stalked towards her as she tried to focus on what exactly was going on.

"Just calm down! What the hell is wrong with you!" he zei whilst motioning toward the huge mess she had created.

She looked at him full with guilt and still confused until she remembered his letter, "you zei u were in Italy! What the hell were u doing in the pantry!" she asked furiously trying her best to refrain from attacking him.

"It was a joke Blair! What's with the whole house of flying plates thing!" he yelled in anger, she had probably frightened the hell out of Eliza and he was furious that such a little prank had gotten so out of hand all because of Blair's temper.

"You bastard! u call this a joke! Do u have any idea what I've been going through! I've had a long fucking flight and I was looking vooruit, voorwaarts to coming home pagina to see u and u play some fucking joke on me!" she hadn't realised that she was yelling so loud and using foul language whilst her little girl was standing just a few feet away, feeling responsible for the whole incident.

"Mummy..." the faint whisper was so quite they would not have heard it if it wasn't for their brief silent glaring contest. Blair was the first to notice as she spun around to face her daughter who was standing outside the pantry door nearly in tears.

"My baby," whispered Blair before racing towards her daughter and pulling her up into a tight hug, "God! I thought u were gone! I missed u so much baby!" she whispered softly into Eliza's hair. She pulled back to look Eliza in the eye, smiling at her and kissing her all over her face.

Eliza mumbled a 'I missed u too' as Chuck approached the two of them and placed a hand on Blair's shoulder.

Eliza noticed the glare her daddy received from her angry mother and her hart-, hart clenched in defence of her father.

"It was my idea mummy! I swear! I wanted to trick you! Daddy just went along with it. Honest mummy!" she pleaded as her mother stroked her hair.

"Ssh princess, u don't have to take the blame, mummy isn't really angry, are you?" interrupted Chuck making sure to look Blair in the eye.

Blair glared at him again and then looked lovingly at her daughter, "of course I'm not angry baby, I was upset, not angry...I'm so sorry if I scared you, I promise I'm all better now." answered Blair, there was no way she would toon her anger in front of her daughter so she decided to play it cool and let all hell loose on Chuck later on when they were alone.

"Why don't we go to the lounge, where there aren't any weapons of mass destruction," smirked Chuck, Blair discreetly elbowed him in the guts and Chuck hid a yelp of pain after watching Blair storm off with Eliza. He followed them into the lounge and sat beside them close enough to make Blair scoot away from him and then scoff at him after hearing him chuckle.

"Mummy, we just wanted to surprise you, we were hiding and we were going to jump out! It was going to be fun!" explained Eliza as she bounced on her mothers lap.

"Yeah, I've jumped u many times before Blair and you've never seemed to mind, in fact you're usually meer than co-operative," smirked Chuck whilst tracing a finger down Blair's cheek. She looked at him in disgust before turning towards her daughter and kissing her on the cheek.

"I'm sorry I ruined your surprise darling, mummy was just really tired and didn't take the joke very well," reasoned Blair, just wanting to forget the whole incident.

Eliza nodded in understanding before enveloping her mother in a tight hug, "I'm so glad you're home pagina mummy! Daddy and I missed u so much! Daddy zei he couldn't sleep at night without u so I had to sleep in his bed," giggled Eliza, trying to remind Blair of how much Chuck loved her.

Blair blushed and felt her stomach twist, Eliza's revelation made her feel guilty for being so harsh on her husband and she immediately felt herself warm towards him.

She looked over at him and his head turned away in embarrassment before looking back at her sheepishly, "she's exaggerating," he tried to defend.

Eliza pushed Blair's face towards her and nodded fiercely, "no! I'm not! Honest mummy! Daddy would spray your perfume on the hoofdkussen, kussen because he missed your scent! Honest!" she zei confidently, revealing her father's secret habits whilst her parents blushed bright red.

"Ok that's enough princess, no need to boost your mother's ego and embarrass your father!" he teased whilst reaching over to kiss his daughter's forehead. She giggled and Blair smiled quickly at Chuck forgetting all about her vorige state of anger.

