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posted by ultimatefredde
I write this last words to reflect my existence. For someone to do something against this evil evil being who is called The Hand.

It's hard to explain my existence, especially since the beginning of it, because suddenly appeared. Do not ask me how, but appeared. The first time I opened my eyes they hurt. It was great light that dazzles me, light that sooner of later I would get used to. I could not move. His feet were glued to a platform. I myself was stuck against a background invisible, as if it were in two dimensions. It was sheer torture, I had a terrible fear, but had not yet begun the worst because, suddenly, she appeared ...

Hand. There are no words to describe such a being. Nothing has changed since the first time I saw her, I still continue freezing . She governs the fate of everything. She can read minds, u can read the soul. She is, as I discovered later, powerful, giver of pain and happiness.

When I discovered that she ignored me, I sighed with relief. Wrong. Suddenly, I felt like my body was stretched as I tore my eyes to replace them door others, as I even changed sex repeatedly, so much that it hurt. I introduced different types of hair, I changed the color of my clothes (although I must admit that I put roze was the most pretty) ... and finally, Hand began to press a strange symbols, and I thought it was all over ... when suddenly the symbols that she had marked me is burned into the back. I had a name, but all I felt was that it was a toy in his hands.

At the end of that particular torture session, Hand whisk me out of that place in dark blue, and I fainted.

When I awoke, she was gone, but instead numerous beings appeared around me.Short, tall, yellow, roze ... all were, at first sight different, but basically the same. These beings were like me. Miis. For the first time since I remember, I felt safe.

When I awoke, I was approached door a Mii with a mustache and look of deep anti-Semitic. In its wake, other Miis prostrated themselves before him with great fear and respect. I imitated them, but took the opportunity to look at the Mii sideways. It was a Mii like any other, perhaps meer detailed than others, but especially differed because he carried a bronze crown which, easily, one could read the word "favorite."

'I'm the boss here zei the Mii-The name u gave me a hand is' I', but u just call me Favorite.

Yes, sir, I replied shakily Favorite.

- Do u know that does this bronze crown? - zei shown it again and again. 'Well, this proves that I am the leader here, and u must obey.

That said, favoriete left. Later some of the Miis told me that he was the favorite, which always was chosen to see the outside, a place no one else had seen, as they had never gone out of that prison called the Mii Channel.

And so time went steady, unchanged. Occasionally, she clung to favoriete and took him to a place full of adventure, of so I imagined. Meanwhile, the rest of the Miis we watched , which occasionally required us to line up and grab some and shaking him. Sometimes, even, she chose a Mii and took him, but we all knew that was not the same site as a Favorite, and the Mii never came back. We tried not to talk about it, pretend it never happened,

Occasionally new Miis arrived, but despite that, nothing changed for a long time and I thought I would bre like this forever ... naive of me.

Everything happened at once. I found myself talking to one of the Miis when suddenly she came out of nowhere and pounced on me. I could not avoid it, and I seized it with her powerful fingers. I begged for help, but the rest of the Miis did not even look my way. When Hand took me out of the Mii Channel, I already thought I was lost. I thought was about to follow the same path as the rest of the Miis missing, perish in oblivion forever ... when I appeared in the middle of a tennis court.

- What is this? - I asked suspiciously. Suddenly, there a racket in my hands, and a ball at high speed toward me. It was launched door another Mii, one that I had never seen. In her eyes I saw the will to win.

-Hey, give him the ball! - Shouted a Mii who shared the field with me. With all my strength, I gave the ball, causing flames shot out around her. From there, I got carried away door the frenzied sport of tennis. After a while, out of the blue appeared a great baseball field. And I had no legs! However, in the air, hitting a grand champion, marked home pagina Runs and I was happy. I thought this must be paradise, a paradise where they acquire skills for any sport, and where sometimes u snatch legs.

Finally, I appeared in a boxing ring. After the victories , I sensed that this would be easy ... favoriete appeared before me. It was my opponent! Why? that paradise was mine. Such was the anger I felt for this intrusion, which in a few punches knock out Favorite. I felt incredible, this was a wonderful place, where I was unbeatable and I didnt have to worry about anything, not even her. Sadly, shortly after thinking about it, Hand returned to grab me and Favorite, and took us back to the Mii Channel. I was stunned door the events, but above all was happy. He had seen heaven, and lived to tell.

Upon arrival, all the Miis around me, chanting my name, 'Praise the one who came back from death, I rose in the air, but I could not stop thinking about this paradise that I had been taken away from so suddenly. Suddenly, the praise stopped and He stood in front of me, Favorite.

