TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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honey moon,Gwen's pov!
*laughs* me and Trent are on our honey moon,but without my precious baby boy..we had to get some time alone...BOY DID WE! we went to Paris,France! its so awesome! i drew the city at night..and then Trent came out some time later and pulled me back inside to make love...ah..i have NEVER felt anything that good in my life! but there is one slight,tiny problem to when we..made love the other night...NO PROTECTION! now i have to tell him..will he yell of just be sweet to me? okay we are going to sleep, time to tell it goes.
no one pov!
both:*sleeping* Gwen:yawn! Trent...*shakes him slightly* Trent:*snores* Gwen:Trent! Trent:AH! *falls off bed* ow..what happened? *rubs his head* Gwen:babe..c-can i tell u something? Trent:*lays down in bed facing her*sure. Gwen:well...remember when we made love the other night? Trent:yeah? Gwen:do u know what u forgot to use? Trent:*sits up wide eyes* SHIT! i forgot to use a fucking condom! *hits himself* are you...pregnant? Gwen:*looks down and cry a little* yes. Trent:*looks sad* no,no i`m not mad you`re having another just i`m not responsible anymore....i`m so sorry. *sighs and looks down* Gwen:its just forgot, no long as i`m with u nothing can go wrong. Trent:*smiles and hugs her* are u hungry? do u need anything? Gwen:*giggles*no,but i`d like to go to sleep with the man i love. Trent:*lays down and puts his hand over her stomach* cool. *they fall asleep*
the volgende day!
Trent:yawn! *sits up on the bed and stretches* Gwen:*groans and rolls the other way* Trent:*opens blinds* Gwen:*covers her eyes* god dammit Trent! shut the fucking blinds! Trent:*chuckles and shuts them* time to wake up. Gwen:*sits up* why can't i sleep in? Trent:well babe,we leave today. Gwen:i`m so tired..i can't even feel my face. *falls face down on the bed* Trent:*pats her back* i know u and the baby are tired,but we cant stay here forever..we got a baby back home. Gwen:i know,i just cant do allot of stuff when i`m pregnant,you know that. Trent:*laughs*yeah,like make love. Gwen:oh don't tempt me. Trent:i already got all our stuff packed up,ready to go? u think Courtney screwed it up taking care of Nick? Trent:*they leave their room*i wouldn't count on it..*try to sound like Courtney* i was a C.I.T before. Gwen:*laughs* i didn't know u can sound like a girl. Trent:*flirts* well,listening to u pleading me to fuck u harder,kinda helped me..and your muziek u sometimes listen to. Gwen:*blushes* Trent! *hits him* Trent:i`m just messing with u babe.
they reach Courtney's house!
Gwen:that was an uneventful ride back to Canada. Trent:especially with the loud crying baby..i have such a headache. Gwen:*groans* me too,lets just get Nick and leave. *opens door* Courtney:who is it? Trent:its Santa Claus..who do u think it is? Duncan:don't have to be a dick about it. Gwen:well,we are tired and have a headache!! da..da! *crawls towards them* Trent:hey little guy! *kneels down and picks him up* were u good for Duncan and Courtney? Nick:uh huh. Trent:good. Gwen:did u guys have any problems with him? Courtney:no,not at all. he was such an angel! Gwen:*hugs her* thanks for watching him. Courtney:welcome. Duncan:how was your honey moon? Gwen:it was great. Courtney:Duncan stop asking questions,they have a headache..and i think they would like to go home. Gwen:thanks,bye! *they go to their house* Misty:puppy bark! Nick:Mity! *hugs her* Misty:*sniffs Nick* Nick:goo goo. *crawls away* Misty:*growls and chases him* Nick:no! DA..DA! Trent:*picks him up* Misty:*runs into Trent* *whines* Trent:*sighs* i`m not gonna hurt you,just be careful. *takes Nick and Misty to Nick's room and puts them in the play pen* Nick:*picks up squeeky toy and throws it* Misty:puppy barks! *brings it back to Nick* Nick:*giggles* Gwen:*falls on bed*i`m so tired. Trent:yawn. lets just take a nap,and then we`ll tell our parents about u having another baby. Nick:baby? both:*sit up* Trent:*smiles and brings Nick on the bed*there is something we need to tell you. *puts his hand on Gwen's stomach* Gwen:Nick,you are gonna have a baby bro of sister. Nick:where is Gwen:*puts Nick on her stomach* in there. Nick:in dar? Gwen:yes. Nick:*hugs her stomach* hewwo friend. Gwen:*giggles*you seem happy. Trent:*wraps his arm around her* yes,he does. *they take a nap* Nick:*cry* Gwen:*wakes up* ssh,its okay. Trent:whats wrong? Gwen:Nick wont stop crying. Trent:may i try? Gwen:*sighs* here. Trent:*rocks Nick back and forth* ssh,its okay little guy..its alright. Nick:*stops crying and puts his arms out at Trent and gurgles* Gwen:wow. Trent:okay,we need to go to your mom's house and tell her u are having another baby. Gwen:but why should we go over there is she hates me and doesn't even care if i have a baby of not? Trent:its been 8 months since that happened,i`m sure she got over it. Gwen:*cry a little* but what if she hurts one of us? l-like she did last time. Trent:then..lets go to my parents first. Gwen:*sighs* i guess that's fine. *they go to his parents house* Trent:*knocks on door* Jasmine:i`m coming! *opens door* sup Trent? and dad home? Jasmine:yeah...but they are kinda doing something...that grownups do...