"Oh mummy! We're having a party for u at the Palace hotel! Just us and Aunty S and Uncle Nate, daddy booked the restaurant just for us!" exclaimed an excited Eliza. Blair's eyes widened in surprise and looked at her husband for clarification, "you wanted a welcome back party, have I ever denied my beautiful wife anything before?" he drawled smoothly. Blair smiled at him in awe and her hand absent-mindedly connected with his, feeling the guilt from how she had yelled at him moments ago.

"Princess why don't u go and get mommy's chocolates from the kitchen?" asked Chuck, before his daughter nodded obediently and skipped off towards the kitchen.

Blair looked down at her lap and she could feel her husband's heated stare.

"Are you...angry...with me?" he asked helplessly, desperately wanting to reach out and kiss her and tell her how much he had missed her. They had never been apart for so long since Eliza's adoption and had promised never to part for that long again, but Chuck wasn't able to take time off work when Harold got sick and he had been sure it wasn't as serious as Roman had zei it was even though it had sent Blair immediately packing and booking herself a flight to be door his side.

She looked at him warily, still slightly annoyed at his silly prank and how it had made her feel at the time, but her thoughts lingered on the fact that it had just been a little joke, probably just to entertain their daughter and he had organised a party for tonight and on top, boven of that he allegedly hadn't been able to sleep at night without her. Realising that she couldn't punish him for potentially ruining her first dag back and the fact that she had missed him like hell she looked up at him with a loving smile on her face before attacking him full force with her lips.

He was surprised, to say the least, he hadn't expected such a quick make-up, but he wasn't complaining either, he grabbed her door the waist tightly and pulled her in to his lap. Blair hands were everywhere, as were his, feeling each other and re-tracing familiar paths against each others bodies.

Blair was the first to require oxygen and she pulled away for the briefest moment, "I missed u so much, u hot, sexy-" she was cut off door his lips planting a kiss on her lips, "...husband of mine," she finished as they paused again.

He smirked at her, "mmhmm, I missed u too...I hope u learnt some dirty French phrases on your trip, I love it when u talk dirty, especially in foreign languages," he teased as she kissed him again hard on the lips.

Her tongue wound around his and her hands gripped on his back as she tried to drag him closer to her.

"You better not have wasted my Chanel 5!" she admonished him, remembering her daughter's recollection of Chuck's habit to spray his wife's favourite perfume on his hoofdkussen, kussen whilst she was away.

"I'll buy u some meer baby," he replied, kissing her on the cheek and then her jaw line. She moaned in pleasure as his lips explored her neck and then rose back up towards her lips, "I love you," she whispered before his lips met hers in another scorching lip-lock.

"Chuck...I'm sorry for getting angry..." she breathed between kisses.

He simply smiled at her wickedly before replying, "well...I'll just have to punish u for it, tonight" he whispered before biting down on her lip. She gasped at the sensation and dug her nails into his shoulders, he moaned before turning them both and pressing her into the leather, "wont let u just get away with leaving me celibate for 8 whole days!" he growled into her face before crushing their lips together in a passionate embrace.

"EW!" came a small cry from a few feet away. "Daddy stop eating mommy's face!" shouted Eliza as Blair immediately pushed her husband off and away from her.

Chuck laughed and sat up straight whilst Blair got up and fixed her clothes. Eliza walked steadily towards them with a large box of chocolates. She had an uncomfortable look on her face as her father motioned for her to come towards him, "princess, daddy was just...shutting mummy up, she talks too much," he chuckled as Blair smacked his head and Eliza looked at them startled. She had seen her parents play fight many times before and her mother had a habit of hitting her father, she became very defensive of her daddy, especially when he would pout and toon that he was hurt. She ran to her daddy and hugged his arm, "mummy! That must have hurt daddy!" she yelled to her wide eyed mother.

Blair was about to defend herself but she was interrupted door Chuck, "sweetheart, mummy and daddy are just joking around, don't worry about it," he zei as he lifted Eliza into his arms.

"Mummy, we brought u chocolates, but u have to apologise to daddy first!" she zei cheekily to her mother who gasped at her daughters tone.

