The Heroes of Olympus Club
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posted by Blaze_of_Ares
I'm rewriting the 'Arena of Chaos' Would u guys read it?

Here is the summary:

It was the jaar 10000, the two Demi-God camps, Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, have combined, after the Giant war, and was renamed Camp Demi-God. The Greeks moved to Camp Jupiter as Camp Half-Blood was small so they went there. The camp has gotten bigger, with the help of the Gods. The entire camp was rebuilt. New Rome is now Athome, Athens and Rome. It is a city with a mixture of Greek and Roman structures. The Gods trust their kids now and brand users are common. Terminus still guards the borders. Romans still joined the Legion while Greeks have their activities on the other side of camp. Once a month, they changed position to everyone get the fun, a tradition establish door Percy Jackson. The Camp have three groups of leaders; Two Praetors of Rome, three leaders, of Greece also a half-praetor and council of veteran Demi-Gods, leader of Athome. The three leaders of Greece are called the ‘Children of three’ and the leaders of Athome called the ‘Higher Half-Bloods’. Dionysus’s punishment was lifted and he now resides in Olympus with his wife. Chiron still resides at Greek side of Camp Demi-God. He is still part of the Cloven Elders and is also part of the Higher Half-Bloods.

After the Giant war, two Demi-Gods, once they got old enough, left their respective camp, with their loved ones and some vrienden who follow them. They built a house in the woods. They created two of those, one on the East and one on the West. Soon their families grew larger till they had the population of 300 door the jaar 5000! These two Demi-Gods were Blaze Phoenix, son of Mars and Dante Martinez, son of Thanatos, Greek Thanatos. They got old and died, their children ran the camp. Then, when the most treasured items, Pyro, sword of Phoenix and Mortem, scythe of Martinez, went missing, they blamed each other. The two families broke apart. The Phoenixs took the East camp while the Martinezs took the West. Their arguments multiply. These two clans hated each other…

One day, Camp Demi-God arrange for the two clans to visit them, on the Feast of Fortuna to discuss… The meeting of the three camps isn’t dangerous. The appearance of a certain Primordial God is…

Chapter 1
Eric Lunez
Becoming a man

I wake up groaning. I click my watch and a holographic blue clock appeared. It spun around saying: “Ante Meridian Six! Ante Meridian Six!” Oh god, why did I wake up to early? Its summer vacation…Then I remembered, Oh yeah, meeting the camp, I click my watch again, latest Omega watch, I jump off my bed and step into the shower. I got out with a towel around my knees up to my waist and one around my neck. I put on my red long sleeve T-Shirt and black jeans. I put on my grey jacket.

Then there is a knock on the door.
“Eric!” My best friend, Joshua Kimble, son of Athena, shouted. He starts to pound the door.
“Relax will you! I’m here!!!” I opened the door and his first head my on the head “Dude!?” I rub my forehead
“Sorry!” he exclaimed then chuckled. I look and my other best friend was there too, Sorah, legacy of Mercury. Josh was wearing a red gewaad, kleed with the kap over his head. His grey eyes shows in the dark shadow of the hood. Some of his brown hair was on his forehead. Sorah was wearing the same thing, her blue eyes glistered.
“What’s with the get up?” I asked. Red robes are only for ceremonies, why were they wearing it?
“Idiot!!!” He shouted. I pull them in and shut the door. Hr removes his kap tonen his medium length brown hair. He glared at me, like a wolf at his prey. Sorah still had her kap on.
“Tell me, what did I forgot?” I said… He slapped the back of my head
“Josh! Don’t be so mean” Sorah said
“Sorry” He replied. Only she could control him, well ever since they started dating she could
“It’s your Ritus Locus Eric” She answered. Then it hit me like an ice cream truck. It was my 16 birthday! My Ritus Locus, Rite of Passage! At the Ritus Locus, we grow up; we will usually have to do a task. It is also when we are eligible for marriage, Blaze allowed marriages at the age of 16 cause we Demi-Gods don’t live long. I slapped my head
“Shit!! I thought we were going to Camp Demi-God!!” I exclaim.
“That’s tomorrow!!!” he screamed. She nudged him on the arm.
“It’s okay, we know why u forgot” she said. They knew alright, only they knew

A week geleden at school, mortal school, my girlfriend… Haley cheated on me with this jerk. She was beautiful, smart, funny and a lot of other things, I loved her.