I do not know how u got to Wii Sports, but u will pay for the loss u made me suffer, said, threw a fist at me with the clear purpose to hurt me, when suddenly she grabbed me again. I began to appreciate the Hand, that being that I had breathed life, even though it was very painful and I had been a paradise. But the good feelings that powerful body disappeared when I discovered that I was in the room of torture. Did little cries and cries and supplications, and that as soon as I touched the platform, I became a prisoner of that place. I comforted me thinking it would do much damage, but I was wrong. Hand grabbed a bronze crown in which read "favorite" exactly like the one with the Mii that had fallen in the ring, favorite, and slammed me, making me feel the most pain I've felt in my life. The bronze Crown tore my flesh.

When I awoke, I found myself face to face with Favorite. He lost the smile that he wore on his face. He zei bitterly:

-Now you're Mr. Favorite. Enjoy what u have, because soon, someone will snatch it, like you've done with me. And hopefully soon.

At the end of the sentence, she grabbed the old favoriete and took it in a twinkling. We did not know anything else.

When he disappeared, I became the new favorite. I must admit that my routine was fantastic. I spent the dag playing baseball, tennis, golf ... sometimes lost, but the most of games I won, and that made me feel happy. When I went to the Mii Channel, people treated me with great respect, and I began to despise those Miis they had not seen the truth, and who were confined in the Mii Channel. I could not be kind to creatures so low who had not suffered the torments before I receivied the Bronze Crown.

A dag like any other, she came to pick me up and took me away. I assumed that I would appear in the bowling alley, a long time since that did happen ... I noticed with great surprise, I was inside a kart, surrounded door Miis especially rare: a princess, a species of dinosaur, a plumber in green ... only recognized one of them was the Mii with whom I spoke just before being taken door hand to heaven, Wii Sports. On its face, I knew it was the first time he left the Mii Channel. I should have cheered for him for having the good fortune to meet the outside world, but all I felt was pure jealousy, jealousy of someone who feels robbed of paradise.

As the race began, the disaster happened one after another. I was beaten door turtles, hit door a bullet, lava ... when I got to get to the finish I heard it, I was the 12 th, while the other Mii had been the champion of the competition. After learning this, all I could do was mourn, mourn inconsolably, until I fell asleep over the wheel of my kart.

When I woke up, I saw him carrying Mii now a bronze crown.

When she came for me, I knew that was not to see any paradise. Followed the same path as the vorige favorite, and never go back to the Mii Channel. I knew that sooner of later the New favoriete will follow my path, and the volgende and the volgende ... Miis life is like a mountain climbers, u reach the top, and finally u see someone die.

I write this, as I speak to my end, as last words, to record my existence. For someone to do something against this evil evil being who is called The Hand.
This artikel belongs to link on Tumblr.

A quick run-down should u ever find yourself trapped in a horror movie and would prefer to live to tell the tale.

1. Don’t have sex.
-Abstinence is key.
2. Don’t go out with people you’ve just met that day.
-I don’t care how good he says his weed is
-he is cuckoo bananas
-and he wants u dead.
3. Don’t go to camp. Especially one where someone was murdered.
-There are six words u should YouTube, should u get the chance
-“Kevin spek in Friday the 13th”
4. Find a good hiding place and… STAY. THERE.
-If the killer can’t see...
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posted by kitty190123
1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with vrienden in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

5. If u have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.

6. Amuse yourself for endless hours door hooking a camcorder to your TV and then pointing it at the screen. <

7. Speak only in a "robot" voice.

8. Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly.

9. Start each meal door conspicuously...
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This test is only for girls, so if u are a guy, buzz off!
This is a fun test u can chain mail to with any peeps of even family. Enjoy! (Won't work on fanpop of any other site, only used for emails)

P.S please say in commentaren what u think of it!

FRIEND I don't really know if this test is true of not but the antwoorden actually were the same as my personality Well, all i have to say to u people is, try the test it's actually kinda fun!! 

This is no joke. It works (from experience). 

DO NOT just wis this. DO...
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posted by australia-101
How To Beat Carnival Games

Rope Ladder:
The trick to climbing carnival rope ladders is to completely ignore the "rungs" and only use the outside ropes to climb on.

While applying equal pressure with your right foot and left arm, verplaats your left foot and right arm uat the same time. Then do the same thing with the opposite limbs -- shimmying yourself up the ladder.

Do not verplaats both hands of both feet at the same time - u will lose your balance.

Ring Toss Game:
Snap your wrist as u throw the ring to achieve the most spin possible, this will stabilize the ring making it easier to land cleanly...
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Trolls are the main cause of people wanting to leave websites. This is really PATHETIC. I have no knowledge of why these people do these things, of why people give into it... I wish trolls would get a life and live it instead of terrorizing other people and lowering their self esteem. If you're a troll and u think it's funny, think again. Trolling is only funny on Memes & Rage comics. Trolls are pointless.. They're just big bullies that don't give a flying squirrel's butt bout other people's feelings and lives. This might be redundant but I don't care. TROLLS, GET A LIFE AND STOP MESSING WITH OTHER'S LIVES, u SICK, SICK PEOPLE.

u have no place to tell ANYONE how to live, of what they are, of even if they annoy you. Stop making people feel like crap just because your life sucks, of because u think it's fun. Get out in the REAL world and do something about it.