Chuck winked at his wife in amusement, "yes honey, no chocolates until u apologise for your bad behaviour," he opened up the box of his wife's favourite treat and popped one into Eliza's mouth and then sensually placed one on his own tongue before wrapping his lips around the chocolate and sucking on it.

Blair felt fluttering in her stomach and was consumed with lust at her husband antics, she knew the only way of getting back at him was to play at his own game and she needed the chocolates for that, so she sat beside her little family and pouted up at Chuck, "I apologise whole-heartedly for using physical violence against you, I promise never to touch u again," she smirked before snatching a chocolate from the box.

Eliza clapped her hands in approval, accepting her mother's apology and then turned her little head towards the box of chocolates.

With their daughters attention safely on the chocolate box, Blair proceeded to tease her husband with her sweet, placing it seductively around her lips and causing her husbands eyelids to flutter, he started regretting his party idea because now he was dying to just get her alone, race to bed and ravish his wife all night long.

Later that night the Basses went to their hired out hotel restaurant to meet their vrienden Nate and Serena, who had come to New York as per Chuck's request in order to throw Blair a welcome back party.

On the way to the party Blair had argued that inviting Nate and Serena was pointless because she had only been away for a week and they wouldn't have seen her during that week even if she was at home pagina because they live so far away anyway. But Chuck argued that it was just a simple excuse to have a get together and Blair eventually agreed, as much as she would have loved to see her vrienden she would much rather just have spent her first night back with her husband and daughter.

The party had been low key and a little uncomfortable at times, largely due to the fact that Nate had come with his girlfriend, Vanessa Abrams, whom Blair and Eliza absolutely hated.

Blair hated her simply because she was from Brooklyn and Eliza hated her because her mummy obviously hated her. Although another reason they both disliked Vanessa was because she was dating Nate and both mother and daughter agreed that Nate could only possibly be destined for Serena and they would do whatever it took to make Nate see that. There was no way they would let some common tramp take Nate away from Serena, they were inevitable, just like Chuck and Blair.

Chuck didn't really have much of an opinion on the matter, although he found it hilarious when Blair and Eliza would gang up on Vanessa and make it so clear she wasn't welcome amongst the group, which only included him, Blair, Eliza, Nate, Serena and any resulting offspring. Vanessa was simply an outsider who needed to be disposed of, although Chuck very much enjoyed being the one Blair would take her frustration out on after any interaction with the "troll" Vanessa, it meant a great night of love-making for him.

The night of Blair's party had been no different, in fact Vanessa had been gegeven a pretty rough ride door both bas, bass girls...

Serena had dragged Blair to the ladies room for a quick word, Blair knew it was something important door the sad look in Serena's eyes so she excused herself from her husband and daughter to follow Serena.

Once veilig in the privacy of the wash-room Serena began pacing as Blair watched on in worry.

"S, what is it, u can tell me," pleaded Blair as she watched her best friend look so lost.

Serena turned to Blair with her eyes almost full of tears, "It's...God I feel so pathetic!," she murmured as Blair walked to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I...Blair, it's...Nate...I just, I can't stand to see him with...another woman...I'm pathetic aren't I?" she zei sadly as she looked to her friend for advice.

"Serena, I knew this would happen...you two had that short sex only fling after alll that stuff happened with me and Chuck...I told u that it's not that simple..." Blair had know all along something like this would happen, after all that stuff had happened with Marcus, when Nate and Chuck had returned, Nate and Serena had gotten closer. They had started sleeping together and Serena had assured Blair that they were just having meaningless sex and Blair had warned her that it wouldn't be so simple. Nate and Serena had been vrienden since childhood and Blair knew that after her experience with Chuck, Serena and Nate would eventually fall for each other. Blair had began to really like the idea of Nate and Serena being together, she felt it made sense for the four pf them to stick together and Nate and Serena could be a perfect couple just like she and Chuck were.

However, that was a long time geleden and the fling had been over that same jaar because they were both working in different parts of the country and it became difficult.

"Blair I just don't know what to do any more...I know I care about him, I always have...but seeing him with someone else, it's just too difficult, that means something right?" she asked hopefully. She had kept hearing a voice in her head telling her she loved Nate. She hadn't believed it at first but she just needed someone to tell her she wasn't going crazy.