On the last dag of school, she got detention for smart talking the teacher at class. I was late cause I fell asleep. I drove to school on my Harley Davidson Night rod, its old but its gold. I pass the school and see her making out with Dickson. We didn’t even kiss yet! And here she is making out with this jerk! I drove pass the school, I couldn’t get that image out of my head. I then got in an accident and woke up in the hospital, Josh was there. I only got some cuts and bruises. He zei he didn’t tell anybody yet and I got a text from Haley saying it’s over between us. I threw the phone out of the window and he brought me home… I decided to stop schooling there and went to Olympian High; a school built door Demi-Gods and is for those with God blood flowing through their veins. He told her, since she was my best friend too and their together.

“Hello? Anyone home?” Josh snaps her finger in my face a couple of time
“Y-Yeah” I answer
“Well, let’s get u dress” She says while going through my wardrobe to get my Ritus Locus Robe. He took my gewaad, kleed out. It was like theirs except that, it has golden outlines and in the middle of the robe, was a golden picture of a Phoenix coming out from a man. I put it on over my clothes, after taking my jas off. I covered the kap over my head and nodded
“We….are Assassins” I joke and started cracking up
“You’re obsessed with Assassins Creed! Come on man, it’s a very old game” He says
“Old is Gold”
“Ready?” Sorah asked
“Yeah….I think so…”
“Let’s go”
When walking to the door, I past an old family picture. My dad was carrying me and my mom was standing behind Austin, my elder brother, he was 16 already… It was from before they… I looked down… I am no Demi-God, I’m a legacy of Mars and Enyo, yes the Greek Goddess. My dad is a son of Mars and my mom a daughter of Enyo. It was my fourth birthday; we were celebrating, having fun! Of course, my toon off brother, Austin pulled a prank on me. His present to me exploded in my face, but of course my mom made him get the real present.

We had built our own house so we can do….our own stuff, it was small but it had enough space for both of us, Sorah’s parent didn’t allow her to, in fear she got pregnant. We walked to the center of the colony. It was a big place and we have a population of 248. A giant camp brand pit in the middle of the colony. We are covered door huge logs as fences and also we have a spell to protect us from monsters. We walked over to the brand pit. The whole colony was there all in red robes. My father and his brother were there; my uncle was born first, making him the leader of the clan. I walk through a red carpet. The people of the clan kneel down as I walk past them. Josh and Sorah took his place as one of them. Some people were already in front of my uncle, those that are turning 16 on the same dag like me. I walk over to them, standing in front of my uncle with my dad volgende to him along with the dads of the other guys and girls volgende to me. There is about six of us, becoming 16. My dad and my uncle were the twin sons of Mars

My uncle, Harry Lunez, was wearing an eye patch over his left eye, long story. My dad, Henry Lunez, has a scar running down his right eye. They both had brown eyes and red hair, which I inherited. My uncle wore the Prime Robe; red, like always, with the golden outline and picture, like mine, except that it has armour. Arm guards, breast-plate and all the other amours. I look back and see my mom kneeling. She looks up at me. Her smaragd, emerald green eyes, which I have, glowed under the darkness of the hood, my brother was volgende to her. She smiled at me and I nodded, Austin just smirked and mouthed at me ‘Good luck’, he did chuckle. His white teeth tonen and red eyes glared at me, deadly. I realize I was just hallucinating, she was not there, and he was not there… I looked down, then turned to my uncle and my father.
“Hi dad…hi uncle” they both nodded.

