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Katherine climbed out of the church and came face to face with someone she had rather not seen ever again.
“Hello, Katerina” Klaus said. “Have u missed me?”

Katherine stared at him, her eyes wet from fear. She didn’t notice the blond woman volgende to Klaus.
“Please let me introduce u to my sister, Rebekah” he continued.
“Why are u here? Why have u come back?” Katherine asked shaking.
“Oh, haven’t u heard? Elena’s blood is the key to making hybrids” Klaus explained. He pulled Katherine against him. “And now that you’ve become such good vrienden with her you...
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De actrice vond het moeilijk om naar de 3D-versie busje, van Titanic te kijken en heeft dan ook maar 17 minuten gezien.

"Ik zei: ben ik dat en oh mijn God, laat het ophouden", zegt de 36-jarige actrice tegen de Amerikaanse krant USA Today. "Ik was nog niet zo'n goede actrice. Het is vijftien jaar geleden, ik weet nu veel meer dan toen." De Britse actrice vindt het maar een gek idee dat de film uit 1997 opnieuw uitkomt. "Ik vind het echt een beetje raar. Titanic gaat opnieuw beroemd worden."
Hoewel ze zichzelf niet graag uit het scherm ziet spatten, vindt ze de versie wel erg mooi. Haar tegenspeler...
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posted by HaleyDewit
DE song :) Elena is already in love with Damon and she's even willing to give her life for him.

Will u speak to me
Like it’s the last time you’ll ever use your voice
Will u look at me
Like u could turn blind the moment u look away
Will u haunt me
As soon as I lay my head down
Will u feed on me
Just to stay with me another day

‘Cause I’ll gladly bring the sacrifice
If it keeps u with me tonight

I’d cut my throat, I’d cut my wrist
If it helps u to exist
As u get stronger, I get weaker
But I’m willing to die
‘Cause without u I’ve no destiny
So u can feed on me
Take the...
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Olivia switched off the lights and walked outside. She walked around the house and opened the shutters to a shelter. She jumped inside and wanted to chain herself up, when she heard the phone ring.
“Are u serious?” Olivia groaned. She dropped the chains and ran back inside the house. “What?” she zei meer hostile than she intended.
“Olivia? You’re speaking with Rachel Lindy” Rachel answered.
“Rachel” Olivia replied slowly. “Where have u been? I’d expected to hear from u months ago. How’s my daughter doing?”
Rachel closed her eyes, trying to find the right words...
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Dean carried Cas to the entrance, where Zoey blocked their way.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said.
“Right, because you’re going to stop me” Dean zei sarcastic. He pushed Zoey away and walked further to the entrance.
Zoey jumped his back. She tugged his hair and scratched his face.
Dean lay Cas down as careful as possible. He grabbed Zoey’s hair and pulled her off. He smacked her on the ground and kicked her wherever he could.
“I think you’re losing your angel juju” Dean said.
Zoey crawled towards Cas. She grabbed his kraag and dragged him away, closer to the edge of the holy circle.
“What are u doing?” Dean asked scared.
He got his answer as Zoey emptied a few bottled of alcohol she had kept their in stock. She conjured a lighter and smiled evil at Dean.
“No!” Dean shouted, but Zoey dropped the lighter and caused another fire.
Hearing room 2
Paul morgan was sitting at the bureau looking at Meg who shot provoking looks back.
“Meg Masters” he zei soft. “What were u doing in Mr. and Mrs. Allen’s house?”
“Looking for cookies” Meg answered with a smirk.
“You couldn’t go to the store?” Paul asked frowning.
“No, I’m kind of broke” Meg said. “I would have to steal them. Besides, I knew it would piss off Daphne and that’s basically why I did. Mrs. Allen doesn’t like me very much, u see”
Paul nodded. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve been trying to get-forgive...
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Half an uur later Cas opened his eyes and saw Sam and Dean staring at him. He looked away from them, embarrassed that he had once again passed out. He put his hands on the mattress and pushed himself up. He frowned a little and Dean walked to him. He took the glass and helped him drink it. Cas pulled a face and coughed.
“I put something in it” Dean explained. “To kill the pain”
Cas wanted to protest, when they heard the door shot.
“Jo” Dean guessed. “I’ll go. u stay here” he told Sam.
Dean went downstairs and saw Jo sitting on the dresser.
“Where’ve u been?” he asked...
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Elijah walked through the woods. After some bickering with Rebekah they had agreed it would be safest if one of them, Rebekah, would stay behind and man the headquarters, while the other, Elijah, would go back to Esther’s grave.
He removed the stone and climbed downstairs. Two coffins were still closed. Elijah walked to the coffin that stood on the left side of his. He opened it and revealed the body of his oldest brother Finn.
Elijah slowly removed the dagger. While Finn slowly regained his life force, Elijah walked to the only closed coffin left. He opened it and gazed at the undead body...
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Evening fell and Stefan walked out of the hospital. There was no one outside, at first sight. Stefan headed to the parking lot when he heard a whoosh and turned around. No one was there. He turned around again and faced Rachel.
“Rachel, hi, I was wondering when I’d see u again” he zei calm.
“I’m sorry, Stefan, but I have to do this” Rachel plead apologetic.
“Do what? Stefan asked suspicious. Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Three of Veronica’s minions had snuck op him. Stefan turned around and grabbed the vervain stabber door his throat. Stefan snarled and the minions...
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De voor diefstal aangeklaagde actrice Lindsay Lohan wil het volgens haar advocate op een akkoordje gooien. De geplaagde filmster wil schuld bekennen in ruil voor haar vrijheid. Lohan hoopt zo aan een celstraf te ontlopen, zegt haar advocate Shawn Chapman Holley op de Amerikaanse nieuwszender CNN.

