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'Katelyn, if u don’t hurry up I swear I’ll shove my movie down your throat!' Ash zei as I emptied my locker.
‘Just a few meer things….’ I threw book after book into my bag.
‘Hurry up! It’s like summer break and were still at school!’ my other bestie Sammi zei pinching me on my shoulder.
‘Right! Done! Let’s go!’ I zei shutting and locking my locker.
I looked at both of them, ‘What?’ They zei nothing but rolled their eyes.
‘BAAAAAAA!” Steph yelled nearly scaring me out of my wits.
‘Hwy that’s not funny, is it?’ I asked as they all busted out in laughter. ‘Where’s Arnie door the way?’ but before anyone could answer my question, Arnie came running around the corner.
‘AHHHHHHHH! BAAAAAAA! BAAAAAA!’ she slipped over and skidded into our circle. ‘Did I scare anyone?’ she asked hopefully fixing up her glasses.
‘Absolutely! I nearly started screaming myself!’ I managed to say threw my snickers.
‘Hello hot guys,’ Steph, Sammi and Ash zei at the same time.
‘Oooo!’ Arnie zei jumping to her feet and to Daniels side.
‘Babe.’ Alex zei standing volgende to and hugging Ash.
Simon walked over to Steph and slipped a package into her hand; she slipped it into her pocket and held his hand.
Thomas came running steadily around the corner. Sammi took off into a sprint and ran straight into him.
‘Here,’ she reached into her back pocket and pulled out fake vampire fangs. ‘Put them in.’
Thomas- the toon off that he is- shoved the fangs into his mouth lifted Sammi up and pretended to bite her.
‘Wow! Now I really can say that I only datum vampires,’ Sammi sung happily.
Thomas kissed her on the cheek, ‘What ever u say!’
Sammi laughed, ‘Ha! Ha! No really are you?’
We walked out of school grounds to the car park opposite the post office. We- meaning myself and my four brothers- hopped into our car and took off for home pagina after waving every one goodbye.
‘What did u give Steph, Simon?’ I asked shoving my zitplaats, stoel riem on.
‘Ummm. Your Pandora bracelet, with all your charms.’ Simon answered back.
I rolled my eyes and gazed across the straat to see Jackson and his brothers and sisters. I waved a casual wave and murmured to my self, ‘Good bye.’

I woke up to someone pulling at my eyebrows, nose, and lifting my eyelids up.
‘ARRRR! Go away Myer!’ I yelled realizing she was lying on top, boven of my.
‘Your eyes go funny when I lift them up when you’re ni-nies!’ Myer said.
‘Nar Dar! Go away!’ I yelled at her and pulled the blankets over my head.
Myer wiggled in under the blankets ‘it’s so dark under here isn’t it!’ Myer whispered.
‘Nar dar! I thought it was so bright under here!’ I zei sarcastically and threw the blankets of me sitting up in the bed.
‘No silly!’ Myer giggled ‘Piggyback! Piggyback!’
I rolled my eyes ‘fine hold on!’
I walked-still tired from the night before- down the stairs and threw Myer on the couch.
‘What do u want to watch?’ I asked and turned the TV on.
‘Robin Hood! Robin Hood…..’
‘Yah alright I heard u the first time!’ I placed the disc in the machine and pressed play.
I looked around at the time, ‘Wow 10:33am where’s mummy and daddy Myer my minion?’
‘Ummm….. There….. Ummm….. I forget! Where’s my blankey?’
‘Ummm….. It’s….. Ummm….. I forget!’ I zei back blankly.
She looked at me in disbelief. ‘There taking care of some unattended business.’
I threw her, her blankey and slammed my hand hard down on the bench, ‘Dam it!’ I muttered, ‘I knew they would leave me behind. Wait did they all go?’
‘No,’ Myer zei flatly, ‘Daddy, Uncky Dan, Uncky Alef, and Uncky Tom went. Mummy, granddaddy, and nanny are out on the porch.’ She wrapped her blanket around her head and went back to her movie.
I picked up a keuken-, keuken mes off the bench and started to schommel, swing it around in my fingers. I threw it back down when my nerves got to me and walked out the back door, threw the garden and flopped down in a chair on the porch.
‘Ummm….. Myers’ aloud to watch M 15+ films right?’ I asked Steph.
‘What u freak she’s only 2 and ½ years old!’ she screamed at me and ran into the house.
‘You’re kidding me right?’ my mum asked me.
‘Yah! I mean u seriously believed me?’
Dad slapped me over the head lightly.
‘How are things going with the “unfinished business”?’ I asked trying to keep the jealously out of my voice.
‘Good! They should be back soon now that u mention it!’ he zei happily brushing a strand of hair out of my eye.
I sighed deeply, ‘Why didn’t the wake me up to go with them?’
‘Your brothers needed to do this door themselves.’ Was my mums excuse. But I knew the real reason, ‘Your to fragile. Yes u can fight your one of the best fighters but we can’t beer to see u get hurt. You’re a GIRL!’
‘Whatever.’ I mumbled and walked back inside.
I cracked an egg, threw in some flour, sugar, boter and melk into a bowl and beat it like total freak. I placed the mixture into a frying pan, and cooked the pannekoeken, pannenkoeken to perfection.
I just sat down and ate my first pancake when my brothers walked in.
‘DADDY!’ Myer screamed and ran into Simmons open arms.
‘Thanks sissy!’ Alex zei taking a handful of pancakes.
‘She’s awake!’ Daniel zei scruff ling my hair and taking the rest of the pancakes.
‘Where’s Thomas?’ I asked throwing my plate into the sink and turning to an apple.
‘Here,’ Thomas zei walking into the room with a person infrount of him with a bag over his head and his hands tied behind him.
Thomas threw the dude on his knees in the center of the living room, as Steph to Myer up stairs.
Myer stopped at the beginning of the seconde flight of stairs and ran back down to me. ‘Aren’t u coming Arny Cakey? Where going to play thee parties,’ she put her little cute face on with puppy dog eyes.
‘Oh! u better hurry up then because u don’t want mummy to eat all the cookies,’ I zei taking another bite from my apple.
She gasped and ran up the stairs.
I walked over to the guy on the floor. They had taken the bag off his head and were beating him. I came closer and nearly chocked on my apple.
‘STOP IT!!!!’ I screamed defending Jackson and taking and accidental blow from Alex and Thomas in the head and stomach.
I hit the ground – hard – I blinked a couple of times then I fell into complete darkness.
added by CathCuddy
Source: google
added by CathCuddy
Source: google
posted by ToEkNeE
I woke up as usual. But there was something about today that was going to change. Unusual. I stumbled out of bed, opening my eyes to darkness. I wouldn't need to expect sunlight just yet. I clumsily found my way to the bathroom to take my shower.
For some reason, I wanted extremely hot water. Usually, I would have tepid water on, but this time, the water was blazing. The water beat my back with an intensity far beyond a human could ever intake. It was like hail was being shot at my skin, with a beat to it. The burning was far worse. When every droplet hit my skin, there would suddenly be a sharp...
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posted by delta117
i awoke pain everywhere it felt like my skin was melting but yet i did not scream traing kicked in and i found my black armoar to any normal sentient bieng it would be like an anchor but i am not normal am i after that i grabbed my weapons the first was a set of 2 curved assian knifes curved and made for my hands seconde standard ar geweer-, geweer it had no scope only sights all i needed to kill at 100 yards third a shotgun normal used in swat teams tactical 12 guage shot gun pomp action forth 44mm glock i holousterd it and my knifes my knifes at arm length pistol on my hip then an explosion rocked my...
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added by whitelion
Young and fresh and shining bright
Filled with wonder and delight
I see beauty, dag and night
I am young enough