“Nunc conversus sedecim…” my uncle said, loud enough for the whole clan to hear. ‘You are now sixteen’ in Latin. After giving the speech, we were all giving our task. We had to work as a team to kill three Drakons and other monsters in the arena but we weren’t allowed to use our magical Godly powers.
“Do u accept?” My uncle asked
“We Do!” We answered in a union.
“Now go! To the woods, meet Korkon, he has your equipment!” Our leader ordered. I know little about Korkon, I know that he make armours, live in a cave and…that’s pretty much it. We ran to the woods. We ran till we reach the cave, Korkon’s place of living. We put our hoods down and walked in, torches lit the cave. The cave smelled like burned toast. The cave seemed familiar, I just can’t remember where I was here last. As we go deeper in, we heard banging, metal banging. CLANK! CLANK! CLANK!

“This place gives me the creeps” A girl commented. It was Betty Alivon, daughter of Minerva. She flipped her black hair to get it out of her face and I got a glimpse of her grey eyes
“Tell me about it” Arthur Liogan, son of Hecate agreed. I knew almost everyone in the clan. Arthur, jet black short hair with fiery oranje eyes.
“Come on” I zei “It’ll be fun”
“Says the legacy of war Gods” Regan Solia, son of Mercury mocked. Regan, blonde hair, blue eyes and has the Mercury elfish feature.

There is a glow ahead. The clanking got louder. There was a shadow of a man hammering something on an anvil. We walked up to the man. Korkon wasn’t what I expect him to be, he was a…
“Centaur…” Skylar Caelum, daughter of Zeus, she was one of the strongest warriors at camp, pointed out. She is African-American, had brown hair and Zeus’s electric blue eyes, she is very cute. Korkon looked up at us, he had long, curly black hair and he was a black stallion. And his human body, it was black! Not African-American black but black. It was probably the ashes coming out of the furnace that he worked with. I then realize this was the cave Austin brought me to, 11 years ago. I was shocked

“Yes, you’re here” Korkon zei “I have your armours right here” He went to the very end of the cave, where there is a curtain there. He opened up the curtain to toon us six new golden armours. I got out of my shock and we hurriedly put the armour on, helping each other as well. We put two knives behind our back, our swords door our waist. We had our shield under our long red capes that covers most of our left side and we wield a long spear. In the Phoenix Clan, we live, learn and fight in the way of Sparta, we are Spartans.
“Now go! Hurry, go to the Arena” Korkon ordered.

We nodded and ran out of the cave. We headed to hill, volgende to our village. At the bottom of the hill, there was an arena. We walked in. We entered the room; the gate ahead of us was out to the arena, two men guarded the gate. I could hear my uncle giving another speech. The crowd roared and even laughed. We looked at each other.
“Ready?” Cole Markas, son of Vulcan, asked. He was very muscular. His hands were strong. Eyes and hair black.
“Yes” I answered and the others nod. We then looked at the two guards
“Good luck” one guard zei as he opened the door. We walked out.
“You’ll need it” the other commentaar gegeven as he locked the gates.

“WARRIORS!!!!” my uncle bellowed “ARE u READY!?!?”
“WE ARE!” we answered
“OPEN THE GATE!!!!” my uncle ordered. The gate, at the hill, opened. My uncle sat back on his throne, like a Roman Emperor. My dad sat volgende to him on the right, on other throne. And on the left his two adopted children sat there on smaller seats. Carson Hall and Caitlynn Hall, twin children of Venus. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes. They looked strong and proud. Despite being children of the Goddess of Love, they were the strongest warriors at camp. Their nicknames were ‘The Hoplite Twins’ of ‘The Twin Dragons’. They got the name ‘The Twin Dragons’ cause their spears use brand power. I focus my attention to the now open gates. I was staring into blank darkness. Then, out of the gate comes out a Drakon. A giant serpents, covered in Titanium armour. They slithered their way at us, at a very fast speed.

“Shields up!” I ordered and my comrades put their shields up. “On my command, evade”
They nodded. The three Drakons were already so close. Before they hit the shields.
“NOW!” I shouted and we rolled out of harm. Three of us each on either side of the Drakon. I was with Skylar and Arthur

“Stab!!” Arthur screamed. On our backs, we all stabbed the Drakons with our spears. On impact, our spears broke, except Skylar’s, whose spear was in between the armour. The Drakon became golden dust, leaving an empty armour laying there. We stood up. The crowd cheered.

