The Heroes of Olympus Club
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Hey. I’m wierdo4(previously wierdo2, and wierdo3) and I’m one of the admins. As some of u may know, there are rules in place. The problem is most of you, including newbies don’t. So here are the rules already in place made door our leader, Amphitrite (who is currently on Olympus) From here on is Amph’s words Reposted.

Who likes articles? I do, I do!!! There is nothing I find meer satisfying here than reading a good artikel that gives rise to a great discussion. Below I have everything u need to know about artikels to get u writing and get the discussions started.

Rules for artikels and artikel Comments

1. First and foremost, as with the rest of the spot, NO SPAM! If I see any spam artikels of commentaren I will meld them on sight....yeah...I'm mean about spam.

2. Please keep your artikels relevant to the series...this goes hand-in-hand with the spam. No, Harry Potter doesn't make an appearance at Camp Halfblood and I seriously doubt that Whisty Allgood was spotted on Mt. Olympus so I don't want them to be a topic for an article...they have their own boeken and their own spots.

3.Grammar and Spelling, people, grammar and spelling. Please try your hardest to use proper grammar and spelling. I know that we all make our mistakes, and sometimes not even a spell check will catch everything, but try your hardest. If u need someone to read it before hand I will be glad to go over it and pas aan mistakes.

4. I will not have any rude remarks in an artikel of in the commentaren to an article. I will meld these on site. No one, and I mean no one deserves to be treated in an ill manner. If u don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all.

5. Constructive criticism and debate are very much tolerated and welcome, but they mustn't be rude in any way.

6. Vulgarity, such as lewd subjects and curse words, is not allowed...there are only certain instances in an artikel that I will allow them. We will discuss those in a few minutes.

7.If u are gegeven a warning door an admin, just like on the rest of the spot, u are expected to follow their instructions. Not heeding the words of an admin twice in a row will result in a report. Three reports on Fanpop means a ban from the site (not just the spot), so please try to follow the rules and listen to the can find a complete lijst of the admins in the rules for the Heroes of Olympus spot.

8.Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Whether it be in the artikel itself of in the comments, if I see it I WILL meld it! If u are going to use someone else's words give them credit for it.

9. Spoilers will be in effect for two weeks after the release of new (sample) chapters and for at least 2-4 months after the release of the books. If your artikel contains spoilers please put a spoiler alert in both the titel and in the description, and don't put any revealing information in those two places. Failure to follow this will result in one warning. If a seconde warning is needed I will simply meld you.

10. FANFICTION MUST GO IN THE FORUMS!!! All chapter fics must be geplaatst in the forums!Only short stories, ones that are finished in one chapter/article,are allowed to be placed in the artikels section. Any stories placed in the artikels with multiple chapters will be reported as spam of miscategorized content!

Ok so there's some basic rules. Now onto other business, that is to say, the who, what, when, where, how and why of artikel writing.

First off, you'll notice that there are categories in the artikel section. Let's discuss each.

Opinion- This is what 95% of the artikels on the HoO spot are. Pretty much, this is where artikels about your theories, ideas and such go.

Review- Have u finished reading one of the boeken and u want to give your thoughts about the events that occurred? This is where u do it. Reviews should be factual, but a little opinion never hurt. This in no way, shape of form is where u post your predictions for future books.

Guide-This is where only fact is accepted. If u want to give everybody a rundown of the characters, of a beschrijving of the plot line you'll put it here. Also, rules geplaatst door the admins will be geplaatst as guides and new information about upcoming releases will be geplaatst here door one of the admins.

fan Fiction-This is a special artikel because most fanfiction is to be placed in the forums. Only short stories, ones that are finished in one chapter/article,are allowed to be filed under this category. This is the only one of the artikel categories that vulgarity will be allowed in, but it must be properly rated like the regular fanfiction.

List-Oh! So u want to lijst out the important places of u want to make a checklist of things a young demigod should take on their quest? This is the place to do it...

Other- This is a catch all for everything that doesn't fit in the other categories. Again, please make sure it is relevant to the spot and the series.

*Requirements for Articles*

1. Must be at least three paragraphs long

2.Images (if used) must be appropriate for all ages and relevant to the article

3.Please insure to the best of your ability that Grammar and Spelling are correct and proper. Please ask someone to Beta read for u if u need assistance.

4.Content must be relevant to the series.

5.Please make sure that your artikel makes sense and isn't too hard to follow.