*laughs* Trent:*groans* but this is very important. Jasmine:m`kay. MOM! DAD! TRENT WANTS TO TALK TO YOU! mom:*comes in with a gewaad, kleed on* yes dear? Trent:can we talk to u outside? mom:sure. Nicholas,Trent wants to talk to you! dad:coming! *walks in* hallo what's up? Gwen:could u guys come outside for a sec? sisters:what about us? Trent:here play with Nick. Nick:ah ga? sisters:AW! *takes him inside* mom:now what is it u wanted to talk about? Gwen:well..we were on our honey moon...but Trent decided to make love one night. Trent:*looks down* and i forgot to use a condom. parents:YOU GOT HER PREGNANT AGAIN?!?! Trent:it was an accident...i-i just got caught up in the moment....i`m sorry. mom:*sighs* its okay Trent..we are cool with it,but what about Gwen's mom? isn't she gonna go off on u again? Trent:*sits down and puts his face in his hands* i don't know. Gwen:*sits down with him* its okay. *hugs him* remember u zei its been 8 months since that happened..and she might have got over it? Trent:maybe i`m right..maybe i`m wrong...*looks hurt* i just don't want to loose u like last time. sisters:ooh Gwen's pregnant again! ha ha ha! Trent:*cry* its not funny this time!! Jasmine:mega harsh.*they both go away* Gwen:we`ll figure out something...lets go to my mom's house and get it over with. mom:want us to go with you? dad:just incase she goes nuts? Trent:*drys his eyes* no,i don't think that wont be necessary...lets go babe. Gwen:can u guys watch Nick? mom:of course,tell me if anything goes wrong. Trent:okay,bye. *they arrive at Gwen's mom house* Gwen:*gulps* this is gonna suck major ass. Trent:crossing fingers she wont kill me. Gwen:here goes. *knocks on door* mom:UGH! i`m coming! stop banging my *opens door* fucking door-what do u want. Gwen:*shivers* c-c-can we tell u something? mom:i don't give a rats ass...hurry up and tell me! Gwen:*whimpers* um...Trent:you see we were on our honeymoon...*gulps* a-and i decided to mess around...i forgot to use a!!!! *growls and tackles Trent off the porch into her pond* Trent:get off! *pushes her in the mud* mom:AH!! *stabs Trent in the chest with a sharp knife* Trent:AH!! *gets dizzy and falls down* oh. Gwen:Trent! *cry* are u okay?! Trent:*breaths hard* you. *shuts his eyes* Gwen:*cry hard* NO!!!! WHY DID u DO THAT!! mom:*growls* i told u and Trent to stay off of my property! and now your perfect little boyfriend is DEAD. Gwen:he's my husband! and the father of my child! mom:HUSBAND?! why didn't u tell me?!?! Gwen:because! u are a big teef that might ruin me and Trent's special day! mom:*tackles Gwen and chokes her* why didn't u tell me?!?! Gwen:*turns blue* mom:WHY?!?!
Gwen's pov!
w-where am i?! and will someone please turn off all the lights! nurse:excuse me..excuse me! are u awake? Gwen:*opens eyes* i am now. nurse:good,what is your name? Gwen:its Gwen Austin. nurse:wife of Trent Austin? Gwen:*gasp and sits up* h-how is he? nurse:he's in the other room getting surgery..i don't know if he`ll make it. Gwen:*gasp and covers her eyes and cry silently* nurse:would u like to see your guests? Gwen:s-sure. nurse:okay,come in. Trent's mom:Gwen are u all right? Gwen:n-no...they don't know if Trent will live of not. *cry harder* Trent's dad:i`m sure he`ll make it out..we have a special surprise for you. Gwen:is my mom in jail? mom:*laughs* no..almost,she's in a rubber room right now. Gwen:*smiles* great..what is it? Gwen's dad:*comes in the door* hallo baby girl! *hugs Gwen* Gwen:daddy! u came back! dad:i`m sorry about your mother hurting u and your husband. Gwen:*looks sad again* i-its cool. sisters:here's Nick.! *hugs her* Gwen:Nick! *kisses his cheek* Nick:where da..da? Gwen:he's in there. Nick:see him? Gwen:no,not right now. Nick:okay. dad:hey your boy has my hair. Gwen:yeah,that's what i thought too. dad:can i hold him? Gwen:sure. *gives him Nick* Nick:*whimpers*! Gwen:*giggles* its okay Nicky,he's your grandpa. Nick:ooh gapa. dad:you have a cute kid here. Gwen:*sighs* thanks. dad:whats wrong? Gwen:i`m just worried that Trent woke make it...he wont be able to see Nick grow up,or see the new baby. dad:what new baby? Gwen:oh,i`m pregnant again. dad:*smiles* that's nice. Gwen:how come mom went off,and u didn't? dad:cause your mom has anger problems and she hates you. i love you..and i don't have any anger problems what so ever. Nick:yawn. *falls asleep* dad:looks like your baby is tired. *gives him to Gwen* Gwen:yeah..yawn! i think i am too. nurse:didn't u say u were pregnant? i can check to see what gender is it. Gwen:no..1.i`m so tired i can pass out. 2.i have a sleeping baby in my arms. and 3.i want to wait until Trent feels better enough to see him/her. dad:*kisses Gwen's forehead* goodnight. Gwen:*falls asleep*
gwen y
trent u been threating my girlfriend gwen
gwen no i don't evem talk 2 her
trent gwen i'm not stupide u treatned her and now your going 2 pay
gwen how
trent like this *punches gwen*
trent thats what she gets4 what she did man she has 2 get a life

