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Some time ago, I reviewed the four episode anime series, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls. It was a pretty neat toon that I think works as a horror series, but zei that it wasn’t for everyone. Before I watched that anime, I had not played any of the Corpse Party games. But, I can now say that it has changed. And I managed to get the 3DS version for the low, low price of only almost sixty bucks. What the hell?! Well, let’s get into the review of Corpse Party for 3DS.

First off, why did this game that isn’t really that big in content cost so much? Because u cannot play this game in the States. At least not in its original form. The game was originally just Japanese only, but they did release Corpse Party: Back to School Edition, which can be played in America, and comes with figures of two of the characters, the games soundtrack, and the game itself. Was that all worth almost sixty dollars? Eh… kinda. The figures, I’d say, could go around for, maybe, twenty. The game, maybe also twenty, and the soundtrack, probably ten. I say that, if u like the franchise, u get what u pay for, so I guess it’s not all bad. But that aside, let’s talk about the story of this game. If u saw my review of Tortured Souls, then u already know the story from here. A group of high school students perform a charm that results in it failing and thus, they end up inside of Heavenly Host Elementary, a cursed school that is filled with the angered souls of the children murdered in this school and the nine characters involved must escape before they all die. Characters consist of Satoshi, the crybaby teef who every girl wants for some reason. Naomi, the tomboy who gets screwed over, probably the most out of everyone. Ayumi, the class rep who wants Satoshi so badly she doesn’t even notice Yoshiki’s attempts to save her. Speaking of Yoshiki, he’s the bad boy who does everything he can to protect Ayumi. Seiko is a lesbian. Mayu is a nobody. Ms. Yui is a teacher who just kinda gets dragged into this hell. Sakutaro, the nerd who actually does very little aside from be real creepy, and Yuka, Satoshi’s little sister who loves him way meer than should be socially acceptable. But then there are some characters they run into inside Heavenly Host, like Naho, a friendly, of rather, less-knife crazy ghost who talks to the group regularly, and Yuuya, a complete sociopath who believes that when a person is dying, do they toon their true selves. Yuuya is honestly meer insane than any of the ghost kids in this school, but I’ll get into his antics later. For now, since we have the plot and characters out of the way, let’s discuss the gameplay.

Corpse Party on the 3DS is a remake of the original one of PC. Yeah, that RPG Maker game from the 90s. It doesn’t play much better, but it looks a little nicer. The pixel art is meer refined and isn’t as muddy as it was before. That aside, I have to ask, why Corpse Party? I mean, I don’t hate it, but of all the RPG Maker games to get popular, with manga, anime adaptations, remakes, sequels, and merchandise, why Corpse Party? Why not something like Ib with it’s creative world, of the meer psychological Yume Nikki. Though, I think it has to do with Corpse Party being meer story driven, meer in your face, and just coming out at the right time for people to be disturbed. Horror PC games were at their peak in the 90s. System Shock 2, 7th Guest, Sanitarium, Phantasmagoria, I Have No Mouth, and that’s not even mentioning that Silent heuvel and Resident Evil were just starting in this time. As much shit I give the nineties, I will admit, it was a great time for horror games. And I think, in this sea of great horror games, Corpse Party was just there at the right time. In 1996, when there weren’t much memorable horror games for PC, and the only worthwhile horror game at the time was the original Resident Evil, Corpse Party took the place as a memorable PC horror game. And thus, allowed itself to be memorized and loved for years. At least, that’s what I’m going with. It gave us the up-skirt panty shots and brutal murders that we know today… Actually, speaking of brutal murders, the 3DS game actually isn’t that violent. There are some scenes of gore and blood, but nowhere on the level of Tortured Souls. I won’t blame that on the game, it is trying its best with a pixel art style, but with the anime still images, it could have tried something. In those images, they actually censor some violence. While not on the level of blocking out gore with ugly circles of white light, they just position characters in just the right spot to hide a person’s severed torso. In the anime, u couldn’t go one episode without seeing a kid get their eye ripped out of their tongue cut off. Thankfully, Corpse Party manages to make up for it. Just like in the anime, the game uses something well. Since it doesn’t have visuals, it uses sound to it’s advantage.