"S, u love him. It's ok," comforted Blair, after all she knew how difficult it was to comprehend the emotion of love, it was only normal for Serena to feel this way about Nate, "don't worry about it, I'm sure he feels the same way, how could he not," she smiled, Serena smiled back and Blair giggled, "anyway, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get rid of that troll, she doesn't belong with us!" giggled Blair and Serena gave a soft laugh too. She hugged Blair tightly and whispered a thank u in her ear, "I love u B, just help me with this ok" she pleaded.

Blair held Serena at arms length and looked at her seriously, "S, just promise me that the volgende time u get Nate alone you'll tell him the truth, that u love him," Blair knew all about playing games and prolonging the inevitable, she knew that the best thing to do would be to be honest right from the start. Serena nodded in promise.

The two girls embraced once more, oblivious to the other girl listening in on every word of their conversation.

Eliza had always known that her mother thought that Serena and Nate were really close. Like best, best vrienden just like her mummy and daddy used to be when they fell in love.

Eliza knew that her Uncle Nate liked Serena because he would always say nice things about her and would always go red with embarrassment when her daddy teased him about her.

This wasn't the first time Eliza had overheard a conversation about Nate and Serena, she was always spying on the adults; it was her most well known habit. It would land her into a lot of trouble, she would always get told off for eaves dropping and would get caught most of the time too but it was definitely worth the thrill. She loved hearing big people talk and have private conversations, she loved finding out secrets especially when it was something as exciting as having the opportunity to impress her parents.

If her Aunty Serena wanted to be married to her Uncle Nate then she would make sure that it was going to happen, besides she hated Vanessa and there was nothing she would like meer than to be responsible for getting rid of her. She knew her mummy would be so proud of her for it and Serena would be so impressed. She had to make sure that door the end of the night, Vanessa would be long gone.

Of course that night at the avondeten, diner tafel, tabel Eliza and Blair had formed an alliance against Vanessa, insulting her and laughing at her expense at every possible opportunity. They would mock her lack of knowledge of cuisine and her mannerisms. Coming from Brooklyn, she wasn't so brushed up of pristine and Eliza would make sure to point out everything that was wrong about the (cheap) clothes she was wearing, how unkempt her hair was and the way she ate her food.

The others around the tafel, tabel found the grilling of Vanessa hilarious, especially seeing as Vanessa didn't have it in her to defend herself against a little child. Even Nate found the situation amusing and tried to stifle his laughs (unsuccessfully).

Eventually Vanessa could no longer take the offensive remarks from the bas, bass girls and lost her temper...

Eliza glared at Vanessa again, just as she had been doing all night, waiting for her to slip up of get angry. She watched as the woman giggled and nudged Nate playfully as he whispered something to her. Eliza would have purged at the sight if she wasn't such a strong character.

"Mummy do u remember the time we went to the Hampton's with Aunty Serena and Uncle Nate?" exclaimed Eliza loudly as everyone at the tafel, tabel turned their attention to the little girl.

Blair smiled and nodded whilst Eliza continued, "well do u remember how Uncle Nate and Aunty Serena were inseparable and u zei it was because they were in love and would get married soon?" smiled Eliza as Serena almost choked on her champagne.

Blair smirked in her daughters direction and then looked at the horrified look on Vanessa's face and the embarrassment on Nate's, "Oh yes, that little holiday was great fun sweetie and of course Nate and Serena are inseparable, do u know how long we have all been friends? Since birth practically, Serena and Nate are as inevitable as myself and your father," claimed Blair as Nate looked on in confusion. Chuck smirked at the scene playing out in front of him, thinking how similar mother and daughter were and how the situation would all play out.

Serena was fidgeting in her zitplaats, stoel not able to look anyone in the eye, Vanessa simply tried to focus on her food and ignore the obvious shipping of Serena and her own boyfriend.

"Well if Aunty S and Uncle Nate are inevitable then why is that troll doing here?" asked Eliza innocently.

Blair almost burst into a fit of laughter at her daughter's use of the word troll but that was until Vanessa shot up from her zitplaats, stoel and threw down her napkin.

