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'Katelyn, if u don’t hurry up I swear I’ll shove my movie down your throat!' Ash zei as I emptied my locker.
‘Just a few meer things….’ I threw book after book into my bag.
‘Hurry up! It’s like summer break and were still at school!’ my other bestie Sammi zei pinching me on my shoulder.
‘Right! Done! Let’s go!’ I zei shutting and locking my locker.
I looked at both of them, ‘What?’ They zei nothing but rolled their eyes.
‘BAAAAAAA!” Steph yelled nearly scaring me out of my wits.
‘Hwy that’s not funny, is it?’ I asked as they all busted out in laughter. ‘Where’s Arnie door the way?’ but before anyone could answer my question, Arnie came running around the corner.
‘AHHHHHHHH! BAAAAAAA! BAAAAAA!’ she slipped over and skidded into our circle. ‘Did I scare anyone?’ she asked hopefully fixing up her glasses.
‘Absolutely! I nearly started screaming myself!’ I managed to say threw my snickers.
‘Hello hot guys,’ Steph, Sammi and Ash zei at the same time.
‘Oooo!’ Arnie zei jumping to her feet and to Daniels side.
‘Babe.’ Alex zei standing volgende to and hugging Ash.
Simon walked over to Steph and slipped a package into her hand; she slipped it into her pocket and held his hand.
Thomas came running steadily around the corner. Sammi took off into a sprint and ran straight into him.
‘Here,’ she reached into her back pocket and pulled out fake vampire fangs. ‘Put them in.’
Thomas- the toon off that he is- shoved the fangs into his mouth lifted Sammi up and pretended to bite her.
‘Wow! Now I really can say that I only datum vampires,’ Sammi sung happily.
Thomas kissed her on the cheek, ‘What ever u say!’
Sammi laughed, ‘Ha! Ha! No really are you?’
We walked out of school grounds to the car park opposite the post office. We- meaning myself and my four brothers- hopped into our car and took off for home pagina after waving every one goodbye.
‘What did u give Steph, Simon?’ I asked shoving my zitplaats, stoel riem on.
‘Ummm. Your Pandora bracelet, with all your charms.’ Simon answered back.
I rolled my eyes and gazed across the straat to see Jackson and his brothers and sisters. I waved a casual wave and murmured to my self, ‘Good bye.’

I woke up to someone pulling at my eyebrows, nose, and lifting my eyelids up.
‘ARRRR! Go away Myer!’ I yelled realizing she was lying on top, boven of my.
‘Your eyes go funny when I lift them up when you’re ni-nies!’ Myer said.
‘Nar Dar! Go away!’ I yelled at her and pulled the blankets over my head.
Myer wiggled in under the blankets ‘it’s so dark under here isn’t it!’ Myer whispered.
‘Nar dar! I thought it was so bright under here!’ I zei sarcastically and threw the blankets of me sitting up in the bed.
‘No silly!’ Myer giggled ‘Piggyback! Piggyback!’
I rolled my eyes ‘fine hold on!’
I walked-still tired from the night before- down the stairs and threw Myer on the couch.
‘What do u want to watch?’ I asked and turned the TV on.
‘Robin Hood! Robin Hood…..’
‘Yah alright I heard u the first time!’ I placed the disc in the machine and pressed play.
I looked around at the time, ‘Wow 10:33am where’s mummy and daddy Myer my minion?’
‘Ummm….. There….. Ummm….. I forget! Where’s my blankey?’
‘Ummm….. It’s….. Ummm….. I forget!’ I zei back blankly.
She looked at me in disbelief. ‘There taking care of some unattended business.’
I threw her, her blankey and slammed my hand hard down on the bench, ‘Dam it!’ I muttered, ‘I knew they would leave me behind. Wait did they all go?’
‘No,’ Myer zei flatly, ‘Daddy, Uncky Dan, Uncky Alef, and Uncky Tom went. Mummy, granddaddy, and nanny are out on the porch.’ She wrapped her blanket around her head and went back to her movie.
I picked up a keuken-, keuken mes off the bench and started to schommel, swing it around in my fingers. I threw it back down when my nerves got to me and walked out the back door, threw the garden and flopped down in a chair on the porch.
‘Ummm….. Myers’ aloud to watch M 15+ films right?’ I asked Steph.
‘What u freak she’s only 2 and ½ years old!’ she screamed at me and ran into the house.
‘You’re kidding me right?’ my mum asked me.
‘Yah! I mean u seriously believed me?’
Dad slapped me over the head lightly.
‘How are things going with the “unfinished business”?’ I asked trying to keep the jealously out of my voice.
‘Good! They should be back soon now that u mention it!’ he zei happily brushing a strand of hair out of my eye.
I sighed deeply, ‘Why didn’t the wake me up to go with them?’
‘Your brothers needed to do this door themselves.’ Was my mums excuse. But I knew the real reason, ‘Your to fragile. Yes u can fight your one of the best fighters but we can’t beer to see u get hurt. You’re a GIRL!’
‘Whatever.’ I mumbled and walked back inside.
I cracked an egg, threw in some flour, sugar, boter and melk into a bowl and beat it like total freak. I placed the mixture into a frying pan, and cooked the pannekoeken, pannenkoeken to perfection.
I just sat down and ate my first pancake when my brothers walked in.
‘DADDY!’ Myer screamed and ran into Simmons open arms.
‘Thanks sissy!’ Alex zei taking a handful of pancakes.
‘She’s awake!’ Daniel zei scruff ling my hair and taking the rest of the pancakes.
‘Where’s Thomas?’ I asked throwing my plate into the sink and turning to an apple.
‘Here,’ Thomas zei walking into the room with a person infrount of him with a bag over his head and his hands tied behind him.
Thomas threw the dude on his knees in the center of the living room, as Steph to Myer up stairs.
Myer stopped at the beginning of the seconde flight of stairs and ran back down to me. ‘Aren’t u coming Arny Cakey? Where going to play thee parties,’ she put her little cute face on with puppy dog eyes.
‘Oh! u better hurry up then because u don’t want mummy to eat all the cookies,’ I zei taking another bite from my apple.
She gasped and ran up the stairs.
I walked over to the guy on the floor. They had taken the bag off his head and were beating him. I came closer and nearly chocked on my apple.
‘STOP IT!!!!’ I screamed defending Jackson and taking and accidental blow from Alex and Thomas in the head and stomach.
I hit the ground – hard – I blinked a couple of times then I fell into complete darkness.
posted by Cinders
It has been zei that those with no words often have the most to say.

