TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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honey moon,Gwen's pov!
*laughs* me and Trent are on our honey moon,but without my precious baby boy..we had to get some time alone...BOY DID WE! we went to Paris,France! its so awesome! i drew the city at night..and then Trent came out some time later and pulled me back inside to make love...ah..i have NEVER felt anything that good in my life! but there is one slight,tiny problem to when we..made love the other night...NO PROTECTION! now i have to tell him..will he yell of just be sweet to me? okay we are going to sleep, time to tell it goes.
no one pov!
both:*sleeping* Gwen:yawn! Trent...*shakes him slightly* Trent:*snores* Gwen:Trent! Trent:AH! *falls off bed* ow..what happened? *rubs his head* Gwen:babe..c-can i tell u something? Trent:*lays down in bed facing her*sure. Gwen:well...remember when we made love the other night? Trent:yeah? Gwen:do u know what u forgot to use? Trent:*sits up wide eyes* SHIT! i forgot to use a fucking condom! *hits himself* are you...pregnant? Gwen:*looks down and cry a little* yes. Trent:*looks sad* no,no i`m not mad you`re having another just i`m not responsible anymore....i`m so sorry. *sighs and looks down* Gwen:its just forgot, no long as i`m with u nothing can go wrong. Trent:*smiles and hugs her* are u hungry? do u need anything? Gwen:*giggles*no,but i`d like to go to sleep with the man i love. Trent:*lays down and puts his hand over her stomach* cool. *they fall asleep*
the volgende day!
Trent:yawn! *sits up on the bed and stretches* Gwen:*groans and rolls the other way* Trent:*opens blinds* Gwen:*covers her eyes* god dammit Trent! shut the fucking blinds! Trent:*chuckles and shuts them* time to wake up. Gwen:*sits up* why can't i sleep in? Trent:well babe,we leave today. Gwen:i`m so tired..i can't even feel my face. *falls face down on the bed* Trent:*pats her back* i know u and the baby are tired,but we cant stay here forever..we got a baby back home. Gwen:i know,i just cant do allot of stuff when i`m pregnant,you know that. Trent:*laughs*yeah,like make love. Gwen:oh don't tempt me. Trent:i already got all our stuff packed up,ready to go? u think Courtney screwed it up taking care of Nick? Trent:*they leave their room*i wouldn't count on it..*try to sound like Courtney* i was a C.I.T before. Gwen:*laughs* i didn't know u can sound like a girl. Trent:*flirts* well,listening to u pleading me to fuck u harder,kinda helped me..and your muziek u sometimes listen to. Gwen:*blushes* Trent! *hits him* Trent:i`m just messing with u babe.
they reach Courtney's house!
Gwen:that was an uneventful ride back to Canada. Trent:especially with the loud crying baby..i have such a headache. Gwen:*groans* me too,lets just get Nick and leave. *opens door* Courtney:who is it? Trent:its Santa Claus..who do u think it is? Duncan:don't have to be a dick about it. Gwen:well,we are tired and have a headache!! da..da! *crawls towards them* Trent:hey little guy! *kneels down and picks him up* were u good for Duncan and Courtney? Nick:uh huh. Trent:good. Gwen:did u guys have any problems with him? Courtney:no,not at all. he was such an angel! Gwen:*hugs her* thanks for watching him. Courtney:welcome. Duncan:how was your honey moon? Gwen:it was great. Courtney:Duncan stop asking questions,they have a headache..and i think they would like to go home. Gwen:thanks,bye! *they go to their house* Misty:puppy bark! Nick:Mity! *hugs her* Misty:*sniffs Nick* Nick:goo goo. *crawls away* Misty:*growls and chases him* Nick:no! DA..DA! Trent:*picks him up* Misty:*runs into Trent* *whines* Trent:*sighs* i`m not gonna hurt you,just be careful. *takes Nick and Misty to Nick's room and puts them in the play pen* Nick:*picks up squeeky toy and throws it* Misty:puppy barks! *brings it back to Nick* Nick:*giggles* Gwen:*falls on bed*i`m so tired. Trent:yawn. lets just take a nap,and then we`ll tell