6. Your titel must be relevant to the artikel and must not be in all caps.

7.Descriptions must accurately describe your article.

8. If u borrow material please give proper credit to the appropriate sources. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic report.

9.Tags must be appropriate and relevant to the article.

Ah, fan fiction... What can I say about fan fiction? Its a great escape when done properly, and perfect for those oh-so-long periods between books. So, for those of u who write these great escapes, there are rules, just like the rest of the spot, that need to be followed. If you'll kindly read below we will go over these simple, common sense rules, and then u can get back to writing!

1.Chapter stories should go in the forum. Short stories (one chapter stories/one shots) go in the articles. It is annoying having to zoek out artikels to find the specific chapter u are looking for. door keeping chapter stories in a specific thread it is less confusing, less troubling, and a whole lot easier for people to navigate and find the chapters they are looking for.

2.Please use proper grammar/spelling. Nothing can bring u out of a story meer than trying to understand what the auteur is saying. If u would like someone to review your piece for u to make sure it is virtually mistake free, of u just want someone to let u know if it sounds good, send me a PM.

3.No crossovers! Sorry guys, but Edward Cullen and Zoey Redbird have their own series' and their own fanpop spots, so please keep all non kanon characters far away from here, unless they are original characters. The only series' that should be included in your Heroes of Olympus fanfics are PJO and HoO. If u want to write crossovers, please visit a different spot of site, is a good place for crossovers! Any Crossover fics that we find will be reported. Also there is a Crossover Club on fanpop. Post em there.

3.NO LEMONS! No one wants to read a story about nothing but doing the dirty, so please save your lemons for another site. If Lemons are geplaatst they will be reported. u have been warned.

4.Do not abandon your stories. I look at stories like children, abandoning them is wrong, and it is annoying to get into a story and never get to finish it because someone got lazy of bored. If u don't plan on finishing your story, then don't publiceer it.

5.Please put a rating on your story. We never know who is reading our stories. We wouldn't want a little kid reading something we wouldn't want Grandma to see, would we? Please use the rating system below:

YC- suitable for kids age 5 and up (No violence, bad language, of adult themes.)

C-suitable for age 10 and up (Mild violence, no bad language and no adult themes.)

YA-suitable for age 13 and up (May contain violence, and some bad language)

T-suitable for 15 and up (May contain violence, bad language, and some adult themes)

M-suitable for 17 and up (May contain violence, bad language, and adult themes)

6.Please use an informational form. Although creativity cannot be contained and is sometimes sloppy, please use a proper form for the informational part of your story (the part that lets everyone know what your story is about and all that jazz.) Please use the form gegeven below. (This does not pertain to short stories, please see the form below the first one.)

Title: [Your titel Here]

Rating: [Rate your fan fic. here]

Type: [Please put what genre u think your story falls into, u can use multiple genres.]

Characters: [Please put the central characters here. If one of them is of your own creation put OC]

Synopsis: [Put a brief beschrijving of your story here, u don't have to give away the ending, but let people know what they are getting into]

Disclaimer: [So we don't get in trouble here, please give R.R. (or whoever deserves it) credit]

A/N: [Put your author's notes here. They can pertain to the story of they can be dedications]


Rating: [Please rate your story here]

Disclaimer: [Give credit where credit is due.]

A/N: [Put your Author's notes here.]

7.No bullying. This really pertains to people who commentaar on your story. If u commentaar on a story, please be nice, and if u insist on criticism make it constructive. If u don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all! Violators will be reported!

8.Let us know when u publiceer a story of a chapter! Post in the geplaatst Chapters forum topic, but not on the uithangbord because that takes up way too much space and is not what the uithangbord is intended for.

9.HAVE FUN! Your story is just that, yours. The whole point of fan fic (in my opinion) is to have fun and get all those crazy thoughts out of your head. Don't let anyone push u around. u do not have to accept requests, u do not have a deadline for publishing, and there are certainly no limitations (other than the ones above) on your story. If someone is trying to tell u anything different, meld them of let me know.


Although nothing makes an auteur feel greater than having someone tell them what they like about a story, they still want to know how well the story was received door everybody. That's where ratings come in. u know how to rate an article, but when u post a chapter fic in the forum, there is no way to rate it. I've devised a system to let the authors of chapter fics know just how much u liked a piece. So, u know those emotes at the bottom of the reply form at the bottom of the page? Well, they are nifty little things. So my idea is that depending on how well u like a chapter in a fan fic u choose an emote that is equated with numbers on a rating scale (1-10.) The Scale is as follows.