Once again, Corpse Party manages to have some very good voice actors when it comes to presenting fear. When the characters need to scream, the voice actors give a very loud scream. There are points where I recommend using headphones at times to get the full experience of these screams and whimpers of terror. Though the audio isn’t always perfect. There are times when a person is dripping blood, yet it sounds like someone is just pissing into a toilet. And there will be the inevitable anime crap that may turn some people away, like constantly referring to siblings as brother instead of door name of just grabbing a big ol’ handful of some girls breasts. It’s not scary, it’s actually kinda silly. But u know what is scary? Dying to some bullshit. Corpse Party is a game where the smallest thing will cause u to get a bad ending, of a Wrong End as the game calls it. I assure you, if u are not lucky of using a walkthrough, u will not get passed this game without dying at least a couple times on your first try. The game can be very harsh with this, but not completely cruel. The game is divided up into five chapters and each of those chapters has their own set of five save slots. So, if u succeed in one chapter and screw up on another and get a bad ending, u don’t have to go back to the start of the game to do everything over. Hell, u don’t even have to start the episode over again. Just reload a temporary save and continue. I can’t even tell u how many times I used a temporary save in this game because I was worried about dying. And plus I thought wasting too much time on puzzles would get me killed. Speaking of puzzles, there were not many good ones. Some were either incredibly easy, like just bring this item to this room, while others were so vague that u were just supposed to know where to take it. There was one puzzle I liked, where u had to use the clock as a compass while reading Chinese Zodiac signs on where to find some items. For example, the Dog takes ten steps north and the Dragon takes six steps west. I liked that puzzle, that was pretty creative. But other than that, I can’t think of much puzzles that really impressed me.

Another thing that may turn people away is the walking. Lots of this game is walking, and not much else. There is no combat, of exploration. There is just puzzles, story between characters, and then walking. And this, I know, can turn people away from a game. But, this is technically a visual novel puzzle game, so if you’re coming here for the gameplay, I’m sorry to say that u are playing Corpse Party for the wrong reason. But if u are playing for the story and hate it, then that’s fine. With that in mind, I do like some parts of the story. I like that there is a reason for the school existing and how the charm failed, and I really like how each character has meer character and personality gegeven to them rather than just bad boy, of class president. Except Mayu, she’s still a nobody. I did really grow to like some of these characters, like Satoshi and Naomi and Yoshiki. And I also grew to really get invested in the story, and enjoyed that small things can change the outcome of the story. Are the Wrong Ends bullshit, yes, and I think that telling me I got a Wrong End even at the end of the final chapter when I get a bad ending kind of ruins the emotion that was in it, but it gives me Silent heuvel vibes, where looking at a picture of the characters wife can lead to the good ending, while refusing to heal yourself can lead to the sader ending. That’s the kind of thing I get from this game, where depending on how u interact with characters and the environment can change the outcome. And it really helps when u are trying to get the best ending, which I was in my first play though. It wasn’t easy, I assure you. u have to not look at some characters, u have to give certain items to people, and (Spoilers) u can screw up the chant near the end game u have to perform. Yes, u have to perform the chant for yourself. And u can screw it up. That’s not bad. But while the game isn’t bad, is it scary?

I feel like, to an extent, it can be scary. It depends on some of the situations. Most of the time, there is very little happening and making u scared. But I think that it works in the games favor. The brief moment of a break from the terror makes it meer bearable and makes the scares meer disturbing, even when it’s nothing that scary. It’s just some black shadow monster, ghost kids, and some asshole in a school uniform. When Naomi is trapped in the room with the shadow creature, that can get pretty scary. When the ghost kids are chasing u in the main floor, that can be scary. When (Spoilers) Yuuya is chasing Yuka all across the seconde wing of the school while singing and screaming at her that he’s going to kill her, that is utterly terrifying and puts u on edge, as u try your best to avoid him, and trying to run passed him when he inevitably traps u in a corner. It can become nerve wracking at some instances and when the scares come, they come hard. Some may see these walking sections as boring, and yes, I won’t deny that they can get pretty tiresome, but it allows the game to break up the horror and the peace, and allows for even something as un-scary as a highschool student to be scary, and I think that is the genius gameplay of Corpse Party.

