Windwakerguy430 Club
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posted by Windwakerguy430
*Mack was driving down the road, having taken control of the car after Mambo had gotten injured. His suit was smeared with the blood of Chuck, a streak of it across his hockey mask. And yet, he didn’t toon any remorse in his killing. In fact, no emotion at all was seen in his actions. Not rage, not even enjoyment. It was as if he was a machine that was made for the purpose of killing. Mambo sat in the passenger seat, clutching his bulletwound. Yet, throughout the drive, he didn’t stop looking at Mack. Even he was terrified of him. Despite this, he did his best to make conversation with him*
Mambo: M-Mikey-
Mack: It’s Mack. Mikey’s not here right now
Mambo: W-What the fuck do u mean door that anyway?! Goddammit, u can’t just say this kind of shit, dumbass! Start making some fucking sense
*Mack stepped on the breaks of the car, making Mambo jolt vooruit, voorwaarts a bit. He pressed his back against the door of the car. Now, he was terrified of him. Mack turned his head to Mambo before speaking again*
Mack: Sorry about the confusion. The friendly one u met was Mikey. I’m Mack. It’s a complicated thing to understand.
Mambo: S-So what? You’re telling me there’s two of u of some shit?
Mack: That’s correct
Mambo: S-So what the hell makes u two so different
Mack: In short, Mikey is talkative and lazy. I just get the job done, whatever that is
Mambo: That so?
*Mack didn’t answer. He just started the car again and continued down the road, heading back to the casino. They were silent again for a moment before Mambo spoke up*
Mambo: u going to take that hockey mask off?
Mack: Not unless I have to. Once the mask is off, I’ll go back to being that idiot Mikey. I prefer to stay for a little while longer.
*Mambo didn’t speak again after that*

Cole: Mikey did what now?
*Cole was sitting at in his chair, lighting a cigarette after flicking a match, lighting the flame. He found Mambo’s words unbelievable. Mambo continued to talk to Cole as Mack stood outside. The casino was closed for the night on account of the job, so he didn’t need to worry about running into guests with his bloodstained uniform.*
Mambo: I’m tellin’ u the truth, Nate. Mikey beat Chuck to death with a shotgun. He’s nothing like we thought. That man… That man is a goddamn psychopath, boss
Cole: u sure about that. Bring Mikey in and we’ll see
*Mambo gave a nod and called out to Mack to come in. The door slowly opened, and in came a blood drenched Mack, still wearing the hockey mask. The sight alone was enough to disturb Mambo. Cole, however, just stared on. He gave a chuckle as he leaned back in his chair* Mikey Baby. Is it true what happened?
*Mack gave a slow nod to Cole’s answer. He only responded with a grin*
Cole: Take off your hockey mask, Mikey. No need to keep it hidden.
*Mack was hesitant. He didn’t really want to do such a thing, but under orders, he had no choice. He grabbed the back of the mask with both hands and slowly pulled it off. Mikey’s eyes slowly blinked before he returned came to. His calmer expression returned, as well as his laid back posture, unlike Mack’s meer prideful and powerful stance. Mikey looked around the room in a daze, before he looked down at his uniform. The sight of it was enough to bring him to a panic. The sight of blood was almost terrifying. He quickly tore open his dress overhemd, shirt and threw it onto the ground, now only wearing the undershirt. Regardless, Cole chuckled*
Cole: Didn’t notice that before, did you?
Mikey: I-I don’t know what the hell’s going on
Cole: Oh, u don’t? From what u and Mambo told me, it seems like you’re a born killer, Mikey
Mikey: A… A killer?
Cole: u got cotton in your ears, kid? No one gets that kind of splashback from a murder scene without being in the front row. You’re a brutal savage, and that’s what I need. Really wanna scare those fuckers good
Mikey: I-I don’t understand what’s going on, dammit! What is all this
Mambo: Mikey, listen. What we are is not just some casino. We’re…. Well… It’s hard to say to a new member, especially one as confused as you, but… we’re a gang, u could say
Cole: And, a soon to be empire. And we want u to help us, Mikey
Mikey: W-Why in the hell would I do that? I don’t know what’s happening, dammit!
Mambo: Mikey. u don’t know anything about someone named Mack?
Mikey: No, goddammit! What’s with all these vragen and stuff anyway. I just followed u to make a delivery. Was that a delivery? Was it really, Mambo?
*Mambo gave a heavy sigh at Mikey’s antwoorden before he responded*
Mambo: Listen, Mikey. That was not a delivery job. It was a hit job, on the boss of the Baddoni Family.
Mikey: Who is the Baddoni Family
*Before Mambo could answer, Cole spoke up*
Cole: What they are are a bunch of goddamn crooks and killers. Sure, we’re no better, but they are the worst of the worst, and they deserve what’s coming to them. Mikey, u owe this casino. We’ll forget about your debts if u choose to help us get rid of the Baddoni Family. And, I’ll pay u good money if u do so.
Mikey: W-What? u want me to kill people? For money?
Cole: u came here looking for fortune, didn’t you? Well now’s your chance to make something of yourself, kid. I’m asking u this as a friend of yours, Mikey Baby. Will u take up my offer?
*Mikey didn’t want to take it. He wanted to leave this casino and run as far as he could. But he knew that he would be done with this place sooner if he just agreed. And he worried for his life, now knowing that Cole was a crime boss. He gulped, a feeling of an iron ball sliding down his throat, before answering*
Mikey: Y-Yes, I accept your offer
Cole: Mikey Baby, u have no idea how happy this makes us all.
*He reached into his drawer and placed three shot glasses onto the desk, and pulled out a bottle of bourbon whiskey, pouring it into three glasses. As he set the bottle back down, he grabbed the bottom of his chair, and moved back, before moving it around the bureau to greet the others. Mikey, for the first time, got to see Cole’s legs, of rather, the lack of. His legs were just steel joints, replacing his missing legs, and he was reduced to sitting in a wheelchair. He grabbed hold of his shot glass and raised it up to them. Mambo took his glass without hesitation, while Mikey did so, his hand shaking as he held it.*
Cole: To new business partners and friends
Mambo: To friends
Mikey: T-...To friends