New York City, circa 1992.

He was quiet, a secret sort of troubled, his hands buried deep into his pockets as he wandered the slums of a black city, a heavy shadow cast over the sky that was too dark for the stars to penetrate.

She was a bloodnut and she watched him from the shadows, her dead hart-, hart rattling inside of her empty chest. She launched herself at him and latched onto his arm like a leech, beginning to beg, offering services in exchange for the substance she craved so much. Just a taste, she said, she promised that...
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 Courtesy of the cartoonist, Clangnuts
Courtesy of the cartoonist, Clangnuts
Ah, the dreaded cliché! The worst feedback a writer can get is, "Well, it sounds sort of cliché, doesn't it?"

All authors want to be original. If someone even mentions that a writer's work reminds them of someone else's, the writer tenses up. "No, no, no, I'm nothing like him," he says swiftly. "I've never even read him."

"Yeah, but it's kinda like him," the reader persists, believing she is giving a compliment rather than an insult. "He's incredible, u should read him!"

The thing is-- it should be a compliment when a reader compares your work to...
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posted by mars15
I hate when u walk away from me
because I'm always scared that u won't be come back
I hate every time i see you
because i always melt like ice scream on sun
I hate every time when I'm not seeing you
because i always think where are you
I hate that you're always in my head
because i can't think about anything else but you
I hate when u don't talk with me
because i always think that i did something wrong
I hate that i always try to impress you
but it's like u don't see that
I hate every time u touch me instinctively
because u always make me want to hold you,to kiss you
I hate every time u talk...
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posted by thirteen_times
He didn’t want money of fancy cars; all he wanted was to be loved door someone, any one at all. He needed someone to care about him, not his wealth, not his ties to the rich and famous, someone that actually cared about him, the boy with bright blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight, curly raven black hair and a boyish grin permanently plastered on his face hiding the pain of being alone. Yet no one did, all they saw was the heir to the Jeffrey Empire, the boy that was going to inherited it all. The boy, who was the prefect son living up to the Jeffrey name. They never saw the boy’s who’s arms were covered in cuts, the mes against his skin, the blood dripping down staining the carpet, his eyes closing never to open again. No one read the note tucked into his pocket cause no one cared.
The only sound that could be heard in the large hospital of Melbourne was the continuous beeps from the room in which Jamie's daughter lay.

