The Heroes of Olympus Club
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Hello my almighty vrienden and sisters/brothers in waiting, of just readers. Also, hello to the party crashers. Yes, we do have party crashers on our hands.

I'll copy paste this one little bit of chapter 1 of the Son of Neptune in this artikel and you'll all get where this is going (maybe... *stares at horizon wondering*)

"'Before u slash me to bits,' he said, 'who's this patron u mentioned?'
Euryale sneered. 'The goddess Gaea, of course! The one who brought us back from oblivion! u won't live long enough to meet her, but your vrienden below will soon face her wrath. Even now, her armies are marching south. At the Feast of Fortune, she'll awaken, and the demigods will be cut down like- like-'
'Like our low prices at Bargain Mart!' Stheno suggested."

Feast of Fortune sounds important, armies of Gaea marching south sounds bad, and all that together in a sentance zei door a happy gorgon sounds really bad. So let's get our stories straight here; what is the Feast of Fortune?

Well, I did a lot of research -which included Google, grilling my nice scool librarian and confused friends, and looking stuff up on, mortalnet, and and the thing that came up the most often; the Veneralia.

I hear you; hun? What's the Veneralia? It sounds like a type of Italian delicaty. Well as all good artikel on the subject would, I've got an explenation further down.

So Veneralia... It was this big festival for Venus (Piper's mom! Sorry, just putting it out there). All the statues and other artwork of the goddess was washed and cleaned and scented and made pretty, pretty, pretty door the women of the place where it was. All of Venus' women followers also went around wearing myrhe (which was Venus' plant) and they put some on the statues too. The festival was around April 1st and celebrated across Rome, particularly at her temples.

Speed round fact about Venus: Romulus zei that he and Remus (Lupa's first babysitting job) were sons of Mars, but that Venus was their ancestor.

The goddess of luck and opportunity, Fortuna, was also worshiped at the Veneralia, because of 'luck in love' and all that sappy crud.

Veneralia? Could be our feast. It's in April too -Venus' maand for your brain's nutrition- and beggining. Now it's time for some math (quit groanning, I'll do it for you).

Percy went missing 6 days before Solstice, yes? 3 days before Jason pops up, 3 days for the quest to happen, so 6. Let's say December 15, kay? 2 and a half months from December 15 is either late February of early March.

If the Veneralia is what we're looking for; then there's about a month's time to kill. That gives time for... Learning about Rome, taking long treks to Alaska (tee-hee), and other such things.

BUT! (don't u love it when I'm giving u a long explenation for something and then say 'but'?)

Mars. God of war. One of the favoriete gods for the Romans. My favoriete type of alien (lol, just kidding, I like Lorics better). Anyways, him. His maand is March (in French 'March' is 'Mars'). Although I can't find anything about it, there were most likely festivals for him in March.

But I still believe in the Veneralia for now because...

a) Feast of Fortune- Veneralia was about Venus and Fortuna, goddess of fortune too. Hey; if the shoe fits!
b) It came up ALL the time in Google and everywhere else I looked!
c) The time seems about right, doesn't it? I mean, yeah... Plus Percy is most likely a little behind, and time might work differently in the wolf house, like other magical places.
d) Percy might even have gotten to the wolf house and been found later than Jason was. I mean, where was he during the battle there? Exactly; Juno must have kept him somewhere because no way Percy would let anything stand between him and a fight where his help is needed.

Either way, there will be a party, and there will be crashers. Who (well, meer like what) will be where at what? I don't know. Ask Rachel, do I look like Rachel? I better not, I'm a brunette...

Thanks for reading, keep theorising and if u have any aditional info, door all means, I beg of you; post in comments!
Percy Jackson FIGHTS Polyphemus the Giant

Percy paces the purple carpet. Percy also known as Percy Jackson, pierces the crowd of purple toga wearing preators in New Rome; Camp Jupiter, sword in hand ready to pulverize Polyphemus if he dares to attack the Athena Parthenos, located in the Athena Pavilion. Besides him is his best friend Piper McLean, in her hand is her dagger Katopris. With the help of Piper, Goddess Persephone, & Lord Pluto/Hades Percy will push Polyphemus back...
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Conspiracy Theory Numeral One

Weirdo 2 here with my first crazy theory of the year!! Everybody who read the SoN (MAJOR SPOILER) knows of a certain infamous line. Yes, that’s right, “The Mark of Athena shall burn through Rome”. Thanks to World History Honors I know of one particular brand that hit Rome. That one being the 7 dag brand started door Emperor Nero, the same Nero that sexually abused many male roman youth and committed matricide. (Murder of your mother) But that’s another story. Well anyway, Nero had started that brand to make room for a bigger palace. Remembering that I had a light...
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posted by olympianglory

Woah, he thought as soon as he landed Festus, that is one hotty. he jumped off and zei ''Hey baby,your as hot as fire.'' That was the point he got slapped door two hots which for him, was a first,and also painful. The first girl was the new hottie, the seconde was Calypso,''Stop that Valdez of I'll go back to Ogygia.'' '' Ok Ok Lolly Lady!'' Calypso frowned ''Since when was I called Lolly Lady?''Leo grinned,''Hey Owl Face!'' '' u do not call me Owl Face, muttered Annabeth. If u do that one meer time I will slap u back to the Golden Age.'' '' Ok Owl Face!'' He grinned, see u guys later, im gonna talk to
Chiron about starting to grow Fonzies.'' Piper looked confused '' Leo, can u even grow Fonzies?''
''We'll have to wait and see Beauty Queen.''
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