Windwakerguy430 Club
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(Hey there! Welcome to a new story that I'm making named Network 999. I'm making this myself right now and it's going to be quite a long story!

The characters in this will be based on vrienden of mine on Fanpop, so that's going to be pretty fun. Also, this is going to be my very first official fan-fiction series, so that's ALSO exciting!

I hope u guys enjoy it, I know I will. XD)

It is the jaar 2087, and technology nowadays is extremely advanced, being able to do what used to be very difficult tasks with ridiculous ease.

The Internet (called Network 999 in this world) is also even meer powerful than ever. u see, ever since a group of scientists produced an update to Network 999 called THC, of The Hyper Communication, Network 999 has been transformed from YouTube videos and Facebook into a technological wonderland of fun battles, adventures, and exciting moments. (And don't worry, u can still go on Facebook. LOL)

u see, THC has made Network 999 able to produce External Parasites, which are basically Avatars made door people on the website Create&

This allows ANYBODY to either choose a character to act as their Avatar, of make their own original character! Then u can give them their own skills and engage in friendly and veilig battles with others, giving away HCP (or Hyper Communication Points) to the winner of the battle.

u Level-Up once every 1,000 HCP, allowing up to a level of 10 and a max HCP count of 10,000. u also, obviously, start off with zero HCP.

Level-Ups make Avatars stronger, faster, bulkier, and maybe even learn new special skills, in which u always start off with three. Skills are basically your Avatar's way of healing, attacking, of WHATEVER in battle. The most skills u can learn is six, so be sure to pick them wisely!

On the topic of fighting, there are three stats in battle. Agility is self-explanatory, Strength is how physically strong u are (both in offense and defense) and also determines your Health Points (or HP), and Magic is how strong your Energy/Magical capabilities are in offense, defense, and amount.

Another cool part of Create& is anyone can make up their own signature item that they always have equipped automatically both in and out of battle!

Unfortunately.....Despite the amazing technological breakthrough, there is one dark file error that managed to escape the alpha stage of the THC named TEE, of The Evil Eyes.

Once inside an Avatar's eyes, they temporarily take over it's mind and allow the Avatar to permanently eradicate another's External Parasite completely.......FOREVER. And u can only make one Avatar in your lifetime door scanning your retinas! So if u lose yours, then u can no longer access THC, of even Network 999.

And this may sound crazy, but door making an Avatar, u put your life at risk to TEE. And since your state of mind is always in your Avatar, having it destroyed would send a vital shock towards your Nervous System, therefore killing u in real life.

On the bright side of things, this rarely ever happens. Plus, not only is there a large amount of scientists working hard to get rid of TEE, but there's also a small group of vrienden with powerful Avatars that are putting their lives on the line to save the world from TEE.

Since they helped the group of scientists create THC through surprising general knowledge of programming, each of them were gegeven a special hidden ability that they can activate during battle as a way of thanking them.

Ah, here they come now! I guess it's finally time for me to shut up. XD

Jared: Aw man, I'm so tired from battling all night!! Can I sleep for just 5 meer minuten PLEASE? :(

Deathding's Profile
 Jared's External Parasite
Jared's External Parasite

Age: 15
HCP: 4,776 (Therefore Level=4)
Win-Loss Ratio: 16-0
Skills: 5
Arena Specialty: Land/Sea/Air
Arena Disadvantage: Underground
Strength: ****
Agility: *****
Magic: *****

Signature Item: Engine Skates (Allows the user to vleet, skate around very fast on ground. Also allows the user to fly.)

Skills: -Avalanche (Creates a black hole from above the foe and rains down freezing-cold sharp icicle spears.)

-Blazing Aura (Creates a heat-barrier made from lava that protects from all attacks, even water!)

-Neon Light (Blinds the foe with nega-sensitive light, then the light transforms into holy arrows that douche down on the opponent from above.)