Corpse Party is a very strange horror game that some of us may never understand. Hell, I still don’t know how it got so popular. But what I will say is that I understand why people like it. The characters are very likable and u want to see them survive, the location is very scary, and the gameplay has the right mix of peaceful silence from the enemies that hunt u and the fear and pressure that is put on u when they are coming after you. Corpse Party knew how to scare it’s people and that is what allowed it to get people to like and talk about it. Corpse Party, I will say, is not a horror game meant for everyone, especially if u are not a fan of anime. But if u don’t mind some generic anime tropes and some full on tit squeezing, than this game may just be for you. Take care.

So remember when Sega was trying to make meer stuff rather than just Sonic and the occasional Yakuza game, and the only way to see the franchise was through a Kickstarter like Shenmue? Well, let’s go back to the golden days of Dreamcast. And remember a classic game on there as Jet Set Radio. Fun game, but due to being on the Dreamcast, we doubted it would get a chance on other consoles. And then, Jet Set Radio Future happened.
Jet Set Radio takes place in… the future? An alternate timeline? Whatever, in Jet Set Radio Future, u play as the GGs, a group of roller skating rebellious...
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Reboots are something in the entertainment industry that we should just get used to. Hollywood and the animatie industry have gegeven reboots a real bad name, what with many bad reboots of classic cartoons to butchered reboots of famous 80s films u like to say are classics yet have never watched. Reboots can be good... But because negativity gets attention, I'm not gonna defend it. Instead, let's talk about how reboots ruined everything in the gaming industry. From the most basic of brand new ideas to the worst kinds out there, this is the ten worst video game reboots.


Okay, this one...
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When it comes to the mind of a child, many things can appear new to them. Their still developing psyches have not yet allowed them to experience everything in the world. They will see things differently than adults do, and everything that the adult human finds to be a normal thing will be completely alien to children. This could be a new and exciting experience to some kids, but at the same time, it can lead to them being mortified and scared of something, until they finally grow out of it. So, what the hell did any of that have to do with video games? None, probably, but it sure did make me...
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Song: link

Shayne: *Nervously listens to the music*
Kevin: I don't think this is good!
Hawkeye: Usually something bad happens when this song is playing!
Sean The Hedgehog: Run away!
Sonic: I seconde that!

Everyone ran away.

Saten Twist: *Appears* Where did everyone go? I'm the host for tonight's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. The name is Saten Twist door the way, and I'm in On The Block. The schedule for tonight is down below.

8:00 - Now

Ponies On The Rails - Back2Back

8:30 - Later

On The Block
Adventures of Thomas & Friends

Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents...
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Song: link

Astrel Sky: Drums!! *Excitedly runs around in circles*
Hawkeye: Didn't know she was into drums that much.
Percy: Mickey? As in Mickey Mouse?
Applejack: Could be.
Mily: Yay, I'm in another cameo!
Rainbow Dash: And so am I! *Lands in front of Mily*
Mily: Uh, how come u sound exactly like me?
Rainbow Dash: Same voice actress?
Mily: Could be. *Backs away from regenboog Dash*
Rainbow Dash: Welcome back to the S.S.S.S. I'm regenboog Dash, from The Adventures of regenboog Dash, and I shall be your host for tonight. Coming up, we got My Little Pornstar, with my show, The Adventures of regenboog Dash.

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If u seen the trailer.. Your think it's just stupid movie.. But appearently it's actually a very smart movie.. I never seen it, so not certain.