De eigenares busje, van een juwelierszaak in Los Angeles beschuldigt de actrice ervan een gouden halsketting ter waarde busje, van 2.500 euro te hebben gestolen. Woensdag pleitte de 24-jarige nog onschuldig. Maar intussen is Lindsay busje, van mening veranderd, zo zegt Chapman Holley. "Mijn cliënte wil koste wat het kost een proces vermijden. Ze wil zich zo snel mogelijk weer op haar filmcarrière kunnen concentreren", klinkt het.
Lohan werd woensdag vrijgelaten na het betalen busje, van een borgsom busje, van 40.000 dollar. Als ze schuldig wordt bevonden, kan ze een celstraf busje, van drie jaar krijgen. Op 23 februari vindt de volgende hoorzitting plaats. (Belga / LEE)
De vader busje, van actrice Lidsay Lohan bevestigt dat zijn dochter een revalidatiecentrum wil openen. Lindsay bracht zelf nog niet zo lang geleden 90 dagen in een afkickkliniek door. De jonge actrice is momenteel bezig met haar eigen reality toon over haar herstel en haar comeback. Die zal uitgezonden worden door televisiezender OWN busje, van Oprah Winfrey. Volgens haar vader speelt ze daarnaast ook met het idee om zelf een eigen revalidatiecentrum op te richten. "Het gaat veel beter met Lindsay. Nu wil ze mensen die het nodig hebben gaan helpen," zegt Michael Lohan website HollyScoop.com. Lindsay zou daarom met wat welgestelde vrienden gepraat over de mogelijkheid een kliniek te openen. (Belga / Belga)
Jeremy entered the building and walked straight to the training room. He found Veronica, talking with someone on the phone.
“Jack, you’re going to be so proud of me” she zei with a slightly trembling voice. “I promise that when u get here there will only be humans left”
Jack zei something in return.
“Of course I’m careful. I’m not going to fall for anyone. They took away the only person I ever cared about and they will pay for it. And anyone who’s trying to stop me, will go down with them…I have to hang. I will see u real soon”
She hung up, turned around and gasped,...
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“You’re too kind”
Even if his current state Damon found the strength to be sarcastic. “Can I ask u something? Why did u have to bring Stefan into this?”
“Oh, Stefan. Good, old Stefan” Bonnie sighed. “It’s not like he was involved right from the beginning. When Katherine pretended to be Elena and Stefan brought her to the hospital after taking some sleeping pills, I told Stefan there was a way to bring the real Elena back instead of waiting for it to happen”
“And that involves torturing me?” Damon asked.
“No, that’s just for fun” Bonnie zei shameless.
“And me...
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As she walked outside she bumped into Dean. “Oh, you’re back” she noticed indifferent. “He’s awake” she filled the brothers in. “He’s your problem now. I’m out” She pushed Sam aside and walked away.
“Are we allowed to go in?” Sam wondered, pointing at the door. “I mean, all of us?”
“Why don’t u two go first, then I’ll go find Meg” Jo suggested.
“Why?” Dean asked.
“Because she seems upset” Jo answered obvious.
“So?” Dean shrugged uncaring. Jo rolled her eyes. “Some guys…” she muttered between her teeth, before taking off.
Dean opened the...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Looking down, eyes on the floor, playing poor me
Hope u don’t mind if I feel no sympathy
Seems like everyone seems to think it’s all come to an end
But I’m just waiting for another drama to attend