-Adrenaline Burst (Temporarily triples stats and gives the caster a flaming Battle-Ax, but makes the user absolutely insane while also gradually draining the caster's HP. Only use when in a really bad spot.)

-Scan (Scans an enemies stats, pretty self-explanatory. Comes in handy when fighting those mysterious enemies........)

Hidden Ability: Edge Of Extinction (All stats octuple when at 3% HP of less. Resort to this when you're REALLY in hot water.)

Wind: Come on u damned fool, we need to arrive at the THC headquarters RIGHT NOW!

Windwakerguy430/Wind Hydrasmith Aerogram's Profile
 Wind's External Parasite
Wind's External Parasite

Age: 16
HCP: 3,207 (Therefore Level=3. u get it now? u sure? Alright, I'll stop bugging you. XD)
Win-Loss Ratio: 13-3
Skills: 3
Arena Specialty: Land/Underground/Sea
Arena Disadvantage: Air
Strength: *****
Agility: ****
Magic: ***

Signature Item: Chainsaw Sword (Devastating heavy weapon made just for ripping opponents to shreds.....In style!)

Skills: -Gale Flash (Creates gusts of wind sharp enough to cut anything. Can even destroy incoming projectiles!)

-Infernal Lasso (Creates a flaming whip. This lasso can not only annihilate any unfortunate thing that it whips, but also has a 70% chance of inflicting a "Burn" on the opponent, which halves the strength of their Magic and gradually lowers their HP.)

-Turbo Dash (Temporarily allows the caster to attack enemies at rapid speeds while also making the user MUCH faster, even quick enough to run on water! However, using this skill gradually drains your HP, so use wisely.)

Hidden Ability: Corrupted Assault (When down to 1 HP, the user becomes surrounded in a black aura. This quintuples all stats and allows the user to destroy even the most strong of armor with pathetic ease, but at the risk of losing their mind and becoming a dark unstoppable entity of darkness. Use ONLY as a last resort and NOTHING else.)

Chad: Wind's right Jared, u should get up now! Besides, if we're late AGAIN because of you, then Wind's going to slaughter you. XD

LGYCE/Chad Adalius Legacy's Profile
 Chad's External Parasite
Chad's External Parasite

Age: 15 and 1/2
HCP: 2,889 (Therefore Level=2. Hey, just making sure! u won't see me in Episode 2, so I might as well. ;D)
Win-Loss Ratio: 9-2
Skills: 3
Arena Specialty: Land/Underground/Air
Arena Disadvantage: Sea
Strength: ***
Agility: *****
Magic: *****

Signature Item: Limiter Rings (All stats are halved with Limiter Rings on, but to compensate for that, all stats are TRIPLED when Limiter Rings are off. Can only remove at 70% HP of less.)

Skills: -Chaos Sphere (Weak but fast Holy-Type energy projectile that can be spammed like a machine-gun!)

-Napalm Flamethrower (Extremely powerful flamethrower that always causes a burn. Can also destroy incoming projectiles!)

-Chaotic Tesla (Absorbs any incoming projectiles and sends them right back at the foe with double the power and speed! If it's something like a melee weapon, then the Chaotic Tesla will absorb the energy/magic of the sword and send that energy back as a projectile, while also acting like a shield. Bit complicated, but VERY effective.)

Hidden Ability: The Gerald Giga-Laser (Summons a gigantic proton-cannon that fires a huge laser strong enough to obliterate the strongest elements in the entire universe with ridiculous ease. Can only summon when at 10% health of less. Bit overkill, but this is Chad we're talking about. XD)

Jared: Alright ALRIGHT, I'll get up. *Pouts*

Wind: Yeah, u better get up. of else I'll slice u up.

Jared: *Gets dressed in a flash* So, onto THC HQ! :D

Chad: I'll be absolutely damned if we aren't 4 hours late... -____- Whatever, let's head out.

