Windwakerguy430 Club
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It’s time to tear Activision a new one. If I had to put Activision anywhere on the lijst for the worst video game companies in existence, it would probably be at number….. 3. Right after Capcom, but right before Ubisoft. Now, what has Activision done? Well, the bought Radical Entertainment, the guys who made Prototype….. Right before they shut the company down. They also bought Neversoft, the guys who made gitaar Hero and Tony Hawk…. before merging them with Infinity Ward. And what have they been successful with? Call of Duty… of course, that explains why their still thriving. Activision is just like Frieza. They just refuse to fucking die. So, let’s look at one of their recent games, like…. Walking Dead: Survival Instincts…. Oh dear.
The Walking Dead, for the 5% of the world who doesn’t know, is a toon that follows a group of survivors trying to survive the zombie apocalypse, as well as trying to protect themselves from psychopaths and criminals. This toon became a huge hit in just a matter of days, and for good reason. This is one of the most violent shows that was on TV at the time, and became a huge hit, getting populair in just weeks. So naturally, Activision felt they weren’t making enough money with CoD, so they decided to make a game of it, and that game was The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts. And in a matter of days, this game got hit with some of the lowest scores I have seen in a long time. It got both a 4.5 on IGN and a 32% on Metacritic. The game was so bad, in fact, that it was deemed as one of the worst games of all time, right up there with Bubsy 3D, Zelda on CD-i, and E.T. on Atari. So, is the game as bad as everyone says it is? No….. Because they should have gegeven it a fucking zero. This game is fucking HORRIBLE!
Not only is this game a goddamn disaster, but it’s a goddamn disaster that comes with a price. Fucking fifty dollars. I paid fifty dollars for this fucking game. Was the price worth it. Well- No… It wasn’t…. It REALLY fucking wasn’t. So, in this game, u play as Daryl as he explores what has to be the most barren as fuck city I have ever seen. u then meet these two guys… I don’t care, since they die in the first two leves. They are also never referred to again after this, so they did just as little for u as they did for the story. So, what is the story? Fuck if I know. There are random cutscenes whenever the game feels like it, Daryl moves to a completely different area without any transition, and he is always helping one person one minute, and is helping another the next. One minute, Daryl is in a park with a log cabin, and the next, he in a lab with insane scientists. So, fuck it. I’m making my own story. Daryl and some guy (I don’t care about his name) Try to make it to a football stadium to get to safety. If that story was half-assed, at least there was meer effort into that story than there was with this entire game door a fucking company. That’s sad when a high school student who rarely makes honor roll puts meer effort into it than a video game company does.
So, let’s talk about the gameplay. u have a mes at first, which is basically one of the most overpowered weapons in a video game. Anyway, the game has zei that u can either fight of sneak past Walkers, scavenge for food and fuel, find survivors who can help u out a lot more, with varying abilities. From the sounds of it, this sounds like a great Walking Dead game. But guess what, they fucked up all of these. And I am going to talk about them all. First off, combat and stealth against the Walkers. Everywhere u go, there will always be a hoard of walkers. If u do choose to fight them, get ready to be royally fucked. The combat is broken. u can either fight them up close, but if u do, u will take dozens of hits. However, u can just stab all of them and end up killing thousands just door letting them crowd around u and u stabbing them. And if u think that’s bad, u can just jump on top, boven of a care and wail on them until they are dead. Also, if u brand a gun, meer will come. Okay, so, that’s to be expected. But sooner of later, you’re going to find a crossbow. This fucking thing is so overpowered, that u will just want this throughout the game and nothing else. Not only is it a silent weapon that kills everything in one headshot (Which aren’t that hard to get), but u can pick up the arrow u fired and use them for an unlimited amount of times. This weapon is way to overpowered. But here’s the thing…. u don’t have to fight them. If u just run away, the Walkers will just give up and leave. u can just outrun them and NEVER stop running. That is how bad the enemy AI is. Also, they really love running into walls, in case they weren’t bad enough. Also, stealth is useless. They will find u no matter what, and u can never outrun them. So, Combat and Stealth was a fucking disappointment.
