Windwakerguy430 Club
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Let’s talk edgy for a second. When something gets remade to a meer edgy thing, people usually hate it. Man of Steel was edgier Superman, and people hated it. Bomberman Act Zero was edgier Bomberman, and people hated it. DMC: Devil May Cry was edgier Devil May Cry, and it was still better than Devil May Cry 2, but people still hated it. But there is a case when edgier, of in this case, darker, can be better. And that brings us to Twisted Metal: Black.
I never found joy in the older Twisted Metal games. Granted, I only played 1 and 4, and thought they weren’t too fun. But when I got a nice, slim PS2 along with Beyond Good and Evil and Twisted Metal: Black, I thought “Alright, I’ll give it a chance”. And man, do I love it. The game follows a set of classic racers, like the murderous clown Sweet Tooth, the young maniac in a doll mask Dollface, the skull wearing cannibal Mr. Grimm, and many others, as they compete in the Twisted Metal competition held door a mysterious man known as Calypso, with the winner gaining whatever their hart-, hart most desires, which usually turns on them in some way unless their wish is revenge on someone else. All of the characters in this game are unique in their own way, and not just in character. They all have their own cars, their own special moves, and their own pros and cons to their vehicles. Mr. Grimm, for example, drives in a motorcycle. It’s fast and nimble, but has very little health. Dollface drives in a big ezel truck which can take some damage, but is slow and hard to turn. And Sweet Tooth drives an ice cream truck that turns into a murderous robot… I fail to see any downsides to this. The game is pretty fun to go around, if to just destroy everything. Almost everything is destructible in this game. Buildings, other cars, gas canisters, oil farms, u can even shoot down planes and destroy whole straat corners in order to unlock secret characters. I remember fights in the Downtown level leaving the entire city in ruins with the games industrial soundtrack, all over like four cars in the area. My fondest memory was staying up all night in order to unlock all the characters and get all the characters endings, only to realize it was a waste, cause I did it all in the first place only because I had no memory card at the time. But u know what, it was worth it to toon off to my two brothers how good I am.
I haven’t played the latest Twisted Metal, which was like, on the Playstation 3, so I think I got plenty of time to catch up with the franchise. Twisted Metal: Black was… just that. Black, cause fuck it’s dark. And I love it so much. I haven’t played much other car combat games. I hear Cel Damage is fun, and I did play Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense recently, but fuck did that game not hold up. So, in short, Twisted Metal, the king of car combat games? I think so.
#10: home pagina SWEET PINEAPPLE:
Cheers for SpongeBob moving away along with Gary, paying no attention to Patrick's sadness. But this is understandable, he always hated Spongebob.. But the pineapple home pagina grows back to normal and squashes Squidward..

When SpongeBob and Patrick believe they have killed Squidward and that he is now a ghost, he takes advantage of this door making them his slaves..

Squidward steals What Zit Tooya's wallet and ran a red light in front of a police officer and gets arrested and was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

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When SpongeBob didn't give him a present for Valentine's dag (He did but the present didn't come at first) Patrick was upset when he thought Spongebob lied to him. But eventually Patrick went insane over this; nearly destroying the amusement park and threatening the citizens. This is also widely considered to be Patrick's straightest villain role (alongside Rule of Dumb).

When Spongebob pretends to be dumb to make Patrick look smarter in front of his parents, Patrick takes it too far and begins treating Spongebob like he really is dumb. Not only that, but...
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Well, we’re finally at the top, boven ten. We’ve come quite a long way, haven’t we. But now, it is time to talk about the shows that impressed me beyond all expectations. So, here we go

#10: Elfen Lied

Now, if there is anything a horror anime must do best, it’s keep suspense and also scare the viewer throughout the entire show. Elfen Lied does just that. The toon is about two cousins, Kouta and Yuka, who find a girl on the strand named Nyu. However, what they are not aware of is that this girl is actually named Lucy, and she is actually a Diclonius, which are a race of humans with psychic...
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Now, I have seen some serious shit when it comes to movies. Just because there are so many amazing films out there doesn’t mean that all of them are amazing. Hell, some of them are the biggest pile of shit ever to rise from Satan’s toilet bowl. So, I am going to tell u all the worst films I have ever seen. First off, these have to be films that I have seen, so no Food Fight, Biodome, of any of the animated Titanic movies. However, trust me, there are some real bad choices on this list. Also, forget about seeing The Wicker Man, Birdemic, and The Room on this list, because at least those...
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After seeing an April Fool’s joke about the ten best Wind Wanker islands, that got me thinking that I should make my own. And no, not an April Fool’s joke either. I mean a truthful list. Now, before I begin, the rules are that I am not counting any main islands that have dungeons on them, of are major islands. So, Outset Island, Forsaken Fortress, Windfall Island, Dragon Roost Island, Forest Haven, Tower of the Gods, Headstone Island, of Wind Isle are all out. Now, with that said, lets start the list.

