fan Camp Half-Blood Warriors of China: Emperor

XxDamOnStErxX posted on Sep 03, 2011 at 04:45PM
This is the first ever story about Chinese mythology here! Yah!

Camp Yin & Yang

Rated: Pg13 or rated R (just in case)

5 new demigods shall follow this great new prophecy. Son of the fire beast shall lead the others on a quest to get back the Earth from the Emperor. One of
the demigods shall portray the others. Will they succeed their quest and bring the Earth back to Paradise? ( Paradise is a place much like Olympus, but it's where the Chinese Immortals dwell)
Please comment on my story idea, I'll start writing tomorrow :)

(sorry I will not list the characters now, I don't want to give any clues away, opps not the first Chinese mythology here, srry)

This will kinda include Greek and Egyptian mythology :D

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