Next, let's look at scavenging. They told u that u would have to scavenge for food, ammo, and fuel. First off, food… Entirely bullshit. If u had a hunger meter, then it would make sense. But instead, u collect bottles of water, of if u ask me, what looks like piss. It’s green, so it’s piss. It could be an energy drink, but energy drinks to me, taste like piss. So, it’s still piss. And the bottles of piss only heal u up… very little. It doesn’t even heal a quarter of a quarter of your health. It is that little. Thankfully, like I zei before, due to running from enemies, u can avoid getting hit. Next, is ammo. Again, entirely bullshit. Guns are basically useless, since u only get very little ammo to use them and since they attract meer enemies. And considering the fact that melee weapons, of even the goddamn crossbow, are meer powerful weapons, u will NEVER use any of this ammo. And lastly, fuel. Well, at least u will need the fuel…. Over, and Over, AND OVER AGAIN! This is the one thing u will need, because your fuel meter is as short as a dust mites erection. This thing dies faster than a fly in a gas chamber. Every time u are driving, u will always, and I mean ALWAYs, run out of gas. And sometimes, you’ll run out of gas multiple times on the same damn highway. And when u do run out, u will have to go to the most empty and boring looking places ever, finding gas cans and taking them back to the car, and it is never fun. Hell, sometimes, you’ll end up AT THE SAME FUCKING PLACE u WERE AT BEFORE! So, yeah scavenging is also a fucking disappointment.
Lastly, let’s look at the survivors. Now, let’s think about this. Survivors in a zombie game… u don’t need me to tell u that this is already a disappointment. But trust me, u wouldn’t think it was possible, but Activision takes away all expectations of that and makes it worse. u were expecting bad survivors, but don’t worry, Activision made it worse. Survivors are always able to be found, and they ask u to do some of the most boring as fuck side quests for them, when in reality, u can just tell them to fuck off, which is what I did for all survivors. I don’t give two shits about them. But when u do find them, all they do is sit around the car and do fucking nothing. u can ask them to go and find health packs, but they're so badly injured, u need to waste a health pack. The only problem is that they only brought one fucking pack, so u have to waste it to save the guy and pretty much make sending him a waste of everyone’s fucking time. And considering the fact that u can find a bunch of that stuff outside makes sending them out to their death a waste of fucking time. Needless to say, don’t do it. Don’t send them out. So, survivors are also a fucking disappointment. So, all of those three selling points are fucking garbage. That’s how bad this game is.
So, I have decided to spoil the ending, because, come on, are u really going to go out and buy this game. So, with all the shit that was in the game, you’d think that the game would have a decent ending…. Well, Daryl goes to a football stadium where everyone is dead because…. fuck if I know, and Daryl grabs a machine gun, shoots some Walkers and then he drives out of there…. And that’s it. It’s a lot less of an ending and meer of the fact that the game just stopped…. Now, normally, I’d get mad at an ending like that…. But I’m not mad…. I’M FUCKING PISSED OFF! HOW IN THE FUCK DO u FUCK UP THE WALKING DEAD THIS BAD!? …. But, for all I know, maybe they just didn’t have the right idea how to do it. Making a Walking Dead game was still something new at the time, and they were still trying to make something like the Walking Dead into a game……. Is what I would say if it wasn’t for the fact that Telltale had already done this before and better. Telltale’s the Walking Dead is how to do a Walking Dead game RIGHT. u actually enjoy the characters and story, and your actions change the game, with each choice being very hard, and each choice having consequences. And that game was released in 2012, when Survival Instincts was released in fucking 2013. So, with that information, there is no longer an excuse to make this game this bad. THIS GAME SUCKS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF FUCKING SUCKING!
Wow… I don’t believe it. Fifty dollars for this piece of shit. This may be the worst game in my entire game collection, and it doesn’t fucking help that it costs fifty fucking dollars. And the worst part- The fucking worst part- Is that the same dag I paid fifty dollars for this goddamn game, I also bought Metal Gear Solid HD Collection AND Red Dead Redemption, both in my top, boven ten games of all time, for fucking TEN DOLLARS EACH! I am not fucking kidding. u have great games at low prices, but it costs a fortune just to torture yourself. Don’t buy this game. You’d have meer fun just tossing fifty bucks out the fucking window than u would spending it on this piece of shit. But, hey, that’s only my opinion. What’s Your Take.
posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (Sitting at coffee koop with Cody) So, u think that homosexuals come from space
Cody: Well, how else do people just… become gay
Wind: Thinking it through mentally, maybe
Cody: Nah, that’s silly
(A large protest group walks down the street)
Cody: What’s that?
Wind: A protest, it seems. Let’s see if the cops start to beat them up (Heads out, and Cody follows)