1-Angry (the angry face)This is the worst rating

2-Sad (Has a frown...not the crying face)

3-Hmmmm (has a half frown)

4-meh (no smile, but no frown...straight line)

5-monkey (It's a monkey...)

6-smile (The regular smiley face)

7-big smile (The face with the big ear to ear grin)

8-cool (The face with the sun glasses)

9-kiss (The face with the puckered up lips)

10-heart (Self explanatory) This is the best rating

If u want to make an auteur feel especially happy, give them a prop. Use the commentaar prop, and let the auteur know what u like!

These rules are here to make our reading adventures fun, safe, and easy. I'm not trying to be mean, so please don't hurt me. If u have any complaints of u think I missed something send me a PM of post it in the comments. Happy fic'ing. Go. Read. Enjoy.

Wierdo , again. So that’s pretty much it. Failure to comply will result in reporting. If u see spam don’t just ask the spammer to stop. u may, but also meld it as spam. Let’s clean our cluttered club!

Adios, Au Revoir, Goodbye
Hello, people of the HoO fandom! I come in peace... anyways, I just finished reading TLH and SoN, and am DYING for MoA! So to pass time, I have decided to pull up some predictions and try analyzing! :) So, today I'm going to do an in-depth look at the Prophecy of Seven, line-by-line. Feel free to contradict me, argue of agree with me in the comments. I love a good debate :) Anyways, without further ado. Let's begin!

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm of fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes beer arms to the Doors of Death

Okay, let's start with...
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So a person added an answer to the vraag about posting the Mark of Athena in written form and they even geplaatst a link to the transcript someone wrote down!! So I'm just transferring it here because it's pretty good so here ya go!
Disclaimer: Rick Riordan wrote this, NOT me :)
Last night while on tour for The Serpent's Shadow, Rick Riordan read the first chapter of Mark of Athena out loud to the audience.  The video can be found, but here's the transcript:

The Mark of Athena

Chapter 1:
Until she met the exploding statue, Annabeth thought she was prepared for anything.  She paced the deck...
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Ok, guys, I'm tired of the endless rants about Jason's immortal parent! No really, I'm sick of it, I just tossed my koekjes, cookies because of it...seriously! Ok, so I exxageratted, everybody does it, but back on topic. Jason's parents. I'm assuming, and it's just a hunch so don't shoot me, that his immortal parent is his dad. Don't ask me why, it's just the way I roll, I go with the messages I get subconciously. It seems that everyone has chosen sides, and they are dead set with their picks. Although there are others, three gods have been mentioned. Are u ready to pick your side?

Pick number one:...
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posted by HecateA
So this afternoon [note that this was writen a long time ago] I got lost on the Internet. But I made up for it door finding this map of Camp Jupiter that u can see if u click. (I apologise for the lack of link here, and in image sources; but I found out that my account was suspended because of a none-tolerable link here, so I just took them all out because I'm happy to be back).

It’s interactive too!

With little bubbles and boxes of information that appear through the magic of scrolling! So here are 7 fun facts and bits and bobs about New Rome, that u didn’t know but probably will find...
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posted by fusshi123
This artikel is about the wierdest couples ever... it need not be really a real couple.

I'm gonna talk about the top, boven 3 wierdest couple there has to be.

3 Nico and Juniper.

*Cough cough* i kinda hate that couple. I mean, Nico is this goth kid with a black leather jas and a skull ring, he's kinda emo. And it'll be kinda funny to see Juniper, a cheerful, green nymph to be his girlfriend. It contradicts.

Nico can do much better than that.

2 Luke and Annabeth

Seriously? Luke and Annabeth? there's a 7 jaar gap between them so since Annabeth is now 17, Luke will be, what, 24?

