We Are The In Crowd Wall

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big smile
Wendy99 zei …
69 fans. geplaatst een jaar geleden
X-Squirt-X zei …
aaa i finally got to see them!!! you've got it made got me in tears tho! it was such a good night uwu geplaatst een jaar geleden
Li_Le zei …
i LOVE the new look :D :* geplaatst een jaar geleden
Li_Le zei …
Me and my vrienden are trying to make changes from this spot. Please help us to make it happen. We've made a pick for new motto. u can vote, here

and u can also bevestig your banner suggestion on 'New Spot Look' forum :D
I do hope u guys help :) geplaatst een jaar geleden
r-pattz zei …
I got presale for the Feb. 19th toon with Every Avenue!! It's gonna be my third time seeing them live, awwwwyeah. <3 geplaatst een jaar geleden
Li_Le commentaar gegeven…
OMG! 3 times! lucky u! they haven't held their concert in my country >< een jaar geleden
Wendy99 commentaar gegeven…
WOW! You're so lucky! een jaar geleden
Li_Le zei …
who's the creator of this spot? i think we need a new matching icoon and banner. they are need to relate with the band. geplaatst een jaar geleden
r-pattz commentaar gegeven…
Don't know, but if u make picks for a new banner and icon, people could pick, and after a deadline of maybe a maand of so u can contact the F4 with the pick as proof that people voted on a new icons/banners and a link to the winning afbeeldingen and they'll change it. een jaar geleden
Li_Le commentaar gegeven…
oh yeah! that's great idea. I've thought about that too. who's gonna make the forum? may I? een jaar geleden
Li_Le commentaar gegeven…
I've made it :D een jaar geleden
rabigfan96 zei …
I just found out a bout them , and they are beyond awesome "where the hell i used to live !! " geplaatst een jaar geleden
r-pattz zei …
I'm seeing them for the seconde time on the 17th in their hometown Poughkeepsie! It's gonna be sweet. WATIC is the most perfect band ever, without a doubt. =P <3 geplaatst een jaar geleden
rabigfan96 commentaar gegeven…
hallo u mean u saw them before !! so let me get this straight u saw 30 seconde to mars and we are the in crowed and u r going to see them again "YOU ARE SOOOOO LUCKY " please take me whit u !! een jaar geleden
r-pattz commentaar gegeven…
Eeyup. 30STM was my first real concert actually. =P And hey, how about this: I'll pick u up on the way to the toon and throw u in my backpack to smuggle u in! :DD een jaar geleden
rabigfan96 commentaar gegeven…
That's really awesome , again "LUCKY" , cool sound like a plan to me , don't worry i can even make my self fit in in ur back packet just come and pick me up on time :p XD een jaar geleden
fin900 zei …
they r one of my fave bands <3 luv da new cd geplaatst een jaar geleden
big smile
Shelly_McShelly zei …
I'd never actually heard of this band before, but I saw them live @ Counter Revolution in Sydney a couple days geleden and now I love them!! geplaatst een jaar geleden