*The very volgende morning, police had begun an investigation into the scene at the Tutti Frutti Motel, the place where Chuck Baddoni was murdered. His body was covered with a sheet to hide the gruesome display. Though there was a shotgun at the scene, and two capsules from the shells used to fire, along with the two dead bodyguards outside, there was no evidence to point the crime at one certain person. Outside of the hotel, a man stood outside of the place, looking over the scene, smoking a cigarette. His face was hidden behind a brown fedora, his open dress jas exposing a white dress overhemd, shirt and black tie. He wore black dress pants that went down to his black shoes. His black hair was ever so slightly spiked in the back, as it was just a natural way of ending up. As he took a drag from his cigarette, he made his way to the crime scene, before a police officer stopped him*
Cop: Hey, this is a police investigation! No one can pass through
*The man reached into his pocket and showed him a card with his face on it. The card read, “Domino Hill. Private Detective”. Once the cop looked up, Domino spoke up*
Domino: So what’s the situation
*The cop was hesitant at first, before he spoke up*
Cop: Well, there was a violent murder. Two men were shot to death and the other was beaten to death with a shotgun, his face smashed in and his skull broken.
Domino: I see *He made his way past the police and up the stairs, before picking up one of the handguns used in the murder*
Cop: H-Hey, that’s evidence! u can’t go touching that
Domino: Shut up! I’m trying to check something
*He looked through the clip of the handgun to find three bullets missing. When he checked the other handgun, he found that it was empty, before he turned to the cop*.
Domino: The killer only killed one of these men
Cop: What? How can u tell?
Domino: If what u say is true, than this man has nothing but violent tendencies. He wanted to make the scene as graphic as possible, as if to scare someone. One of these men were killed door the other. Most likely door accident. The other was shot several times in the face. And as for the guy in the motel… Well, that much is clear. What we are dealing with was not just someone who had a grudge. We’re dealing with a complete psycho.

*Johnny Baddoni tapped his baseball bat on the ground, before gripping it with both hands as he held it up, looking at the pitching machine at the end of the batting cage. Once it started, he swung his bat as hard as he could, striking the walls behind it. He continued to pitch as he heard a car pull up volgende to the batting cage. He finished getting a few balls struck before he walked over and started the machine up again. As he was ready to go again, a man in a black suit walked over to him and spoke through the cage*
Baddoni Member: Uh… Johnny
Johnny: What is it? I’m very busy
Baddoni Member: It’s about your father
Johnny: What about my old man?
Baddoni Member: ….. He’s dead
*Johnny looked forward, not breaking his batting stance one bit. But he spoke in a whisper*
Johnny: He’s dead?
Baddoni Member: Yes… He was murdered
Johnny: …. door who?
Baddoni Member: That’s the thing. We don’t know who did it
Johnny: …. You’re telling me, my old man is dead, and we don’t even got an idea of who the fuck it is?!
*The machine shot a ball at Baddoni. He stomped his right foot onto the ground and swung hard, sending the ball flying. He let out an angry scream as he swung his bat, striking every ball that was fired at him. Once the machine ran out, he ran over and swung his bat at the machine, sending it crashing to the ground in pieces, before he turned to the man*
Johnny: So, that must mean I’m in charge now, right?
Baddoni Member: Y-Yes. You’re the boss, Boss. We’ll be having a meeting with the gang tonight-
Johnny: Good! I’m going to find the man who killed my dad, and I’m going to make that motherfucker pay!
*Johnny swung the door to the batting cage open and made his way towards the exit. As he did, the owner rushed over to see the damage that Johnny did to the batting machine, and turned to him*
Owner: Hey, asshole! u can’t go around smashing my st-
*Johnny swung the top, boven of his bat into the man’s stomach, striking him hard. The man fell to the ground and coughed, clutching his gut as Johnny made his way to the car, his baseball bat dragging along the ground*

*A young woman stepped out of a taxi cab, looking at the evening sky that drenched the New York streets in a straal, ray of oranje light. As she looked around, her eyes fell upon the Blue Moon Casino*