Whether it's Real of just Pretend
Possibilities have no end
There could be magic, 'round the bend
I am young enough

Dolls can verplaats when I'm asleep
They come to life while I count sheep
And freeze whene'er I dare to peep
I am young enough

Book-friends all come out to play
My bed becomes a magic sleigh
Imagination rules the day
I am young enough

The sky can cry a lot of tears
The trees tell secrets; can't u hear?
The world's alive: to me that's clear
I am young enough

Grownups say the queerest words
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posted by Dearheart
If you're wondering, "Diem Mirabilis" is Latin for "Day of Wonders". (At least it's SUPPOSED to be. My Latin isn't what it used to be, hehe.) This was just a little something I whipped up for a story I'm writing. I wanted to put something at the beginning of each chapter that roughly follows the times of day, and I couldn't find anything good. So I made my own. =) Hope u enjoy it!

Diem Mirabilis


for Morning is made
of mysteries and uncertainties
the hopes of beginnings
the risks of unknowns
the potential for greatness
of failure


for Midday is the height
of the glory of the sun
the climax of twenty-four hours
the brightness that blinds and clarifies
the antwoorden once hidden
now unveiled


for Sunset arrives
with the final shift of the sky
the afterglow of the triumph
the sweetness of the last drop
the closing chapter of a story
and the beginning...

of a new one.
posted by Cinders
I've been slowly but steadily coming to the conclusion that poetry as an art form is quickly losing its flavor amongst the iPod generation. And I'm not talking about contemporary poets who don't get read door the masses, because as Gertrude Stein would say, "Those who are creating the modern composition authentically are naturally only of importance when they are dead because door that time the modern composition having become past is classified and the beschrijving of it is classical. That is the reason why the creator of the new composition in the arts is an outlaw until he is a classic." Or,...
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posted by BellaSwan636

Tia had told me that he obviously liked black, so she'd chosen the scary halster, halter top, boven and skinny jeans with black peep-toed heels. Tia had gone overboard. I looked like a freaking goth.

I thought I was dressed way out of my league, but Tia zei I wasn't. It was difficult to believe her.

Still, I dropped a plate when I was in the keuken-, keuken on Saturday evening when he knocked on the door. I almost twisted my ankle in my hurry to open the door. I threw it open, and I almost cried in relief when it was him and I hadn't almost injured myself for nothing.