gwen pov
i couldn't arest trent eben if he is over 21 and it is aginst the law 2 hit a girl over 21

maria aww i hope trent and gwen make up soon
me me 2
emily what should we do
me i don't know
gwen *walks in*
courtney gwen what happened 2 u
gwen trent punched me in the face
commeil(trent's sister)...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
THE volgende dag
gwen yeah
trent u r such a deva
gwen how
trent u told the principle what i did and now i have detention 4 a maand and i'm grounded
gwen sry your the 1 who pushed me
trent well your the 1n who lied 4 3 years
gwen i didn't lie i really like u
trent do not give me that crap gwen i'm notn stupide
gwen *walks away*
gwen duncan u know that i like trent right
duncan i know hes just being a jerk thats all
gwen i know
trent walks over oh look it's u and your boyfriend
duncan trent i a, not dating her
trent oh come on gwen u got duncan 2
gwen trent i'm not lieing
trent yes yu r i think your hole life is just a pafedice lie
every one laughs
gwen *runs into the bathroom and crys
posted by cindy1310
 Where they met.
Where they met.
Gwen's P.O.V. in her diary...
I have the worst life ever.You want to know why? It's because I live the life of a princess.
Other princesses are oh so happy meeting princes,having ball dances,being told what they must do to be proper because they know they will become a queen.
I'm one of those princesses that doesn't care about those kinds of things.My skin is pale white and I'm what some people call goth. I want to be like regular people trying to make a living without being gegeven any "special treatments".
They get to wear normal clothes well,actually in my parents' kingdom we have technology...
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posted by tdigirl3496
Trent and Gwen came down stares. Gwen eyes were puffy cuz she was crying

Gwen are u keeping the baby asked Kevin

yeah i am zei Gwen

if u are keeping that baby then u are not staying in this houes zei Ginny

MOM zei Gwen

Gwen that is it zei Ginny

you can stay with me zei Trent

really i can zei Gwen

yeah go get your things zei Trent

Gwen when up stares to get her thing from her room

your parents are going to tell her stay with u zei Ginny

no i dont live with my parents zei trent

WHAT u dont live with your parent. how old are u sadi Ginny

im 16 the same age as Gwen zei Trent

then why dont...
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posted by angelchamp3
(this is the sequel to Bringing home pagina a baby and trying not to get caught pt 4)

Trent's mom:TRENT!!!