*Mikey sat behind the counter of the bar again. He looked down in silence, groaning in agony from the headache all of this has caused him. A killer, working for a dangerous gang, to destroy a mafia family. It was all too much for Mikey to fully comprehend, and he really wished he didn’t have to. As he kept his head low, he heard a voice call behind him*
???: Excuse me, can I get a drink?
Mikey: Y-Yeah, sure
*He turned to see a woman, a woman who he had never seen the likes of before. She had blonde hair that was of shoulder length, hidden underneath a white hat. Her appearance, mixed with her shade of makeup, made her appear glowing, as if she was an angel. She gave a smile to Mikey as he turned*
???: Good evening. I’m Sally Richards
Mikey: D-Do u give your name to all bartenders u meet?
Sally: Only ones I get a good feeling about
Mikey: Do I really give off that feeling
Sally: I can tell when someone is worth having a chat with
Mikey: Can’t say I’m in a talkative mood this evening
Sally: Rough night?
Mikey: …. Yeah. Real rough
Sally: Been there
Mikey: Oh, and the names Mikey Fotona.
*Sally Richards gave a slightly curious look when he gave his name, but she smiled nonetheless*
Sally: Lovely name

*Johnny sat down in a cirkel of chairs with the rest of his crew. His baseball bat was standing in front of him, both of his hands on the bottom of it as his eyes moved around the room*
Member: So, Mr. Baddoni. I'm sorry about your father's passing. Surely, u must be upset-
Johnny: Don't... Don't call me Mr. Baddoni. Just call me Johnny. Mr. Baddoni was for my father only. I shouldn't even be taking his position right now. He should still be here right now, but some fucking bastard killed him
*He gripped his bat tightly in his hands, his eyes looking own at the ground now before he spoke up*
Johnny: I want everyone, every last one of you, in town, looking for any way of finding the motherfucker that did this. Bribe the police, sneak into rival gang businesses, beat the information out of someone, I don't care how it gets done. All I want is to see my fathers killer dead right fucking now! Do I make myself clear?
*Some of the members were a little worried about the course of action Johnny was taking. They looked at one another, before turning to Johnny*
Member: J-Johnny, isn't this a bit much? We are still a business after all
Johnny: I know, goddammit! But what if that guy comes back and tries to kill me, your boss? What if he tries to kill all of you? You're not just going to sit around like a bunch of spineless fucking cowards and let it happen, of worse, run away, are you?
Member: N-No, of course not
Johnny: Then it looks like, as my first action as the new boss, we find the man who killed my dad, Mr. Baddoni, and hang him door his fucking intestines. Do I make myself clear
*Once again, the members in the room were a little unsure of this decision. Nevertheless, they nodded their heads in agreement, before standing up and walking out of the room, leaving Johnny to sulk in silence*
posted by Windwakerguy430
Hannah: Man, come on, Wind
Wind: Shut up. u rushed me out of the house before I could eat breakfast
Hannah: Wind, all u eat for breakfast is ramen and a can of sausages
Wind: u think with my income, I have a lot of chances to get any other food.
Hannah: Well, at least you’ll get to school on time
Wind: That’s what annoys me

Teacher: Okay, kids, listen up. Today, we will be doing a little science experiment
Cody: Science? That sounds gay
Teacher: Cody, if you’re done with your homosexual lectures for the day, I would like to continue the lesson. Today, we will be dissecting a brain
continue reading...
Page 1
This is Lisa,(.) she is my friend. My mom and dad don't see her, so they say she is my imaginary friend. Lisa is a nice friend(.)
Page 2
Today I tried to plant a bloem in the yard. I tried to plant it door the Sandbox, but Lisa zei that is where her daddy is sleeping, so I planted it in a cup of dirt.
Page 3
Lisa is at school with me today. I brot (Brought) her for toon and tell, but Mrs. Monroe got mad, because she can't see her. Lisa got sad, so she hid the Chalkboard eraser.
Page 4
Yesterday was my birthday party. Mommy bought pizza, but no one came. Lisa zei people came to the porch and...
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added by deathding
Source: deathding
posted by Windwakerguy430

In an alternate world, London had rebuilt itself after a dangerous fire. The brand had crippled most of the buildings, and killed many. They built over the city, and created New London. However, Old London still existed underneath New London, with many homeless and poor people living in it, with the rich people of New London treating the citizens of Old London like prey, hunting, torturing, and killing them for fun. However, a small resistance group known as Eagle's Flight wishes to stop the poor treatment of the civilians of Old London, and overthrow the cruel government of New London...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (Walks into the school building) Goddamn, if I have to hear meer stupid shit today, I am going to lose my mind (Walks in to see all the students wearing uniforms)
Cody: Hi, sir
Wind: Sir? That isn’t what u usually say. What’s going on
Cody: Didn’t u hear. There is this new guy who came to school. He’s been turning the whole school into some sort of monarchy
Wind: … how the fuck do u know the word “monarchy”, and how come no one told me this
Wind: (Cellphone rings)
Cody: hallo Wind, guess what
Wind: No
Cody: Okay, bye (Hangs up)
(End of flashback)
Wind: And...
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Key and Peele