Arnold: We can’t let this racism keep going
Wind: (Passes through the crowd) Get out of my way (Gets to the front of the crowd) Excuse me, but what the hell are u talking about
Arnold: Do u not see the racism around us. Blacks,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

Bishop, Rollen “Roll”, and Tiny Tom are all video game making novices, all wanting to make it big in the gaming industry. However, they lack any skill in creating a game. So, they decide to head to a place known as Glass Sky Hills, where they hope to meet a man known as The Prodigy, who has created several amazing games. When they find The Prodigy, they find him to be a high schooler just like them, named Maximilian, with his alias name being Max 1. Million, but asks the others to call him Maxwell. His love for gaming completely blocks out his love for other things, including people,...
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He liked Hardcore Henry.
So this movie is KIND of like that. It feels like a game of Call of Duty. I know he doesn't like call of duty. But how can he hate marines shooting the shit out of rapists and terrorists..

I can't wait to see this movie again.
I love watching it and seeing how WRONG the reviewers are. I'm gonna remember this one for a LONG time..

He probably has. But if not.. It's Arnold, that's all he needs to know..

He probably has though..

It'd pretty old. And he probably doesn't like charlie sheen....
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posted by Windwakerguy430

In 1898, Westward Expansion is at an all time high, with people travelling to the inhabited west of the American country to strike it rich. An archeologist door the name of Robert Grimley travelled to the west in zoek of any ancient artifacts that he believed were undiscovered. As he was patrolling the landscape, he came across a band of slaughtered Native Americans, killed door a group of bandits. After taking what he could from the bandit camp, he found a strange artifact in the shape of a skull. The artifact was known as Mictlantecuhtli, an artifact from an ancient Aztec temple cursed...
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This review is just a simple letter from a couple of minuten ago. I am posting this, because door the time u read this, I will be completely insane. And for very good reasons. The reason for my unexpected madness comes from what has to be one of the worst creations ever made in the history of mankind. A creation so evil, that it can even break the most mentally strong. And this abomination that was allowed to walk the earth is none other than the travesty known as Sonichu.
Now, I am not going to be talking about the comics. Instead, I will focus on the character itself, which, honestly, is probably...
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posted by mileva574
Andjelija and huguenots escapes from king in the boot Gouldsboro with Rescator and piratas. They goes to the American isle in the New World for beginning new life.
Tamo se rodilo dete od mlade hugenotkinje. Cudna primala joj je pomagala pri porodjaju koristivsi lekovite trave i dete bryo doslo na svet. Dete se rodilo u zoru. zena se zalila gospodja Manigault.
- Sta cemo ovde? Nema sluzavke i toplih plahta za moju devojcicu? Ne nije tako, ali nema veze. Andjelija se ljutila na nju da je bolje da bude srecna sto se dete rodilo na slobodi nego u tamnici gde je jos gora neimastina od te. Indijanci Medvedi ih napadali. Nastala panika, jurnjava, bezanja u zaklon, ranjavanja...
posted by Windwakerguy430
Cut Purse

Being the proud leader of the Manehatten Mafia at the age of fourteen, he was gegeven much power. He is a very calm headed man, but, he is also very sadistic, always wanting to kill his enemies himself in painful ways, such as forcing them to drink gasoline before lighting them on brand from the inside, to cutting off pieces of their flesh and feeding it to his dog until they are just a skeleton. He is a merciless, and possibly psychotic, crime boss who is very well known in the criminal underworld, for his populair sales of rare drugs and deadly weapons. He had Master Sword work for him...
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???: (Reads newspaper) How did these guys make money. I swear, they sure do know how to pull of a job

???: (REads newspaper) Huh... Hey, I only know one person who would hold a bomb to scare people. I thought I'd never meet him again.