Trent:Mom I can explain-

Trent's mom:*points at Gwen* u got him into having a baby with you!!*pulls out phone*I'm calling CPS!*calls*



Amy(Trent's older sister):Mom what's going on-*see's Alex* Oh my god...

Trent's mom:*hangs up*They're coming.

Trent:MOM WHY?!?

Trent's mom:You both are to young to be raising a child!*goes downstairs*

Lilly:*runs to her room*

Gwen and Trent:*burst out crying*

Amy:*hugs them*It's going to be okay...

commentaar 2 CONTINUE
posted by tdigirl3496
i dont own tdi/tda of tdwt

when they get to the party there was bier and smoking. Duncana and Courtney went and did there own thing. then Geoff came bye

hay dude and dudette he said

what up dude zei Trent

this party is off the chain zei Duncna

2 hours later
Gwen POV
Trent was so drunk he couldnt even stand bye him self. i was drunk too but not as much as Trent.

Geoff can Trent and I say the night i asked

yeah u both can zei Geoff

Trent u need to go to bed i said

why he zei with spit going all over.

your really drunk trent i said

i took him to the room that he is staying in. when i got him to the...
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posted by Gwemfromtdifan
 Duncan's brother
Duncan's brother
Nate's p.o.v (duncan's bro)

I smelled the sweetest blood in the air. I knocked on the door. Duncan answered. The smell got stronger and i ran to it. I got to the room and saw a Human surrounded door duncan's friends. I ran towards the human. The dude with the green overhemd, shirt attacked me. i was against the uithangbord and duncan was helping him. "LEAVE HER ALONE" green overhemd, shirt dude yelled. the girls were runnung the human out of the room. They let me go but guarded the door. "why do u have a human here?" i asked.
"she's trent's mate" duncan explained, trent still glaring at me. "woah chill dude" i said. He...
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posted by Gwemfromtdifan
Duncan's p.o.v

I smelled human blood. Then i found Gwen, unconsious. I picked her up and ran to the house i shared with trent, geoff, courtney, and bridgette. courtney was a good nurse. i hope she can help her...

Courtney's p.o.v

I smelled a strong scent i human blood. I looked out and saw duncan carrying gwen and gasped. Trent came to see what's up and gasped too. " what did u do" i zei to duncan. " i did nothing. i found her this way" he zei handing her to me "fix her". " i'll try my best...

Gwen's p.o.v

I woke up, my ankle still hurting. But then i realized i was in a room i never seen before....
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posted by Gwemfromtdifan
Kaitlyn's p.o.v

I was standing there having an vision. Gwen was a vampire. Someone needs to slap some sense into that girl. I went up to Trent when Gwen was not with him. I told him abou my powers. Then i told him what i saw. He turned wide-eyed and ran out of the school as the klok, bell rang. I saw gwen and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the woods behind the school. They only hard enough to to stun her, i slapped her across the face. "WHAT WAS THAT FoR?!?" she yelled. "i saw the future and as far as i am concerned u will never be a vampire" i said. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" she yelled, running away....
continue reading...
posted by Gwemfromtdifan
Trent's p.o.v
*at the park*

"i need to tell gwen" i zei " u cant what if she tells" duncan said. "i think he should she deserves to" zei brigette. " ill bring her here tomorrow, courtney go sleep now so u can come tomorrow." i zei "whatever im going home pagina to watch invader zim" duncan said. "ok?" i said. Now it was me, bridge, and geoff. " so tomorrow u bring gwen and tell her wht we are?" bridge asked "exactly" i said.

