The Worst Generation TWGRP's HQ For vragen n' Discussions

afewseconds posted on Jul 20, 2020 at 05:01AM
This is pretty much self explanatory. A place where questions can be asked, Ideas bounced around, TWG memes, random shit, etc.
last edited on Aug 13, 2020 at 06:53PM

The Worst Generation 3785 antwoorden

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 3785

een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
No, because it was more convenient than using a Golden Corral plate XD
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
And more sanitary
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Using a Golden Corral plate would have been the most sanitary thing that the planet has ever witnessed
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No it wouldn't
Because, for starters, you gotta go to Golden Coral. That already is fucking vile XD
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Not as vile as fucking Apple Bees though XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I.... have trouble deciding which is worse XD
So let me just state you and Jade are racists XD
So shocked that an elf can walk away from a conversation. How about putting some fucking faith in them for once XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I asked how in the RP XD But never mind. I mean you can't call me racist when there's whole race of long necks that couldn't walk away from a land plagued with evil doings for like three hundred years XD So there's your faith in them right there
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yes I can and I'll do it again XD
COLA and Jade hate fictional races XD
The sad thing is there is probably some dipshit out there that calls people racist for hating on fictional races. Like if you hate Orcs from Lord of the Rings or whatever the fuck Jar Jar is, you're a fucking racist XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
That's actually a good point. What the fuck is Jar Jar even? XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
An abomination XD
Also, I just noticed your taco is gone
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
No, that's Hulk's bad guy XD
And you're JUST noticing that? Completely different colors and all. I've at this pfp for like, three days XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No, I mean the Taco on this forum
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Oh...that one's been gone for two days XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Why? XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
A dabbing taco didn't seem appealing as it did when I was about to crash from not sleeping XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yeah, that's the appeal. It haunts you at night
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I think that's the other way around. I haunted it at night xP
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No... XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
...Yes :D
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No one can defeat the dabbing taco. It's one of the strongest entities in the world
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Yeah, "in the world". I'm a Universal Cola. That dabbing taco is where it belongs, on a low tier world where it has been enslaved by the master race known as Taco Bell.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I thought you were gonna say under Universal-COLA, which... not XD
You're pretty F tier, not gonna lie
And before you ask, I'm also F tier. I accept my weakness
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
F tier? Psh, I'm at the very least A tier XD Fuck weaknesses, I'm a softdrink born from the will of the universe. I have no weaknesses!
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yeah, except from people who drink actual shit like water. That's your weakness XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
It can't be, because every drink on the planet has water in it XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No, but I mean not drinking fucking diabetes in a can XD
Your weakness is not enough people buy Coke products XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Jokes on you, it doesn't have to be in a can. And I got diet versions. AAND I have a special ability to exist without the COLA and just be the COKE that they used to put in it XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yeah, that's a horrible power. I'm fine with just being a weakass human than some sticky drink XD
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Some sticky UNIVERSAL drink xD But hey, your loss you weakass human
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No, fuck that. I'd rather be clean and weak than sticky and still weak XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
So you're clean and weak....but still just sticky and weak? How does that work out XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No, you're sticky and weak, fucking Soda Man XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Strong enough to cause diabetes and death on a universal scale XD Unlike your weak human ass

Edit: Why the fuck am I still called COLA after I've had two other accounts after that one? XD Sundae and this one.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Because you're always called your origins
If a dad calls you "Champ", he calls you that forever
If a friend calls you "Mikey", that sticks forever
If your grandpa calls you "A fucking faggot", well guess what XD
That last one's probably just me XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
My own mother told me that I could go straight to hell when I was a kid XD That somewhat stuck so I guess you're right XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Damn. That's too real XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
As real as these waffles that I'm about to absolutely decimate XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Waffles are superior to pancakes
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
waffles are just pancakes with a six pack, so no they are not superior xD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Oh get outta here with your pancake superiority XD
Waffles are nicer because they're crunchier and you can snack on them and they hold your syrup better
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Update. They were good waffles.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
COLA, you're a man of culture, right?
Pancakes or waffles?
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Oh, that's easy. Both.
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
I was about to say you can’t take the word of someone who pours milk before their cereal but... I shall applaud for a few seconds for the universal plastic COLA xD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Oh god, no, that's fucking evil
Cereal goes in before the milk
But at least non of us are those fucking barbarians that just eat dry ass cereal
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
...dry cereal is also a good snack 🥺 especially Cheerios or Cinnamon Toast Crunch
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No, that's fucking nasty XD
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Happy 2,000 posts of our RP guys :)
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I'm gonna fuckin' puke XD
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Yeah, something like that I guess