Twilight Series So over Jacob

proedward posted on Jun 24, 2008 at 03:45PM
Really? Could he be anymore pathethic? Bella loves him because he filled a void that Edward left (trying to be selfless). The fact that the story allows him to use this over and over again is rediculous. Even if you want to feel bad for him, you can't because he's such an ass, yet still gets away with it. I hope he's done and doesn't resurface in the last book, and definately does not get in the way of Edward and Bella. I know it's not likely, but still, a girl can hope!!!!

Twilight Series 16 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden kctjohnson said…
BD would seriously stink without Jacob in it.
een jaar geleden chels05 said…
i agree with kctjohnson. Jacob is a main character now and has so many fans. Even thought Bella has chosen Edward, it wouldn't be right to just end Jacob right there knowing he's unhappy and leaving it like that. We need something to show us that he is okay and will be okay. Thats what i think anyways
een jaar geleden kctjohnson said…
Chels05 - Cheers! I agree completely. I wish I had expanded on my post but then again, I've made this argument countless times and my fingers were getting tired XD
een jaar geleden chels05 said…
lol. I'm just getting sick of all the Jacob/Edward hate. they're both good guys, and if you dont like one of them, keep it to yourself, you don't have to be so mean about it:P
een jaar geleden KissInTheRain16 said…
while you do have a point about him being an asshole (what with the whole..forced kiss and all)
he was trying to get Bella to relize she was inlove with him...Stephanie made it very realistic..anyone else would have done the same thing.i dont think Jacob is coming back sadly..
een jaar geleden proedward said…
Whoa, guys-I'm not trying to be mean about it, even though it may have come off that way. I would love to see what happens to Jacob's character. My only issue with him coming back is that I'm afriad he'll interfere w/ Edward and Bella again, and I'm just partial to them statying together. I don't think he's a bad guy but because of where I want the story to go, to me he keeps messing that up.
een jaar geleden Ambercrombie26 said…
i agree with proedward.
i want to see jacob like imprint on a girl
and still be in the story
if he gets edward and bella to break up ill be more than furious
but other than that i guess i like jacob other than hes manipulating and annying to me sorry :/
and you guys shouldnt scrutinize proedward for her opinion....thats rude..its HER opinion
een jaar geleden kctjohnson said…
It's hard to not see the original post as anything than mean - that really is all it comes off as when you say things like "Could he be any more pathetic?" or "He's such an ass". It just can't be interpretted any other way so naturally, those who love Jacob will be defensive.

As a Jacob fan, I really don't think Jacob will try and come between Bella and Edward anymore as long as Edward stays the course of loving Bella. Jacob has grown and matured quite a bit over the course of Eclipse, and in his solitude, I do believe that he'll learn to handle his hurt and pain.

Jacob has to come back because the way it is right now, there's no closure. SM has repeated said in interviews how much she loves Jacob. She's not going to let Jacob end like this.

Stating one's own opinion is fine but one should also be prepared to take counter arguments. It's give and take. Some of us hold the opinion that character-bashing is silly and childish. That's an opinion too.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden coffee said…
i'm sick of jacob
edward is so much cooler
i hope jacob isn't in the last book much
een jaar geleden christineann said…
I pretty much agree with proedward. I would like to see Jabcob happy but his charcter is runing the love story between Edward and Bella.
I really hope she doesn't do anything stupid in the next book to hurt Edward because of Jacob. Edward and Bella are supposed to be together and I think it will be stupid if Jacob winds up getting in the way again!
een jaar geleden fudgenugget18 said…
i think jacob will imprint on someone in BD so it will solve all of bellas problems of loving both edward and him...i think she will be best friends with him still because they both know they love eachother no matter what happens but jacob just wont be so hurt and upset by her marrying least i hope that happens :D
een jaar geleden chels05 said…
okay, it just sounded mean. But i totally understand what you're saying proedward. I mean, I love Edward and Bella together, and I would be pretty upset if Jacob ruined it. All i'm saying is that I want to see him in the next book. And yes, everyone has their own opinion. I'm sorry if i sounded rude or something. I didn't mean to
een jaar geleden cheergeek said…
HOly crap, this annoying...
I'm very team Jacob, but never do I think that he will break up Edwella... it was so obvious that she was going to choose Edward anyway... and it has been stated that Eclipse was about a choice and if she goes back on it, I have read Eclipse for nothing... I don't think we want that.
een jaar geleden funnyshawna said…
I agree with ktcjohnson, if you post things like this, expect people who disagree to get defensive! you would do the same thing.
anyway, i want jacob to have a happy ending. he is a good character, and in my opinion, deserves someone better than bella.
i dont think that bella will go back on her choice...
i think she was pretty much set in her ways by then, but she does love jacob, and he can use that excuse (he saved bella when edward left) because it is true!
een jaar geleden proedward said…
Chels05- thanks, I'm glad. I really am not trying to offend people, if I changed the post I would say that I get so heated about Jacob because of his interference with Edward and Bella.

And, I have no problems w/ counter opinions, but I don't feel like I need to be attacked for mine. I'm not begrudging Jacob fans, that is your opinion. Plenty of people in other forums have said nasty things about Edward but I don't feel the need to get angry at them. As this is a forum, I would appreciate it if you kept this about Jacob, whether pro/con and not about how mean I am??!!
een jaar geleden starry-eyed said…
okay why do people keep saying that proedward is mean??? like all shes doing is telling people that she is not happy about what jake did to edward and bellas relationship! and neither am i! i just wish that i could stop having these tiny thoughts in the back of my head saying: shes going to fall in love w/ jacob, shes going to fall in love w/ jacob....agghhh! SHUT UP!!!