TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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honey moon,Gwen's pov!
*laughs* me and Trent are on our honey moon,but without my precious baby boy..we had to get some time alone...BOY DID WE! we went to Paris,France! its so awesome! i drew the city at night..and then Trent came out some time later and pulled me back inside to make love...ah..i have NEVER felt anything that good in my life! but there is one slight,tiny problem to when we..made love the other night...NO PROTECTION! now i have to tell him..will he yell of just be sweet to me? okay we are going to sleep, time to tell it goes.
no one pov!
both:*sleeping* Gwen:yawn! Trent...*shakes him slightly* Trent:*snores* Gwen:Trent! Trent:AH! *falls off bed* ow..what happened? *rubs his head* Gwen:babe..c-can i tell u something? Trent:*lays down in bed facing her*sure. Gwen:well...remember when we made love the other night? Trent:yeah? Gwen:do u know what u forgot to use? Trent:*sits up wide eyes* SHIT! i forgot to use a fucking condom! *hits himself* are you...pregnant? Gwen:*looks down and cry a little* yes. Trent:*looks sad* no,no i`m not mad you`re having another just i`m not responsible anymore....i`m so sorry. *sighs and looks down* Gwen:its just forgot, no long as i`m with u nothing can go wrong. Trent:*smiles and hugs her* are u hungry? do u need anything? Gwen:*giggles*no,but i`d like to go to sleep with the man i love. Trent:*lays down and puts his hand over her stomach* cool. *they fall asleep*
the volgende day!
Trent:yawn! *sits up on the bed and stretches* Gwen:*groans and rolls the other way* Trent:*opens blinds* Gwen:*covers her eyes* god dammit Trent! shut the fucking blinds! Trent:*chuckles and shuts them* time to wake up. Gwen:*sits up* why can't i sleep in? Trent:well babe,we leave today. Gwen:i`m so tired..i can't even feel my face. *falls face down on the bed* Trent:*pats her back* i know u and the baby are tired,but we cant stay here forever..we got a baby back home. Gwen:i know,i just cant do allot of stuff when i`m pregnant,you know that. Trent:*laughs*yeah,like make love. Gwen:oh don't tempt me. Trent:i already got all our stuff packed up,ready to go? u think Courtney screwed it up taking care of Nick? Trent:*they leave their room*i wouldn't count on it..*try to sound like Courtney* i was a C.I.T before. Gwen:*laughs* i didn't know u can sound like a girl. Trent:*flirts* well,listening to u pleading me to fuck u harder,kinda helped me..and your muziek u sometimes listen to. Gwen:*blushes* Trent! *hits him* Trent:i`m just messing with u babe.
they reach Courtney's house!
Gwen:that was an uneventful ride back to Canada. Trent:especially with the loud crying baby..i have such a headache. Gwen:*groans* me too,lets just get Nick and leave. *opens door* Courtney:who is it? Trent:its Santa Claus..who do u think it is? Duncan:don't have to be a dick about it. Gwen:well,we are tired and have a headache!! da..da! *crawls towards them* Trent:hey little guy! *kneels down and picks him up* were u good for Duncan and Courtney? Nick:uh huh. Trent:good. Gwen:did u guys have any problems with him? Courtney:no,not at all. he was such an angel! Gwen:*hugs her* thanks for watching him. Courtney:welcome. Duncan:how was your honey moon? Gwen:it was great. Courtney:Duncan stop asking questions,they have a headache..and i think they would like to go home. Gwen:thanks,bye! *they go to their house* Misty:puppy bark! Nick:Mity! *hugs her* Misty:*sniffs Nick* Nick:goo goo. *crawls away* Misty:*growls and chases him* Nick:no! DA..DA! Trent:*picks him up* Misty:*runs into Trent* *whines* Trent:*sighs* i`m not gonna hurt you,just be careful. *takes Nick and Misty to Nick's room and puts them in the play pen* Nick:*picks up squeeky toy and throws it* Misty:puppy barks! *brings it back to Nick* Nick:*giggles* Gwen:*falls on bed*i`m so tired. Trent:yawn. lets just take a nap,and then we`ll tell our parents about u having another baby. Nick:baby? both:*sit up* Trent:*smiles and brings Nick on the bed*there is something we need to tell you. *puts his hand on Gwen's stomach* Gwen:Nick,you are gonna have a baby bro of sister. Nick:where is Gwen:*puts Nick on her stomach* in there. Nick:in dar? Gwen:yes. Nick:*hugs her stomach* hewwo friend. Gwen:*giggles*you seem happy. Trent:*wraps