Thank you.

"Haters Gonna Hate, Mah-Homies Gonna Love."

^^ Austin Mahone joke. :P
Chinese Horiscopes (freakishly correct) Good Luck!

Don’t cheat of it won’t work and you’ll be disappointed. Takes 3 minutes, try this - It will freak u out. Don’t read ahead, just do it. Worth a try.
1st.) Get pen and paper.
2nd.) When choosing names make sure they are real people that u actually know.

3rd.) Go with your instincts. Very important for good results.

4th.) Scroll down one line at a time don’t read ahead otherwise you’ll ruin the fun.
1.) On a blank sheet...
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posted by SymmaGirl2
May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future.

Today isn't just another day. Today, I'll create something beautiful.

Keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final.

Until u spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far u can fly.

Heal the past, live the present, and dream the future.

Sometimes u have to stop thinking so much and go where your hart-, hart takes you.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Life is like riding a bicycle; to keep balance, u must keep moving.

Do not let what u cannot do interfere with what u can do.

The best dreams happen when...
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 DONT be anything like dudelol17 of BadBoy83 (Is that their names?!)
DONT be anything like dudelol17 or BadBoy83 (Is that their names?!)
Ways To Annoy People

1. TaLk L1k3 Th15 && D@nT 5t0p :)
2. Txt Talk
3. Keep disagreeing with them
4. meld everything and commentaar 'Ommmmm!'
5. Take Over Peoples Walls (Hehe darkwave)
6. On a club say u hate it.
Eg. Justin Biebers Wall:
Just Biebers Gay and I hate him!!!
7. Troll people
8. Say 'I dont care' of 'You're so annoying' of 'No' on a uithangbord post. (Just be rude)

WARNING: I wouldn't do this to the following fanpoppers: Someone_Save_Me Me_Iz_Here Heartisalone Springely BlindBandit92 Mario-watsit :) They really wont take it good...
posted by hetaliaitaly
Allen Walker
Neji Hyuga
Shikamaru Nara
Death the kid
Duke Devlin
Zelgadis Greywords
South Italy
North Italy
Near/Nate River
Tsubasa otori
Shun kazami
Kiba inuzuka
Claus von herson
Kaoru Hitachiin
Hikaru Hitachiin
Itachi Uchiha
Izumo and Kotetsu
Toushiro Hitsugaya
Hatsuharu Sohma
Kyo Sohma
Shigure Sohma
Leader summa/pein
Soul Evans
Ikuto Tsukiyomi
(there are meer but i cant be stuffed naming them um commentaar if i have missed any male anime dudes u like and i will add them i will do a girls one soon)
posted by MsMindlessAztec
1. We dont ALWAYS want sex...only sometimes
2. we dont like it when u tell us wat to do
3. never, ever look at other girls with us...otherwise your kicked out
4. wis any pictures of ANY other girls on your phones/computers
5. u need to listen to us
6. if u going to ignore us at least do a good job at it.
7. dont always say "i love you" like 5 times a day, then we think somethings up
8. bringging us to a club and getting us drunk for sex is a bad idea
9. if u get in a fight, admit that your wrong...we like that
10. never say that your the "king of MY casle"
11. always tell us if your borrowing...
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posted by mehere
Im sorry if u dont like me Im sorry if u think I suck but most of all Im sorry, I dont give a fuck

Worry about your character and not your reputation, because your character is who u are, and your reputation is only what people think of you.

I think Ive finally come to the point in my life where Im happy with myself and know that I dont have to change of be a certain way for people to like me anymore. Im just fine and if someone doesnt think I am, screw them.

If u don't like my words, don't listen. If u don't like my appearance, don't look. If u don't like my actions, turn your head; It's as simple as that.

Although Ive been hurt I still remain strong. u think I have regrets? Well, youre wrong.
Note; This song is based off of My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic's very own Pinkie Pie's song, 'Giggle at the Ghostie'.

Come on, Fanpop, don't u see!
When I was a little silly and the trolls would bring me down!
Their malice and their hatred was starting to make me frown!
I'd cry in my own bedroom, from what I thought I read! But this shouldn't be the reason that I should end up dead!
They say, "Phoenix, u gotta stand up tall, and deal with these dumb fags! They're just idiots who try to be a dirtbag!"
'Teehee' at the Troll!
Do a barrel roll!
Slap the swearing jerks!
Always have your perks!
Ignore the idiot!
meld the hypocrite!
And tell that stupid jerk to leave u alone
And GTFO off the computer because if they don't they got another thing coming for them and TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLL!
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan them!

