House M.D. Solving the Problem

cocacola posted on Aug 28, 2008 at 11:53PM
I've noticed that on the House spot, shipping is starting to take over. Because of this fans are starting to get hostile to each other and the level of fun and jokes and celebration is starting to reach a minimum. I'm thinking of writing down a contract or a set of rules that we can all sign and follow to bring the House spot back to it's old glory. I was wondering what you guys think of this and I wanted to hear any suggestions you may have in helping to bring the peace back to the House spot.

House M.D. 16 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden heeeresjoyce said…
I agree that some people are getting too hostile about their ships, but I don't think we should have a contract or a set of rules. It seems too controlled. I just think we should ask people to be nicer to the other shippers, which I'm guessing we've already done. Maybe we've just got to wait a little bit for our peace-pleading message to reach more people.
een jaar geleden cocacola said…
I was thinking of just putting something up that would simply say that we should act like we used to, but I don't really care, as long as we just start to get along...
een jaar geleden EnjoyHuddy said…
I agree and I'm in in your "mission"
een jaar geleden amberRocks said…
we are shipping because the show is taking this course.When no ships were made by the show noone was fighting.This is the natural course of life I think...
And you can make every contract and ruls you want but I'm sure noone will follow them.I mean that they will say that they will but in a mater of days(or hours)they will forget it...
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden cocacola said…
what I meant was not to let shipping effect our behaveiour towards others in the House spot
een jaar geleden amberRocks said…
noone is fighting today...
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden TheHiddenCane said…
I agree with aR... but I don't think this should have escalated this far, it did, we're moving on with a clean slate and I hope it never comes to this again but a contract? that means people can't say what they wanna say and the main rule is don't offend people, but ships are just gonna be argued about forever and there's nothing wrong with that and no contract would ever stop that... it's sad, but it's the truth.

and we might be all obsessed with House but when it comes down to it it's a tv show... it might be our favorite and special enough to be more than just a tv show (which is definitely is, by the way) but we all have real lives outside the spot that are hard enough as it is... don't get upset about the fictional.

I know it's more than a show for ALL of us but when it comes down to it... it's fiction, it's awesome, I too can get totally obsessed and hyper about it but when it comes down to it we should just save our strengths for the real life instead of wasting it on something fictional that is completely and entirely out of our hands... anything can happen and we can't stop the writers.
our fighting isn't gonna stop them from writing in a ship, it's just gonna take away all our fun.

glad the fighting has stopped!
let's have another party or something in celebration of the spot renewing it's glory!
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Dutch_House_Fan said…
I totally agree with you THC we shouldn't fight about ships or whatever and loose the fun we have together talking about our favourite tv show, we are on fanpop to have fun and not to fight about things we don't have influence in.. Of course we can argue but we still have to have fun in it ;-)

I'm glad we aren't fighting anymore, I really like this spot and I just wanna have fun with you guys and I really want to keep it that way :)
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden TheHiddenCane said…
yeah... I mean we can kill each other over the ships but the writers don't really care so why should we fight about it? we have no influence in the show at all and all we can control is how much fun we have!

so let's have fun!
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden cocacola said…
i guess contract was too strong a word....I was thinking more of just saying that we should respect eachother and everyone agrees to it....nothing too big....
een jaar geleden TheHiddenCane said…
I agree with that 100% CC!
een jaar geleden Dutch_House_Fan said…
Me too, we should always respect eachother and accept that everyone has their own opinion
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden misanthrope86 said…
I wrote something about this on a pick that I read. This is what I said:

...Secondly, this is why I have always said that most shipping should be kept in the ships separate spot. I have been away for about a week and the first stuff that I see in this spot is shipping stuff and people fighting over which ship is best and blah blah blah. At the end of the day we all love and hate different stuff, so if you put stuff like this and this (and there are many other examples, I just randomly chose these ones, so no offense to the pick-makers!) in this spot, then you have to accept that people are gonna give you crap for it and then make picks like this one. Honestly, I really do believe that shipping should mostly be kept to the specific spot of the ship and I think that would reduce some of this in-fighting.

I too think that we can't have a contract. This is a free site and we are all allowed to say our opinions (within reason, eg no pornographic opinions! LOL!). But we all need to keep in mind what pretty much all have you have said here, which is that we need to respect eachother and eachothers' opinions. In saying that, this is at least the 3rd time that I have written a big thing about this kind of stuff since I joined in October last year, so I don't think that the message is getting through to people...
een jaar geleden igbishop15 said…
I really don't get why everyone has been fighting about they're ships. Seriously guys, IT'S FICTION!!!!! What is the big deal. We're all here so we can have fun and talk about our favorite show (can I get an amen), so why are we making such a big deal about who we want to end up together. It's not like anyone on here has any control over what's gonna happen on this FICTIONAL show. So please keep the peace.
een jaar geleden oldmovie said…
lol igbishop15.......AMEN!
een jaar geleden cocacola said…
guys I already agreed that contract was too strong a word! quit bashing me for stuff I have already solved. Ughh!!!