his arm around her* yes,he does. *they take a nap* Nick:*cry* Gwen:*wakes up* ssh,its okay. Trent:whats wrong? Gwen:Nick wont stop crying. Trent:may i try? Gwen:*sighs* here. Trent:*rocks Nick back and forth* ssh,its okay little guy..its alright. Nick:*stops crying and puts his arms out at Trent and gurgles* Gwen:wow. Trent:okay,we need to go to your mom's house and tell her u are having another baby. Gwen:but why should we go over there is she hates me and doesn't even care if i have a baby of not? Trent:its been 8 months since that happened,i`m sure she got over it. Gwen:*cry a little* but what if she hurts one of us? l-like she did last time. Trent:then..lets go to my parents first. Gwen:*sighs* i guess that's fine. *they go to his parents house* Trent:*knocks on door* Jasmine:i`m coming! *opens door* sup Trent? and dad home? Jasmine:yeah...but they are kinda doing something...that grownups do...*laughs* Trent:*groans* but this is very important. Jasmine:m`kay. MOM! DAD! TRENT WANTS TO TALK TO YOU! mom:*comes in with a gewaad, kleed on* yes dear? Trent:can we talk to u outside? mom:sure. Nicholas,Trent wants to talk to you! dad:coming! *walks in* hallo what's up? Gwen:could u guys come outside for a sec? sisters:what about us? Trent:here play with Nick. Nick:ah ga? sisters:AW! *takes him inside* mom:now what is it u wanted to talk about? Gwen:well..we were on our honey moon...but Trent decided to make love one night. Trent:*looks down* and i forgot to use a condom. parents:YOU GOT HER PREGNANT AGAIN?!?! Trent:it was an accident...i-i just got caught up in the moment....i`m sorry. mom:*sighs* its okay Trent..we are cool with it,but what about Gwen's mom? isn't she gonna go off on u again? Trent:*sits down and puts his face in his hands* i don't know. Gwen:*sits down with him* its okay. *hugs him* remember u zei its been 8 months since that happened..and she might have got over it? Trent:maybe i`m right..maybe i`m wrong...*looks hurt* i just don't want to loose u like last time. sisters:ooh Gwen's pregnant again! ha ha ha! Trent:*cry* its not funny this time!! Jasmine:mega harsh.*they both go away* Gwen:we`ll figure out something...lets go to my mom's house and get it over with. mom:want us to go with you? dad:just incase she goes nuts? Trent:*drys his eyes* no,i don't think that wont be necessary...lets go babe. Gwen:can u guys watch Nick? mom:of course,tell me if anything goes wrong. Trent:okay,bye. *they arrive at Gwen's mom house* Gwen:*gulps* this is gonna suck major ass. Trent:crossing fingers she wont kill me. Gwen:here goes. *knocks on door* mom:UGH! i`m coming! stop banging my *opens door* fucking door-what do u want. Gwen:*shivers* c-c-can we tell u something? mom:i don't give a rats ass...hurry up and tell me! Gwen:*whimpers* um...Trent:you see we were on our honeymoon...*gulps* a-and i decided to mess around...i forgot to use a!!!! *growls and tackles Trent off the porch into her pond* Trent:get off! *pushes her in the mud* mom:AH!! *stabs Trent in the chest with a sharp knife* Trent:AH!! *gets dizzy and falls down* oh. Gwen:Trent! *cry* are u okay?! Trent:*breaths hard* you. *shuts his eyes* Gwen:*cry hard* NO!!!! WHY DID u DO THAT!! mom:*growls* i told u and Trent to stay off of my property! and now your perfect little boyfriend is DEAD. Gwen:he's my husband! and the father of my child! mom:HUSBAND?! why didn't u tell me?!?! Gwen:because! u are a big teef that might ruin me and Trent's special day! mom:*tackles Gwen and chokes her* why didn't u tell me?!?! Gwen:*turns blue* mom:WHY?!?!
Gwen's pov!
w-where am i?! and will someone please turn off all the lights! nurse:excuse me..excuse me! are u awake? Gwen:*opens eyes* i am now. nurse:good,what is your name? Gwen:its Gwen Austin. nurse:wife of Trent Austin? Gwen:*gasp and sits up* h-how is he? nurse:he's in the other room getting surgery..i don't know if he`ll make it. Gwen:*gasp and covers her eyes and cry silently* nurse:would u like to see your guests? Gwen:s-sure. nurse:okay,come in. Trent's mom:Gwen are u all right? Gwen:n-no...they don't know if Trent will live of not. *cry harder* Trent's dad:i`m sure he`ll make it out..we have a special surprise for you. Gwen:is my mom in jail? mom:*laughs* no..almost,she's in a rubber room right now. Gwen:*smiles* great..what is it? Gwen's dad:*comes in the