*Meanwhile at THC HQ......*

Bossy B. Boss: Hey, WHERE are those kids u were talking about? u zei they'd be here FOUR HOURS ago! >:(

Elliot Evening: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME D: *Hides behind chair*

Bossy B. Boss: I AM GOING TO brand u IF THEY AREN'T HERE IN TEN seconden MR. ELLIOT! >:(

Bossy B. Boss: 10......... 9........

Jared: Thank god for my natural speed, we're almost there! :D
Wind: Thank god for u waking up for Christ's sake.....
Chad: Thank god for ONE person on Earth not being a total douche. :P

Bossy B. Boss: 8........ 7.......... 6..........

Jared: Wish I had my Engine Skates, but this isn't Network 999 on THC. Ah, oh well.

Jared: Look, there it is! KEEP RUNNING GUYS! ^___^
Wind: (The crap Jared puts me through..... Dammit.)
Chad: Like u zei Jared.... If this was THC we'd have been there a LONG time ago.

Bossy B. Boss: 5....... 4........... 3..........

Wind: Shut UP LIKE u MEAN IT!
Chad: (I hate my life, and I mean it. XD)

Bossy B. Boss: 2........... 1................

*Group Barges In*

Elliot: Right in the nick of time! :D Now u can't brand me! TAKE THAT! ^____^ *CARAMELLDANSEN DADADADADADA*

Bossy B. Boss: I can't brand you..... But I CAN do this! >:D *Punches Elliot Out A Window*


Bossy B. Boss: Now that Elliot's gone... Hello boys, how u been?

Jared: Fantastic! ^___^
Wind: Goddamn terrible. I gotta hang out with these two losers.
Chad: (Terrible, I gotta deal with THIS loser. :P)

Bossy B. Boss: That's great to hear! So onto the story, there's been a mysterious Avatar lately that's been going around and.......

Bossy B. Boss: I don't want to say this, but he's somehow MADE of TEE and has been spreading the virus everywhere! There's still time before something really bad happens, so I want u three to defeat this man! I know it's scary...... But are u kids up to the challenge?

Jared: I'm always ready! :D
Wind: Too easy.... Can u give me something a LITTLE meer challenging volgende time? *Sigh*

Chad: I MEAN UH, I'm always ready to kick some ass. ;)

Jared: (You aren't hiding ANYTHING Chad. XD)

Bossy B. Boss: Great to hear! The Avatar is on 9301 Cybernetic Street, go there now! And fast please!

Jared: On it! Now for the procedure...... *Finds 3 Computers on Create&Commence*

Chad: We'll log into those, great eye Jared!

Wind: Let's say the procedure together so u guys don't mess up AGAIN.

Bossy B. Boss: (Man, this "Wind" guy is such a boss. :P)

Group: Create & Commence.... Here me out! To have my will and to have me shout..... My dignity, my pride, everything that's inside........

Group: Bring me inside of The Hyper Communication, for 9301 we DIVIDE!

Chad: We're inside of the THC! Now to find this mysterious Avatar guy...... But where could he be?

???: Right behind you, maybe? Hehehe..............DIVINE DARK RETINA! *Sends explosive flying eyes at Chad*

Wind: Wow. He sure was a lot easier to find than I initially thought.

Chad: Shut up and HELP ME! >.<

Wind: Oh, right. GALE SLASH! *Destroys all Retinas*

Jared: Wh-What kind of sick twisted skill was THAT? I'll have to scan this sucker.......

*Scanning..... Scanning Procedure Complete!*

TEE-Speed Entity
 TEE-Speed Entity's External Parasite
TEE-Speed Entity's External Parasite

Age: ??
HCP: 0
Win-Loss Ratio: ??-??
Skills: 3
Arena Specialty: None
Arena Disadvantage: None
Strength: ***
Agility: ******
Magic: ***

Signature Item: None

Skills: Divine Dark Retina (Sends explosive agile eyes at opponent.)

Shadow Sneak (Extremely fast shadow attack.)

Satan's Barrier: (Block all Holy-Type attacks.)