"You little brat! How dare you!" she yelled angrily at Eliza.

Blair's face turned red in fury and she too stood from her seat, "don't u dare speak to my daughter like that!" she spat out venomously. No one had the right to speak to her baby that way, especially not Vanessa!

"Well why don't u teach her some manners on how to be polite to guests! Of course she would turn out so bitchy with u as her mother!" snarled Vanessa looking at Nate for support.

Chuck was about to leap to the defence of his wife, who was as far as he was concerned a fantastic mother, but he decided to let the ladies have the floor to themselves, Blair was meer than capable of defending herself.

"You cheap hussy! How dare u insult my daughter like that! She has meer manners than u and u can insult my skills as a mother as much as u like but no one calls my daughter bitchy!" she screamed as she leapt towards Vanessa with her claws out. Chuck was fast enough to intercept his wife before she attacked Vanessa and Nate was right there in standing in her way as both girls began yelling at each other with clenched fists and wondering heels.

It had taken a few moments before Chuck had managed to get Blair seated and calmed down whilst Nate had escorted Vanessa out of the restaurant. He had returned 15 minuten later informing the others that Vanessa had left, for good. She had been quick to accuse him of failing to defend her but he wasn't just going to stand door whilst she insulted Serena, Blair and his niece, she simply wasn't worth it so he had let her walk.

Blair and Eliza had been secretly ecstatic and of course Serena had been just as relieved, although slightly guilty for being responsible.

Chuck had asked to be excused as he picked Eliza up and walked to a private booth to speak with her. At first Eliza was afraid that her daddy was angry with her for the way she had behaved, but her assured her otherwise and she was quite happy and satisfied after their father/daughter chat...



To read the volgende part you'll just have to wait a dag of two! I'm literally in the process editing it!

Please review and let me know what u think so far...there's still a couple of surprise moments to come!

added by edwestwick
added by edwestwick
added by edwestwick
added by edwestwick
added by Cittycat19
added by Kirsty
Source: spoilertv
added by Puffy
added by Puffy
added by waldorf
Source: youknowyouloveme.org
posted by CandyBow
Before I write I just wanted to say that, I'm pretty young and from Sweden so my english isn't the best ;)

Is it only me of does gossip girl disappears in the series? In season 1 and 2 she were the bron to the big fights and every thing. Now when they started college they dosn't juse gossip girl as a way of revenge, and stuff like that, u know. Sure it was the whole Jenny-Serena-Dan thing at the season finale but exept for that it was A LOT less gossip girl. In the most epsiodes, not every one - duuh, she only were in the beginning and in the end of the episode, and a little commentaar here an there.
posted by edwestwick
Story: "A Break"

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Two-shot. 'I think... that we should take a break.' 'What? What the hell are u talking about?' Is she crazy of something? They are going to get married and she wants to take a break? of this is a way to tell him it's over?

Hi. This is going to be two-shot. I'll try to update my other fics soon, promise :) Oh and so no one was confused it takes place in Blair's 3rd jaar of college.

Everything is great, he thinks as they lay together in his bed after hard week filled with his business meetings and her...
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A.N Thank u so much for the lovely reviews u really have NO IDEA how much they mean to me! Recently ive been finding it really hard to write so reading the reviews is what keeps me writing.

I will be wrapping up tins story soon because I know most people just dont get the fic and dont like how AU it is...maybe it's because its not a traditional story line of the characters are really AU but I do try to make me fics unique and different because I get sick of reading the same things in fics so I only try to write to satisfy readers in the way that I think they would be satisfied, so sorry...
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posted by melanieacbaer
 Big Bad Bart
Big Bad Bart
Let’s be honest, I started watching Gossip Girl to see beautiful people zwaan-, zwaan around beautiful places in beautiful clothes getting with other beautiful people. This toon did not have a lot to aspire to. Surprise! It vastly exceeded my expectations with its risqué banter, themes of loneliness and popularity, and the dark past of its characters. So, I cast aside my initial evaluation and prepared to enjoy. Surprise! It is now hammy and convoluted. Whether this is due to what many former O.C devotees refer to as the S3 spiral of hell of the much-feared college decline, things have gone badly...
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It had been too long, we were starting to wonder.