He looked stunned when he saw what I was...
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posted by whitelion
your smile, your eyes, your voice
as if u gave me a choice
everything about u i loved
all other feelings aside i shoved

on your every word i hung
and even among
a crowd, only u i see
nowhere else i would rather be

these feelings for you, that are kept inside
i can no longer hide
everything about u i admire
u are all i desire

so kind, so sweet, so passionate
everytime our eyes met
my hart-, hart would race
while looking at your smiling face

full of buety, life, and joy
with my emotions u play like a toy
like a wild beast, my emotions cannot be tame
and i don't even know your name
posted by sweetpea92
    “Ok well the whole not kicking me thing is definite progress!” I zei the uncomfortable silence was killing me. His midnight blue eyes for once showed something, I couldn’t tell if it was surprise of anger, though it was probably anger. That seemed to be a common theme with him. He walked over to me and I noticed that his feet still didn’t make a sound as they brushed against the dry ground.
    “Ok,” He said, “what gave u the idea that I’m still human?” I rolled my eyes as I brought them up to meet his. “Well for...
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posted by TDIlover226
Eddie just sat there in the plain dark room, looking at the many tubes coming from the floor to the ceiling. He wondered how far away he was from home, he wondered what his parents thought, and if they'd already called the police, trying to look got him. He estimated that it had been about 3 day's sence he'd been taken. Now he could tell that it was getting dark, he wasn't sure how though, the room was dark, had no windows and was cold and damp. He thought that he might starve down there, sence the mutants hadn't been down there for some time now. He really thought that they were just messing...
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posted by spikes_girl
There are things in your every dag life that u never take a seconde glance at. They're just there, noting to ponder over of to think about. Here are two short tribute poems to some overlooked objects in life.


The ultramarijn colored water
Dances down through a maze of marble obstacles
Creating clear rainbows across the sheer water's surface.

A carpet of copper and silver glints at the bottom
Lost with memory of young children
Wishing for new puppies
Ice cream cones
Hot dogs for dinner
For bedtime stories to become flesh
A cat in a hat to come skipping off the pages.

Everything is in this...
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posted by Dearheart
A/N: I finished writing this about five minuten ago, lol. It's actually a song, but I figured it would fit as a poem as well.

This poem/song was inspired door two things: 1) A few of my favoriete anime couples, namely Ed x Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist and Hoshino x Tanabe from Planetes (AWESOME series). And 2) while my dad was in Iraq, he heard "My Immortal" for the first time and zei he loved the idea behind it...but it was too sad/depressing because "the chorus was in past tense instead of present tense." So he asked me if maybe I could take the same concept and do my own thing with it. I...
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Sorry this is so long and confusing! I promise the volgende part will be meer exciting! :)

I never realized how much it hurt to be shot. Who would believe that that was the least of my worries? I certainly didn’t, so as I was screaming my head off, all people from around the school came into the band hall to see who was screaming. I suppose they would be a bit disappointed that someone was just shot and no one had gone crazy, which would have been equally entertaining, but there was tension in the room. Kids stood awkwardly around, not knowing what to do. People that had crowded around me earlier...
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posted by Katiegirl
Nightfall was rising rapidly on this wondrous night.
    I found myself dozing into a heavenly sleep. My dreams
    began to indulge my inner thoughts seductively I could
    Feel myself falling into an internal state of mind. A place
    where only my dreams had a recollection of my desires
    of this world. In the outermost parts of my dream I
    could faintly hear the loud thunderous storm
    lurking outside my window. Slightly beyond
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added by whitelion
posted by mrs-mindfreak
Meredith sat up in the middle of the night screaming. Again. She felt tears wet her eyes at another miserable attempt at sleep. She wanted to pull her sore eyes from her sockets. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stay asleep. She wasn’t going to get any meer sleep tonight, and Meredith knew that. She pulled off the sheets and slowly stood up. She wobbled slightly and held her head. These nightmares were going to be the death of her.
    Meredith crept down the hall and into the keuken-, keuken for a little snack. Maybe some warm melk would put her to sleep. She reached...
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    "I love you. Will u be my girlfriend?" an unknown boy has ask me. I was struck with shock that I have a dumb look on my face.
    "O-o-of c-course I will. I love u too." Wait. What?! What am I saying! Why the heck do I want to be this boy girlfriend?! Why am I in love with him?! Most importantly, WHO THE HECK IS THIS BOY?!
    Ouch! I open my eyes, gazing up at the bumpy, white ceiling. Oh so all of that was just a dream. I sigh with relief but feeling disappointed at the same time. Awwww and here I thought someone finally confessed...
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Chapter Thirteen

When Jamie and Sean got inside Jamie’s home, put the bags of food on the keuken-, keuken counter, put Jake in his playpen and gave him a toy to play with, and the moment they saw a smiling Jake and completely ignoring them door admiring his toy, Jamie and Sean grinned at each other and to get it started, they ran upstairs to Jamie’s bedroom and closed the door.

The moment they got inside, Jamie got rid of Sean’s light blue...
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