And as if nothing happened u expect me to forget
All the misery u caused ‘cause u can’t live without a man
Seems like everyone seems to think we’ve finally made it through
But I still see the universe evolving around you

I’m sorry if I seem a little skeptical
But you’ll always find a reason to be the center of it all

Tell me what’s the story now
Tell me what you’re crying about
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De Britse actrices Kate Winslet, Keira Knightley, Helena Bonham Carter en Tilda Swinton zijn verkozen tot de meest machtigste vrouwen in de Britse entertainmentsector. Naar aanleiding busje, van Internationale Vrouwendag gisteren stelde U.K.'s Women in Film and TV een lijst samen.

Volgens WENN bestaat de lijst uit de grootste vrouwelijke talenten die een impact hebben gemaakt in de Britse entertainmentindustrie. Enkele andere bekende actrices die een vermelding kregen zijn Dame Maggie Smith, Carey Mulligan, Naomie Harris en Miranda Hart. (Belga / MVL)
Dean, Cas and Sam were standing in an open field. There was a low uithangbord at the end of the field and Sam had placed some cans on it.
Dean showed Cas how to prepare a gun and then made a few shots at the cans. He didn’t miss one.
“You’re really good at this” Cas zei admiring. Dean handed the weapon to him. “Your turn”, he said, when Sam had put the cans back and stepped away from the uithangbord as far as possible. He didn’t really trust Cas with a gun.
Cas aimed the gun at the walls and fired and missed.
“I think u just killed a tree” Sam joked. “If I were you, I’d hide for...
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The volgende morning.
Cas woke up on the divan, bank of Meg’s motel. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Light shone through the curtains and Cas stood up and walked to them to open them. Dean’s Impala was parked across the street.
Meg ticked on the side windows of Dean’s car and Dean jumped up. He frowned and blinked to remember where he was. When he did, he turned the window down.
“What are u doing here so early?” Meg asked.
“What’s in the bag?” Dean nodded at the small paper bag Meg was holding in her right hand.
“Breakfast” Meg replied short.
“Thanks, u shouldn’t have”...
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Cas was sitting at a tafel, tabel in the corner of a café. He had sneaked out of the hospital shortly after Meg had left. Apparently Meg had gegeven Dean his number, because his phone wouldn’t stop buzzing. But Cas didn’t want Dean’s company right now. He just wanted to be left alone.
Three men were lurking at him from the bar. Cas could feel their eyes on him and he looked up. They were mumbling to each other and if Cas had still been an angel he would know what they were talking about. But now their whispered conversation remained a mystery to him.
He stood up and headed for the exit. He didn’t...
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Klaus walked over the street, dialing a number. He looked furious as he held his phone against his ear.
Rebekah’s phone buzzed and she rolled her eyes when she recognized her caller.
“Nik, what?" she asked annoyed.
“Funny, I was about to ask u the same question” Klaus replied. “I can’t find Tyler anywhere. Do u know where he is?”
“No, Klaus, I don’t know where your little teef is” Rebekah replied. “Now, for once in your life, do as I say and stay inside. Lock the doors and the windows and watch American Horror Story of something”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,...
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