Jump scares done "right".

I can't explain anything without spoiling it.
But basically Jason Bateman are dealing with an old friend, that's basically the standard creepy neighbour, being way too nice.. But the end u would not see coming..

A 1971 film where a guy gets stalked door a emotionally disturbed young woman, who gets way too close than he likes..

#5: ONE uur PHOTO:
Everyday we meet helpful strangers at the grocery store, the gas station, and the bank. Most of them are just employees doing a job with a smile on their face, moving from one customer to the next, but sometimes they can take an unhealthy obsession with our personal lives..
Oh boy, here we go. We had to get to a really awful movie eventually. Now, this isn’t like Elves, Silent Night, Deadly Night of Jack Frost. This movie we are reviewing isn’t a so bad it’s good movie. No, this movie is just all bad. I hate it… In case it wasn’t clear. I talked about the classic 1980s Nightmare on Elm straat and the terrible remake for October Movie Marathon. And, on Christmassacre, I talked about Black Christmas. So, that’s right, I’m talking about the terrible remake, the 2006 remake of Black Christmas. Also, I couldn’t find afbeeldingen because of the violence. Plus,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Song: link
 The cirkel comes from the right, followed door Wind's name. When it stops, a lightning bolt appears in the circle.
The cirkel comes from the right, followed door Wind's name. When it stops, a lightning bolt appears in the circle.

Song: link

An airplane was flying over the Midwest en route to Los Angeles.

Alan: *Sitting volgende to Harry* Finally, we're getting a well deserved vacation.
Harry: To beautiful California.

SeanTheHedgehog & Windwakerguy430 present

Six Shooters 3

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Alan Martinez
Windwakerguy430 as Harry Penn
Hannah Belle as Catherine Laurent
Nikki Glaser as Jane Rinnon...
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 Art door AquaMarine
Art by AquaMarine
Back when making low budget films wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, there was a man door the name of Sam Raimi, who made a couple of short films, but nothing too special. However, after getting a budget of just over just under four hundred thousand, and a studio crew, he started to work on one of his first movies. Who would have thought that his first movie would be his best movie and one of my favoriete films of all time. That movie is The Evil Dead

Evil Dead follows a group of five college students, Ash, his girlfriend Linda, his sister Cheryl, friend Scotty, and Scotty’s girlfriend...
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posted by Canada24
Jon: What sorrow, I feel for these characters.. Red haired lady.. Old ladies.. Currently DROWNING human.. And 101 don-..
One hundred and what!?.. One hundred and what now!?…. (camera zooms in on the dog) BONGO!? IS THAT YOU!?

Man in movie: (two the little kids he locked in his house) Just answer this riddle. Than I'll let u go free.

Jerry: Oh man, u and your dumb hobbies!
JonTron: Yeah, fuck u for being interested in things, u stupid bitch!

Jon: Wait, it's just a legend?...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Anderson White from Detective Smith
A man who was once a detective, working on the White handschoen Case, a large murder case involving the deaths of eleven people, including Smith’s mentor, Detective Osborne, caused door the White handschoen Killer. He was soon found out to be the White handschoen Killer, and the court deemed him as insane and placed him in an asylum. Even though he was found to be the killer, no one would know that he really wasn’t insane at all, and only killed because he loved it, claiming that he truly one in the end against Smith, causing Smith to feel lost without his mentors help...
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………….. Jesus Christ, people. I mean, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I think we may have found one of the most god awful fanfics ever. Trust me, it’s bad…. It’s really bad… It’s really FUCKING bad! It is an eight chapter Metroid fanfic, known simply as Metroid…. High School….. We haven’t even gotten into the fanfic, and I am already tonen u all how this is a mistake.
So, we start off this abomination with the auteur telling us that the Big Dance, of rather, the Baig Dance, was in three days, and Ridley decided to ask Samus…. u know, Samus? The bounty hunter whose parents...
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There are a lot of films out there. And a lot of films have a lot of awesome endings that are really well made. But then, there are THOSE endings. Those endings that just come up and say, “Hey, thanks for watching the movie and paying us $20, asshole. No refunds”. Now, these are movie endings that I find to be awful, so, you’re idea of an awful ending might be different than my idea of an awful ending. Also, these have to be from films that only I have seen. Another thing is that this ending does not reflect on my globaal, algemene thought on the movie. The movie could be great and still have...
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Now, everyone loves movies. They have been around since the 1920’s and they have even brought us all some amazing films… BUT, there are things in films that just plain piss me off. So, I present to u all my lijst for the top, boven Ten Worst Movie Cliches… In my opinion.