door* hallo baby girl! *hugs Gwen* Gwen:daddy! u came back! dad:i`m sorry about your mother hurting u and your husband. Gwen:*looks sad again* i-its cool. sisters:here's Nick.! *hugs her* Gwen:Nick! *kisses his cheek* Nick:where da..da? Gwen:he's in there. Nick:see him? Gwen:no,not right now. Nick:okay. dad:hey your boy has my hair. Gwen:yeah,that's what i thought too. dad:can i hold him? Gwen:sure. *gives him Nick* Nick:*whimpers*! Gwen:*giggles* its okay Nicky,he's your grandpa. Nick:ooh gapa. dad:you have a cute kid here. Gwen:*sighs* thanks. dad:whats wrong? Gwen:i`m just worried that Trent woke make it...he wont be able to see Nick grow up,or see the new baby. dad:what new baby? Gwen:oh,i`m pregnant again. dad:*smiles* that's nice. Gwen:how come mom went off,and u didn't? dad:cause your mom has anger problems and she hates you. i love you..and i don't have any anger problems what so ever. Nick:yawn. *falls asleep* dad:looks like your baby is tired. *gives him to Gwen* Gwen:yeah..yawn! i think i am too. nurse:didn't u say u were pregnant? i can check to see what gender is it. Gwen:no..1.i`m so tired i can pass out. 2.i have a sleeping baby in my arms. and 3.i want to wait until Trent feels better enough to see him/her. dad:*kisses Gwen's forehead* goodnight. Gwen:*falls asleep*
Gwen's pov!
I just couldn't sleep. i kept tossing and turning knowing Trent is going to die made me scared as i ever has. it was like a nightmare come true. i saw Trent get shot in the chest. blood began pouring out of his mouth and he fell to the ground. i began to panic. no! this cant be happening! i sat up and screamed. "Gwen what's wrong?"Trent asked alarmed. i looked around the room and then looked at Trent who looked like he just had a hart-, hart attack. "that was an awful dream."i put a hand on my forehead and lied back down. "i`m sorry dear."he softly put his hand on my stomach. the door...
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Gwen's pov!
I woke up to the sound of bird chirping. i shut the slightly open window but a gust of wind opened it back up. i turned around to close it again. "hi Gwen."i heard Trent say behind me. i jumped and turned around. "how did u get in here?"i asked. "didn't u notice? the gust of wind was me."he chuckled. "oh,well good morning."i kissed him on the lips. "good morning sweetheart,would u like some breakfast?"he asked. "sure."i blushed. he put me on his shoulders and jumped out of the window. it was the season of fall. i loved how the red and oranje leafs fell from the trees. how the...
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Gwen's pov!
I cant believe of all the people i know are vampires. "don't be afraid Gwen,we have been vampires our whole life."Bridgette smiled. "why didn't u tell me!"i zei really annoyed. "we didn't want to freak u out."Duncan said. "where's Trent?"i asked suddenly remembering him being a vampire. "he's with Maria our vampire assistant."Leshawna zei sipping a bag that zei B.L.O.O.D. "when can i see him?"i asked desperate. "aw,want to get to your man that bad?"Duncan chuckled. "he is NOT my man."i zei looking away pissed and blushing. "whatever."he scoffed. i sat on the divan, bank in front...
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Gwen's pov!
It was Trent! he looked different. he had red eyes and pale he a..vampire? i don't care. i ran to him and jumped into his arms. he hugged me tight. "i missed u so much."i zei into his neck. "excuse me,you're interrupting my wedding."Duncan yelled. Trent let go of me and growled at Duncan tonen two long fangs. "well,i`m ENDING it."he sneered. Duncan laughed. "i see Trenty upgraded himself with a little of the Twilight saga thing."he laughed as all the other dead people joined in. Trent looked like he was ready to kill someone and i hope that someone is Duncan. Trent...
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posted by cooleeo
Trent's pov!
i walked into the bar and sat down door my vrienden Geoff,Duncan,and Dj. we fist pounded and we started to drink tons of beer. but i was the only one who was sober. heavy metal rock muziek started playing and a woman about 21 got onto the dance floor and she danced like nobody else was there. a crowd formed up around her (mainly guys) and cheered her on. damn,it was either me,or i think she is really sexy.

