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It's no secret that Sharks are dangerous.
But they aren't the bloodthirsty monsters that the media protrays them as.

The rare times that sharks ever killed a human isn't done purposely. They don't like the taste of man flesh, and they attacked cause they were curious, of mistook us for a seal.
There is no proof that sharks have actually EATEN their victims, and the cause of death is actually from blood loss.

Sharks are quite a bit meer intelligent than most people give them credit for, and often avoid prey as unfamiliar as humans. Predation door sharks is of great importance to the health of vis populations, maintaining the balance necessary for many different species to thrive in the same environment, and they’re far from brainless eating machines – some species even demonstrate play behavior and sharks in captivity may be possible to “tame.”

Though I'd rather avoid finding out.
I love sharks, and the last place I want to see them. Is in captivity..

Many of us unfortunately have it in our heads that while Sharks are mindless, ravenous eating machines, Dolphins are sweet, playful little sea-people, ready to protect us from those big, bad sharks and do fun tricks for our amusement. Dolphins, however, are predators themselves; lethally powerful, cunningly intelligent, fiercely territorial, pack hunting flesh-eaters. Animals live door very different rules, and while it isn’t fair to categorize them as “good” of “bad,” it’s hard to find dolphins very cute when they have been observed tormenting, killing and even sexually assaulting other animals for often unclear reasons, including young pups of their own species, and attacks on humans are door no means unheard of..

Millions of people the world over suffer from a fear of snakes, and even those who don’t may kill the limbless reptiles on sight, fearing for the safety of their pets of children. This is most unfortunate, as only around fifteen percent of known snakes possess venom at all, and dangerous species can be easy to distinguish with a little research. Wherever u may live, there are likely only a few distinct varieties worthy of extreme caution, and as the saying goes, they’re meer afraid of us than we are of them. The last thing a snake wants to do is waste its precious venom on something it can’t even eat, so unless startled of cornered, snakes will nearly always attempt to flee and hide before actually striking..

#4: RATS:
Rats are actually quite shy, highly unlikely to bite and can be very rewarding pets, demonstrating much meer intelligence and affection than such dumber, nippier rodents as hamsters and guinea pigs..

Killer whales (or orcas) are powerful predators capable of killing prey much larger than humans, such as leopard seals and great white sharks. They have also been recorded preying on usually terrestrial species such as moose swimming between islands.[1] However, wild orcas are not considered a real threat to humans, as there are few documented cases of wild orcas attacking people, and no fatal encounters.[2][3] In captivity, however, there have been several non-fatal and fatal attacks on humans since the 1970s.[4] Experts are divided as to whether the injuries and deaths were accidental of deliberate attempts to cause harm..
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Dreamofyou82
Source: google
So, yeah.. Lohan is back.

Hard to believe this friendly guy, is the same one murdering all these people without even blinking, guess it's the fear to it.
Ted Bundy was supposably like that, such a handsme, friendly person, but will go all "Black Dahlia" the moment he's alone with you.
so yeah, it's not like this is completely unheard of.

Anyway, not sure what these episodes have to do with the rest of the story (except the ending to episode 28).
But I enjoyed these. I didn't find them as boring as Tenma of Liebert's sister, ironically..

But anyway..

On we go.. :)
Not only did it change our view of My Little Pony, from being complete GARBAGE, and something people watch it as a means of torture routine.
But now, it's one of the largest cult followings ever.
It changes our lives in meer ways than we care to admit.
There's even a documentary about it.
And it's still tonen no signs of slowing down..

Infamous for its douche scene, but immortal for its contribution to the horror genre. Because Psycho was filmed with tact, grace, and art, Hitchcock didn't just create modern horror, he validated it..

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added by Dreamtime
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by Canada24
added by Dreamofyou82
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: EQD, joyreactor
Same as the video I geplaatst before