Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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NOTE: This interview is written as if Bella is still human. Think after Eclipse but before Breaking Dawn. And I don't mean to offend Twilight fans with any of the vragen that Rita asks Bella in this article, based on Rita's personality in the books, I'm assuming she'd ask awkward questions.

Me Myself and I
By Rita Skeeter

Today's interview is with populair fantasy book character, Bella Swan. Captivating readers in Twilight, read on as I interview Bella, and see if there's meer to her than just an obsession with Edward!

*The door opens, and in walks Bella......with Edward.*

Bella Swan: Can Edward please come?

Rita Skeeter: Sorry, *huge grin*....NO!

BS: *whines* Pleeeeease?

RS: *I flash my famous "no-way-but I'll-still-pretend-to-be-nice" grin and shake my head*

*Edward mutters something in Bella's ear, and Bella nods and smiles as she sits down in my chair. I shake my head....I can tell when somethings up. I wave my wand, and with a flash of purple light, I hear a loud, "OUCH!", and the sound of something being thrown backwards. There is a loud smashing sound, and a large, Edward-shaped hole appears in the door, and then there is a thud from outside. Bella rises out of her chair..*

BS: Holy crow! What did u do? Edward! Are u all right?

RS: *Waves wand, and the door slams shut* I wanted YOU, Bella, now please, SIT DOWN! *I smile winningly and push her back into her chair* Edward will be fine...... I think. That's the first time I've ever used the Vampire-banishing spell.....the Ministry's just modified it for sparkly vampires like your Edward. *I mutter a quick spell to fix the door and make it so Edward can't sneak in again*

BS: *Eyes widen* What?!

RS: Moving on.....can I can u Bella, of do u prefer Isabella?

BS: *Uneasily, and twisting in her chair to look back at the door* Uh... yeah, Bella's fine...

RS: Lovely. Now do u mind if I use a quick-quotes quill?

BS: *Confused* What's that?

RS: Wonderful! Now let's begin. So, tell me about yourself. I want to know you, the REAL you. And of course, so do my readers! *wink*

BS: Well....um....I'm from Forks.....and I love Edward.....we're going to get married.

RS: Of course we all know that, darling....anything else? Like what do u like to do....any hobbies? Friends?

BS: Well...doing things with Edward, I guess. I'm up for anything as long as he's with me.

*Quill scratches, and I nod. Of course most victims.....er, I mean Interviewees are reluctant at first*

RS: And how does it feel to have two incredibly gorgeous guys after you?

BS: Edward and Jacob? Well actually, it's pretty annoying, I mean Jake's a good friend, but he just doesn't get it, I mean, I'm with Edward, okay?

RS: Hmmmm, okay. Not to be rude, but doesn't that seem a bit ungrateful? u know that a lot of girls out there would love to be u right now!

BS: Look, Edward and I are in love, okay? Jake should just accept that and verplaats on! *She rises half out of her chair defiantly*

RS: No need to get excited, I'm just asking...

BS: *Sits back down*

RS: Now, what do u say to the fact that to most peoples definitions, Edward is technically dead? And have u always had issues with necrophilia of is this a relatively new issue?

BS: What? And hey...Edward ISN'T DEAD!

RS: Of course he isn't, darling. *wink* Now,

BS: True love knows no bounds!

RS: Yes, all right...moving on, do u think of yourself as a good role model for teen muggles-er, I mean GIRLS?

BS: Well, everyone-*Bella leans over and looks at my writing pad* Hey! Edward ISN'T DEAD! And my name isn't Mary Sue...it's Bella....and what's that about "severely lacking a personality"?!?!

RS: Never mind the quill, dear. Now-

BS: *Interrupting* You'd better not be planning on publishing that! Edward won't let you!

RS: *Muttering* Like I'm really afraid of a sparkly fairy and a Mary Sue-

BS: WHAT?! I'm not Mary Sue, and EDWARD ISN'T A FAIRY!

RS: Er...I mean Vampires....I'm not afraid of VAMPIRES, *smirk and wink* Now, moving on, how do u feel Stephenie Meyer has portrayed u and the fairy....I mean, EDWARD in the Twilight series? Do u feel she's done u and your necrophilia issues-I mean, ROMANCE justice?

BS: Well, I didn't get the title, I mean, what does the time of dag have to do with me and Edward? And I don't even like apples!

RS: *Raises eyebrows* O-kay...

BS: And like, seriously, what do tulips, ribbons and chess pieces have to do with love? And the titles, I mean, I don't know anything about astronomy.....and we're in love. They should have been called something meer like, "Bella and Edward", or, "Forbidden Love", of something like that.

RS: Okay, so now-

BS: *Interrupting* And they didn't do Edward justice either. He's just so beautiful, his skin is so pale,he's godlike in every way. I mean, I can't believe he chose me, we're so in love. And he's just so romantic, I mean, he watches me when I sleep!

RS: *Gags* Are u aware that what u classify as romantic, most others would classify as creepy of stalker-ish?

BS: What's creepy of stalker-ish about Edward sneaking into my house and watching me sleep of following me around? It's so sweet, he cares about me so much!

RS: *Eyeroll*

BS: What? Just because YOU'VE never had a boyfriend......

RS: Excuse me, darling?

BS: Nothing *glare* Anyways, Edward is just so perfect, I mean-

RS: *Covers ears and looks sick* Please, stop.....I get it, dear!

BS: I mean, the way he sparkles is just so-

RS: I get it, please, stop! *Tries to cover ears*

BS: -Adorable, and he's so kind and romantic, and he's just so gorgeously perfect-

RS: *Turning green* I can't take it anymore! *Gets up and runs for the door*

BS: *Doesn't notice, and keeps talking about Edward* He's just so incredible in every way, and he's smart-

*As I was running for my life, trying to avoid dying of boredom and/or going insane from Bella's inane Edward rant, I was forced to conclude my highly informative interview with Bella Swan*
added by TeamSiriusBlack
posted by KateKicksAss
After hearing some debate on various spots around here, I've decided to thoroughly analyze an issue that I found kind of interesting, Voldemort vs. The Volturi.

By "Volturi", I'm talking about the main three, Aro, Caius, and Marcus. And on the "Voldemort" side, It's Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, and probably a few meer assorted Death Eaters.

After throroughly analyzing this issue, I'm forced to conclude that the Volturi side would probably turn out victorious in a fight, assuming they can get off their thrones and face the challenge, that is. My reasoning is as follows.

First off, in the...
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Warning: This is quite long.

Before I begin, I would like to say that this is my personal opinion along with evidence to support my opinion. u are free to disagree with me, but please, no hating. Also, please do not accuse me of not reading the books. I have read each of the novels in the Twilight "Saga", from Twilight to Breaking Dawn. I have also read all of the Harry Potter boeken (numerous times), from Philosophers Stone to Deathly Hallows.

It annoys me enormously, hearing people say that Twilight is better than Harry Potter. I personally believe that Harry Potter overshadows Twilight in...
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