“Awesome!” I commented.
“Yeah! Great work Sky” Arthur told her. Then, the other gate burst open and two Drakons comes out. This two was fast. They barged at us and threw us off guard. I was swatted to the side. I stood up and the Drakons was already slithering away. Regan…his left hand, was crushed into the wall.
“I DIDN’T ORDER THE GATES OPEN!!!” my uncle screamed. “STOP TH-” he was stopped door his daughter. She told him something and he sat back down. She stood up and looked at us

“FIGHT! u MUST BE ABLE TO ENDURE ANYTHING!!!” she encouraged us. We nodded. I helped Regan and lay him down, he was unconscious. I looked at the others
“You okay?” I asked. Arthur shook his head
“I broke my left arm”
“Fight with your right” I zei “Betty, help him tie his left arm with his cape. Arthur, Skylar, Cole, follow me.” Betty nodded and went to help him. I, Arthur and Skylar charged at the Drakon, drawing our swords.

“Get it away from Regan” I ordered. We did what I said. It was difficult. Our swords only manage to scrap the beast’s armour. Then its tail swapped us of our feet and the Drakon went straight towards Regan. Betty was about to charge at the Drakon when Regan stopped her. He himself charged at the Drakon, he took Skylar’s spear, which was at the carcass of the vorige Drakon. He charged with the spear in one hand. The Drakon opened its mouth about to eat Regan when he stabbed the serpent in the mouth. It turned to golden dust. The other Drakon was heading straight towards us.
“I got this one” I said. I charged at the Drakon.

I remembered my mom; I remembered the last thing she zei to me, when she was telling me a story about the seconde Giant War…before she disappeared, the dag after my sixth birthday. I shut my eyes as the words ring in my head.
“Mommy, do u thing I can be as strong as Percy Jackson, Jason Grace of any other the other Demi-Gods during the two wars?” I asked
“Of course my little angel” she answered
“But, I’m not even as strong as Austin…”
“Eric, u will surpass all of us one dag and your brother will be door your side then” she smiled
“Yes my son. u have the soul of the Phoenix in you”
I fell asleep on her… I woke up with Austin carrying me and running. I heard explosions and fighting
“Austin!! W-What? Where’s mommy? Daddy?” I asked, shocked. He didn’t say anything and brought me to a cave.
“Shhh” he said
“B-But” I tried to say. He put his pressed his finger against my mouth. He had my father red eyes and my mother’s red hair. He looked scary but not me. He smiled weakly.
“I swear of the Styx little brother, we will meet again” he kissed my forehead and left. I was so scared I couldn’t verplaats and stayed there scared.

“ERIC!!!!!!” the voice of my father snapped me out of my flashback but it was too late. The serpent caught me and in one gulp drove me down its throat.
“Is this all u got Eric?” my brother’s voice echoed in my head “I fought five Drakons alone, and my brother got eaten door only one, tiny Drakon. That is my brother? That’s my legacy?”
“NOO!!!” I screamed as I slash the inside of the Drakon. It disappear and I landed on the inside of it’s armour. I was covered in wet, slimy something…Drakon’s inside.

My comrades ran towards my way. They looked into the carcass
“Eric?” Skylar says in a shaky voice
“Yes?” I said, walking out of the empty titanium armour. Skylar hugged me tight
“You’re alive!!!!!” she screamed. Betty also tackled me with a hug. The audience cheered. I glance at my father. He was smiling and talking to my uncle. I bet he was surprise.

“Yes Yes, I’m alive” I chuckled “Now, can u let me go? I think u guys will be able to kill me”
They let go, blushing a little.
“Ready for round three?” I asked
“Hell yeah!” Cole answered!
“Of course, who wouldn’t wanna see u get eaten again, haha” Regan commentaar gegeven laughing. Skylar nudged him.
“Yeah, but u better not get eaten of die. u guys too” She said
“Yeah yeah” Arthur zei “We’ll be fine”
“You better be!” Betty said. We all got our weapons ready. I kept my sword door my waist again and wielded my spear
I walked up, getting in front of my friends. I looked at my uncle
“WE ARE READY!!!” I shouted. My uncle nodded. The third gate opened. This gate filled up half in arena sides. When it opened there was a bunch of small gates which opened. Each has monsters in them.
Cyclopes, Manticores, Harpies and other monsters.
“Watch me brother” I say to myself. I looked back “Phoenix” I zei to my comrades. They grin, brightly
“Tuendam infirma” Cole answered
“Praesidio nostra familiae” Betty continued
“Pugna pro est ratione” and Skylar finished. The three mottos of our clan. ‘Protect the weak’, ‘Guard our family’ and ‘Fight for a reason’