our parents about u having another baby. Nick:baby? both:*sit up* Trent:*smiles and brings Nick on the bed*there is something we need to tell you. *puts his hand on Gwen's stomach* Gwen:Nick,you are gonna have a baby bro of sister. Nick:where is Gwen:*puts Nick on her stomach* in there. Nick:in dar? Gwen:yes. Nick:*hugs her stomach* hewwo friend. Gwen:*giggles*you seem happy. Trent:*wraps his arm around her* yes,he does. *they take a nap* Nick:*cry* Gwen:*wakes up* ssh,its okay. Trent:whats wrong? Gwen:Nick wont stop crying. Trent:may i try? Gwen:*sighs* here. Trent:*rocks Nick back and forth* ssh,its okay little guy..its alright. Nick:*stops crying and puts his arms out at Trent and gurgles* Gwen:wow. Trent:okay,we need to go to your mom's house and tell her u are having another baby. Gwen:but why should we go over there is she hates me and doesn't even care if i have a baby of not? Trent:its been 8 months since that happened,i`m sure she got over it. Gwen:*cry a little* but what if she hurts one of us? l-like she did last time. Trent:then..lets go to my parents first. Gwen:*sighs* i guess that's fine. *they go to his parents house* Trent:*knocks on door* Jasmine:i`m coming! *opens door* sup Trent? and dad home? Jasmine:yeah...but they are kinda doing something...that grownups do...*laughs* Trent:*groans* but this is very important. Jasmine:m`kay. MOM! DAD! TRENT WANTS TO TALK TO YOU! mom:*comes in with a gewaad, kleed on* yes dear? Trent:can we talk to u outside? mom:sure. Nicholas,Trent wants to talk to you! dad:coming! *walks in* hallo what's up? Gwen:could u guys come outside for a sec? sisters:what about us? Trent:here play with Nick. Nick:ah ga? sisters:AW! *takes him inside* mom:now what is it u wanted to talk about? Gwen:well..we were on our honey moon...but Trent decided to make love one night. Trent:*looks down* and i forgot to use a condom. parents:YOU GOT HER PREGNANT AGAIN?!?! Trent:it was an accident...i-i just got caught up in the moment....i`m sorry. mom:*sighs* its okay Trent..we are cool with it,but what about Gwen's mom? isn't she gonna go off on u again? Trent:*sits down and puts his face in his hands* i don't know. Gwen:*sits down with him* its okay. *hugs him* remember u zei its been 8 months since that happened..and she might have got over it? Trent:maybe i`m right..maybe i`m wrong...*looks hurt* i just don't want to loose u like last time. sisters:ooh Gwen's pregnant again! ha ha ha! Trent:*cry* its not funny this time!! Jasmine:mega harsh.*they both go away* Gwen:we`ll figure out something...lets go to my mom's house and get it over with. mom:want us to go with you? dad:just incase she goes nuts? Trent:*drys his eyes* no,i don't think that wont be necessary...lets go babe. Gwen:can u guys watch Nick? mom:of course,tell me if anything goes wrong. Trent:okay,bye. *they arrive at Gwen's mom house* Gwen:*gulps* this is gonna suck major ass. Trent:crossing fingers she wont kill me. Gwen:here goes. *knocks on door* mom:UGH! i`m coming! stop banging my *opens door* fucking door-what do u want. Gwen:*shivers* c-c-can we tell u something? mom:i don't give a rats ass...hurry up and tell me! Gwen:*whimpers* um...Trent:you see we were on our honeymoon...*gulps* a-and i decided to mess around...i forgot to use a!!!! *growls and tackles Trent off the porch into her pond* Trent:get off! *pushes her in the mud* mom:AH!! *stabs Trent in the chest with a sharp knife* Trent:AH!! *gets dizzy and falls down* oh. Gwen:Trent! *cry* are u okay?! Trent:*breaths hard* you. *shuts his eyes* Gwen:*cry hard* NO!!!! WHY DID u DO THAT!! mom:*growls* i told u and Trent to stay off of my property! and now your perfect little boyfriend is DEAD. Gwen:he's my husband! and the father of my child! mom:HUSBAND?! why didn't u tell me?!?! Gwen:because! u are a big teef that might ruin me and Trent's special day! mom:*tackles Gwen and chokes her* why didn't u tell me?!?! Gwen:*turns blue* mom:WHY?!?!
Gwen's pov!
