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After finally completing Dark Souls, I can say that it has easily become one of my favoriete RPGs, and I can not wait for Dark Souls III to come out. There are quite a lot to enjoy about Dark Souls. The combat, the levels, the characters, even the story (Or what incredibly little of a story there is). But I think the best part of Dark Souls has to be the boss battles….. Sometimes. There are some good bosses and there are some… less than spectacular bosses. So, today, I want to share with u all the bosses from this game that I like and dislike. Now, of course, this is my opinion. u may have a different opinion on these bosses than I do, but just remember. Also, no DLC bosses. No Artorias, no Magnus, and not that one dragon whose name is hard for me to remember. This is my opinion. So, try not to get to angry about this. So, with that said, let’s start the lijst with the worst bosses (Or at the least, my least favorite)

#5: Chaos Witch Quelaag

Yes, I zei it. I do not like the Chaos Witch Quelaag. Everyone online zei that Quelaag was a nearly impossible boss that took a lot of time, patience, and determination to beat. Me? I just found the fight boring and took too long. Throughout the fight, Quelaag would constantly spit lava at you, which would stay on the ground for a while before fading, and all u could do was just run around her, while she kept swinging her sword. All this fight made me do was wait for a chance to hit her. It could take just a few seconds, but it could also take five minutes. For me, it was usually the latter. I know that this is a very loved boss on the internet, but I just found it boring and kept asking myself throughout the fight “Are u dead yet”? Granted, it could be worse….. like the other four.

#4: Pinwheel

Now, what are this boss’s attacks…….. Honestly, I do not know. All I know is that he can copy himself and shoot some magic at you. Other than that, I have no idea what this guy can do. And why is that? Because this is the easiest boss in the entire game, and let me tell you, I never thought I’d have to use the word easy to describe ANYTHING in Dark Souls. But that’s the only thing I can use to describe Pinwheel. He’s pathetically easy. For me, he died in literally four hits. FOUR HITS! With every other boss, I had to strategize my attacks and wait for the right moment to schommel, swing and dodge just to survive. Not with Pinwheel. I just walked right up to him and went with the genius strategy of hitting him until he died… riveting.

#3: The Four Kings

Honestly, I thought after another boss fight where u need to fight meer than one boss (Will get to that later), I thought the Four Kings would be a lot of fun… I was wrong. Instead, the Four Kings was all kinds of obnoxious. Throughout the fight, they will brand these magic waves at you, which deal a lot of damage, and the worst part is that they do NOT go away and they are heat seeking, so the best thing to do is to just take that magic wave like a man, because if u don’t, u will never be done with it. And it doesn’t help that the Four Kings constantly comes at u with sword and huge magic blasts to harm you. And u gotta love it when the guys gang up on u and constantly stab you. It’s just SO much fun. And the worst part is how u beat them. u have to cirkel around them and just stab them when they swing. So basically, u gotta get as close as u can to the enemy in a game that taught u that getting close to the enemy can get u killed. What kind of screwed up logic is that?!

#2: bed of Chaos

Oh my god…. u seriously can’t screw up a boss as badly as this. The bed of Chaos required u to do three different things. u need to go and cut off the weak spots on each side of the boss, and then u need to kill the boss from inside. However, that’s easier zei than done. Getting to the first weak spot isn’t too hard. But after that, it’s all downhill from here. The bed of Chaos will then grow arms and a large magic blade. The bed of Chaos will than begin to swipe at u with it’s hands while at the same time trying to stab u with it’s blade. And while this is happening, the goddamn floor is falling underneath you, and if u fall down that hole, u will be rewarded with an instant death. And if that wasn’t bad enough, when u die, u have to go back to the bonfire that is five minuten away right outside of Lost Izalith. That means that u have to walk through the lave, the tunnel, past the brand breathing goblins, past that big brown thing with the mouth on top, boven of it’s head, and down the slide just to get another shot. And after u destroy the seconde weak spot, u then have to actually fall down the damn hole. So basically, u now have to jump down a hole, which before this, would result in your death. And it still will if u miss the branch. And once you're finally inside the bed of Chaos, what is the boss's true form? A larva….. that dies in one hit……. Did I mention that this is the dumbest and most disappointing fight in the game?