Hidden Ability: None

Jared: How does this thing have SIX stars in Agility!? That's impossible...... No way..............


TEE-Speed: Hehehe! So fast u can't see! That's the way of the TEE! Hehehehehe! I am the speed entity! Teeheehee! Nobody can catch me, u think u stand a chance? FIGHT ME! HEHEHE!

Chad: u need to shut up.....CHAOS SPHERE!!!!


TEE-Speed: SATAN'S BARRIER! *Blocks all attacks*

Jared & Chad: No way.... How did it.....?

TEE-Speed: You're Holy-Type attacks don't do ANYTHING to me, hehehe! For I am the Speed Entity, as u can see! Want to play a game? JUST TRY ME! TEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!


Group: AUGH! *HP Depletes*

Jared: This thing doesn't mess around, it has six stars in Agility.....


Chad: We need to think of something..... WAIT! I may have an idea.....


TEE-Speed: HEY!!!! Nobody makes fun of ME! Take this u FOOL! DIVINE DARK RETINA!

Chad: CHAOTIC TESLA! *Absorbs, pushes back way stronger & faster*

TEE-Speed: Wait a minute.... NO! PLEASE...... I WAS JUST JOKING! HOW DO THEY verplaats SO FA-

Chad: HAHA u LOSER! The faster the projectile, the EVEN faster my Chaotic Tesla sends it back! SUCKER! ^_____^

Jared: Damn Chad, you're such a poor sport. XD

Chad: Hey, can u really blame me? That thing was like if Alice In Wonderland was put to drugs. :P

Wind: Well, now with that annoying-ass thing outta our goddamn faces, we should meld back to HQ.

Jared: Yeah, just don't leave without me!


Bossy B. Boss: So how'd it go? Everything went well? Everyone safe?

Jared: Yeah, but we have one thing to report. This weird creature, called a TEE-Speed Entity, somehow has SIX stars in a stat...... Is that even POSSIBLE Mr. Boss?

Bossy B. Boss: Hmm..... I'll do some research on that. I heard it was possible, but for now it's unconfirmed.

Bossy B. Boss: But regardless of that, thanks so much for destroying that thing before it had a chance to inflict serious damage! u just saved the world TONS of lives and a whole lot of work! And for that I greatly appreciate it.

Bossy B. Boss: u boys can return home pagina now, and again, thanks a lot. :)

Jared: (Hah, maybe this man isn't so bossy after all. ^___^)

Elliot Evening: I'm finally back in the HQ, man! I walked here from China, DAMN what a long trip! Boss sure can stempel, punch hard, but he doesn't have a BRAIN to back it up, haha!

Bossy B. Boss: .......................... *Death Stare*

Bossy B. Boss: *Socks Elliot*


Jared: (Never mind! XDDD)

(Episode..... Over?)

???: So, our Speed Entity has been destroyed, eh? Honestly, that thing was to pathetic for it's own good anyways.


???: Besides..... Even if Plan A failed, there's still 25 meer letters in the Alphabet, u know? Hehehe.....

???: Those kids are strong though, we should stay alert. u never know what could happen with them.


???: Well, we better get going now.... Those kids may be strong, but they lack competence. We shall DESTROY THEM ALL WITH THE POWER OF THE TEE! of my name isn't.......


(Episode Over)
added by SkyheartPegasus
Source: MLP
Song: link

Hawkeye & Metal Gloss: *Dancing*
Jerry: Summer is over. Why are we playing this song?
Annie: Come on, the weather is still nice. Anyway, my name is Annie, and I'm your hostess for tonight. It's time for back to back episodes of Ponies On The Rails.

Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog...
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added by alinah_09
For the entirety of October, I will be doing CoH articles. One Tuesday will be a review, than a top, boven ten, and so on until Halloween. And since I did a review on Dead Space, now is the best time to talk about a top, boven ten. And when it comes to top, boven tens, none are meer done than the scariest enemies in video games. And while enemies are good and scary on their own, I want to look at bosses… Which isn’t much better, I know, but screw it. There are many disturbing bosses in games, especially in horror games. But what about those that come when u least expect it from a horror game. One’s that...
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added by AquaMarine6663
I zei it before and I’ll say it again, I love No meer Heroes, from the characters, to the combat, to the overworld. And one of the things that makes this game what it is are the bosses in it. The 10 Ranked assassins of the United Assassins Association are some of the craziest and most thought provoking bosses I have seen in video games. Sure, they may not be as insane to fight of as insanely well detailed and designed like a Bayonetta of Devil May Cry boss, but how they behave, what they have to say, and what they do make them all the meer interesting. How they fight, what tricks they pull,...
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Come on Bodum. That's your cue!
There are dozens of ways a game can come to an end. They can make their ending tie together the loose ends and bring the story to a satisfying close, they can leave a person on a cliffhanger for the volgende installment, of they can completely fail all together. And then u get THOSE endings. Those endings that come out of nowhere and are seen as completely weird. Whether it’s due to awkward movement and voice acting, a single scene making the whole ending change entirely, of just Japan being Japan, these endings are seen as being so weird, that they can be charming in their own way… of be...
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So I just got done watching a pretty darn populair anime named "The Familiar Of Zero". (Well, it was only season one, but yeah. It had an ending and all that, so I'm not really cheating here.)

And this anime....... I love it. Honestly. From the seconde I started episode one I knew this was going to be awesome, and it mostly was! BUT I do have a few complaints with it.........

And door a "Few" I mean A GODDAMN TRILLION.

Welcome to my new series Random Rants! Where I nitpick the mother-living hell out of whatever I so damn desire. Sound good to you? IT FUCKING BETTER.

So although I really do think The...
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When it comes to horror anime, they seem to be some of the meer mature anime out there. As much flak horror gets in general for just being a disgusting and barbaric genre, seen as only catering to violent psychopaths, horror anime, at least the ones that I have seen, seem to handle their horror maturely. From the psychological break-down of our protagonist in Parasyte, to the symbolism and philosophy of Monster. Even Highschool of the Dead can come up with some relatable characters... u know, when they aren't having jiggle physics. And with Japan treating their audience meer maturely, it's...
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Alright, so for the past few days, the video games that I’ve talked about were pretty tame. Not bad, just not the sort of thing you’d expect. When u read my articles, u expect constant nightmares coming right at your face, disturbing imagery, haunting monsters, and just in general something that would drive a person crazy with fear. Not depressing stuff or… whatever the hell Condemned’s story was trying to tell. And don’t get me started on the 12 Days of Christmassacre. I liked those reviews, but I think I’d like to talk about something that is a true nightmare, in a good way....
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Now, what are games made for? Entertainment. And if a game is not entertaining, then there is no point for the game to EVER exist. However, some game developers do not know this, and instead make their games as boring as possible. So, today, I am going to talk about the games that bore me the most. Now, these are only going to be games that I have played, so no Desert Bus. Now, with that said, lets start the list

 Spore: Hero Arena
Spore: Hero Arena

#10: Spore: Hero Arena - Leave it to EA to fuck over the fans of their games. Spore was a game where u create a creature and watch as it grows and builds a...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Windwakerguy430
Boy: (Looking at a bicycle in the window) Mommy! Mommy! I know what I want for Christmas!
Mom: That's lovely, sweetie. Why don't u write a letter to Santa about it
Boy: Okay!

Boy: (Writing a letter) Dear Sa-...Sa.... Who was it for again. Eh, I'm sure I'll manage (Writes down his thoughts on the letter)

Boy: (Places the letter in the mail)

Boy: (Looks inside the mailbox to find a red envelope and opens it) Dear Youngster. It has come to my attention that u wish for a wonderful red bicycle. I can give u this if u wish, but only on one condition. (Looks up from the letter) Anything for my...
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