Duncan's p.o.v

"TACOS!" gir zei and i laughed. using food to make people. Hiliarious. I hope Gwen will keep her mouth shut about us of i will kill trent. i got up. it was...
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posted by Gwemfromtdifan
Trent's p.o.v

It was midnight and i was running to the park. Duncan jumped out of the tree."what's wrong man i know u got something on your mind"he said."Yeah ill tell u when the other get here" i explained. Later courtney arrived. She looked a little tired. "when was the last u slept, last week?"i said. "yep". Bridgette and geoff walked up together."what's up man" Geoff asked. "I-i think i fell in love with a human" i stuttered. "Dude no i dont wanna verplaats again." Dunacan whined."I CANT HELP IT!" i yelled my eye turning red and my fangs popping out (note: i think it cool lol)"Bro calm...
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posted by Gwemfromtdifan
Gwen's p.o.v

After lunch i walked to my volgende class social studies. i HATE social studies but then i saw trent walk in. No matter how much i wanted to hate him i couldnt. And his friend arent to bad maybe me and Brigette would get along nicely. I walked in and 1 zitplaats, stoel was open and it was volgende to....Trent :). Yeah maybe i do like him. He was smiling. i sat down and since its the first dag of school we didnt have to pay attention."Hi. Nice to see u agsin" he said. I smiled. "Hi. So... do u like social studies?" i asked not thinking straight. Something about he eyes were different."It's ok" he...
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added by Sugartooth900
A self-made GxT video. :D Song - Your Guardian Angel door Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
red jumpsuit apparatus
posted by Seastar4374
Gwen tell me. No I woln't I woln't do it. Gwen I woln't tell anyone. Fine I am. OMG GWEN u AND TRENT DID "IT." Yeah. OMG. Don't tell anyone Ok Courtney. Fine I woln't. Thanks courtney. Yup. Ok guys wow when did we start a fire? Five minuten ago. Oh cool. Trent what are u doing? Duncan give me that. Geoff u too. Ok fine. Why did u tkae their shirts? So we have something to twirl if we see a helicop[ter looking for us. Oh ok. Trent Gwen come with me. Ok. What do u want Courtney. Trent did u get Gwen preangant? She wanted me to. Its true I did want him to. Ok fine They'll notice sometime. Nine months later TRENT IT'S TIME. what faints. I knew that would happen COURTNEY. Whats wrong? THE BABY IS COMING. Oh man please don't come until Trent What happened. u fainted. Gwen just breathe. Com'on Gwen I'm here. Trent when did u get up? Well I... Trent help me. Ok courtney. Its a girl.What are u going to name her?
added by gwenmyers1997
posted by sexybaby9087
Ok,there will be a new titel of the serries and here is a little sneak peak:

[DING DONG]Trent goes to open the door and it was Gwen"hey gwen I want to tell u something"said trent "ok well hurry up we have to get to the cerramony"said gwen "ok well-"trent zei when he got cut off[BEEP BEEP]"I got a text from Bridge.It saids meet me at the old oak boom in the park,sorry trent i got to go.I'll meet u at the cerromony"said gwen"ok then"said trent closeing the door "man why didn't i tell her that...
To hear the rest come tomm on Saturday and see the answer.I will ask u this:What do u think Trent will give to gwen at the cerromony is it-
A.a weding ring
B.a box of gum goth close or
commentaar that and the first person that gets it correct gets to be in my volgende volgende artical but also u have to make a chariter
posted by sexybaby9087
"Guess whos birthday iz tomm"Gwen tiped in her text to trent and as she waited she got a call from Izzy {RING RING}"hello"said gwen"Gwen it's Izzy Chris wants us back to the island"said Izzy"and u are telling me this because..."said Gwen"because i need u to tell Heather,Justion, Trent,Leshana,Harold,Bridgette,and Geoff"said Izzy "ok,i will"said Gwen"bye"said Izzy (2 hours later){BEEP BEEP}that was the sign for gwen text singel"Yours,and if I am right great.Meet me at my house 4 a little surprise"said Trent in his text"ok"said Gwen leaving to see the surprise
posted by sexybaby9087
Trent,Bridge,and Geoff were waiting for Gwen to come out from the emergecey room "here u go"said the nurse "GWEN!!!"said trent,bridge and geoff "what"said gwen "never mind that what time is it"said gwen "it is 7:30"said nurse looking at trent"WERE LATE FOR SCHOOL"said gwen trent bridge and geoff"lets go"said trent(5 min lator)"ok we made it on time,and look there's team E-scoop"said gwen they went to them and started talking about the team field dag challage "hey team dumm scoop,na just playing hi team E-scoop"said team GTBG "hi team GTBG,good luck tomm at team feild dag challage"said team E-scoop"you to"