Now don't let those trolls get to you. Kick their asses and get them off of Fanpop and ze internetz. :3
FRIENDS: Never ask for anything to eat of drink.
BEST FRIENDS: Helps themselves and are the reason why u have no food.

FRIENDS: Would bail u out of jail.
BEST FRIENDS: Would be sitting volgende to u sayin "DAMN!"were screwed"!

FRIENDS: Have never seen u cry.
BEST FRIENDS: Wont tell everyone else u cried...just laugh about it with u in private when your not down anymore.

FRIENDS: Asks u to write down your number.
BEST FRIENDS: Has u on speed dial.

FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
BEST FRIENDS: Loses your stuff and tells you, "My bad...here's a tissue."

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This is a true story of Mother’s Sacrifice during the China Earthquake.
After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping; her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supporting door an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head.

With so many difficulties, the leader of the rescuer team put his hand through a narrow gap on the uithangbord to reach the woman’s body. He was hoping that this woman...
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1) Lean over them when there asleep and sing a lullaby really loud and out of tune.

2) Every five minuten yell "The aliens are coming!"

3) Choose a specifice piece of cutlery (eg. a fork) and stare accusingly at that item every time u see it.

4) Buy face paints and paint their face when there asleep. Try doing something the person is afriad of. (eg. clown, zombie)

5) Announce that u are actually a secret agent, spying on somone who lives in your house.

6) Call your house number and announce that u are going on strike. If they ask for a reason, hang up. Caution: Make sure u dont get a wrong number!!

7) Put ice cubes in everyone's warm drink.

8) Every time they speak interrupt them with "Curiosity killed the cat."

9) Set alarms on your mobile/cell phone that go off every 10 minutes.
posted by MJlover101
-New York City has 11 letters.

-Afghanistan has 11 letters.

-Ramsin Yuseb (the terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.

-George W struik, bush has 11 letters.

-The Twin Towers make an "11",

-New York is the 11th state.

-The first plane that crashed into the Twin Towers was flight number 11.

-Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. (9+2=11)

-Flight 77 which also hit the Twin Towers was carrying 65 passengers. (6+5=11)

-The tradegy was September 11, of 9/11. (9+1+1=11)

-The total number of victims inside the planes was 254. (2+4+5=11)

-September 11 is the 254th dag of the year....
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Note:I wrote that only for fun! i don't even believe if the world is going to end in 2012 cause God only knows when! so don't put stupid commentaren please!

-How to Survive:

1-Make sure that you've got a back pack full of food and drink

2-Build a room under the ground make sure,that it's ready to use.

3-Sell your Home

4-If your mum of dad is a Doctor ask him/her to teach u some stuff about nursing

5-go to the room u built under the ground and put some food and drinks there!

6-When the dag comes! go to the room u built under the ground at 4:00 am before the sun comes!

How to get Ready:(2 Days before...
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posted by animefreak21
do this stuff if u dare but it would be funny 2 c
something like this happen i also made this up myself

1. start caramelldansen in the middle of the store

2. go up 2 a random person and hand them a paper
that says death on it when u hand it 2 them say
wakarimasen (i don't understand) in a really weird
voice then run away

3. sing a really annoying song at the top, boven of your lungs repeatedly

4. follow random people all over the store of where ever they go except the bathroom (that would just be

5. say there u r i was looking all over 4 u and glomp (hug some 1 really tight) a random person

6. go up...
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posted by Ninjacupcake
Hate is everywhere. It can be because of race, gender of if someone is gay/lesbian/bi. Sadly, a lot of us have to live with it. What I want to speak about are the hatings of people with different sexual orientations.

Most of u have heard Born This Way door Lady Gaga. I want to say that everyone IS beautiful in their way cause God makes no mistakes. Even though I'm straight, that does NOT mean that I hate others. I love everyone. It makes me mad, but also sad, because that's a human being u are hating. They have red blood when they bleed, need food when they are hungry, and DANG, their poop...
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posted by iluvsmj
"I'm hungry." = I'm hungry.

"I'm sleepy." = I'm sleepy.

"I'm tired." = I'm tired.

"Do u want to go to a movie?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you.

"Can I take u out to dinner?" = Same as Above

"Can I call u sometime?" = Same as Above

"Nice dress!" = Nice cleavage!

"You look tense, let me give u a massage." = I want to feel your bare skin

"What's wrong?" = I don't see why u are making such a big deal out of this.

"What's wrong?" = What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are u going through now?

"I love you, too." = Okay, I zei it...we'd better have sex now!

"Yes, I...
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