#1: Capra Demon

Screw this boss. Screw this goddamn boss. There is no good thing about this boss. He sucks no matter what u do. This could either be an incredibly annoying fight of one of the easiest in the game. It could be annoying because u are gegeven no warning before the Capra Demon rushes at u and kills you. Not to mention, his machetes do a one hit kill. And if u can dodge that attack, you’d better watch out for the two demon dogs he has, which will attack u right after he’s done. So not only do u need to worry about his one hit kill swipe, but u also need to watch for the dogs. And since u are in such a small area, dying is not that hard. But, like I said, this can also be incredibly easy, because if u run up the stairs, the Capra Demon will be too slow to catch up for a bit, giving u enough time to kill the dogs, and if u fall once the Capra Demon is at the top, he will follow and be stunned for a bit, giving u enough time to strike before u repeat the process again. This boss was such a useless pile of crap, that they actually reused this guy again as just an enemy in the Demon Ruins. That’s how much this guy sucks. I had meer fun fighting the damn Hydra, and that was a mini-boss. When the mini-boss is meer fun than a real boss, u failed miserably.

Okay, now, with that out of the way, it is time for us to verplaats on to the better bosses in this game

#5: Asylum Demon

Sure, some may say that the Asylum Demon is very easy. Sure, he’s not as pathetic as Pinwheel (Thank god), but he is still very easy. However, he is hard enough to give the player a challenge. First time u meet him, u aren’t supposed to fight him. u have to run away and try to avoid dying. This is because u don’t have a weapon. And u NEED one. When u meet him again, that is when the real fight starts. What I like best about this boss is that it sets the player up for bosses in a way that is easy to learn, but still has that Dark Souls challenge to it, letting u know that this is as simple as it gets with this game, so be prepared. Sure, he’s no (Insert later boss on this lijst here), but hey, I like the challenge…… I just wish they didn’t recycle this boss…… TWICE!

#4: Gaping Dragon

There are two ways that this game tries to instill fear from the bosses to the player. The first and most obvious, difficulty. And trust me, we’ve seen that a lot door this point. And then…. there’s design… And the Gaping Dragon has plenty of those designs. OH MY GOD, look at this thing. A dragon would have been bad enough, but now, this thing has a mouth FILLED with sharp teeth. Jaws would be jealous. Not to mention, the fight is pretty fun. Though… it’s a bit too simple. Just dodge his charge attack, strike, and avoid his slam attack. I heard he had an attack where he vomits and it damages your armor, but in my playthrough, I never experienced this fight. So what makes it so good. Obviously. The design is freaking terrifying. And I can tell they were going with that kind of design. And that’s what I like best about the Gaping Dragon. His design made what was just a usual fight for me so much meer fun. I would have been pretty bored if it wasn’t for this boss being so well designed. Even the worst bosses have great designs….. Can’t say that saved their boring, frustrating, and just awful fights, though.

#3: Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough

Throughout the game, u have gotten used to focusing on one-on-one boss fights (Except with the Gargoyles and that crappy Capra Demon fight). u have been learning hard to do your best when fighting bosses and would do you’re hardest to beat them… so naturally, when we all came across Ornstein and Smough, we all got our asses kicked. What makes this so much harder is that u now have to fight two bosses at once. And I mean two full bosses. With the Gargoyles, the seconde boss didn’t come until later in the fight and their health was halved. And that Capra Demon just used enemies. Not Ornstein and Smough. They are both fully formed bosses with a totally filled health bar, and they do not mess around. They both have different strategies for fighting. Ornstein is not as strong, but is so much faster and uses electricity, whereas Smough is slower, but a much heavier hitter and can reach meer distances thanks to his size. So, after u kill one, you’d think that would make the fight easier….. Right? Oh, I wish. No, if u kill one, not only do u greatly piss off the other, but they become even stronger. If Smough dies first, Ornstein will pray to his soul and will grow to the size of Smough, giving him the same strength and reach like Smough. If Ornstein is defeated, Smough will just straight up kill him to take his electricity power. Oh, and if u die, u have to do the whole fight over again. But trust me, the satisfaction u get from beating this boss is so incredible, that it makes this boss fight so incredible.