The white walls and the bright yellow lights were too much for Jamie too take and the vraag which he dreaded to ask himself filled his head. First of all why is my precious Stephanie in here? Nothings wrong with her she stayed at Ashley's all weekend. What could have happened? and secondly why hasn't that receptionist stopped staring at me. She hasn't looked away since i sat down.
Jamie looked down at his watch, it was eight in the morning. He had been...
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posted by Cutebutcrazy--
My name is Gennive Mason.
I am 13 years old.
And oh yeah. I'm the last vampirehunter alive.
You pobally think it's so cool. " Oh yeah she's the last vampire hunter alve. u must be everyones hero." Wrong. No one and I repeat no one can know about me of vampires of warer wolves of shape- shifters of witches. u see it goes against code. The sacred code of all night creatures even I have to fallow it of I'm dead. door law it says if a vampire hunter tells anyone about the night creatuures they send some one then it's bye-bye hunter. Lovley isn't it. I find it kinda ironic. My job is to find and...
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added by harold
Source: Brigham Young universiteit
posted by Spotty_Vision21
I shouldn’t have shot the dog. I definitely shouldn’t have shot the dog. Even if he did chew upon my prized drumsticks, and feast upon my freshly-baked brownies. The little white-and-brown terror, Mickey, belonged to my neighbor. My neighbor, an 87-year-old chain-smoker named Mary, rarely left the confines of her living room. She sat, dag in and dag out, as her precious mutts wreaked havoc about the neighborhood.
You can see it! My house, the little beasts have chewed upon everything their gnashing, tiny, sharp little teeth could find. I did my best to keep them out, but the little bastards...
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posted by thirteen_times
There he is just standing there, starring at u with puppy dog eyes. He smiles briefly at u breaking your heart. It’s all too much so u so u slam the door. Before the door shuts he sticks his foot in the door way stopping it.
“I just want to talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” u lie. u don’t want to hear him apologize of even see him. What he did hurt u like nothing else could, still u knew that u loved him and u hart-, hart ached for him. u wish u could turn back time to when u both were happy but u know that what’s done is done.
“How about us…”...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
At lunch I went over and sat volgende to Liz, she looked up at me and smiled. “So, you’re talking to me” I said, I opened my can and took a sip out. “Yeah, I forgive you” she said, and then she turned and looked at Adam. “Is that why?” I zei nodding at Adam. She smiled at me, and giggled. “He’s happy” The word shocked me as they came out of her mouth; I had forgotten that Adam was as Liz tells me ‘unhappy’. I gave her a light smile, I had made him happy. When the klok, bell went it frightened me I was too lost in my thoughts to even care about being late, so for a while I just...
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posted by fire_ice
What is the greatest kiss in the world to you? Is it the ol "let's just be friends" peck on the cheak, of maybe it's the "let's just finish this, I have places to see and people to do" kiss, it could be Mom's favoriete kiss the "we'll finish this later" kiss of the one that my brother, Tyler gives his khloe eyed tamagotchi girlfriend, Misha.
I'm not exactly sure how to discibe this kiss to u and I can't guarenttee that what ever u have previously eaten wont decide to toon itself again but I can tell u that I'm sick of sitting in the living room during one of their sucking face sessions....
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posted by daitheflu4u
A Valentine’s Gift: A Story of Determination

    Every once in a while we face certain challenges in life; whether it would be at work, school, home, of an illness. At times we don’t know if we have the courage and inner strength to get passed our obstacle. And sometimes during our worst obstacles, we can accomplish the unexpected. Depending on the challenges we face in life, we still must keep our dignity, even if we lose the battle.
    The two were unprepared for the dag at the hospital, where Lisa would undergo a biopsy. They thought of the procedure...
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posted by mars15
I need you
from the first moment i saw you
I need you
because you're the air i breathe
I need you
because you're the water i drink
I need you
because just the thought of seeing u makes me want to get out of bed
I need you
because u can with just one smile make my whole world starts to turning again
I need you
because u make me wake up from my the most horrible nightmare without fear
I need you
because u can give me hope when i don't have one
I need you
because even if I'm at the bottom,you're always there to help me stand up
I need you
because in this cruel world u keep me alive
I need you
because i know that you'll never give up from me
I need you
because when no one believed in me u were there to stand up for me
I need you
because you're everything for me
But the most important thing why i need u is
because I'll always love you!

This was in my head so i just thought to write it
added by vampiress015
Also very funny, don't u just wish u could do these things yourself?
kaleb nation
bran hambric
posted by TDIlover226
Eddie Krinshaw walked down the side walk of the Ulysses S. Grant comunity park. It was almost dark and the sun was starting to set. He needed to get home pagina before his curfew, of his parents would get mad. He walked through the park gates, then across the straat to his house. Just as he was getting ready to do his homework, there was a pounding on his window. He waited until the pounding stopped, then he opened the window to see his friend Vincent Samson standing there with a dart gun in his hands. "What are u doing!" zei Eddie. "I found this cool construction site down town" zei Vincent.
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posted by Free_Spirit
Me: Okay these are two poems of mine. The first one is a translation of sonnet 18, door shakkespear the other is an original, so thats probably really bad lol. u could say my translation helps people understand what its about

Sonnet 18-translated door me written bt shakespear

Are u as lovely as the days of summer
But u can not be, for your beauty and fairness range far beyond
summer can be rough, shaking the flowers in bloom
And summer is to short for my liking
The sun bears down harshly upon us,
and is often eclipsed door the clouds.
And all beauty erodes away,
by the the mother of nature or...
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added by roxy_cutegirl
posted by livethislifeup
Like after all the nights before, I had woken up a several amount of times. Every hour, past twelve, until I finally woke at nine. This routine was my life. It was all it was, after Max.
Max, was my life for the twelve years we had. However, five of those twelve years, we spent in grief.
Diagnosed with lung cancer on our sixth jaar anniversary. At first, we were a little worried--but we were certain that things would turn out fine. He promised me that they would. That, however, was not the case.
With radiation treatment, and surgeries here and there, the cancer came back every jaar until our twelfth...
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posted by babina
Hey! everyone! thanx for reading and commenting on my articles! HOPE u ENJOY THIS ONE!

When i turned around to look in the direction where she was coming from, i saw that nearly all the people who had been standing there were gone.I looked around and saw some of the kids running into the bathrooms, others entering classrooms which they were not supposed to be in.I thought about hiding in one room that was on the left side near the locker i had hit my head on but before i could even move, i had Mrs.copcon say, "Everyone stop where they are standing".

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