Blair and Serena haven't been involved in a nuclear fight in a good while now, but Michael Ausiello of EW says it's just a matter of time until that changes.

Here's what he has to say in his weekly Q&A ...

Q: I’m tired of some people bitching about Gossip Girl being in some kind of creative slump of funk this year. I’m loving this season. Got any good scoop?

A: I’m (mostly) loving this season, too. The Chuck-Blair stuff continues to be immensely satisfying. And Hilary Duff isn’t as annoying as I predicted.

On the scoop front, there’s a big Blair-Serena blow-up coming. The frenemies will definitely be on the outs for a little bit.

What do u think it's all about?
posted by lozxtitchx
Blair found out she was pregnant last chapter, how will she tell Chuck?

Chuck was worried about Blair, she had been throwing up every morning for the past week, he didn’t have a clue what was going on and wanted to take her to hospital, Blair kept saying no and kept saying she was fine, she was fine; she knew what was wrong with her.

That night Chuck and Blair were lying in bed when Blair said…
‘’I’ve got u a present’’
‘’Really?’’ Chuck zei raising his eyebrow
‘’Yea, I don’t know whether u will like it of not though’’ Blair zei sounding worried
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posted by girly_girl
I found this artikel about Leighton in a magazine and I thought I'd add it!

Leighton Loves:

Writing poems:
"Writing poetry is one of my favourite things to do and I always find time for it. There are things that I write about most that are just kind of like everyday thoughts and things that comes into my mind"

On set on "Gossip Girl":
"Everyone has their dog on the set of "Gossip Girl". We have a trailer and on the actual stages we have a make-up room and the dogs hang there. There are like six of seven dogs at a time"

Gossip Girl fashion:
"I love the costumes (on GG)! Whenever I'm getting ready to...
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A/N: Ok, I don’t know how it happened…but I found time on my hands, and so am continuing on with my lovely little lijst of stories to write (that I’ve enacted, obviously ;p). First of all, I just saw the 2x25 promo—HOLY CRAP. Oh and I bet he won’t even say it when they toon in the promo *rolls eyes* ridiculous. We’re going to have to go through ANOTHER heartbreaking CB angst scene before we get all the love and fluff. *huffs* No wonder Blair’s reluctant to just take him on his word, before the ‘I love you’. I would be too! I mean, talk about pain and rejection—it hurts!!!!...
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Was that Georgina?

Look who's also back, Vanessa! Only to confess to Dan about her mishap with Chuck... twice. She was seen no where around Chuck this episode, but we missed her last episode because she'd been busy scanning for STD patches and ensuring her clean bill of health before she could drink all her sorrows away with her bff Dan. Do u blame her! After all, sleeping with Chuck did have its risks because of the many before Vanessa (many being an understatement). I wonder if Blair worried that much though? ...

Speaking of Blair and Chuck, their on-again-off-again relationship was sort...
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A/N: Okay…STORY TIME!!! Lol. XD First of all, I want to apologize for not updating any of my stories in so long, but on the 21st of March, I definitely had a seizure and was in the hospital for four days. On top, boven of that, I come back and learn that CV and NB are happening and that is just about the worst thing ever. I AM glad C got chewed out for sleeping around with Elle and that we got a piece of the Carter/Serena (favorite AU couple ever! XD) story. I do find NB really sweet, but I was screaming ‘Noooooo!!!!’ for Chuck at the end of ‘The Grandfather’. The reminiscing scene was awesome...
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Serena glows, and Blair doesn’t.

She’s only six years old, but she figures it has something to do with her friend’s shiny long, blonde hair, and big blue eyes. She’s tall too, so she sticks out like a sore thumb. Blair’s hair is a dark, curly mass that spills over her shoulders messily (no matter how many times Nanny tries to barrette it down) and her eyes are too boring to gleam like Serena’s.

And everyone seems to remind her of this constantly. No matter what she does, it’s never as good as Serena. And though this bothers her greatly, she’s too young to truly feel resentment,...
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