“Spears!” I ordered and six deathly spears sailed towards the monsters. All of spears, each, killing a monster. I took my sword out. I heard the others sheathing their swords out too. I twirled the sword in my hand. As a Cyclope got closer to me. I stabbed him in the chest killing him. I jumped ,as Manticore sweep its tail at my leg, and I got on it. It started to fly, trying to shake me off. As it tried to schommel, swing its tail, to shoot at my friends, I pulled its left ear, turning it away from them and towards the other monsters, killing two of them. I turned the Manticore into dust and free fall from 100 feet above. A Cyclope was twisting his giant hammer in the air, it was about 25 feet in length was about to crush my comrades under it. I readied my sword at my chest. As I got closer to the hammer, I trust my sword forwards and it pierced into giant hammer. The hammer hit the ground and got stuck into it. The Cyclopes was stepped back

“Who?” He said.
“Me” I smirked. I jumped off the hammer, take out both my knives and threw one at the Cyclope. I then kicked the hammer door its long hilt, making it fall on a bunch of monsters. I went and took my sword out with ease. I turned to my vrienden who were shocked and so was the audience as there were quite

“Hello? Are u guys on pause of something?” I mocked them
“N-No” Cole said, as they all snapped out of their shock. They ran volgende to my and continue fighting.
“Together!” I shouted. We got into a line. We started to hack and slash monsters as we go. One door one the monsters died. We were like a lawn mower, cutting up gras as we go through them. We killed all the monsters. I stuck my sword in the ground. We, and the audience, cheered at our victory

“WE DID IT!!!” Betty screamed.
“YEAH!!!!” Arthur did the same, along with the others. I stopped them
“Wait!” I held my sword in the air to silence the crowd.
“What is it?” Regan asked. I grabbed a spear and threw it to one of the cage. We heard multiple roars and out of the shadows, comes out a seven headed Hydra

“That” I answered. I grabbed my sword and the others their weapons. “Aim for the head” I told my friends
“What? They’ll just multiply” Skylar noted
“Don’t cut the head off, the slice the head in half. From the head to the neck”
“How do u know?” Cole asked
“My brother told me, that way they can’t multiply”
“You sure?” Betty said

We charged at the seven headed beast. The Hydra spitted acid at us. We rolled to safety. I jumped towards the right head. One of the other head snapped at me but I stepped on it to jump higher. The head I was aiming for followed me and looked at the sky. It shot acid at me but I twisted out of harm. My cape caught some of the poisonous liquid. I didn’t panic, I didn’t care. My sword body hit the Hydra’s head and I slide down its long neck as it got sliced in half. I quickly took my cape out and toss my sword aside; both of them caught the acid. I realize I was still on the Hydras body as the other heads, surrounding me, looked at me, hungry for God blood. One tried grabbing a bite at me but the other head pushed it away. The heads started to fight. I felt awkward. I tried to slip away as there was an opening in between two heads. volgende thing I know I was flying backwards when I hit something hard and blacked out.


Chapter 2
Eric Lunez
Meeting the girls of my dream

I was walking through the troon room, talking to my mother, Athena. Yes, the goddess of wisdom and war strategy. We were admiring my work.

"Very good Annabeth. I'm glad to say my own daughter is-- A SPIDER!!!!"
I looked at Athena, confused. I'm not a spider! That's when she pointed to her statue and screamed.

I cringed, then looked at the statue. How bad could it be? The worst thing that could happen is it could be a- "SPIDER!!" I screamed.