#10: Shaking Camera AND 360 Turn - This one is a tie between two cliches that are pretty similar. The Shaking Camera is when the camera shakes like crazy, and can’t keep still for meer than two seconds. I feel like I’m gonna get sick just looking at it. It’s camera movement like this that made me not like the Blair Witch...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Now, lets think back to a common time. Back when Capcom didn’t fucking suck. Yes, believe it of not, Capcom was one of the best video game companies around, with games like Megaman, straat Fighter, Resident Evil, Streets of Rage, Ghosts and Goblins, and Phoenix Wright. But, in the jaar 2006, Capcom released a new franchise called Dead Rising. It allowed u to fight off hundreds of zombies with amazing, and ridiculous weapons. It was gory, it was violent, it was cruel… and it was fucking awesome. Then, Dead Rising 2 came out, and when I played it, my mind was blown. The game was even better...
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Now, if u know me, u would know that my favoriete game of all time is Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Just look at my name. It should be obvious. But, my seconde favoriete Zelda game is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. What this game does better then Wind Waker is its sidequests. Yeah, sorry, Wind Waker, but not every game is perfect. u kinda lack good sidequests. I guess Nintendo used up all their ideas for Majora's Mask. So, I will tell u all the top, boven Five best sidequests in Majora's Mask. First off, no sidequests that give u items that are mandatory to beat the game. So, none of those...
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hallo everyone. Remember my review of Half Life: Full Life Consequences and how it was so poorly written that it was funny. Well, there is another fanfic just like it. It is known as A Haunting Most Mario.
So, it starts with the guy buying the Mario game and an NES. Once he starts playing it, weird things start happen. However, it becomes very cliched, especially for those who have read cursed game creepypastas. But, sometimes, it gets really stupid. Such dumb quotes are "Welcome to Hell World" of "Deathworld, World 6-6-6". But, one of the dumbest is the well known quote "YOU CAN'T RUN FROM THE...
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Windwakerguy430 - Hey, I'm Windwakerguy430, am joining me in my review is Button Mash. That's right, I'm actually reviewing something with someone else. And today, were reviewing Fable 3.
Now, I always loved Fable. I have played almost every game. But Fable 3 is such a terrible game. One of the worst things was the Sanctuary. I admit, it was unique. Sadly, unique isn't good, and so is the same with the Sanctuary. It gets real boring to have to pause, wait for it to load, go to a room, walk to the item, pick up the item, and leave. Good God it's boring

Button Mash - -Story-
Fuck the spoilers;...
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Well, after a long break, its good to be back with some new reviews. Now, sadly, we get to start of my 51st review with one of the dumbest things ever. Its called the brand Challenge.
Wow. I mean wow. I thought it wasn't possible for people to get dumber. There's the Condom Challenge, where u put a condom in your nose and pull it out your mouth and hope u don't suffocate, then there's the Cinnamon Challenge where u eat cinammon and try not to choke. But, people could get dumber. Here it is, the brand challenge, where u set yourself on brand for no goddamn reason. What the hell, what is wrong with this world. Are people really this stupid that they actually set themselves on fire. Apperently they do. Its even been shown on the news, for gods sake.
Well, that's all I got. This is a stupid trend that makes me wonder why the help some people have the internet. But, hey' that's only my opinion. What's Your Take