#2: Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

Throughout the entire game, u have been ringing bells, collecting souls, and dying and being revived, you’d think u were in a Happy boom vrienden episode (... Why did I make that reference). But when u make it to the final area, The Kiln of the First Flame, u will see that it is filled with ashes and burned stone. And when u make it to the end, what u will find is Gwyn. Throughout the game, u were made to believe that he was a large god like deity with immense strength. Instead, he is a man the same size as you, who is weakened from giving his soul to the flame. And in the fight, he is easily the most aggressive boss fight in the game, hitting u with his hardest and fastest attacks. u NEED a good shield for this fight, cause he will drain your stamina fast in this fight. However, throughout the fight, the muziek isn’t some epic muziek giving off the final battle. Instead, it is a very soft and saddening theme, emphasizing Lord Gwyn himself as a man who used his soul to keep the First Flame lit for a short time, and trying to keep u from putting it out (Which u actually can do in one of the endings, just to make it even meer depressing). I have to say, for a final boss, it’s not bad.

Before we get to number one, I should talk about the other bosses from the game. Why? Cause shut up. Let’s do this.

Taurus Demon

Very threatening and a good challenge. Though, with the Pin Resin u get a few minuten before, he’s kinda easy. Even easier if u kill the archers on the tower behind u first.

Ceaseless Discharge (Gross)

Pretty easy and very interesting on how he attacks you, after stealing the treasure on a dead body (Theorized to be his dead sister), but a bit too slow. Also, running to the exit for him to jump at the ledge, making u stab his arm is very well thought out

Seath the Scaleless

Too dull and boring, and that cursed spike attack can go straight to hell

Moonlight Butterfly

A lot like the number one boss, only not as cool. I still do like how they made is saddening that u are killing a creature whose home pagina u are invading. Very well done


A pretty interesting fight…. I JUST WISHED THEY WOULDN’T FREAKIN’ JUMP ME!

Iron Golem

A very threatening looking fight at first, and very annoying when he keeps knocking u off the ledge…. And then u realize that he can’t stand a stab in the ankle and then he becomes a cry baby and falls on the ground taking a rest… Hey, that should be a new thing. I used to be a threatening boss, until I took a sword to the ankle…. On seconde thought, that really sucks. Forget about that

duizendpoot Demon

I understand how he could have been threatening, what with the lava and the lunging attacks…. But I had a phantom helping me, so it was kind easy. Fun, but easy

Gravelord Nito

If u can look past the annoying skeletons that help, than this is a pretty fun boss fight. I really do enjoy rushing at him and stabbing him… even though he took slightly meer hits than the Asylum Demon. Also, Nito’s design belongs on a Metal album cover


Is this a boss? A mini-boss, sure, but a boss? Well…… That hole volgende to him can go to hell….. and I really hated that water attack he shot at u before u could even see him through the trees…. And the Ice Golem things were really unnecessary- Are u sure this is a boss

Hellkite Dragon

Again, is this a boss? Well…. at least killing him was satisfying, what with this guy dominating the bridge most of the game.

As for Gwyndolin and Priscilla, I’m not a heartless monster, so I never tried to attack them. And I don’t want to post anymore pictures because I’m almost at my image limit. So, let’s verplaats on to number one. And for those who have played Dark Souls… u all know who it is.