 Islet of Steel
Islet of Steel

#10: Islet of Steel - Now, this is a very strange choice, since this...
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Now, video game have a LOT of weapons in them. Some of them are overpowered, some of them are funny, and some are really cool… And then there are THOSE weapons. u know, the ones that make u want to avoid them as much as possible. Yeah, THOSE weapons. Now, before I start this, some rules. One, these are only weapons from games that I have played, and only one per franchise. Also, these are not based off design. They are based off the weapons damage and how effective it is. Also, no powerups. So, nothing from Super Mario Bros, Kirby, Sonic, of any platformer. Oh, and the Klobb from Goldeneye...
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Now, I love Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It’s one of my favoriete games of all time. And, I REALLY love the rare items. Probably because they are based off other Nintendo Games. So, today, I am going to talk about my favoriete items from the game. Why… because no one else has done it and I want to do it before it’s too late. Now, lets start

 brand Bar
Fire Bar

#10: brand Bar - Now, this is the brand Bar from Super Mario Bros… Even though everyone just called it that thing that spins around brand balls. This is a cool item because it is ALWAYS spinning. Not to mention that it also plays the NES theme...
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Now, I already talked about the dungeons in Zelda that I love so much… Sadly though, not all dungeons are fun. Now, all these dungeons are either tedious, boring, of were just plain awful. Now, remember, these are the dungeons I hate. If there is a dungeon that u didn’t want to see on here, then I either like it, of it didn’t make the cut. Now, with that said, lets start the list

 Savage Labyrinth
Savage Labyrinth

#10: Savage Labyrinth from Wind Waker - Now, this a dungeons that goes on FAR too long. u have to fight enemy after enemy after enemy. And if that wasn’t bad enough, u actually have...
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Now, after I made my top, boven Ten Lovable Douchebags list, I noticed something. There are a lot meer lovable douchebags out there. So, I wanna talk about the many meer lovable douchebags in gaming. First off, the obvious. Only one game per franchise, and they can not be villains, just people who would be jerks in real life. Now, lets start the list


#10: Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie - Now, this has to be one of the meer nostalgic characters on this list. Kazooie is Banjo’s sidekick who is always making fun of every character u meet. And, hell, she’ll even break the 4th uithangbord meer times...
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Hello Everyone, and, today, I want to compare the two biggest stars in gaming. That would be, Mr. Video Game, Mario “Jumpman” Mario and The Blue Dude with and Attitude, Sonic the Hedgehog. Now, these two have been fighting since the 90’s, even when Sega moved to Nintendo consoles, they still find a way to challenge each other, even if it is in Olympic sports. So, now, I want to compare what one does better than the other. Lets Start with The 5 Things Mario Does Better than Sonic

#5: Mario Was The Original Platformer - Now, when the NES came out, one of the first games to grace it was Super...
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................................ Okay................... What the hell is this............ I think that something like this, finally got to me............. Why............ Because, unlike most things I reviewed is actually 100% true.
Now, this thing, is known as Hot Skitty on Wailord Action..... What's so hot about it. Now, Skitty is a very small Pokemon, where as Wailord is a very large Pokemon. Now, the reason this is true, is because that there is a Pokemon dag Care Center. Here, u can leave two Pokemon. When u leave them, and if one is male and the other is female, they can have an egg....
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Hello everyone, and I was thinking. I did a top, boven Ten Hated MLP characters, and a top, boven Ten Hated Video Game Characters list, so now, I am thinking of doing a top, boven Ten Hated Cartoon Characters list. Now, if u like a character that is on this list, remember, this is my list, so my opinion. With that, lets start