w-where am i?! and will someone please turn off all the lights! nurse:excuse me..excuse me! are u awake? Gwen:*opens eyes* i am now. nurse:good,what is your name? Gwen:its Gwen Austin. nurse:wife of Trent Austin? Gwen:*gasp and sits up* h-how is he? nurse:he's in the other room getting surgery..i don't know if he`ll make it. Gwen:*gasp and covers her eyes and cry silently* nurse:would u like to see your guests? Gwen:s-sure. nurse:okay,come in. Trent's mom:Gwen are u all right? Gwen:n-no...they don't know if Trent will live of not. *cry harder* Trent's dad:i`m sure he`ll make it out..we have a special surprise for you. Gwen:is my mom in jail? mom:*laughs* no..almost,she's in a rubber room right now. Gwen:*smiles* great..what is it? Gwen's dad:*comes in the door* hallo baby girl! *hugs Gwen* Gwen:daddy! u came back! dad:i`m sorry about your mother hurting u and your husband. Gwen:*looks sad again* i-its cool. sisters:here's Nick.! *hugs her* Gwen:Nick! *kisses his cheek* Nick:where da..da? Gwen:he's in there. Nick:see him? Gwen:no,not right now. Nick:okay. dad:hey your boy has my hair. Gwen:yeah,that's what i thought too. dad:can i hold him? Gwen:sure. *gives him Nick* Nick:*whimpers*! Gwen:*giggles* its okay Nicky,he's your grandpa. Nick:ooh gapa. dad:you have a cute kid here. Gwen:*sighs* thanks. dad:whats wrong? Gwen:i`m just worried that Trent woke make it...he wont be able to see Nick grow up,or see the new baby. dad:what new baby? Gwen:oh,i`m pregnant again. dad:*smiles* that's nice. Gwen:how come mom went off,and u didn't? dad:cause your mom has anger problems and she hates you. i love you..and i don't have any anger problems what so ever. Nick:yawn. *falls asleep* dad:looks like your baby is tired. *gives him to Gwen* Gwen:yeah..yawn! i think i am too. nurse:didn't u say u were pregnant? i can check to see what gender is it. Gwen:no..1.i`m so tired i can pass out. 2.i have a sleeping baby in my arms. and 3.i want to wait until Trent feels better enough to see him/her. dad:*kisses Gwen's forehead* goodnight. Gwen:*falls asleep*
Gwen's pov!
I was walking down the isle with my long,beautiful white dress and bouquet of flowers. i was so happy to get married to Trent. he finally cared about me and Trenton and i really appreciate that. i looked on both sides of me,people were standing,watching me walk to the altar to get to Trent. almost all of them were crying,but all of them were smiling. i saw Bridgette,Owen,Leshawna,and Alejandro standing in the front row. why are they in the front row? because they helped to get me and Trent back together. Bridgette mouthed words to me,"i told you,love never fails." i laughed inside...
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added by Brookshep
Gwen's P.O.V.
I can't believe it, tell me it's not true? Duncan not only didn't consider calling me and telling me about how he found Trent's home. But he didn't even think about giving me the location of where he lives! Something is definitely wrong here and I want to know why? I want to know the truth right now! And if Duncan refuses to cooperate of even change his wicked ways, then it's all over between the both of us. I don't need him if he's going to play me like that.

As Bridgette drove, Gwen gave directions to Duncan's house. It wasn't that difficult since he didn't live that far from...
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After Geoff took Harold home, he headed to Bridgette's house, to take her home. Bridgette, however, had a funny look in her eyes while Geoff was driving. Geoff began to notice it too.
"Bridgette, are u alright?" he asked.
"Well yes, I suppose.,"she said."Why do u ask?"
"Because you're acting funny. u look like you've seen a ghost of something."Geoff said,"Come on Bridgette, what's wrong?"
"Nothing Geoff, I'm alright."she said,"It's just that ummm.."
"Wait a minute,"he said, interrupting her,"did u see something that happened over at Trent's house? That u weren't supposed to see.?"
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posted by trentgwenfan1
Trent: babe u feeling ok about the posioning your mom did
gwen: yea trent i kind of want to do some thing
trent: like what*they sitein their bed
trent: ok what do u want to do
gwen:*takes off her and trent's shrit
trent: oh thats what u want to do
(they do it)(they finsh)
gwen:that was fun
trent: yes it was
(they get dressed)
a few days later
trent: gwen whats wrongm u look worried
gwen: i am worried
becuase my mom hated u and we did it what is she going to do when she finds out
trent: i got a idea we don't tell her everything is going to be ok*kisses gwen*
gwen:*kises trent
*at the hospital*
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added by carlie445
Source: everyone!
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Source: ducassmich on Tumblr
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Source: tiger07135
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Source: me
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Source: gwennieblack
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Source: I don't own this photo.
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Source: marieclaire97
added by iDxG101
Source: iDxG101
added by xoxawsomexox
added by iDxG101
Source: me and foto editor
added by GothikXenon
added by iDxG101
Source: lordakiyama
Gwen's pov!
I just got pregnant 4 weeks geleden and Trent is so excited. but,when his band mates zei they had a world tour coming up the week after we found out he's been ignoring me and the baby and just focusing on his tour. today was the dag he leaves and he hasn't kissed me once. "Trent,you aren't paying any attention to me of the baby."i said. "i`m sorry's just a big thing for me."he zei as he packed his stuff. "sure it is."i rolled my eyes. he stopped packing and looked at me. "i`m serious,this is the biggest thing i ever had."he went back to his packing. "and what about being a...
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