???: I do see the car they drive. And I see the license plate

???: How do the police miss there license plate. Nevermind. The sooner I find those two, the better

Nick: (Wakes up) (Goes to kitchen) (Opens cupboard) (Pulls out coffee beans) (Throws coffee beans in garbage) (Pulls out bottle of liqour and drinks it)
Cody: (Wakes up) (Goes to kitchen) Hey, where are the...
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 Cody's Car
Cody's Car
(Alarm Clock Rings)
Cody: Huh! What! (Turns off clock) (Gets up)
(Meanwhile at New York prison)
Nick: (Gets up)

Cody: (Goes to bathroom) (Brushes teeth with tooth brush)

Nick: (Brushes teeth) (Stomps on passingby rat) (Uses rats blood to wash out mouth)

Cody: (Sits on couch) (Turns on TV)

Nick: (Sits on bed) Where was I at yesterday....... Oh yeah, 32 bottles of bier on the wall. 32 bottles of beer
Guard: Hey, Nick, its time
Nick: If its my execution time, I don't want u sticking that stuff in my body. Just give me a gun. I'll kill myself
Guard: No, actually, you've done your time
Nick: u shitting...
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I don’t know what it is, but I always enjoyed foggy environments. I mean sure, people have gotten into… meer than one car accident in them, but they still fascinate me no matter what. It’s almost as fascinating to me as snow is (Trust me, that’s an upcoming list). Though, unlike snow, fog is used to give off something scary, depressing, of mysterious. And I freaking love that. Hell, even making this list, it’s foggy right now. So, what better time to make a lijst about foggy environments. Now, some rules. Only from games that I have played, and only one per franchise, as usual. Also,...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Windwakerguy430
There are a lot of DLC, and if u are a true gamer, DLC is something u usually… don’t have high expectations for. They either sell u a bunch of worthless clothing and items for how they would be priced in real life, give u on disc DLC, of even force u to buy their DLC because they have the ending to a game held for ransom. Game companies usually use one of these horrible tactics, of hell, even all of them (Capcom), but what about the few exceptions. What about those guys who use DLC right, giving u a small game for half the price of the original game. That there is perfect DLC,...
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The first one is a parody of Legend Of Zelda
legend of zelda
posted by Windwakerguy430

In London, 1927, a large set of crimes have taken place. However, a detective my the name of Montgomery Smith has been seen as one of the best detectives in London, solving cases that would seem impossible for anyone else. This is due to Smith being a paranormal detective, of a detective who solves crimes involving paranormal activity of black magic, as many people use those to commit different crimes. However, Smith is warned of a dangerous threat from an unknown masked thief simply known as Mask Man.


Montgomery Smith (Or Detective Smith)

A twenty six jaar old detective who...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (At home, angry)
Hannah: (Walks in) Well, I was able to make some vrienden at school
Wind: After being there for only a day?
Hannah: I guess I’m just that populair
Wind: I don’t give a shit
Hannah: Oh, whatever. I’m just gonna go to Nicole’s house for a sleepover
Wind: Nicole? u mean Cody’s sister
Hannah: Yep. And if u try anything, I’ll kill u
Wind: Please, like I’d be interested in your dumb shit
(Later, that night)
Wind: (Reading book)
Cody: (Walks right in the house without knocking, along with James) Hey, fagstick, how’s it going
Wind: What is this, a fucking...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: A Car Company
added by Seanthehedgehog
The pizza boy is Francine!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I did it. I finally did it. I can't believe I did it. Don't know why I did it, but I fucking did it. u want to know what I did... I read My Immortal.. And it was an atrocity. It was the worst fanfic ever made, and the whole internet agrees.
Okay, so, before I mention how terrible My Immortal is, I should tell u some about its background. My Immortal is a fanfic based of the book and films series, Harry Potter. I'm sure u all heard of it. Anyway, some person made My Immortal in 2008, and it was dubbed the worst fanfic ever created. It was so bad that even Know Your Meme zei so in...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: A Car Company