10: Eddy's Brother from Ed Edd n Eddy - Now, this toon knew how to end the series very well. Sadly, this character is just a jerk. Eddy's Brother was also depicted as being a legend who everyone feared and worshipped. However, what he really is is a total jerk who finds joy in torturing his...
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Today we'll be reviewing the Total Drama Island Fanfic known as The Death of Nick.... And I feel ashamed to share the same name as a character from this fanfiction.
Now, before we start, I have to say that I enjoyed Total Drama Island. It was a very good toon with a great plot, a wonderful cast of characters, and had most of the time spot on humor. But the fanfiction..... Oh boy. So, this story starts off on a positive note. We see the OC character, Nick, get murdered door Trent...... Wait, what? Yeah, this is how the fanfic starts. Not even a seconde in this story and already were getting a murder...
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(Nick antwoorden door)
Nick: Oh my God, how many times are u going to knock on this door. Do u want me to shoot u in the face
Joe: Hey, I am tired of u slamming the door in my face. u know what. I think Dante won't mind if I kill someone
Nick: Wait what
(Joe pulls out a spiked mace and slams it on the ground)
Nick: Oh shit (Slams door)
Cody: Huh. Who was that
Nick: Cody, where's Alice and Cory
Cody: Cory went to a football game and Alice is at the gun store buying meer ammo
Nick: Then it's just us. Go grab the gitaar Axe and Kodama
Cody: Wait, wh-
(Joe breaks door down)
Cody: I'll go get them (Runs...
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Nick: Okay, Alice, just aim and-
Alice: (Fires all the targets with pistol)
Nick: Holy shit, that was awesome, Alice
Alice: Thanks
Nick: Now, lets try with moving targets

Cody: (Playing XBox with Cory)
Cory: Why do u suck at this game
Cody: u shut your mouth. I'm great (Cody's AI dies)
Cory: Great, huh
Cody: Shut it
Nick: Hey, were back
Cody: Where were u two. Robbing old people like the good old fucking days
Nick: No, I was teaching Alice how to use a gun. She even hit all the moving targets without missing once
Cody: Wait, moving targets
Nick: u know, the neighborhood cats. She shot everyone of...
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Hello everyone, and welcome to Boss Bits. Today, we'll be talking about the the sequel to one of the first FPS ever. That game would be Return To kasteel Wolfenstien. Wolfenstien is a game where u play as the American soldier, B.J. Blaskowitz as he fights Nazis, Zombies, Screwed up-abominable monsters, Robots, and a whole mish mash of crap I can't even identify. This game was... Okay, but its nothing like the original. How, Well... The bosses of course

Boss: Olaric
This thing pretty much comes after one of the antagonist, Helga, robs a crypt holding an ancient artifact which brings this abomination...
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snel, swift Justice: Ace Attorney

Case 2-3

The Masked Turnabout

???- Ha. There here. just as planned
Howard- Hey, Leroy. What's that over there
Leroy- Some straat performer, I guess
Howard- What's he running from
Leroy- ...I think he's running after something
Howard- Your right. He looks like he's running at...
*Slice* *Slice* *Slice*
???- The plan may be a little different. But, it will still work

Swift Justice Law Office
June 14th 12:00 p.m.

Lilly: Swift. How are u doing today?
Swift: As always, Lilly, I'm fine
Lilly: Sorry. I'm just wondering when were going to get to the volgende step of my training
Swift: Just...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
(This is an experimental artikel for something else, depending on if it gets the right attention. If u like it, great, but do not expect much from it)

*McKenzie ran through the woods in a panic, shoving branches and leaves out of his way through the darkness, barely able to see through the light of the moon. His car was parked just outside of the town, same as it was for the past week he was here. All he could hear was the shouting of… something behind him, chasing him, getting closer and closer. Carrying the geweer-, geweer in his right hand, a geweer-, geweer with only one bullet in it. Whatever it was that...
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Ho ho ho, everybody. Merry Christmas. It’s the final dag of the 25 Days of Christmas and boy, did I save a big stinker for last. Considered one of the worst games of all time on a technical level, Ride to Hell: Retribution was dead on arrival. No game in the modern age had got as much attention for being as much of a broken mess as Ride to Hell… except maybe Fallout 76. Published door Deep Silver and developed door Eutechnyx (Yeah, try pronouncing that one), Ride to Hell had bigger ambitions than what we got. It was planned to be an open world sandbox game set in the 70s, playing as a bigger...
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