I looked at my mother, terrified. Her grey eyes were wide, full of fear.
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hallo guys, i was just wondering, judging door this prologue, would read my fanfic if i wrote one? now, im not saying that i'll actually be writing one, cuz i have a really busy summer, but i just want your opinion of it. like, is it any good? I would HIGHLY appreciate constructive critiscim. i want u to nit-pick. Spelling mistakes, grammar, choppy of awkward sentences, run-on sentences, being too descriptive, out-of-character thoughts of actions, stupid/weak ideas, anything! just be polite about it :)
PS: i know, its a bit long for a prologue, but i couldnt help myself!

And voila! Here it is:

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Alternative Endings of Percy Jackson (Part 1).
So, this is how I entertain myself, ticking people off, especially PJ’s fans!
I heard IT’S A YES!

1/The X-files ending: Since he killed a minor god, Percy is taken to the court of Olympia. He claims to have been controlled by…aliens. The gods don’t believe him. But Annabeth and Grover believe that the gods are hiding aliens to fullfill their dark conspiracy of making a god-alien…hybrid race that could become slaves for the aliens when the colonization begins. In the ending, all the gods...
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posted by childofaeolus
So hi, well I've been thinkin' about my chapter story The Somewhat Less Important Chronicles of Elle Trick, and how there's just soo much stuff that u guys should know to really get her. So here it is,

December 21, 1993- Elle and her twin Missy are born, although both have different mothers. Missy and Elle are twins entirely on accident. They never meet until they are seventeen.

January 4, 1994- Elle has her first vision, this is of fire, later that dag her brother burned is hand on the stove.

May 19, 1999- It is revealed to Elle and Garcon that they are demigods.

January 1, 2007- Jumelle and...
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i see the hottest girl at camp.
first things first,your not a demigod until u meet Lupa so dont get your hopes up to be a demigod.Im Jason Grace son of jupiter and well extremely good at sword fighting and lupa says i'll be special someday.
Lupa is a she wolf yes i zei a she wolf dont let her see u laugh cause she'll rip to shreds.
She meets demigods and lead them to the wolf house and choose if your weak of not.So sad for gary truckner.
Anyway as i'm introducing people i should tell u my life is weird.I was taken away door juno and my sis thalia (probally not a demigod but i have a strange...
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added by Phoenix_Stone
Source: Tumblr
added by Phoenix_Stone
Source: deviantART
added by Nicolicious

HERE IS MY POINT-I THINK LEO IS GOING TO DIE! THERE! I zei IT( I just killed my self doing so but) I zei IT!

sorry for making this so short but this all i could think of so far..

here is my proof-


Gaia zei that she would get her revenge-
i know this doesn't count as much as she zei that to everyone but she thinks that he is the one to die first. She has been plotting his death for much longer. what if this is because she knows that he is also the one to stop HER?! That...
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added by page-to-page
added by Alex13126
added by YouAlreadyKnow
added by annabeth818
added by darange
added by darange
added by darange
added by darange
Okay, so I've decided to do a review for each of the five books, starting with of course, The Lost Hero. These are my opinions so please respect them, thank you:)

Character/Narrator Review

Jason: I didn't quite like him, but I didn't hate him either. I guess I'm meer neutral to him than anything? When I rank the seven from best to worst, he'd probably be number 6, but before I read The Mark of Athena he would be number 7.

Anyway, onto reviewing his actual character. I don't know, I kind of found him to be the most boring character in this book, and I wasn't quite as hyped reading Jason...
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 *Round of applause for John Rocco*
*Round of applause for John Rocco*
This voorbeeld of the House of Hades came out with the Son of Sobek eBook. It took some time, but I wrote it all out for everyone. Have fun dealing with the feels. :)

Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan. ^-^

Chapter 1


DURING THE THIRD ATTACK, Hazel almost ate a boulder. She was peering into the fog, wondering how it could be so difficult to fly across one stupid mountain range, when the ship's alarm bells sounded.
"Hard to port!" Nico yelled from the foremast of the flying ship.
Back at the helm, Leo yanked the wheel. The Argo II veered left, its aerial oars slashing through the clouds...
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added by green-art-ac-pj
Source: Alter47 deviant art