got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body
they say it's over budget,but you`d pay her just to touch it,come on!
needs to hit the big screen and shoot a little love scene
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Gwen's pov!
i groan and sat up on a soft plush bed. "w-where am i?"i said. "thank goodness u are alive."someone said. "who zei that?"i said. "i did."Trent zei before sitting volgende to me on the bed. "you were out cold for 12 hours."he said. i put a hand on my head. "does he know where i`m at?"i asked. "no,i took u far away from him."he said. "you didn't answer my first question."i said. "oh,you are at my house."he said. i looked around. "okay..but what if he finds me?"i said,tears filling my eyes. "he wont,i promise."he said. i hugged him. "thank you."i said. i broke the embrace and kissed...
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Trent's pov!
sup,it's me again. y`know i have broke up with her,right? well she ain't worth it. she spleet, split me in to two,and went on to this jerk,named Duncan. after all i done for her! wrote pointless songs about her,tried to let her win a few challenges,i even risked my life for her,but she doesn't seem to care..this is stier shit.

never made it as a wise man
i couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin
tired of livin like a blind man
i`m sick inside without a sense of feelin
and this is how u remind me

this is how u remind me of what i really am
and this is how u remind me of what i really am

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posted by mastertj87
u know I've read so many Q/A about Trent, Gwen, Courtney, and Duncan so much that all I've seen is controversy and hatred towards them. And yet, no one has answered my seconde vraag about Gwen. So I'm writing my story about Gwen's feelings towards Trent. Plus Trent's feelings about all of this stuff over Duncan and Gwen and him in seeing how he'd react. Would he just go home pagina and forget about her of would he break down and do the last thing anyone would do? u might be supprized at what he decides to do about it.
both:*sleeping* Gwen:*snuggles into Trent's chest* Trent:*sunlight comes through window,and he opens his eyes slowly* dam light. *shuts blinds* Gwen:yawn. *giggles* i thought u were the early bird. Trent:i am...*gets close to her face* but i wanna do everything u want to do today. Gwen:like sleep? Trent:hm...well i am pretty tired from *wraps his arm around her* last night's activities. (they didn't do it,but they did take their clothes off and make out) Gwen:to bad it didn't go further that,or u would still be tired. Trent:yawn,yeah..but i`m still very tired *lays down* you? Gwen:*lays...
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posted by gwendiamond

Hi everyone, this is my fan fiction. Please fan it if u like it and if not commentaar and we'll see if I can fix it. Just one last thing. There's language and some violence in this story.


Gwen's p.o.v

I walked to school with tears down my eyes. I had another argument with my mother. I loved her but she always made me do things I hate doing like going to school. She didn't know the pain I went through every time I walk through those large doors. I was teased about my fashion statement.
I was bullied about the fact that I was smart but
not pretty or...
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posted by iDxG101
 a drawing I did of this story a long time geleden
a drawing I did of this story a long time ago
Gwen P.O.V

I walked through out the dark forest with my little brother,Alex,still wondering where we're going."Mother!"Alex called out,getting as worried as I was.We're not worried that we would get lost,since we've been through the woods since we were young,but mother was greatly sick.We finally made it to the cottage,we made are way to mother's room where she was lying peacfully asleep.She started coughing,Alex got the bucket of cold water we collected from the river nearby,and let me drown the piece of cloth in it.I slowly settled it on mother's forehead.
I pushed my brown hair behind my...
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posted by cooleeo
Trent's pov!

I was sitting in the hallway and beside me was my older brother Mike. Since it was always raining outside and couldn't find anything else to do but sit around and complain about it raining, we decided to make little toy cars and zoom them across the house. We set up little obstacle courses for them to go through and made noises that a car would make as we played. I accidentally ended up smashing my car in to pieces when I put a brand kraker, cracker on the back of it to see if it would go faster, but instead all the pieces of the car went flying in to the air. "That was actually pretty...
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posted by ARadomperson
Dear diary,

I know, normally I don't write this way, but it's not my fault! He brings out the girly side of me! Blame him! I wish he would just get out of my head! I came here, to win a million green ones, and because my brother bet me to do it, and because of my contract (STUPID CHRIS! HE SHOULD DIE IN A HOLE! D: ) and now, I'm gushing over a guy! Although, he's so perfect…