And how can Annabeth even...
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posted by obsessionsucks
So in the YouTube video where rick reads part of chapter 2, Reyna mentions that she is the praetor of legion 12. Now in TLH Jason mentions that he is the praetor of the first legion. I believe that the legions are the same as the seperate cabins at Greek camp, therefore meaning the legions are seperated door parent, and the praetors are like the counselors. As Zeus/Jupiter is cabine one at camp half blood, he might be legion 1 at camp Jupiter. Therefore as dionysus /Bacchus is the twelfth Olympian/cabin I am led to believe that her parent is Bacchus, therefore explaining the purple robe, and maybe her father even mentioned Percy to her and zei he'd be on his way to camp which is how she knew his name. Thoughts?
Chapter 1:
P.O.V - Reyna Lewis
Narrated by: Reyna Lewis

Side note> the dag started out as a "Normal" day. Well, normal for me is training at Half-Blood Academy to get my mind off… Well… Never mind. u see "Half-blood" here means Half-human, Half-god. My dad is Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, and so on. In this story I'm about to tell u Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune(Or Poseidon) and my crush, Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter(Or Zeus), had their memories wiped and switched into different lives. So now Percy Jackson is here, and Jason Grace is there. Forewarning: This is all TRUE....
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Everyone, myself included, has been speculating about which baddies we will be seeing in the Heroes of Olympus ever since the end of The Last Olympian. I'm here to once again annoy u to the point of boredom with my opinions and theories. Today I'm discussing the old baddies and throwing in a few new onezs that I think we will become reaquainted with. So, I'll stop rambling on and get to the point.

The Manticore. Yeah, I didn't like him much either, but I can't fight the feeling that he is going to make an appearance in the series. I don't know when and I don't know where, but I know he will...
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posted by goddessoflife

I didn't know where we were, but I kept on moving. We (luckily) didn't encounter any monsters.
But, I did see my house.
I stopped short.
Janie slammed into me, "What?"
I pointed, "That's my house." I wanted to go in, maybe even stay there for a few days. We were all getting hungry and there wasn't enough money left to buy any food. Plus, my house has four rooms, huge stash of secret money, and food.
But, one problem, there were police tape lines.
"Can u explain that?" Janie asked.
I nodded, "Easily. My whole family is missing. Of course they'll check out our house."
We looked around....
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posted by Amphitrite
Ok, so the first thing I thought of when I read the sample chapters was the Argonautica. It seemed to be an easy connection because the hero was Jason and the main character of The Lost Hero is a Jason. Is the connection between The Heroes of Olympus and the Argonautica just superficial? I think not!

Let start with who was on the mission. There may be more, but these are the people that everyone agrees were there.

Acastus, son of King Pelias
Actor, son of Deion the Phocian
Admetus, prince of Pherae
Amphiaraus, the Argive seer
Great Ancaeus of Tegea, son of Poseidon
Little Ancaeus, the Lelegian of...
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added by Alex13126
Source: Burdge
added by fanforbooks
Source: me!
added by gerybarzaka
Source: DeviantART
I was walking to my regular lunch tafel, tabel i was about to sit down

when some girl pushes me out of the way to sit volgende to Percy

" Hi Percy" she smiled sweetly.

" Hi" he zei I was mad and so I tapped her shoulder and zei

" That's my seat"'she turned around and said

" u sit volgende to Percy Jackson? Yeah right! Even if your his

sister" she smirked at me like I am the new girl what am I going

to do. " Hey" Percy stood up I put my hand up " No, Big Bro I

got this"
" But sis-" he started.

" I zei I got this" I almost yelled I am so mad of these kids

pushing me around because I'm new I'm gonna show...
continue reading...
posted by Rickfan
This is how many people crush who!
And who wins? Drum roll please. *Drum roll*
And the winner is Leo!
The lijst for Boys
Percy:4(Percy fans watch out for Annabeth)
Stoll Brothers:1
And who will win in the girls side! Let's see, Drum roll please.
*Drum roll*
And the winner is a tie! Annabeth and Piper!
The lijst for girls
And this is the end of the toon How Many People Like Who, good night, and demigod!
added by percabethcrazy
Source: burdge-bug
added by tracytracy2000
Source: burdge bug deviantart
added by ohwoaaah
Source: erm...don't remember...
posted by Aphroditeskid21
I have been rereading to look for hints and stuff and these ones i found and popped out out of the book big time if u have read the The Lost Hero.
Well enjoy and commentaar away

Gleeson hedge wrote a letter to grover on boom bark about "trying to unleash the Power of Pan and it didn't work where are you"

The Roman Goddess is Guarding Olympus and complains to Percy and Annabeth that she is not repsented enough

Mount whatever the titans base they disscuss that alot and just say it crumbed

The volgende Great prophecy at the end

"there's going to be alot of new faces here at camp maybe they can take it while we lean back and relax" Percy zei it to Annabeth last chapter

Add meer hints u found of u think that are hints in the other boeken about the Roman's of about the volgende series
added by pecyjacksonXD
Source: devianART