#1: Great Grey Wolf, Sif

I love this boss… It’s perfect. This boss fight perfectly describes Dark Souls in a way I didn’t think was possible. Where do I start (The fight itself, obviously). Sif jumps around the area as much as possibly, wielding a giant sword in it’s mouth to schommel, swing at u with. You’d better have a good shield and lot’s of stamina for this fight, because let me tell you, it’s quite the challenge. And trying not to lose stamina during this fight, timing the right time to strike to avoid a huge sword to the face is very satisfying…. until u get him down to one health box. Once Sif is almost dead, he will begin limping, looking injured as he continues to fight, despite that he swings his sword in a much weaker way and can barely stand. And when u finally kill him, u may notice that, unlike the bosses before, u do not feel satisfied. Instead, u feel empty, like u did something wrong. And indeed, u did. Sif is nothing like most of the bosses in the game. Some of the bosses fight to protect something of theirs because they are not willing to give it to a human, while others attack u just for their own sadistic reasons. Sif is nothing like that. Sif only wishes to protect the grave of Artorias, who died protecting Sif years ago. Now Sif sits door Artorias’s grave to protect it, and seeing as u wish to rob the grave obviously isn’t something Sif wants. He doesn’t want to fight, but since u wish to steal from Artorias’s grave, he has no choice but to stop you. And what makes it meer heartbreaking is that killing Sif isn’t an option. u HAVE to do this in order to beat the game. And what I think is the best part about this boss fight is that this shows u that this isn’t just a game where u can be a cool and powerful knight, killing everything in your way. This shows that their are consequences for killing something. Sure, the Moonlight vlinder did it first, but Sif did it better. It shows that Dark Souls isn’t a game that is happy in the slightest. This is a game about the world ending, people dying, and when the endings themselves are bittersweet, no matter which u choose, it’s amazing that out of all of this, Sif is the saddest it gets. And that is what I think makes this the best boss fight in Dark Souls. Can they top, boven it in Dark Souls III? Who knows?

well, there u have it. Did u enjoy the list? Tell me what u thought of it. With that said, I will see u all volgende time
Hello everyone, and welcome to Boss Bits. today, we'll be looking at bosses from the XBox Original exclusive Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge. Crimson Skies is a game that I really like...... Okay, I should be meer specific. Crimson skies is a game where u play as Nathan.... Zachary, not Nathan mannetjeseend, drake from Uncharted. In Crimson Skies, u play the whole game in a fighter plane around the jaar 1940. Now, its a lot meer fun then u think, and the bosses prove this well.
(Warning: Spoilers)

Boss: spin Zeppelin
The spin Zeppelin starts out as just an ordinary Zeppelin. Nothing special until...
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added by Dudespie
Source: Jdgjfnsjf
posted by Windwakerguy430
Court Lobby
10:40 January 20
Wind Waker Guy- Uh. I'm real nervous. How am I going to get through this
Happy Yappy- Mr. Wind Waker Guy. I got here as fast as I could. I wanted to ask u something
Wind Waker Guy- What
Happy Yappy- Can I be there on the defendant stand with you
Wind Waker Guy- What
Happy Yappy- I don't want u to do this alone. Unless u want to, of course
Wind Waker Guy- Well, u did help me get some evidence. I guess it won't matter
Chuck- Wind Waker Guy. I'm glad to see you...uh... Wind Waker Guy. One of THEM is right behind you
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Mastersword as an interviewer: hallo princess Twilight. Good having u here.

Twilight: Sure.

Sword: First off. How dose it feel being the forth princess ever?

Twilight: (barely even lessoning) Yes. I wouldn't be here without my friends.

Sword: That's nice. But the vraag is, how dose it make 'you' feel. YOU!?

Twilight: (still barely lessoning) Yes. That is diffently a vraag being asked. And I'm confident in my friends. And getting it done.

Sword: Okay.. Have to be honest with you. I feel like this interview. Is going absolutely nowhere. u answered 'none' of my questions. u kinda...
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Song: link

Derek: *Driving a Ford Mondeo down the road*

A basketbal hit the hood, and the car immediately fell apart.