With his beautiful lime-green eyes, that captured y hart-, hart at the beginning of the series, and that are like a magnet for mine, because even when I'm with Duncan, I glance at him, just to get a glimpse of him. And whenever...
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Gwen's pov!
i slowly sat up and looked around the room. wheres Trent? he opened the door. "babe!"he said. "what?"i asked. he grabbed my hand. "what is it?"he ignored me. "Trent!"i said. he turned on the TV. "watch."he said. "late last night the police found thousands of people lying dead on the streets and in homes."the reporter said. "what does this have to do with-."Trent cut me off. "the FBI are working hard to find out who did this,but still no evidence..but the workers always see this man...he has this ripped up green mohawk and burnt skin,but we haven't found a visual of it yet."the reporter...
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*on the plane*
treents p.o.v.
i felt really bad for gwen we were hugging for at least 10 minuts then my lips started gettiung close to her then we made out then we broke away slowly
gwen: trent did u just kiss me
trent: yeah did that bothor you
gwen: no it didn't i liked it
jason: eh hem what is going on over here
gwen: uh nothing
jason: uh really cuz i saw u 2 make out and gwen u liked it
gwen: yeah i did
jason: get over here i want to talk too you
gwen: fine
*their conversation*
jason: avcsally...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
gwen: trent what are u doing
trent:*scraches her foot
gwen:ow trent stop it your screing me stop
trent:accentenly kills gwen*
trent:*wakes up*NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
gwen:trent whats wrong
trent:nothing it was just a bad dream
gwen:ok*kisses trent*
*the volgende morning
duncan:*knocks on their door*
trent:what are u doing here
duncan:gwens mom told me to take gwen somewhere and it is pivate*
trent:for how long??
duncan:a few months
trent:ok but don't do anything to gwen of i swaer u will regreat it
duncan:geez dude u sound like her dad
gwen:trent who is at the door
trent:duncan he zei he needs to take u somewhere for a couple of months
gwen:o...k door trent*kisses him*
trents p.o.v.
i don't know whats going on but i trust gwen and i love her.
posted by trentgwenfan1
Mom:gwen i'm not going to hrut u but we are going to paris tomorrow well just u and james NOT TRENT!
trent:yes babe
gwen: i have to go somewhere for a couple weeks ok
trent:ok i'll miss you
gwen:i'll miss yoou to
*gwen and james get on the plan*(and james is her brother)
james:why do u think mom wanted us to go here
gwen: i don't know
james:you know she hates us
gwen:yes i do know that
*they get off the plan and get in their hotel rooms*
carlos:ok their in the hotel
mom: good now take them
carlos:how like wicth from
mom: the wrost u can think of
carlos:fine!*gose to james hotle room
gwen*calls trent*
trent: hallo babe
gwen: hallo babe hows baylor
trent:he is good whats going on in paris
gwen:noth ing right mow
trent:gwen gwen whats wrong
gwen: trent come quick hurry
carlose:*graps gwen and strangle her
trent:gwen i'm comein
carlose*cooks gwen and throws her in the caar
posted by cooleeo
(this is like after the book 2)
Gwen:yawn! ugh,i don't want to wake up. Trent:*rolls over and faces her* u don't have to,you don't work until volgende week. Gwen:*smiles* a week with my family sounds great. Trent:yeah,is your body better? Gwen:*stands up* i`m better. Trent:*goes up to her and purrs in her ears* guess this mean we have something else to do this week,huh? Gwen:*shivers* yeah,but u better use protection,or i`ll cut your wang off. Trent:*grabs himself* don't hurt Richy,please don't. *whines* Gwen:i wont hurt him,if u don't get me knocked up again. Trent:promise on my life. Gwen:*pets...
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Trent:gwen i have to tell u something
gwen: yea what is it babe?
trent: do u want to go some where and eat
gwen:i'm not really hungery
trent: ok babe u ! gwen are u ok
trent:*runs put*
gwen'smom: gwen what did this monster do to you!*slaps gwen*
*at the hospital*
docter: yes your telling me she got posioned
gwen's mom: yes is she going to be ok
docter: we don't know
trent:*runs in* is she ok i don't know what happen
docter: sir come...
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posted by mastertj87
To all the Trent & Gwen fans, I say don't despair. For u see, there is still hope for all u fans. Incase u forgot of didn't care about watching TDAS, Gwen broke up with Duncan & didn't want him back. So now everybody can write stories about Gwen & Trent life together if they want to even though it's a mystery to why she acted so strange before she broke up with him. Maybe she got tired of the way he treated her and decided to go back to Trent for friendship, compassion, and true love. Which she couldn't get from Duncan anymore, u never know? And to all the gwuncan fans. All I can say is sorry but that 's the way they wrote it. But don't worry, u can still write your articls about Duncan and Gwen getting back together. Even though I doubt that'll happen, who knows.