Derek: Bother! How am I supposed to sell this car now?!
S.B: *Looks at the damaged car* Ooh, sorry about that.
Derek: How come u look like Johnny Lightning?
S.B: I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, I'm S.B from Trainz, and I'm here to host tonight's episode of the S.S.S.S. We're gonna toon u two fan fictions, both based off of 70's films. The Challenger which is based off of The Gauntlet, and Shado! Shado! Shado! A ster Wars version of Tora! Tora! Tora! Enjoy the...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 25

The "Not so" Great Escape

May 22, 1953

Five days after Gordon got suspended, Orion felt better, but he still wanted to get fired.

Orion: *sitting on train tracks* Where's a train when u need one?
Pete: *Arrives* Orion! Get off there!
Orion: No, I want to die in honor!...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 22

The Dynamic Duo

May 3, 1953

Hawkeye, and Stylo have a lot of things in common. One of them is that they don't like Gordon.

Hawkeye: *Relaxing on station* It's a great day. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and *Sees Gordon*
Stylo: We're in a lot of trouble.
Hawkeye: He can't...
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It’s the Halloween season again, a time to walk around my local town like a creep, traumatize children with my stupid antics, and also talk about films that critics hate but has a passionate fandom surrounding them, of at the very least, the general audiences hate. But that isn’t the case with our first film (The first introductee to Cultober II and I’ve already lied to everyone). A classic among horror fans, and even Michael Jackson himself, who took inspiration from the film to work into his own muziek video for Thriller, one of the most populair muziek videos of all time. That’s right,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

Oh yeah, it’s time to talk about some character action games, some of the best of the medium, and what better one to start with than the king of them all, Devil May Cry. of rather, the first one, the weird one where Dante was clearly a Blade of Neo rip-off and the camera sucked a dick. Regardless, still an incredibly fun game.
Devil May Cry follows Dante as he goes to kill demon king Mundus on a secluded island consisting of marionettes, shadow beasts, Nelo Angelos and also something about him wanting to fuck a look-a-like of his mother. Allegedly wants to fuck his mother, granted. Now,...
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Well, here’s the first of many, many, MANY sprinkhaan video games that will appear on this list. I’m a big fan of the niche, what can I say? So being one of the later games from their bibliotheek that I played, I only saw a few pictures of it and knew it was a sprinkhaan game. Needless to say, I was sold on the game. And despite it all, I was happy for what I got. Cause damn, Killer is Dead is probably one of the nicer to play sprinkhaan games out there.
Now, sadly, I never got to finish all the side stuff in this game and didn’t get to experiment with the game much, so sadly, I can’t...
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Now, I’ve probably lost some credibility among the highterups of the horror community for liking the gorefests that are slasher films. Now allow me to sullididate my place as being a shitbag in the horror community with no chance of ever taken seriously again. Along with slasher films, I also like zombie films. Granted, to a lesser extent to slasher villains. At least there’s some creativity to slasher villains, while most zombies are just the same. But thankfully, we’ll be looking at a film that does things a little differently. That film would be 1985’s Return of the Living Dead.

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Well, here is a film I was never too proud of when I first watched it. I remember watching this film back in middle school. I heard it was among some of the best slasher films out there, alongside Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And yet, when I watched it, I thought it was really lame and overrated and couldn’t understand what people saw in it. But, after watching this movie years later, and getting a new idea on it, what do I think about it now? Well, on Cultober, let’s take a look at the 1996 slasher classic, Scream

In the lovely...
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That night, I put my plan into action. I went to the blindspot, and went through the fence. No one noticed that I left until tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, in the tunnels.

Pablo: *digging, but feels dirt falling on him, then looks up* Oh thank god. The roof isn't going to collapse. *Continues digging*
Volk: *Gets bag of dirt full, and gives it to Sigmund*
Sigmund: *Passes bag to Airborne*
Airborne: *Passes bag to regenboog Dash*
Rainbow Dash: *passes bag to Sacred Symphony*
Sacred Symphony: *Passes bag to Shredder*
Shredder: *Passes bag to Jade*
Jade: *Passes bag to Bartholomew*
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Song: link

Kevin: That sound, doesn't sound good.
Orion: *Knocks down a door* Run for your lives everyone!!!!
Kevin: I knew it, what happened?
Orion: I don't know.
Kevin: *Sighs*
Orion: Oh, now I remember. Parker kept beating everyone at Poker, and Gordon's angry now.
Kevin: Ah. Usually with Parker, it's the other way around.
Jerry: *Stops volgende to Orion, and Kevin* hallo u two. What's going on?
Kevin: You're better off not knowing. Trust me, that's how bad things are.
Orion: And it doesn't even concern you, so you're lucky.
Jerry: Well anyway, I'm here to host tonight's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday...
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No meer Heroes 2 does things… differently from the first game. Gone is the overworld to explore. Gone is the unique enemies of every level. Gone is the chance to collect trading cards. And gone is fun mini-games. But hey, at least now we have some pretty cool bosses… For the most part. While No meer Heroes 2 definitely falls behind the first No meer Heroes in some instances, it makes up in others, such as story, music, and even some bosses. And with the addition of fifteen bosses in the game, it makes sense that there would be some great bosses… And some stinkers too. So that is what...
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Song: link

Master Sword: *Fighting with Coffee Creme over who should be the host*
Thomas: Don't tell me they're at it again.
Percy: I'm afraid so.
Master Sword: I'm the host!!
Coffee Creme: No! I am.
Sean: We're not finished with this episode yet, so I'm still hosting.
Master Sword: *Shoots lava out of his head* RAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sean: And welcome back to Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. I'm Sean from Trainz, and I'm still your host. On The Block, and Adventures of Thomas & vrienden are up next.

Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

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posted by Windwakerguy430
(A large crowd fills the stadium as the audience watches the massive wrestling ring in the center, with news helicopters flying over to get a view of the show. In the ring sets a man in a cowboy hat, with chaps revealing his thong, no shirt, and a bandana covering his mouth. At his sides are two holsters with two golden revolvers on the side. The man watches as a massive man with a red mohawk and leather jeans steps into the ring, wielding a straat sign with concrete on the bottom of it. As the match is about to begin, a helicopter that appears to be made of goud flies over the ring and to...
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Song: link

Hawkeye: *Listening to the music* This is weird.
Carter: *Stops volgende to Hawkeye* Why? Just because it's from thirty years after your toon takes place?
Hawkeye: *Looks at Carter, and sees that he's in Union Pacific paint* When did our railroad get talking trains?
Twilight: regenboog Dash! How come u got your own show?!?!
Rainbow Dash: Because I'm not you! *Flies away*
Twilight: Not me? What's wrong with me?!!?
Spike: Have u seen yourself lately?
Tim: *Next to Thomas, eating popcorn* u want some?
Thomas: I know I'm a talking train, but I don't think I should eat that.
Tom: *Arrives* Well,...
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Song: link

Hawkeye: *Hears the song* Hm, a new song.
Captain Jefferson: Variety is good. That's why we have a new song. Get out there, and protect this town.
Tim: *Goes out with Julia, Toby, and Red*
Tom: Boo!!! *Throws a rock at Twilight*
Twilight: *Gets hit door the rock* Yo! What's with u man?!
Tom: *Laughing as he runs away*
James: *Stops, watching Tom run across his track* What's with him? *Clears his throat* Hello everyone, my name is James. Welcome to this week's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. I'm your host, James the red, and splendid engine.
Gordon: *Stops volgende to him*...
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Song: link

Hawkeye: *Taps the back of Gordon's head*
Gordon: *Very angry* GET BACK HERE!!!!! *Runs after Hawkeye*
Master Sword: And I thought I had anger issues.
Tom: *Taps the back of Master Sword's head*
Master Sword: *Catches on fire* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain Jefferson: We have too many criminals.
Percy: No, we have too many ponies. Percy The Green Engine here everyone, and this week, I'll be your host for Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. Our line up for this week is......

Ponies On The Rails - Rated TVMA
On The Block - Rated TV14
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